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Re: Jersey City to require gun vendors to answer Qs about gun safety
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2006/11/13 18:42
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From 280 Grove Street
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I'd like fast food franchisers to answer Qs about unhealthy products they sell

Posted on: 2014/5/20 14:13
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Jersey City to require gun vendors to answer Qs about gun safety
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2013/3/29 21:43
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borisp wrote:
Pebs, honey, one more thing, about that Godwin's law that you mentioned.

Mr. Godwin never meant anything like "it is always wrong to mention Hitler".

He meant, - people often invoke Hitler's name when it is not relevant to the conversation. Relevancy, - that's the key here.

When the subject is Constitutionally protected freedoms, and how best to preserve them, - then pondering the question "how did Hitler manage to take those freedoms away, what obstacles did he run into and how did he remove them", - is very relevant.

Hitler is about as relevant to this conversation as the Easter bunny.

Posted on: 2014/5/20 13:08
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City to require gun vendors to answer Qs about gun safety
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2011/5/29 3:09
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Pebs, honey, one more thing, about that Godwin's law that you mentioned.

Mr. Godwin never meant anything like "it is always wrong to mention Hitler".

He meant, - people often invoke Hitler's name when it is not relevant to the conversation. Relevancy, - that's the key here.

When the subject is Constitutionally protected freedoms, and how best to preserve them, - then pondering the question "how did Hitler manage to take those freedoms away, what obstacles did he run into and how did he remove them", - is very relevant.

Posted on: 2014/5/20 3:31

Re: Jersey City to require gun vendors to answer Qs about gun safety
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2013/3/29 21:43
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Monroe wrote:
Pebs, honey, two things. One, if you're going to mock my link, try not to do so after linking one like you did hours ago-one with a few dozen hits per day that no-one has heard of, vs mine which has millions of hits per day.

Two, did you look at the link in the story?

Are you saying Breitbart made this up?

Because since it's true, you may now comment on the content, rather than the news agency that carried it.

Carry on, sweetie! ... 9aa7bad&tab=core&_cview=0

You're linguistics are funny...

Having lots of hits does not make it valuable resource. Breitbart has a history of making up stories. So, yes, it might as well be the Weekly World New...

As for whether the USDA is ordering weapons... eh. It doesn't specifically state what it is for. Speculation would be foolish.

Maybe it could be due to dealing with crazy thieving racist ranchers...

Posted on: 2014/5/19 16:01
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City to require gun vendors to answer Qs about gun safety
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2013/5/15 14:11
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Pebs, honey, two things. One, if you're going to mock my link, try not to do so after linking one like you did hours ago-one with a few dozen hits per day that no-one has heard of, vs mine which has millions of hits per day.

Two, did you look at the link in the story?

Are you saying Breitbart made this up?

Because since it's true, you may now comment on the content, rather than the news agency that carried it.

Carry on, sweetie! ... 9aa7bad&tab=core&_cview=0

Posted on: 2014/5/16 17:55

Re: Jersey City to require gun vendors to answer Qs about gun safety
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2013/3/29 21:43
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borisp wrote:
"Invoking the Holocaust and bringing Hitler into this argument is historically inaccurate and offensive to Holocaust survivors and the Jewish community," the Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ said in a statement. "Access to guns and the systematic murder of six million Jews have no basis for comparison in the United States or in New Jersey. The Holocaust has no place in this discussion and it is offensive to link this tragedy to such a debate."

Imagine someone tells you "The owners of the Queen May II decided to get rid of all the lifeboats and life preservers and use that space for..." -- Wait, says you, don't they remember what happened to the Titanic? -- and immediately some "association of Titanic victims" starts screaming about how dare you compare the biggest tragedy of the Titanic to a luxurious QMII? QMII is no Titanic, Titanic sank, and QMII is afloat!

Yeah, it is. But you keep removing the safeguards and it wont be for much longer.

Germans were only able to do what they did because they systematically disarmed everyone who could have resisted. Here is a new book on the subject: Gun Control in the Third Reich: Disarming the Jews and "Enemies of the State". Turns out Germans did something very german-like, - they thoroughly documented everything they did.

Resized Image

Fulop said today the notion that if his grandparents were armed they would have fared better against the Nazis was "as crazy as it comes."
"Had my grandparents had guns, my grandparents would be dead and I would not be here today," he said

This is just plain weird. He is basically saying that when the Nazis decided to exterminate the Jews, the smart survival strategy for the Jews was not to be armed and fight them off, - but to surrender and hope for the best.

Yes, he is a Democrat, but Fulop used to be a Marine, no?
What happened? When did he decide it is a crazy idea to fight for right and freedom?

LOL! I?ll just point and laugh at Godwin?s Law in effect. ...and the sheer absurdity of the argument.


Monroe wrote:
I wonder if Fulop would support Obama's Dept of Agriculture looking for semi-automatic 30 round clip submachine guns? ... s-With-30-Round-Magazines

Breitbart?! Wow? Was Weekly World News not covering this story? What?s Bat Boy?s stance on this?

Posted on: 2014/5/16 14:59
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City to require gun vendors to answer Qs about gun safety
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Borisp, your post should be accompanied by the sound of a phonograph needle being dragged across a record surface.

Herr Goebbels, sey still haf guns!
Guns Mann?! Scheisse!!! I guess we kann scratch zat Plan.

Posted on: 2014/5/16 13:18

Re: Jersey City to require gun vendors to answer Qs about gun safety
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2013/5/15 14:11
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I wonder if Fulop would support Obama's Dept of Agriculture looking for semi-automatic 30 round clip submachine guns? ... s-With-30-Round-Magazines

Posted on: 2014/5/16 11:05

Re: Jersey City to require gun vendors to answer Qs about gun safety
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Good luck with that opinion, interpretation and understanding.

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Posted on: 2014/5/16 3:58
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Jersey City to require gun vendors to answer Qs about gun safety
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2011/5/29 3:09
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"Invoking the Holocaust and bringing Hitler into this argument is historically inaccurate and offensive to Holocaust survivors and the Jewish community," the Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ said in a statement. "Access to guns and the systematic murder of six million Jews have no basis for comparison in the United States or in New Jersey. The Holocaust has no place in this discussion and it is offensive to link this tragedy to such a debate."

Imagine someone tells you "The owners of the Queen May II decided to get rid of all the lifeboats and life preservers and use that space for..." -- Wait, says you, don't they remember what happened to the Titanic? -- and immediately some "association of Titanic victims" starts screaming about how dare you compare the biggest tragedy of the Titanic to a luxurious QMII? QMII is no Titanic, Titanic sank, and QMII is afloat!

Yeah, it is. But you keep removing the safeguards and it wont be for much longer.

Germans were only able to do what they did because they systematically disarmed everyone who could have resisted. Here is a new book on the subject: Gun Control in the Third Reich: Disarming the Jews and "Enemies of the State". Turns out Germans did something very german-like, - they thoroughly documented everything they did.

Resized Image

Fulop said today the notion that if his grandparents were armed they would have fared better against the Nazis was "as crazy as it comes."
"Had my grandparents had guns, my grandparents would be dead and I would not be here today," he said

This is just plain weird. He is basically saying that when the Nazis decided to exterminate the Jews, the smart survival strategy for the Jews was not to be armed and fight them off, - but to surrender and hope for the best.

Yes, he is a Democrat, but Fulop used to be a Marine, no?
What happened? When did he decide it is a crazy idea to fight for right and freedom?

Posted on: 2014/5/16 3:37

Re: Jersey City to require gun vendors to answer Qs about gun safety
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2013/3/29 21:43
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Monroe wrote:
Private companies can moralize all they want with the money they spend if they're trying to align vendors with their philosophy.

Public entities that operate upon the sweat of our tax dollars should not engage in the same way.

Really? So when President GW Bush gave relief money based on the pushing of abstinence-only plans instead of condom use he wasn?t pushing a philosophy. Interesting.


jerseymom wrote:
With every other problem plaguing the city, this should be at the bottom of the list (or rather, not on the list at all). It is not in the city government's purview to restrict purchasing based upon a politically motivated and arbitrary list of demands to a free market contractor who must already comply with stringent federal firearm legislation. This will give headlines and serve as an "experiment" all on our city's dime (while our kids still suffer with terrible schools, lack of recreation, unsafe streets, etc)

Specifically, what "additional cost" is being created by asking for this information?

What specific piece of legislation is postponed because of this?

Is it impossible for people to imagine a world in which legislatures are capable of doing more than one thing at a time?

Posted on: 2014/5/14 14:14
Dos A Cero

Re: Data at Center of Guns Push in Jersey City
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He only ticking the boxes to build the resume. I believe he always was in favor of term limits at least for Mayor... now that looks like a calculated move now to ensure he was one term so he could move on.


MDM wrote:

jerseymom wrote:
With every other problem plaguing the city, this should be at the bottom of the list (or rather, not on the list at all).

IMHO Fulop is getting his progressive credentials in order for a run for higher office.

I was really hoping for a reform minded mayor that would stick around for two or three terms. Someone who would cut the waste and make J.C. a business and tax friendly place.. at least compared to other medium sized cities. I guess I hoped for too much.

Posted on: 2014/5/13 23:59

Re: Data at Center of Guns Push in Jersey City
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The response should be 'we comply with any and all legal requirements needed to sell fire arms in NJ.'

Then they should tell Fulop to shove it.

Posted on: 2014/5/13 21:44

Re: Data at Center of Guns Push in Jersey City
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jerseymom wrote:
With every other problem plaguing the city, this should be at the bottom of the list (or rather, not on the list at all).

IMHO Fulop is getting his progressive credentials in order for a run for higher office.

I was really hoping for a reform minded mayor that would stick around for two or three terms. Someone who would cut the waste and make J.C. a business and tax friendly place.. at least compared to other medium sized cities. I guess I hoped for too much.

Posted on: 2014/5/13 20:33

Re: Data at Center of Guns Push in Jersey City
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With every other problem plaguing the city, this should be at the bottom of the list (or rather, not on the list at all). It is not in the city government's purview to restrict purchasing based upon a politically motivated and arbitrary list of demands to a free market contractor who must already comply with stringent federal firearm legislation. This will give headlines and serve as an "experiment" all on our city's dime (while our kids still suffer with terrible schools, lack of recreation, unsafe streets, etc)

Posted on: 2014/5/13 20:25

Re: Data at Center of Guns Push in Jersey City
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There was a thread on JCLIST a while back when Fulop first proposed this. Gun manufacturers have gotten into the habit of refusing to sell to local government that directly or indirectly try to find ways to restrict sales to the public (this happened to the State of NY). Or require special features like bullet stamping (CA).

The general public buys way more firearms than law enforcement.

Posted on: 2014/5/13 19:57

Data at Center of Guns Push in Jersey City
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Jersey City has begun requiring gun companies that supply its police department with weapons to disclose more about their business practices, an effort that is being watched by law-enforcement agencies in other cities.

Gun-control advocates and firearms industry representatives said Jersey City is the first municipality in the nation to demand such information. Questions include how firms dispose of old weapons and comply with background-check laws, and whether they make semiautomatic rifles?often called assault weapons?for sale to civilians, according to bid documents viewed by The Wall Street Journal.

The requirement went into effect earlier this year for gun and ammunition contracts worth at least $500,000 for Jersey City's 800-member police force. The purpose: to try to change the firearms industry through the power of the city purse.
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"It shows municipalities and police departments have the ability to shape the dialogue," said Steve Fulop, the Democratic mayor of New Jersey's second-largest city, about gun buying.

The effort is setting up a fight with gun makers and supporters of Second Amendment rights.
Read More

Posted on: 2014/5/13 19:15

Re: Jersey City to require gun vendors to answer Qs about gun safety
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richieveal wrote:
I would rather die fighting to protect myself then have an armed group take me. I don't see how insulting the comparison is. I bet if all those poor souls that lost their life to the nazi were able to defend themselves they would choose the fight.

No doubt the Jewish man from Hoboken murdered by the gangsta thug while defending his wife would've liked to be armed at that moment in time at the Short Hills Mall as well.

Posted on: 2013/12/18 13:48

Re: Jersey City to require gun vendors to answer Qs about gun safety
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richieveal wrote:
I don't see how insulting the comparison is.

Apparently you don?t, but it isn?t just insulting, it?s insane.

Posted on: 2013/12/18 13:29

Re: Jersey City to require gun vendors to answer Qs about gun safety
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I would rather die fighting to protect myself then have an armed group take me. I don't see how insulting the comparison is. I bet if all those poor souls that lost their life to the nazi were able to defend themselves they would choose the fight.

Posted on: 2013/12/18 13:01

Re: Jersey City to require gun vendors to answer Qs about gun safety
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Jewish groups, Jersey City Mayor Fulop slam NRA for Holocaust comments

By David Giambusso/The Star-Ledger
December 17, 2013 at 3:39 PM

JERSEY CITY ? Jewish groups and Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop are firing back at the National Rifle Association over what they say were "offensive" and "disturbing" remarks made by a local NRA official last week.

Fulop recently announced he would ask gun manufacturers doing business with Jersey City to answer several questions before being considered for a city contract. The questions include manufacturers' policies on automatic weapons sales, resales and the use of their brands in video games.

Scott Bach, a member of the NRA's board of directors and executive director of the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs said he was surprised Fulop would be anti-gun since his grandparents were Holocaust survivors.

"His grandparents were Holocaust survivors according to Wikipedia," Bach said in an interview on NRA News, calling for gunmakers to boycott Jersey City. "So you?ve got to wonder why he is not getting it."

Fulop's grandmother was held at the Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II and his grandfather was held at a Nazi labor camp. They both survived and emigrated to the U.S. in the late 1960s.

Fulop said today the notion that if his grandparents were armed they would have fared better against the Nazis was "as crazy as it comes."

"Had my grandparents had guns, my grandparents would be dead and I would not be here today," he said.

This week, national and local Jewish groups also criticized Bach and the NRA for likening gun control proponents to Nazi Germany.

"Invoking the Holocaust and bringing Hitler into this argument is historically inaccurate and offensive to Holocaust survivors and the Jewish community," the Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ said in a statement. "Access to guns and the systematic murder of six million Jews have no basis for comparison in the United States or in New Jersey. The Holocaust has no place in this discussion and it is offensive to link this tragedy to such a debate."

The national Anti-Defamation League also weighed in.

"There is absolutely no comparison of the issue of gun control in the U.S. to the genocidal actions of the Nazi regime," said Abraham H. Foxman, a Holocaust survivor and league director.

"Scott Bach?s critique of Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop?s gun control measures undermines and trivializes the historical truth of the Holocaust as a singular event in human history that led to the murder of six million Jews and millions of others," Foxman said. "That he did so by invoking Mayor Fulop?s family history makes it all the more offensive."

Bach did not immediately respond to a request for comment. NRA and gun-rights activists have routinely raised the specter of Nazi Germany as a warning against curbing access to firearms.

In his 2011 book, ?America Disarmed," NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre wrote, "Paving the way for genocide was the systematic disarmament of Jews and all other opposition elements, in Nazi Germany itself and in conquered territories."

Historical scholars have debated the validity of that comparison.

In the meantime, urban mayors have aggressively sought new ways to curb the flow of guns into their cities.

Fulop, who met with President Obama along with a host of other mayors regarding urban issues last week, said he wants other cities to use their purchasing power to hold gun manufacturers accountable.

"At some point there is going to be a gun manufacturer is going to break from the rest," he said adding that municipal police departments are the biggest purchasers of guns and ammunition.

He said as he was discussing the gun program with Obama on Friday, the meeting got an eery interruption.

"Almost on cue, the meeting got interrupted and the President got a note that there was a shooting in Colorado," Fulop said. ... omments.html#incart_river

Posted on: 2013/12/18 1:07

Re: Jersey City to require gun vendors to answer Qs about gun safety
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I thought police purchases where made by the state or state grant or contracts to supply local government.. Shouldn't it be the state that dictates it?

Posted on: 2013/12/15 20:23

Re: Jersey City to require gun vendors to answer Qs about gun safety
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Frank_M wrote:

borisp wrote:
1. Please, give an example of one of them "much more powerful and deadly" handguns that the public has access to, and please, clarify how the deadliness was measured?

I sincerely hope that isn?t a serious question, but regardless, it isn?t a topic fit for public discussion on JCList. Aside from that, feel free to continue offering pointless distractions.

Isn't it funny how mentioning "more deadly" handguns was an ok topic for the public discussion, while providing an explanation of what you could have possibly meant by that is not?

Posted on: 2013/12/15 4:46

Re: Jersey City to require gun vendors to answer Qs about gun safety
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Posted on: 2013/12/14 9:06

Re: Jersey City to require gun vendors to answer Qs about gun safety
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NRA official slams Jersey City mayor's gun plan, invokes Holocaust

By Terrence T. McDonald/The Jersey Journal
December 13, 2013 at 2:24 PM

A National Rifle Association board member referenced the Holocaust when discussing Mayor Steve Fulop's plan to ask the city's weapons vendors about gun safety before awarding them contracts, ThinkProgress reports.

Scott Bach, appearing on NRA News show Cam & Co., noted that Fulop's grandparents were Holocaust survivors.

"So you've got to wonder why he is not getting it," Bach said, adding the former Mayor Jerramiah Healy was also fervently pro-gun control.

Bach then called for a boycott of Jersey City by weapons manufacturers.

Read more from the Jersey Journal

Posted on: 2013/12/13 23:00

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Maybe he was referring to a handgun like this one?

Posted on: 2013/12/12 16:00

Re: Jersey City to require gun vendors to answer Qs about gun safety
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borisp wrote:
1. Please, give an example of one of them "much more powerful and deadly" handguns that the public has access to, and please, clarify how the deadliness was measured?

I sincerely hope that isn?t a serious question, but regardless, it isn?t a topic fit for public discussion on JCList. Aside from that, feel free to continue offering pointless distractions.

Posted on: 2013/12/12 14:09

Re: Jersey City to require gun vendors to answer Qs about gun safety
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Frank_M wrote:
Sure the mayor gets points for such an initiative, but damn if that isn?t an encouraging development from getting points for the national tradition of keeping one?s mouth shut and doing business as usual.

Didn't we just learn a valuable lesson with the obamacare that sometimes doing nothing at all is better than "let's at least do something about it"?

I mean, we didn't need to learn it like this, we could have asked any medical professional to explain to us what "primum non nocere" means; but no we decided that no explanation is a good enough substitute for a real soul-crushing demonstration...

And look, - just few months later we are ready again to go for "let's at least do something"!

Posted on: 2013/12/12 13:44

Re: Jersey City to require gun vendors to answer Qs about gun safety
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Frank_M wrote:

AlexC wrote:
What if Glock, who in my opinion, makes the best service pistols do not answer the question appropriately? Will they award the contract to another manufacturer whose product is inferior?

Criminals may have better weapons than the LEO who is protecting you. Nice, huh?

First, it?s your opinion as a hobbyist. Second, the public has access to handguns much more powerful and deadly than anything in Glock?s catalog. Third, unless we?re talking about a second rate knockoff brand, which is obviously a non-starter, there are equally superb alternatives, many of which are actually produced by American companies. Fourth, it?s unlikely that any manufacturer will have promising answers to any of those questions?at least not yet.

Could you please clarify something in your very illuminating explanation, -

1. Please, give an example of one of them "much more powerful and deadly" handguns that the public has access to, and please, clarify how the deadliness was measured?

2. Please, give an example of one of them "second rate knockoff brand", and clarify what exactly makes that brand a

Now, with that out of the way, - do you have any explanation to about why so many police organizations in the country standardize on Glocks? I mean, as a lowly hobbyist I am not going to question your wisdom, I just want to have some explanation of the fact that I observe.

Posted on: 2013/12/12 13:38

Re: Jersey City to require gun vendors to answer Qs about gun safety
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AlexC wrote:
What if Glock, who in my opinion, makes the best service pistols do not answer the question appropriately? Will they award the contract to another manufacturer whose product is inferior?

Criminals may have better weapons than the LEO who is protecting you. Nice, huh?

First, it?s your opinion as a hobbyist. Second, the public has access to handguns much more powerful and deadly than anything in Glock?s catalog (or any other sidearm a police officer would be permitted to carry). Third, unless we?re talking about a second rate knockoff brand, which is obviously a non-starter, there are equally superb alternatives, many of which are actually produced by American companies. Fourth, it?s unlikely that any manufacturer will have promising answers to any of those questions?at least not yet.

Posted on: 2013/12/12 13:22

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