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Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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2012/5/30 14:50
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Had a patrol car let me cross Barrow last night, even though I waved them through

"G'head bud, I got plenty of time!" he said as he insisted I cross.

Some good, some bad.

Posted on: 2013/8/23 13:24

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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bradleybeachbrawl wrote:
What do you mean exactly when you say the cops patrolling the "nicer" areas? Do any of you pretentious experts in any discipline agree with mcgravy? That is the most disgusting racist comment I've seen and not a peep from the board. mcgravy is a racist pig who should be publicly chastised for his ignorant narrow minded viewpoint.
I may not be perfect but I honestly believe that the law should be enforced impartially despite your socioeconomic position. Are not all persons entitled to fair and equal treatment in America?

Just because it is a "nicer area" doesn't mean racist. So it is you that is the racist assuming that a nicer area has a certain type of demographic. Lets not make more out of what it really is.

Posted on: 2013/8/23 11:19

Edited by heights on 2013/8/23 11:42:53
Get on your bikes and ride !

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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uptick2013 wrote:
Based on your post the officer did in fact let you cross so he did yield to you, the fact that you state you intentionally walked in front of the police car is quite alarming, what sane person walks in front of any car on purpose? I don't think the crossing law is meant to protect those that walk in front on cars on purpose. This smells like a step up ...... What are you trying to prove? Are you starved for attention?

OP said the car was about a block away. if the officer was going the speed limit (pause for laughter) then the OP had plenty of time to scoot across a one-lane-wide street.

Posted on: 2013/8/23 5:26

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law

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2013/8/23 4:43
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2013/8/23 21:53
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Based on your post the officer did in fact let you cross so he did yield to you, the fact that you state you intentionally walked in front of the police car is quite alarming, what sane person walks in front of any car on purpose? I don't think the crossing law is meant to protect those that walk in front on cars on purpose. This smells like a step up ...... What are you trying to prove? Are you starved for attention?

Posted on: 2013/8/23 5:02

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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holy shit lmfao get a room you two! And somebody call in a noise complaint, Kumbaya is playing so loud the water in my bong is splashing!

Posted on: 2013/8/23 3:54

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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2013/7/1 16:39
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BBB I take it all back, I like you lol. JC can and will be the best fn city out there, I've been waiting my whole life for this kind of change.

Posted on: 2013/8/23 2:24

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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Take a holiday (fish, travel, play sport, take up a hobby etc) - You, your family and the public will be all better for it - Come back, kick some ass and most of all have fun and remember its the uniform they appose not the person. The job is difficult, stressful and often with zero positive feedback.
The holidays and sick leave is there for a reason - use them as often as you're allowed. Joe Citizen can only guess the sights, sounds and smells you have to deal with on a daily basis. In fact we all need time out from the stresses of life!
Its my dimes worth of advice - Peace

Posted on: 2013/8/23 1:55
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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2013/5/21 22:40
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You sir are absolutely correct. I have the tendency to drag ongoing debates into the gutter. Just a personality defect of mine where I feel like I have to win every battle every time and the gutter for me is a very comfortable place to conduct battle.

From now on, when I post something it can be considered an absolute fact because I know it to be true. I will prequalify that statement with the words "This is a fact."

If I offer my opinion on an issue that I can weigh in on with a degree of certainty and it is within the boundaries of what I can comment on it is just that my opinion.

I cannot comment on things such as the intricacies of the Municipal budget because I don't know the first thing about accounting. I am certain it's just a little more complicated than balancing the family checkbook.

This is a fact. The Healy administration has been put out of it's misery and there is no point in looking back. The destructive policies of his last two appointed Chiefs' of Police have brought the morale of the department to the lowest point in at least the past twenty years that I can speak of. This is all about to change and the change will be drastic and sudden. The public may not immediately notice but during this past week there have been several decisions made that have gotten peoples attention. They're not going to fail, it's just not in their vocabulary, and all I can say is woe to the malcontent that gets in their way. We need this more than anything and I along with a whole bunch of other guys are thrilled to know that that Accountability part of the CARE decals Comey put on the radio cars is coming to fruition. That's what we the cops and the public got with Comey, lip service and decals. Again Facts.

My opinion;The Mayor has the right people in the right places at the right time and I would not be at all surprised if this transition becomes a case study in rebuilding an organization.

Posted on: 2013/8/23 1:44

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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2004/11/6 21:13
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BBB, we appreciate very much having an active JCPO on the list, but you should work on keeping civil while making your point. Your opinion will carry far more weight if people respect you rather than think you're a namecalling hothead.

I've gotten the impression BBB, that you're somewhat new to the tubing of the internets, and have yet to learn that, as on the streets, you gotta give respect to get it. Even (sometimes especially) if you vehemently disagree with someone. Though I use a nom de plume, I try to post so as I'd have no regrets if every word was printed in the paper with my name. And in fact a fair number of people on JCList know who I am. You should look at every post you write and think: "Would I be embarrassed if this went public under my name?" If the answer is yes, rewrite it.

Posted on: 2013/8/22 22:58

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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2006/11/13 18:42
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wow what a short fuse - having such a short fuse must get some in trouble from time to time and would definitely not be a positive emotional trait to be a balanced and level-headed cop dealing and servicing societies mixed bag of people and behaviors .... or is everyone tranished with the same brush when dealing with the public?
Maybe holiday and sick leave MUST be taken annually so officers can relax, recoup, rethink and take time off from the job - especially if an online thread can trigger an outburst and then stereotype a certain socioeconomic group with disdain!

Posted on: 2013/8/22 22:03
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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2013/7/1 16:39
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BBB, clearly we all got off on the wrong foot. I think your last statement was well though out and made valid points.

I think its fair to say, if you are a JCPD office, that you should recognize a reputation exists about the JCPD and its not positive. A lot has to do with Healy and past grievances, but it exists. If you're a stand up guy then its incumbent on you to not only lead by example, but be a part of the positive change.

Is that fair enough?

Posted on: 2013/8/22 21:25

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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2009/7/22 20:21
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I don't know if I shared this story yet...

I was in Washington DC for a conference. At the same time, there was a national police conference. I walked out of my hotel one night and right there was a group of JCPD, in their finest, shiny, formal uniforms. They looked so nice and professional! I stopped short to say hello and compliment them and one of them snarled at me, "What the f**k are you looking at?"

Stay classy JCPD.

Posted on: 2013/8/22 20:41

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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yourdogisbored wrote:


bradleybeachbrawl wrote:

I may not be perfect but I honestly believe that the law should be enforced impartially despite your socioeconomic position. Are not all persons entitled to fair and equal treatment in America?

I hope that if you are JCPD that you do conduct yourself in a fair and impartial manner while on the job. However, based on your own comments on this thread, that's just not the vibe I'm getting from you. So far, in addition to displaying an astonishing lack of judgement and self-control (yes, let's give this person a badge and a gun?!!), you have also made callous and insensitive remarks about the homeless and you've displayed a bias towards anyone that you (incorrectly) perceive to be a transplant or an office-worker. You just are not coming across as particularly impartial and level-headed. That's all I'm saying...

I just get somewhat defensive when my profession is being disparaged by people who do not walk in my shoes or do what I do in a very professional manner. I'm on patrol every day and my disciplinary record is squeaky clean. If by chance you need the assistance of the JCPD and I get the call I can assure you that you will be satisfied with the way I conduct myself. I do hope you never need the police because we don't get called when something good happens.
I really pisses me off when an anonymous OP say's something derogatory about the JCPD without providing any corroboration and the rest of the keyboard commandos pile on without any basis in fact.
I guess mcgravy is right in the fact that I do have that old school Jersey City mentality in me. It comes in handy when I am confronted with a situation that requires me to be instantly meaner and crazier than the guy I have to get in cuffs which unfortunately happens from time to time. It's just the nature of the beast.
I hope we never meet but rest assured if we do you'll be well taken care of in a courteous and professional manner.

Posted on: 2013/8/22 20:24

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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Binky wrote:
The hole you're digging just gets deeper and deeper, BBB.

I know, right? I hope bbb never makes an unfortunate error in judgement while on the job because these unhinged rants are exactly the kind of thing that can come back to haunt a guy.

Posted on: 2013/8/22 20:14

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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Posted on: 2013/8/22 20:13

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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2013/7/1 16:39
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Seriously, BBB, you should just cut bait and quite while you're waaaay behind.

Borderline troubling if you are, indeed, a real JCPD officer and not a mall cop. Jury is still out on that one...

Posted on: 2013/8/22 20:11

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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2005/9/6 15:48
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The hole you're digging just gets deeper and deeper, BBB.

Posted on: 2013/8/22 20:08

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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2013/5/21 22:40
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nyrgravey9 wrote:
"Nicer areas" has nothing to do with race you prehistoric moron. You're the only one here talking about race. Don't twist my words to fit your narrative.

What I'm saying, since you lack the ability to think and read critically, is that officers who hang around areas like the downtown waterfront, where murders are a little less frequent, they don't need to put on this tough guy, old school Hudson County BS act when asked or advice or asked a question.

Again, it's not all of the JCPD, but enough to warrant the horrible reputation they've earned.

Now, BBB, you better stop blogging and get to the mall for your next shift.

So the cops on the waterfront should be interact differently with the downtown residents than they should with residents in other parts of the city is what your saying? And what cop acts like a tough guy when you ask for advice or directions? Do you often go around asking for advice or questions in the town you allegedly were born and raised in? Ever hear of Google? Maybe the cop got annoyed with your constant pleas for advice and direction in life? They are human you know. I can imagine that, the cop has a sweet gig on the waterfront on a beautiful day when suddenly drifting toward him is that guy who asks him questions every goddamned day.
How exactly do they act like tough guys? I'd also like to know what questions do you have or what advice do you need?
Maybe I can help you but first please elaborate on the tough guy posture.

Posted on: 2013/8/22 20:01

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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bradleybeachbrawl wrote:

I may not be perfect but I honestly believe that the law should be enforced impartially despite your socioeconomic position. Are not all persons entitled to fair and equal treatment in America?

I hope that if you are JCPD that you do conduct yourself in a fair and impartial manner while on the job. However, based on your own comments on this thread, that's just not the vibe I'm getting from you. So far, in addition to displaying an astonishing lack of judgement and self-control (yes, let's give this person a badge and a gun?!!), you have also made callous and insensitive remarks about the homeless and you've displayed a bias towards anyone that you (incorrectly) perceive to be a transplant or an office-worker. You just are not coming across as particularly impartial and level-headed. That's all I'm saying...

Posted on: 2013/8/22 19:52

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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2013/5/21 22:40
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sepecat wrote:

bradleybeachbrawl wrote:

I may not be perfect but I honestly believe that the law should be enforced impartially despite your socioeconomic position. Are not all persons entitled to fair and equal treatment in America?

I'll be taking a walk in front of the North, I better see tickets on the FOP cars.. Everyone should be treated fair and equal, right officer? Start with your own house before you lecture us.

Why would you go and harass the hardest working district in the city? Look at the Compstat numbers. North #1 across the board.

Posted on: 2013/8/22 19:40

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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2013/7/1 16:39
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Hahahaha, ZING! sepecat nailed it.


bradleybeachbrawl wrote:

sepecat wrote:

bradleybeachbrawl wrote:

I may not be perfect but I honestly believe that the law should be enforced impartially despite your socioeconomic position. Are not all persons entitled to fair and equal treatment in America?

I'll be taking a walk in front of the North, I better see tickets on the FOP cars.. Everyone should be treated fair and equal, right officer? Start with your own house before you lecturer us.

look both ways before crossing the street you miserable shrew.

Posted on: 2013/8/22 19:39

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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2013/7/1 16:39
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"Nicer areas" has nothing to do with race you prehistoric moron. You're the only one here talking about race. Don't twist my words to fit your narrative.

What I'm saying, since you lack the ability to think and read critically, is that officers who hang around areas like the downtown waterfront, where murders are a little less frequent, they don't need to put on this tough guy, old school Hudson County BS act when asked or advice or asked a question.

Again, it's not all of the JCPD, but enough to warrant the horrible reputation they've earned.

Now, BBB, you better stop blogging and get to the mall for your next shift.

Posted on: 2013/8/22 19:39

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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bradleybeachbrawl wrote:

look both ways before crossing the street you miserable shrew.

You are a disgrace to the badge.

Posted on: 2013/8/22 19:33

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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sepecat wrote:

bradleybeachbrawl wrote:

I may not be perfect but I honestly believe that the law should be enforced impartially despite your socioeconomic position. Are not all persons entitled to fair and equal treatment in America?

I'll be taking a walk in front of the North, I better see tickets on the FOP cars.. Everyone should be treated fair and equal, right officer? Start with your own house before you lecturer us.

look both ways before crossing the street you miserable shrew.

Posted on: 2013/8/22 19:32

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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2013/5/21 22:40
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Oh I almost forgot to mention the fantastic job the East cops did last night catching that thief. Hopefully he will cooperate and some people can get their property back. Let's not forget the North guys and gals who efficiently grabbed the piece of garbage who stabbed that girl. Teamwork baby!

Posted on: 2013/8/22 19:31

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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2009/6/29 19:45
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bradleybeachbrawl wrote:

I may not be perfect but I honestly believe that the law should be enforced impartially despite your socioeconomic position. Are not all persons entitled to fair and equal treatment in America?

I'll be taking a walk in front of the North, I better see tickets on the FOP cars.. Everyone should be treated fair and equal, right officer? Start with your own house before you lecture us.

Posted on: 2013/8/22 19:27

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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nyrgravey9 wrote:
I wasn't implying JCPD has to answer to me. All I'm saying is that instead of being a complete jerkoff to random citizens who pay your salary, maybe some of these cops patrolling nicer areas could lighten up a bit.

A lot of the JCPD I know are old school Hudson County personalities. That crap is as outdated as their poster boy Healy. I went to HS with a bunch of these clowns and I don't speak with that heavy, unintelligible, Sopranos style dialect like these guys do.

Like I said, right or wrong the current perception and reputation of the JCPD is very much earned. As stated before they're not all bad, but they've got quite the uphill battle to change that reputation. A change which is very much welcomed by JC residents.

What do you mean exactly when you say the cops patrolling the "nicer" areas? Do any of you pretentious experts in any discipline agree with mcgravy? That is the most disgusting racist comment I've seen and not a peep from the board. mcgravy is a racist pig who should be publicly chastised for his ignorant narrow minded viewpoint.
I may not be perfect but I honestly believe that the law should be enforced impartially despite your socioeconomic position. Are not all persons entitled to fair and equal treatment in America?

Posted on: 2013/8/22 19:17

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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2009/6/29 19:45
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Chicken Parm, one of the best I ever had.


heights wrote:
By the way did you pick up anything for yourself ?

Posted on: 2013/8/22 14:41

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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2011/11/22 20:16
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bradleybeachbrawl wrote:
So when I'm paying 18k plus on two properties whose salary am I paying?
my of cops in the
street by fall." I get even more motivated.
There are a few people who aren't too happy but #OOPS# them let them quit if they don't like it.
Test coming up by the way....come on out and make mcgravy pay even more salaries.

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Posted on: 2013/8/22 14:33

Re: JC police officer doesn't even know pedestrian law
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bradleybeachbrawl wrote:
What reputation would that be? That we aren't the yokel locals from whatever backwater town you came from who are going to sit back and take whatever shit some keyboard commando who sits in a box all day throws at us? Born and bred here so here's a little throw back " reputation" for you. Go #OOPS# yourself. We ain't fucking waiters in some douchebag uppity restaurant.
No go back to the cornfield.

I love you BBB, you said it best !

Posted on: 2013/8/22 14:32
Get on your bikes and ride !

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