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Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
2012/1/11 18:21 Last Login : 2019/12/26 15:30 From GV Bayside Park
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So you've never walked down the street doing anything other than surveying your surroundings? Never had a conversation that you were engrossed in? Never took a stroll after a fight with your significant other and weren't necessarily paying attention? Never had a long day at work that stuck with you as you were walking home? You were never thinking ahead to a night out, or something you needed to get done? You never did any of this while walking down a well traveled street in the middle of the day? I'm going to go ahead and call bulls!t on that, because it is simply not human to always be 100% percent alert. [/quote When I'm in Woodstock on the weekends I may let my guard down, but not here.
Posted on: 2013/7/22 14:32
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
2012/1/11 18:21 Last Login : 2019/12/26 15:30 From GV Bayside Park
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You are right unaware folks are called victims.
Posted on: 2013/7/22 14:30
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
So you've never walked down the street doing anything other than surveying your surroundings? Never had a conversation that you were engrossed in? Never took a stroll after a fight with your significant other and weren't necessarily paying attention? Never had a long day at work that stuck with you as you were walking home? You were never thinking ahead to a night out, or something you needed to get done? You never did any of this while walking down a well traveled street in the middle of the day? I'm going to go ahead and call bulls!t on that, because it is simply not human to always be 100% percent alert.
Posted on: 2013/7/22 14:15
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
Right? I'm not saying anyone deserves being robbed but if, you're walking down the street with an LV bag and ipod on you're a mark, period.
Posted on: 2013/7/22 14:07
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
2012/1/11 18:21 Last Login : 2019/12/26 15:30 From GV Bayside Park
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I am aware wherever I go, from Greenville to the upper west side of NYC. We do not live in the 1950's this is 2013 where guns have become the norm and crazy is the new black in the metro area.
If you walk around daydreaming then you get what you get. Wake the fuk up!!
Posted on: 2013/7/22 13:47
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
The ability to do this is a huge part of quality of life. I work in Newark and am extremely, extremely vigilant at all times. There are fairly regular muggings and shootings near where I work. I regularly survey where I would hide in the event of a shooting when I walk past sites where they've happened, and mentally drill myself to prepare myself for what I'd do in the event of a mugging or physical attack. I do not walk alone at all if it's after 9-9:30 at night. I believe it's because of this vigilance that I have never had a problem there in over 3 years. I also went to high school in Greenville 10 years ago and never had a problem either due to vigilance (and luck, there's definitely always luck). But it's also exhausting. I could never live like that. I can't imagine being afraid to leave my house after dark. We should not settle for that quality of life in downtown JC. Or anywhere, for that matter, but the reality is that downtown has lower crime rates than greenville or newark and should not merit the same sort of paranoia you need to get by in those areas.
Posted on: 2013/7/22 13:33
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
People prefer blissful ignorance, to awareness?
Posted on: 2013/7/20 12:46
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
2007/4/16 13:46 Last Login : 2023/11/15 11:50 From Village/HP
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I had no idea we had so many citizens of JC who are always 100% focused, give money and/or volunteer with local homeless or mental illness causes, and who if they were approached by an unstable man, would offer him food amidst him not allowing you to pass and spitting on you. With such obvious strength and commitment, why is this even a problem anymore in JC?
Posted on: 2013/7/20 12:28
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
There was likely more than one victim in this incident. And I'm equally disheartened by where blame is being placed.
Posted on: 2013/7/20 4:40
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
OP here - my deep in thought, if some of you must know, was probably just me walking home thinking about what to make for dinner and what ingredients I need to pick up along the way. I think that's a pretty normal thing to do, no? Regardless of whether i was concentrating on what's in front of me or not, I don't believe this encounter could've been prevented. Seeing a homeless person walk toward my direction in the street does not automatically make me think this person will cause me harm and run the opposite direction. I refuse to keep crossing the street to avoid homeless people in fear that they may be dangerous or unstable either. Otherwise, I'd be zig-zagging Newark Ave the entire way home!
As to if this person is the "Gordon's Fisherman" or not and whether he is mentally ill or not, I do not know (he was not wearing a heavy coat nor carrying a shopping basket). I can only assume that he was a belligerent old man, who seem prone to violence and may very well be the type that imbibes heavily as well. I posted my experience on JCList partly because I wanted to start an open dialogue (or apparently, re-address this problem) on the disturbing amount of homeless people in the area and how everyday citizens are affected by some of their aggressive behaviors. I believe change starts with at least admitting and discussing the problem. Change will never take place if you tell people to just accept the status quo or move elsewhere. I really don't understand the attitude of some of the posters here. I do however, thank those that understand and sympathize with what i was trying to convey. As one poster mentioned, there is a disturbing "blame the victim" attitude going on here and I really am disheartened by those responses.
Posted on: 2013/7/20 4:15
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
The real problem here are morons like you SOS that turn the other way when disgusting aggressive homeless bother hard working tax paying citizens. Hope you get priced out and have to move out of dt.
Posted on: 2013/7/20 3:13
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Sorry to hear about your experience- hopefully the new mayor gets people off the streets and into shelters. That police number is helpful.
Posted on: 2013/7/20 3:02
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
2006/11/13 18:42 Last Login : 2022/2/28 7:31 From 280 Grove Street
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What a load of crap.
I often daydream when walking around, I'm not always aware of my surroundings, I don't walk in fear or perceive a threat around every corner, I should be allowed to walk around any neighborhood, I often sit at a park bench and people watch with a laugh or read a newspaper however I am aware of known trouble spots that I do often ignore if I need to venture through them. Siht does happen everywhere but I carry on regardless as we don't live in the middle east or lawless third world country. I refuse to allow my environment to dictate my quality of life by fear mongering individuals that suggest the only way I will survive is by living in fear, having a detailed plan on how to walk to the store or the need to carry a weapon. We have a police force for which I pay taxes and I expect them to do their job, I also pay taxes and expect social welfare / services to cater to the needs of our homeless and mental health patients. Society hasn't let us down, the Local, State and Federal governments have. The next time you see anti-social behavior or a homeless person in need in the street, report it, and get the authorities to act - Time to reclaim the streets and take ownership of your neighborhood
Posted on: 2013/7/20 0:22
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
I have, however, been propositioned by the shopping cart couple on more than one occasion -__-
Wow are you not lucky or what? I love that cute couple! Usually they can be found somewhere along Newark Avenue or in front of the McDonalds but one morning I passed them along First Street rolling along in front of lovely brownstones. Those two are a riot!
Posted on: 2013/7/19 23:25
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
Oh, come on. Please don't pretend you're 100% aware of your surroundings at all times.
Posted on: 2013/7/19 20:41
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
You mean the one who called everyone on this site "downtown racists" because no one replied to her at 1:00 AM?
Posted on: 2013/7/19 20:17
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
2012/9/18 3:58 Last Login : 2021/9/23 15:07 From Between Thought and Expression
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...pot calling the kettle black, lol
Posted on: 2013/7/19 20:12
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
If we're talking about Tony aka gordons fisherman aka winter coat in 100 degree heat guy, he's a peach. Whenever I give him some change he thanks me and calls me Jesus. Although when he's in one of his moods, I give him a wide berth. Pretty simple.
Posted on: 2013/7/19 19:38
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
Wow. Just wow.
To the OP, I'm very sorry this happened to you. And by "this" I mean that you had this terrible encounter, and that people on here are being so ridiculous. Nearly the identical thing happened to me with this man. Clearly there was nothing the OP (or I) did to provoke or "deserve" being accosted like this. The issue is with the perpetrator, not with the victim not being vigilant enough or whatever. Please enough already.
Posted on: 2013/7/19 18:38
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
I don't wish anything bad on anyone. But when something bad inevitably happens because that's life, I certainly hope karma brings back what they've been dishing out. Schadenfreude and all that.
Posted on: 2013/7/19 17:39
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
But they are getting aggressive. Isn't it dangerous to have them roaming the ramp to 12th Street by the tunnel?
And they are spreading, one followed me outside the parking lot at Trader Joe's in Florham Park of all places.
Posted on: 2013/7/19 16:58
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
Wow. That's like saying "I hope you get hit by a car and see how you like it.". Childish.
Posted on: 2013/7/19 16:55
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
2012/1/11 18:21 Last Login : 2019/12/26 15:30 From GV Bayside Park
Registered Users
Interesting you dismissed the sexual assault victim and now SOS is a douche bag. really? Look in the mirror.
Posted on: 2013/7/19 16:52
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
Question for SOS: Do you have to practice being a self-important douchebag or does it come naturally?
Posted on: 2013/7/19 16:50
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
Ding ding ding, we have a winner. If there are never any victims we can never be victims ourselves. I hope the next time someone steals the phone or breaks into the car of one of these doubters their friends are all "well you shouldn't own an expensive phone in this city" or "you shouldn't have parked your car on that block - why do you own a car in the city anyway?"
Posted on: 2013/7/19 16:30
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
Awareness is a key element of NOT living in fear.
Posted on: 2013/7/19 15:31
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
We're not blaming the victim, no more than we're blaming a 5-year old when we teach them to look both ways before using a crosswalk. We'd be more of a jerk to our kids if we didn't give that kind of advice. The point about mugging, rapes, murders etc, is the area isn't safe. At least not safe enough to be oblivious of your surroundings. On the homeless - Moto expressed it best below: Quote:
Posted on: 2013/7/19 15:29
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
Noticed a homeless chap sleeping on the steps of McNair Academy, 9:30 PM last evening.
Posted on: 2013/7/19 15:21
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : 2024/7/5 23:54 From Western Slope
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What is the percentage of gay men accosting any men sexually or other wise ? This would be the only way to compare the horrors that are bestowed upon women conveyed in this posting.
Posted on: 2013/7/19 14:43
Get on your bikes and ride !