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Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION
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2006/11/10 20:17
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Here's another video of Steve taking the stage at Zeppelin Hall last night. It was a wild scene...and you may want to turn your speakers down. :)

Posted on: 2013/5/15 14:18

Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION
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2010/9/5 2:25
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Well, he can start by getting the streets cleaned of all the election mess regardless of who made it.

Congrats to Mayor Fulop. I am cautiously optimistic.

Posted on: 2013/5/15 12:45

Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION
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2005/3/21 20:01
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Steve is on Fox 5 now.

Greg said that he became one of the most powerful democrat in the state.

Posted on: 2013/5/15 12:13

Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION
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Video: Fulop gives victory speech to lively Zeppelin Hall crowd By Anthony J. Machcinski/The Jersey Journal May 15, 2013 at 12:57 AM Jersey City Mayor-elect Steven Fulop tonight said he would work hard for the people who voted for him, and work equally hard to win the trust of those who voted for his opponents. Fulop spoke to the crowd at Zeppelin Hall tonight shortly after it was announced he won the city's election to become Mayor. ... ry_spee.html#incart_river

Posted on: 2013/5/15 7:03

Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION
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Prismatic wrote:
Holy crap that's a packed house.

It was jammed in many of the rooms - with a wide swath of diversity form ALL over the city!! Joyous!!

A new theme song for us all - give it a listen!! We fuckin' did it!!

Posted on: 2013/5/15 6:09

Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION
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2013/4/22 23:08
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Holy crap that's a packed house.

Posted on: 2013/5/15 3:48

Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION

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Posted on: 2013/5/15 3:41

Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION
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2008/5/6 6:21
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I am going out to vote for Steve Fulop. Its about time we get a Mayor with integrity in Jersey City. 10 years of Healy mis-mangement is enough; we need change and need it TODAY.

I think that Steve Fulop will be the best Mayor in at least the past 50 years of Jersey City political history. The stigma of corruption will go away with Steve as Mayor.

In a nutshell Fulop has written plans to improve the quality of life in Jersey City while Healy says "If it aint broke dont fix it" LOL

Posted on: 2013/5/14 16:29

Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION
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2007/10/11 3:28
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Time for some spring cleaning at City Hall. Time for change and some new energy to move this city in the right direction while protecting it from the true "interlopers". Those interlopers are the developers who seem to get anything THEY want while we the people are left to pick up the tab. Development is fine as long as it is logical and takes in the concerns of the surrounding communities. We get towers and towers to fill with new people and yet no green space nor improved infrastructure to handle it all. Also time to stop treating Jersey City as a thoroughfare for commuters to speed through. Why are we making it easier for the driver from Middletown to get to the Holland Tunnel why our train commute is a cramped, living hell? Why do we have to beg our police to POLICE? Why are we paying the same people for 3 jobs that they don't do? Why does a bag of cash trump the will of the people and yet we still re-elect those for are getting the pay-offs? Please vote for Steve Fulop and lets get moving in the right direction.

Posted on: 2013/5/14 15:04

Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION
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2005/6/8 3:24
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It was not Yoda who lifted Luke Skywalker's X-Ray out of the swamps of Dagobah. It was STEVE FULOP.

When the Devil Went Down to Georgia looking for a soul to steal. It was STEVE FULOP that sent him back to hell due to his fiddler skills. After competing in a triathlon.

Star Trek phasers have three settings. Stun, Kill, and STEVE FULOP.

When my wife had trouble delivering our second daughter, it was STEVE FULOP that performed the emergency C-Section. After competing in a triathlon.

The Newport 10K is such an easy race for STEVE FULOP, that they are renaming it the Fulop morning saunter.

The STEVE FULOP "Not supposed to be easy" commercial was actually just old footage of his morning commute.

When STEVE FULOP is mayor, developers will want to pay to play. That is, they will want to pay money to the city for the privilege of rendering their services.

STEVE FULOP can do the four move checkmate in three moves.

The Japanese Kaiju film "Destroy All Monsters" is actually a documentary based on STEVE FULOP's experiences.

STEVE FULOP beats rock, paper and scissors.

The Film "Zero Dark Thirty" was originally called "What STEVE FULOP does after he competes in a triathlon."

It's too late for STEVE FULOP to stop my from typing this, see wha......

Posted on: 2013/5/14 13:34

Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION
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2005/12/7 2:49
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Jersey City, do not take byebyesteve, WebelongHere and the rest of the Healy Hacks on this forum seriously. They are only trolls with low-show county jobs on the cutting block.

What sane, educated adult writes sentences like, "They love their wittle Stevie, that's why they dredge up old stuff about Mayor Healy that nobody cares about" or "That's why he'll get four more years and all of you will go home crying, wondering what happened" or "Who are the people that Fulop has picked to run the city's departments?"

The answer is NO sane person would write such dribble especially in the wake of the 2009 FBI sting that snared and imprisoned most of Jerry's inner circle.

In fact, WebelongHere, that's the type of people HEALY PICKED to run his city's departments! To even bring Fulop into discussions regarding city departments shows your woeful disregard of fact and responsible discourse.

The great Maya Angelou has the perfect quote for Jerry and the Healy Hacks to ponder:

People will forget what you said,
people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget
how you made them feel.

Make no mistake voters, Healy and his hand selected associates made all of Jersey City feel like bumbling, corrupt fools. Jerry stood by and watched most of his close associates, including his elderly, Deputy Mayor/Campaign Treasurer, Leona Beldini, take the fall. At the very least Jerry should have done the noble and righteous thing thing and resigned in 2009.

*** Keep in mind, as you stroll to the polls tomorrow that our Mayor Healy is on tape with the FBI witness Solomon Dwek, Leona Beldini, Jack Shaw and Edward Cheatam at Jerry's favorite diner discussing zoning changes and building approvals in exchange for cash. Do you think for one minute Jerry didn't know what was going on as he ate his Club Sandwich? He just new better than to actually handle the brown paper bags full of bribery money ***

This disappointed and let down feeling we all felt a few short years ago that Maya Angelou alludes too will live in all of our hearts and minds forever but no more so than in Jerry's, his inner circles, and all the families involved. The cloud Jerry and his colleagues have cast over Jersey City will be taught in history and poli-sci classes for years to come.

To byebyesteve:

Please continue to create more asinine, juvenile rhetoric that is more comical to read than anything else. You make Team Healy quite proud I am sure.

Change is near!
The Big Machine has more dents and dirt than a jalopy!
Vote Healy Out and Fulop in tomorrow!

Posted on: 2013/5/13 14:00

Edited by 81905 on 2013/5/13 14:15:42
Edited by 81905 on 2013/5/13 14:21:09

Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION
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2007/12/18 2:00
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Four years ago the shock of seeing so many of our public officials led away in handcuffs led me to Steve Fulop. Since then I have been repeatedly impressed by his hard work, his integrity, and his vision for making Jersey City a world-class city.

I have also become more and more convinced of the need to make a new start in city government. This is why I am voting the entire Fulop ticket. Each Team Fulop candidate is qualified, and deserves your consideration independently of Steve's endorsement. Together they will make a real difference in the kind of government we get.

Mayor Healy and his councilpeople have had more than eight years, and the result has not been a better economy. It has not been a better school system, it has not been safer or cleaner streets, an efficient budget, good disaster response, or better city services.

This is why I believe it is time not only to elect Steve Fulop as Mayor, but to give him a chance to make a difference by electing City Councilpeople who are committed to fight for the issues that matter most to our city. This is not a time for divided government - just look at how that's working in Washington. We need a City government that is ready to move forward immediately, not one which keeps fighting yesterday's political squabbles.

A Fulop administration will immediately begin to implement his community policing plan, his jobs plan, his plan for more recreation and youth activities, his plan for more efficient government ( And perhaps most important, Steve Fulop with a unified Council behind him will make good on his commitment to make Jersey City government pay more attention to Jersey City's people.

On May 14, I will be proud to cast my vote for the entire Fulop Team, and I encourage you to do the same, in order to help our beloved Jersey City take a big step forward.

Fulop 5A + Watterman 8B + Rivera 9B + Lavarro 10B

And your Ward candidates:

Ward A Frank Gajewski - 1C
Ward B Chico Ramchal - 3C
Ward C Nidia Lopez - 9C
Ward D Sean Connors - 1C
Ward E Candice Osborne - 5C
Ward F Diane Coleman - 7C

Paul Bellan-Boyer
Duncan Avenue

Posted on: 2013/5/13 10:49

Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION
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2004/12/14 21:47
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Fulop for Jersey City mayor, not the damaged Healy: Editorial

Healy wants voters to believe he knew nothing, that his senior people were taking cash-stuffed envelopes behind his back.

To say that?s hard to believe is being kind. But if it is true, Healy was dangerously clueless about the culture of his own team. Either way, he owes an apology he never delivered. Time for voters say thank you by easing his passage into early retirement...

...Healy?s main challenger is Steven Fulop, 36, a councilman of rare energy and talent. He offers a menu of sensible reforms, such as closing the independent authorities that serve as unaccountable patronage mills, and absorbing their functions into the city government. He wants to ensure public schools get a share of the payments made by firms that get tax abatements. As a councilman, he won approval over Healy?s objections of key ethics reforms, including a ban on political donations from city contractors.

This one is not a close call. The Healy era should have ended in 2009 with his resignation. Time for voters to drive a stake through it on Tuesday.

Posted on: 2013/5/11 23:51
I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.
W. C. Fields

Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION
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2004/12/14 21:47
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Steve is the right guy, at the right time, in the right place. C'mon Jersey City, let's do this thing.

Posted on: 2013/5/8 0:39
I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.
W. C. Fields

Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION
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2005/12/7 2:49
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This does not surprise me in the least TheHeights. Every single email I have sent to Fulop has been answered thoughtfully and sincerely. I remember the first time he wrote me back and being sort of amazed that a busy person on the council would take the time to do that but equally impressed at how fast he was to reply.

I have been pulling for Steven for a long time and his emails and the quality conversations we have had over the last few years are just a couple reasons I believe he is the right man for the job.


InTheHeights wrote:
I messaged Steven Fulop on Facebook and received a message back the same day asking if he could call me to discuss. My question was basically, "Why should I vote for you because I am still undecided?". I sent him my number and within 30 seconds my phone was ringing. We had a great conversation, I challenged him on a few issues and rumors. He had a direct answer for every single thing that I asked. I have no doubt that Steven Fulop would make a good mayor and point Jersey City in the right direction.

Posted on: 2013/5/6 18:27

Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION

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2008/3/24 17:51
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I messaged Steven Fulop on Facebook and received a message back the same day asking if he could call me to discuss. My question was basically, "Why should I vote for you because I am still undecided?". I sent him my number and within 30 seconds my phone was ringing. We had a great conversation, I challenged him on a few issues and rumors. He had a direct answer for every single thing that I asked. I have no doubt that Steven Fulop would make a good mayor and point Jersey City in the right direction.

Posted on: 2013/5/6 18:16

Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION
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2005/12/7 2:49
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Let's size up the candidates from the last few debates.....

Fulop, Malik, Walker: Affable, consice, respectful

Healy: Belligerent, confrontational, disheveled and rude

That's not the character of mayor we want for the next 4 years.....8 IS ENOUGH!!!

Tell your friends and everyone you can possibly get a hold of to vote for Fulop.

Posted on: 2013/5/5 3:40

Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION
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2004/12/14 21:47
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Election day is almost here and we are getting barraged by mailers, TV ads, and debates. But, I would like to point out the POSITIVE MESSAGES that are apparent but sometimes get lost in all the noise. Positive change is coming.

From public safety, to getting our government to function properly, to education and transportation, we will be seeing improvement. Jersey City is going to become an even better place to live.

So, we should be encouraged that after all the hubbub dies down we will have a city we can be proud of. So, hang in there.

Celebration time is almost here (but just need your help).

Posted on: 2013/5/4 15:20
I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.
W. C. Fields

Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION
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2007/12/18 2:00
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This catches in a few seconds what drew me to get involved working with Steve Fulop. He's smart, he works hard, he's usually on the right side of issues which affect our city. But more than that, Steve Fulop can look you in the eye, say who he is and what he'll do. He means it, and I've seen him prove over time that it is real.

Steve will make a great mayor, and May 14th is the day to make it happen.

Fulop 5A + Watterman 8B + Rivera 9B + Lavarro 10B

And your Ward candidates:

Ward A Frank Gajewski - 1C
Ward B Chico Ramchal - 3C
Ward C Nidia Lopez - 9C
Ward D Sean Connors - 1C
Ward E Candice Osborne - 5C
Ward F Diane Coleman - 7C

Posted on: 2013/5/1 16:22

Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION
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2004/12/14 21:47
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If you are interested in the upcoming election and have considered volunteering for Steven Fulop, now would be a good time to jump in.

As you may know, historically, getting citizens to turnout and vote in Jersey City has been, er, challenging. Voter turnout will likely be the decisive factor in this election.

So, you can make a difference. Please consider doing something to help in this effort, no matter how small. But, the top thing you can do is to speak with your neighbors and encourage them to show up (or vote by mail) for this election.

Posted on: 2013/4/27 15:01
I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.
W. C. Fields

Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION
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In the debate, sponsored by PolitickerNJ and held at St. Peters University, Fulop was prepared and showed his strong understanding of the challenges facing Jersey City. He reiterated the need to get police out from behind desks and back on the street, the need to consolidate services and save money, and the need to make sure development happens city-wide ? not just downtown.

By contrast, the Mayor had a rough night. Healy started out with a slip (by getting the name of the school wrong) and ended on a slip (saying that Moody?s had downgraded Jersey City?s bond rating. But, it was ok. Fulop corrected him. The mayor thanked him and they shook hands, as the crowd applauded).

In between the Mayor managed to say that ?according to Comcast [cable TV] crime stats are down.? He meant to say ?COMPSTAT? (the computer statistics program that tracks crime). But, he was wrong either way. Only the category of ?murder? was down for a six-month period last year. Many other categories are up (like robbery), and sadly, murder is trending up again this year. The mayor failed to mention this.

He also misstated the facts about school vouchers, saying that he doesn?t support them. Of course, Healy did in fact support the Opportunity Scholarship Act -- in writing, which is paid in the form of, you guessed it, vouchers.

While Healy lost the crowd on a number of points ? homelessness, development, and crime, Fulop appeared composed and in control, even as Healy tried to mis-characterize Fulop?s record. When Healy tried to criticize Fulop for missing a school board election vote in 2003, Steve pointed out that at the time he was serving with the Marines in Iraq. Fulop then pointed out that Healy missed voting in the most recent school board election in 2012. Healy lamely claimed that he was ?out of town.?

Fulop defended his work on the city council and described how for much of his tenure he was outvoted by the Healy team. He also pointed out that after a lengthy process, the toughest pay-to-play laws in New Jersey were passed by the council, only to be vetoed by the Mayor.

On Wednesday night, Steven Fulop demonstrated why he is the clear choice in the upcoming mayoral election (May 14).

Posted on: 2013/4/18 16:42
I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.
W. C. Fields

Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION
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2010/6/17 17:22
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Steve Fulop has my vote! I like a guy with a plan that's real and not some drunk who won't enforce zoning laws and lets homeowners with illegal apartments rip us honest tax payers off. Did you guys know that Healy 'forgot' to do the step-up tax increase at Port Liberte? So those luxury condo's weren't being taxed even at their discounted tax rate all this time. And let's not forget the penis expos? across from St. Nicolas grammar school that Mrs. Healy blamed on her husband's sugar. I don't know about you but I'm embarrassed by Healy. I am all for Fulop. He impressed the heck outa me during out the debate. I think he'll do what he says he's going to do.

Posted on: 2013/4/13 23:00

Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION
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Nice endorsement ... y_election_2013_team.html

Jersey City mayoral candidate City Councilman Steve Fulop won the endorsement of the Teamsters Local 469 today, his campaign announced.

The local, which represents more than 3,500 members statewide, cited Fulop?s support for ?working families? in a statement from the Downtown councilman?s campaign.

?Steven Fulop has been a tireless advocate for the working families in Jersey City,? said Fredrick Potter, president of Local 469 and director of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Port Division. ?Steven is the kind of Democrat our labor union is proud to support.?

Fulop said he was gratified by the nod from the Teamsters.

?The Teamsters are the heart and soul of the Democratic party,? he said. ?As councilman I have stood up for the working families of Jersey City and as mayor, I will continue to be an advocate for issues that are important to the hard working men and women of our city.?

Fulop is challenging incumbent Mayor Jerramiah Healy for the mayoralty on May 14.

Posted on: 2013/4/7 0:58
I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.
W. C. Fields

Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION
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2012/3/13 0:42
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I lived downtown for 7 years, I am now in ward A . I have had many issues here in ward A and have reached out to my council person here but if it was not happening in Country Village he just does not care. I only seen him once since I lived here.

I have reached out to Steve to help and he has always come through. I was going to vote for Healy, because he has made some things here better since I arrived, but after super storm Sandy I decided that he did not deserve my vote.

We were in the dark up here for 9 days without a visit from our councilman or Healy. I got all my info about gas, water, ice, cell phone charging, and when my power will return from Fulop.

I don't pay as much taxes as some of you who live downtown but I think I pay enough for the neighborhood I live in. The average taxes here are 5k which are not much, but we get absolutely nothing for it. Stick a fork in Healy, he is done.

Posted on: 2013/4/4 12:50

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Just adding one more voice vouching for Fulop actively addressing issues. I live in Dixon Mills which isn't even in his ward anymore. On a couple occassions our management has reached out to him to address issues. Last one I recall involved the commercial grade fireworks that were being set off somewhere around Montgomery St. and caused a small fire. This happened three times and our management office reached out to Councilman Fulop who immediately took it up with Captain Connors of the JCPD and which spurred an investigation. That was the end of that problem. Our management office was CCd on the emails and kept in the loop.

It's rare to receive this level of attention from any elected official, let alone one who's ward you don't even fall under. Here's hoping JC puts someone with integrity in office in May. It's certainly been encouraging to see all of the fulop signs on stoops downtown.

Posted on: 2013/4/1 19:20

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Over the years, I have written to Steve multiple times about life downtown, and every time he has responded quickly and followed through. He has copied me on emails written to the engineering department following up on traffic lights and potholes. Once he called me up directly to apologize for not responding to a letter sooner, and talked to me one on one about my concerns.

Occasionally I disagree with him on things (like the food trucks), but nearly every time a vote comes up in the council, he?s on the right side of things. Whether it?s stamping cars used by the city to prevent personal use, fighting the JC Parking Authority, or preventing corruption, his heart is always in the right place.

Definitely hoping for a Fulop win so we can put an end to the embarrassment that Healy causes us.

Posted on: 2013/4/1 16:03

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2010/7/7 17:29
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I feel the Fulop momentum building but I'm still not confident. I am a Facebook friend of Steve and have sent him a couple of e-mails and have gotten responses from him and/or his team to every single question that I've asked. I sincerely hope that Healy is defeated. I totally agree that the race will be won or lost downtown.

Voters remember - Leona Beldini is in jail because Healy was a coward. Healy delayed the property re-val because it was occurring in an election year. Healy struck down the motion to have emblems put on the vehicles of all council members so that his friends wouldn't have to account for their vehicle usage. Healy did nothing of substance either before or after Hurricane Sandy for those affected. Any corporate growth in Jersey City that has happened during his tenure has occurred despite him, not because of him.

Others, feel free to add items that I have omitted.

My personal note - I have seen the Mayor out several times and every - EVERY single time that I've seen him, he was severely drunk.

Please, please - vote Fulop.

Posted on: 2013/3/31 1:25

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I also like Fulop because he (and his team) responds to my questions. I'm sure people have experienced the same thing from his team. I hope he and his administration would continue to be responsive if he wins.

Posted on: 2013/3/29 13:42

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Everyone I know is voting for Fulop and so am I.

I'm tired of the crime, the drug dealers (especially on Rutgers Avenue where I live) the streets where I have to dodge pot holes everywhere everyday! I have to make sure that I remind my kids to fasten the seat belts and tell remind them that it's gonna be a bumpy ride! I'm tired of the garbage everywhere!

I was dropping off the hubby to work when I spotted Fulop yesterday morning at the Danforth light rail station. He sure was a sight for sore eyes. I just waved at him from the inside of my car and he walked right up to my car and shook my hand immediately.

Now, who does that?

Posted on: 2013/3/29 1:04
I am a rock, I am an Island... and a rock feels no pain and an island never cries...Simon & Garfunkle

Re: Steven Fulop for Mayor - MAY 14, 2013 JERSEY CITY ELECTION
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2008/1/3 19:12
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2020/9/30 18:46
From Van Vorst Park
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Posts: 2391
His stance on the PATH should be enough reason to vote for Fulop. He wants to bypass the Hoboken stopover on the weekends, and wants more frequent service late nights/weekends.

Posted on: 2013/3/28 14:26

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