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Re: Steve Fulop for Governor
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Yvonne, you must know that you and the Reverend are the biggest Debbie Downers that Jersey City has. There's no pleasing you, I'm sure. Who would you rather see as Mayor of Jersey City?

Posted on: 2014/11/18 0:54

Re: REV. ALEXANDER M. SANTORA-Fulop needs to drop this gubernatorial quest
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Yvonne wrote:
The Reverend Santora's father was a prizefighter, so it is in his blood to go after things. Santora's Park, on Grand St, near P.S #4 is name after the fighter.

That's no excuse.

Posted on: 2014/11/17 23:28

Re: REV. ALEXANDER M. SANTORA-Fulop needs to drop this gubernatorial quest
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It sounds to me like the Reverend is obsessed with Mayor Fulop.

Posted on: 2014/11/17 23:25

Re: REV. ALEXANDER M. SANTORA-Fulop needs to drop this gubernatorial quest
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I think the Reverend should learn some manners.

Posted on: 2014/11/17 21:17

Re: Jersey City condo owners to receive $15.71 million in settlement of lawsuit: report
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I'm going to back to school to become a lawyer.

Posted on: 2014/11/17 20:28

Re: Any Real insight on PS 16?
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Is that the one that looks like a jail on the outside and is stunning on the inside?

Posted on: 2014/11/17 20:25

Re: Paulus Hook Brick Oven Pizza is Closing
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I have to ask...what so special about the oven?

Posted on: 2014/11/17 20:23

Re: Tenant needs electric base board for extra warmer
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Why does Jersey City continue to publish announcements that are so poorly written?

Posted on: 2014/11/14 13:45

Re: “Emerald Evening” Will Honor Jersey City Mayor Steven M. Fulop
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Kudos to Integrity House for what they do. I know Mayor Fulop hired ex-governor McGreevey to run a program for ex-cons but I had no idea he's done anything to help women recover from substance abuse. This is good.

Posted on: 2014/11/14 13:42

Re: Jersey City Recreation Director Ryan Strother
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Strother used shitty language? Shame on him. Better let Yvonne have her way with him.

Posted on: 2014/11/13 2:01

Political Insider: Recall conspiracy in the Jersey City Heights
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Agustin C. Torres for the Jersey Journal

Several sources tell me that there?s a recall plot being hatched against Jersey City Heights Councilman Michael Yun.

The conspirators are remnants of the administration of former Mayor Jerramiah Healy. The ex-mayor himself was at a meeting. It seems the gang makes too much noise at Tommy?s Restaurant on Central Avenue when weaving their web.

Besides Healy, the accomplices include former Heights Councilman and Hudson County Executive Chief of Staff Bill Gaughan, unsuccessful Heights City Council candidate and former Assemblyman Sean Connors, Police Lt. and attorney Jimmy Carroll and others. I choose not to name all of them for my own nefarious reasons.

One I will add to the list is the person several sources say plans to run against Yun, city Democratic Party Chairman Shawn E. ?Sully? Thomas-Sullivan. And here I thought things would get dull after the Tuesday election.

As for the official reason for any recall, the betting here is that the group probably obtained investigative evidence that Yun is not a city resident and that he lives in an $860,000 Montville home and not in an apartment over his Garden State store on Jersey City's Central Avenue, as the businessman/councilman claims.

Why the need to take this action? There may be some interesting possibilities. One is to try and cut Yun?s political career short because they want to dissuade him from even thinking about running for mayor.

Now comes the follow up question, why? The answer could be that that there seems to be some delusion by some that Healy could return to power, withYun out of the way. They could think there has been enough criticism heaped on Fulop for his governing style that the populace would welcome him back as their mayor. Besides, they expect the real mayor to leave for shot at the governor?s office.

Yet, I cannot imagine that the ex-mayor, who has been enjoying his time out of office, would want to return to the pressure cooker.

It could be as simple as ego for some and more pay checks by running a campaign and returning to City Hall for most.

There?s a great number of influential Heights people in this group but despite any assurances by campaign ?experts? attending the secret sessions, there?s always the possibility of the plan backfiring. Yun is well-financed and can easily be a sympathetic figure. He can probably count on some help from the likes of the other council ?independent,? Journal Square?s Rich Boggiano. Whether the coup attempt stimulates sometimes dormant Asian and Middle East communities on behalf of Yun is speculative.

The opposition may overestimate their influence, and, should Yun beat back a possible recall attempt, it will certainly solidify him as a strong candidate for mayor.

Now that there is some light on the subject, let?s see if this goes anywhere.

Posted on: 2014/11/12 3:23

Re: $500 reward to identify thief in Van Vorst Park
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
If it's a public park and thus the flowers are public property, what can really be done to stop this ... it sounds like a curly one to me, even if its sort of anti-social behavior?

Oh come on, there's no law that prevents people from stealing these flowers? Does this mean I can steal the park benches that I like so much and take them home?

Posted on: 2014/11/12 3:05

Re: High-rise development at Metro Plaza (Shoprite, BJs, Pepboys)
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Bubble_Tea wrote:

Voyeur wrote:

fat-ass-bike wrote:
Just another building that puts a strangle hold on property prices / values - Those that have bought in the past 10 years will never gain any rise in property prices as new apartments are being sold for the same amount; but maintaining a profitable margin to build them!

It seems that all of the new high rise construction both downtown and in JSQ is "luxury rental". As discussed elsewhere on this board, developers are choosing (or are restricted through financing terms) to construct rentals rather than condos. We see this from the Maddox and York at Warren to URL and the Majestic II across from City Hall.

If that is and continues to be the case, we might expect the glut of supply to stabilize rental prices downtown, but I would expect the impact on condo prices to be negligible since the supply of units to purchase is remaining static.

In fact, if more renters move here and decide they want to buy, the influx of newcomers might even drive condo prices up as demand increases but available inventory remains unchanged. I might be wrong on that point, but in any event, I can't see the flood of new rental inventory being a depreciative factor on real estate prices in DTJC.

I think that's a great analysis. Another point is that more development projects, restaurants, grocery stores, etc. bring attention to the city and could make it a more desirable place to live. The resulting increases in demand may compensate for or even rise faster than the increase in supply.

I don't know many of the places you all are writing about but I do know that Jersey City really needs more restaurants. There are so few good ones!

Posted on: 2014/11/12 1:27

Re: Journal Square Development and the JCRA
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soulman wrote:
Years ago, you could cross the boulevard underground and come up behind the Loews, I bet the network is still there and can be reactivated for less money than building a bridge. The area used to be populated with food and retail stores. Even Liss, (now Rite Aid), and JM Fields (now CH Martin) had an entrance from that lower level. Whenever it rained or snowed is was a sheltered way of crossing, without waiting for the light to change.

That's awesome. I wish they'd open it. Already built is the most practical way to go.
The demographic info on Jersey City's website says 61.9% of Jersey City households have cars. I think that's because you can't really live without one. We need more shopping and better transportation around the City in order to give up cars.

Posted on: 2014/11/11 19:37

Re: Steve Fulop for Governor
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Bubble_Tea wrote:

JCCheerleader wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
Fulop is in the mold of another reformer, Schundler, although not an elected official when he became mayor, he often attacked abatements then gave the city away as mayor. Fulop like Schundler used the office to run for governor. Both used education as a theme while mayor.
Schundler privatized water and the rates increased, Fulop is taking the excess profits and transferring it to the budget instead of returning it to rate payers.
Both wanted a garbage transfer station in Greenville, although Schundler's contract was for more money per ton than Fulop's proposed contract.

If you think that's bad, take a look at the Redevelopment Agency. They're giving choice properties away to developers without them having to use public auctions. Schundler gave LeFrak a lot of property in the Newport area that should have been used for a greater use, like a park.

How are they "giving" these properties away? Does the City own them? Or is the city imply giving rights to build on them?

The City owned them and gave them to the JCRA who is NOT putting them out to the highest bidder.

Posted on: 2014/11/11 16:14

Re: High-rise development at Metro Plaza (Shoprite, BJs, Pepboys)
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JCMan8 wrote:
I think that complex is in desperate need of an update. I'm sure the retail will be better after this project is complete.

HOWEVER, the PATH is already ridiculously overcrowded at most hours of the day. As it stands, an extra 30,000 or people will be using it after the existing new construction is completed. It's doubtful there is enough capacity to handle those developments.

Now they want to add countless additional people into the area? I don't think this should be allowed unless the developers have a concrete plan as to how they will preserve the city's already strained infrastructure and some kind of arrangement is worked out to ease the PATH crowding.

Ease Path crowding? Hahaha, how?? It's got no more room to expand.

Posted on: 2014/11/11 16:11

Re: Journal Square Development and the JCRA
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Yvonne wrote:
I asked awhile back about the traffic lights and I was told the city wants to stagger the lights to slow down the traffic. Here is the problem, the development in JC is done in redevelopment zones. Redevelopment zones are outside the norms of regular development including traffic studies. The city ignores the problem of traffic including the lack of parking, I am sure part of the problem is people circling the block looking for parking spaces. The problem will only get worse because more redevelopment zones are being created and some redevelopment zones has been given new life when they expire. The original Colgate Redevelopment zone expired a while back and the city council gave it 20 more years.

OMG, more 'it's not my job' mentality from City workers. I can't stand that.
Why shouldn't the Redevelopment Agency do traffic studies? It should be a top priority considering the havok they're reeking by not doing them. Uncoordinated lights don't slow traffic, they just create traffic. Speed limits slow traffic.
The powers that be should be more realistic about the amount of cars coming in an out of Journal Square. They can't ignore that people will always drive their cars. Maybe we need an initiative like NYC has to encourage the use of public transportation: if you take public transportation, you don't have to pay income taxes on the amount you spend on public transportation.

Posted on: 2014/11/11 14:11

Re: Seeking help on a reputable site to check Tenant Credits
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brewster wrote:

JCCheerleader wrote:
It's against the law to run anyone's credit based upon their S.S.#. You have to have written permission from the person who's credit you're running.

Yes. We know. We're professionals. That permission is called a "rental application" where we asks explicitly for permission to run the credit report.

It didn't sound like the original poster knew that. Maybe I'm wrong, but it reads to me like he/she said they were going to run the credit based on a SS# provided, not that they had permission to run it.

Posted on: 2014/11/11 0:19

Re: 'Breaking Bad' at Hudson County Community College
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This is kinda cool! I'm just wondering what it has to do with culinary arts.

Posted on: 2014/11/11 0:16

Re: Steve Fulop for Governor
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Yvonne wrote:
Fulop is in the mold of another reformer, Schundler, although not an elected official when he became mayor, he often attacked abatements then gave the city away as mayor. Fulop like Schundler used the office to run for governor. Both used education as a theme while mayor.
Schundler privatized water and the rates increased, Fulop is taking the excess profits and transferring it to the budget instead of returning it to rate payers.
Both wanted a garbage transfer station in Greenville, although Schundler's contract was for more money per ton than Fulop's proposed contract.

If you think that's bad, take a look at the Redevelopment Agency. They're giving choice properties away to developers without them having to use public auctions. Schundler gave LeFrak a lot of property in the Newport area that should have been used for a greater use, like a park.

Posted on: 2014/11/11 0:13

Re: Steve Fulop for Governor
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JCMan8 wrote:

JCCheerleader wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
Then Fulop should say something, instead he is allowing others on this forum to speak for him.

I doubt if Fulop knows about it. It's not like JCList has a massive following and is the go-to place for current events. The analyticals show on average only 18 unique visitors to this site. Yvonne, you probably have a bigger following.

Where are you getting these "analyticals" from? I think you are full of it.

Also, it is well known that both Fulop and Candice Osbourne have posted on this board before, under their own names.

Ask me if I care if you think I'm full of it. The answer, in case you're not smart enough to figure out, is 'No'.

Analytics are available on the internet. Just Google, 'JCLIST Analytics'. If you need help with anything else that's obvious, let me know.

Posted on: 2014/11/11 0:09

Re: Seeking help on a reputable site to check Tenant Credits
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It's against the law to run anyone's credit based upon their S.S.#. You have to have written permission from the person who's credit you're running. I heard about the locked cabinet where you keep the reports but I didn't know about the shredder and an on-site visit. I thought they only did that if there is a complaint filed against you.

Posted on: 2014/11/9 21:17

Re: New $5.8M water pipeline operational, part of Jersey City's push for green technology
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This is green technology? No offense meant to those trying to package this as green technology, this is just common sense and nothing new. The Romans built the aqueducts which were all gravity fed centuries ago. I have to wonder why the MUA hasn't done this before.

Posted on: 2014/11/9 21:12

Re: Journal Square Development and the JCRA
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The traffic lights throughout the City aren't coordinated with each other. Cars are not moved along like they are in other cities. You get a green light only to moved forward to a group of cars stopped at the next stoplight. It causes frustration(and a lot of annoying beeping) and it causes danger for the pedestrians. A lot of times you get the signal to move and there's cars stuck in intersections and crosswalks because the cars simply aren't moving like they're supposed to.

Posted on: 2014/11/9 21:02

Re: Steve Fulop for Governor
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Yvonne wrote:
Then Fulop should say something, instead he is allowing others on this forum to speak for him.

I doubt if Fulop knows about it. It's not like JCList has a massive following and is the go-to place for current events. The analyticals show on average only 18 unique visitors to this site. Yvonne, you probably have a bigger following.

Posted on: 2014/11/9 20:57

Re: Steve Fulop for Governor
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@mwa7368 I do get the point. I'll repeat, I don't think it's such a bad idea that Fulop run for Governor. It'd be nice to say we spawned someone better than a crook from Jersey City. And I'm still hoping that he can get our water bills lowered. They're ridiculous.

Posted on: 2014/11/9 20:54

Re: Journal Square Development and the JCRA
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I'm not sure that anyone official from Jersey City is very familiar with what it's like here in Journal Square. What's supposed to be a mass transit orientated neighborhood-which has to be pedestrian friendly in order to work-is actually pretty crazy for pedestrians. I've always wondered if the people who make the decisions that effect us the rest of our lives even live in the City, let alone the neighborhoods they control.

Posted on: 2014/11/7 20:39

Re: Journal Square Development and the JCRA
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The plan for JS is ten years old. A lot has changed around the Path station since 9/11. There's no kiss and ride on Summit Ave anymore and stupidly they still allow cars to pull in on Summit Ave.

Posted on: 2014/11/7 13:30

Re: Steve Fulop for Governor
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I think it should be left up. I'd actually hate to see Fulop go. He's doing some good things with the budget. I have a pipe dream that he'll get our water bills lowered. What a scam the water company is.

10 gallons of water: $30
Sewer charges: $52
Miscellaneous free for all charges made up by the water company: priceless

Posted on: 2014/11/7 13:27

Re: Journal Square Development and the JCRA
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That would be such a game changer for the entire city.

Posted on: 2014/11/6 23:10

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