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Re: Chalk circles all around town
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2007/2/3 21:36
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Greenlantern5001 wrote:
The artist does not use a string and sometimes they close their eyes.

oh well now that's different. deface away, bold circle-maker!

Posted on: 2013/4/26 17:55

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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2005/12/7 2:49
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Perhaps it's practice for the Free-Hand World Championships?

Posted on: 2013/4/26 1:37

Re: Chalk circles all around town

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2013/1/14 17:32
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2013/4/26 1:20
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The artist does not use a string and sometimes they close their eyes.

Posted on: 2013/4/26 1:20

Re: Chalk circles all around town

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2013/4/12 2:27
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2013/4/13 12:01
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The circle guy is an artist!!!! Wow. I get it now. He's a modern day Giotto. Yo, Giotto!! The Pope is in ITALY, not here. BTW, I hear triangles are fun too, but I guess that string you are using doesn't make triangles. Doesn't make you a Giotto either. "DUH not 2manie gies can maik cucals lik me."

Posted on: 2013/4/12 2:50

Re: Chalk circles all around town

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2013/4/12 1:37
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2013/4/12 1:58
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I am plagued with these circles. I found it funny the first hundred times. In fact I often wondered what type of person has such an affinity for drawing random circles. But frankly it's annoying.

Considering I am paying nearly $15k a year in taxes, it bothers me that the city will use a completely different shade of color to cover spray paint on our walls but can't break out a sponge and bucket of water to take care of the circles.

Once or twice a week I have to change out of my suit and hit the walls with soapy water to avoid embarrassment when my clients arrive.

If the artist reads this, please chime in! Just explain to us why you do this, what you feel the point is. Is this really art or maybe a joke? Just plain vandalism like most say? If you must continue, why not use the street or sidewalk instead?

We just got a camera in but it is not recording yet. Hopefully by the end of the week I am able to get a freeze frame of this guys face and at least post it up on here and pass it out to the other people dealing with this idiot.

On the bright-side, his weapon of choice is not permanent.


JCbiscuit wrote:

CatDog wrote:
I quite like those bottle sculptures. And yeah at least the chalk is chalk.

except it's just as hard to get off of a painted wall as paint is. I've got one of those circles on my building. I don't feel like a patron of the arts. I feel like somebody whose home has been defaced.

This is not true.. it comes off with water and a sponge. Try doing that with spray paint. Or did I misunderstand you possibly? I don't see how you think chalk cloud be nearly as permanent (or permanent in any way) as paint of any kind unless it;s water colors :)

Posted on: 2013/4/12 1:52

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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2012/10/8 13:16
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Greenlantern5001 wrote:
The circle person, the plug person, and Alot are three different artists.

Well that's not true. I can't say anything about Alot, but I think we've established he's responsible for the chalk circles and I've seen him paste the electrical sockets with my own eyes and furthermore, I documented it. From what I understand, he had a partner in crime who has since left town so I guess he can only shoulder half the blame for the stunning masterpiece below.
Please remember though, it's not easy for an artist to flirt with simple styles. it takes a little effort on the part of the viewer to see past its simplicity. One day this may fetch a kingly sum.

Resized Image


fip wrote:
...all the street art takes my eyes off of the endless trash that people are happy to drop around them as they walk down the sidewalk.

Yeah, because Norm was super diligent with his trash when creating the above.
Resized Image

Posted on: 2013/1/15 10:10

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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2011/8/27 18:09
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fip wrote:
nice guess, cousin. not a renter. and paid a tad more for my digs. if nothing else, all the street art takes my eyes off of the endless trash that people are happy to drop around them as they walk down the sidewalk.

Ok then, I'll be right by with my chalk and circle maker; or do you prefer my special: the circle with the shit in the middle? That's MY art? hahaha j/k I do respect your feelings and opinions. However, when it come to subjective matters, such as neighborhood art, we should all respect one another's feelings enough to NOT force someone to be exposed to something they find obtrusive or offensive or unhealthy. For example, the cigarette ban in public places: while you may not mind it, it would be unfair for me to be subjected to it because you don't mind it. It's unhealthy and annoying to me and that should be enough for a ban in enclosed public places. Agreed?

Posted on: 2013/1/14 23:13

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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2011/11/3 23:07
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2018/12/15 20:50
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fip, what's your address so I can let Norm know where he can draw his fuckin@ circles without complaint. I'll also give every other "artist"I know your address as well so they can tag the shi@ out of your place.

Posted on: 2013/1/14 23:07

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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2007/2/3 21:36
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cousin wrote:
Anyone here who says they don't mind this "art" is most likely a renter and didn't pay 400K for their home and another 11K a year in taxes to live here.

I'm a renter. I mind.

Posted on: 2013/1/14 22:33

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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2010/5/8 23:51
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nice guess, cousin. not a renter. and paid a tad more for my digs. if nothing else, all the street art takes my eyes off of the endless trash that people are happy to drop around them as they walk down the sidewalk.

Posted on: 2013/1/14 22:06

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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2011/8/27 18:09
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Anyone here who says they don't mind this "art" is most likely a renter and didn't pay 400K for their home and another 11K a year in taxes to live here.

Posted on: 2013/1/14 21:21

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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2007/2/3 21:36
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Greenlantern5001 wrote:
I do not think the use of chalk is intended to damage your property.

the Picasso who signs "Emilio Estevez" all over town also uses sidewalk chalk, which is not easily removed from painted surfaces. this is why Home Depot sells paint that is specifically formulated to turn your wall into a chalk board. this is also why my entire building had to be repainted after Emilio left his mark.

but that's okay, because art.

Posted on: 2013/1/14 20:59

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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2010/5/8 23:51
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ha... it cracks me up to see Norm being defined as a public menace. chalk art on public walls has been around for as long as I can recall. since the 70's I can say with certainty.

back then, I went to school out at Pratt and would see chalk drawings of a certain style all over the place. walls, doors, subway ceilings. I really took a liking to it. a few years later Keith Haring moved his operation onto canvas, each of which now would sell for a kingly sum. I was just thinking how I miss walking through town and discovering another little Haring drawing hiding in the shadows. Norm's linework has been getting stronger and stronger. Its not easy for an artist to flirt with simple styles. it takes a little effort on the part of the viewer to see past its simplicity. gotta respect him for digging in his heels. haven't seen the chalk circles but I'll keep an eye out. nice to live in a city with an active art community.

Posted on: 2013/1/14 19:38

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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2012/7/17 2:12
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stupidseven wrote:
Going to go get me some chalk!


Posted on: 2013/1/14 19:16

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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Going to go get me some chalk!

Posted on: 2013/1/14 19:06

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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2007/10/1 1:03
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Greenlantern5001 wrote:
The circle person, the plug person, and Alot are three different artists. The drawings inside the chalk circles aren't necessarily the same persons. I do not think the use of chalk is intended to damage your property.

I don't think whoever puts the chalk circles up intends to damage the property either... but regardless, if it's private property, and no permission was asked about putting up the chalk drawings, he or she has no right to do it. That is called vandalism, right along with run-of-the-mill graffiti. If he or she is doing it on public property, they need a permit to do so. Otherwise, that makes it vandalism also.

If the aforementioned artist actually reads this board, it would be nice if they commented, either to clear their name, or come up with some sort of explanation for the vandalism (which I'd love to hear). In any case, you have no right to do what you are doing, and all the gang graffiti all around town that we already see does not justify your "art" either.

Posted on: 2013/1/14 18:14

Re: Chalk circles all around town

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2013/1/14 17:32
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2013/4/26 1:20
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The circle person, the plug person, and Alot are three different artists. The drawings inside the chalk circles aren't necessarily the same persons. I do not think the use of chalk is intended to damage your property.

Posted on: 2013/1/14 17:49

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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2006/11/27 12:04
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Dog poop and chicken bones with a circle around it. Chills. You're a genius.


cousin wrote:
I love the defenders of these "artists". Since when does art involve defacing people's hard earned investments like their homes. Would I be an "artist" if I shit and pee on your front steps and made a "circle" around it? How about this: if you want to be an "artist" do so with talent, not controversy, and do it without breaking the law, offending anyone, or trespassing or defacing one's property. If I want fucking circles on my house I'm perfectly capable of putting them there myself. You want to impress me and get some positive attention, paint a perfect replica of the Mona Lisa on my house you MORON. Until you do you, you're just another thug seeking attention.

Posted on: 2013/1/14 3:35

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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2006/5/10 16:36
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Would I be an "artist" if I shit and pee on your front steps

No, in that case you'd be an irresponsible dog owner!


Posted on: 2013/1/14 2:48

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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2011/8/27 18:09
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I love the defenders of these "artists". Since when does art involve defacing people's hard earned investments like their homes. Would I be an "artist" if I shit and pee on your front steps and made a "circle" around it? How about this: if you want to be an "artist" do so with talent, not controversy, and do it without breaking the law, offending anyone, or trespassing or defacing one's property. If I want fucking circles on my house I'm perfectly capable of putting them there myself. You want to impress me and get some positive attention, paint a perfect replica of the Mona Lisa on my house you MORON. Until you do you, you're just another thug seeking attention.

Posted on: 2013/1/14 1:06

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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2007/10/11 3:28
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Maybe more non-artists should start scribbling their idea of art on these local artist's property. Do you think they would like it? What if people assume that it's the artist's own work? Me thinks that people like Norm or whomever would not be too pleased.

Posted on: 2013/1/13 2:22

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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2011/11/3 23:07
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If anyone wants Norm's phone number and or email address so you can let him know how you feel about him messing up your property with his circles and or wheatpaste electrical outlets please message me.

Posted on: 2013/1/12 20:58

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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kellyh wrote:
Chalk circle guy also paints the word "Alot" around town. He's an absolute menace. Why can't people respect other's property? And jeez, pick one thing and stick with it.

hahaha. You called Norm (if it's even him) not just a "menace" but "an absolute menace".
Amazing! That sounds like something that would have come out of Rush Limbaugh or Glen Beck's mouth, possibly have been said on FOX and friends.

Posted on: 2013/1/12 18:22

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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2005/7/13 15:03
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I'm not a big fan of the colorful paintings on the electrical boxes throughout Central Ave. Who decided to commision the artists to depict a graffitti like mural on each of these high voltage boxes ?

Posted on: 2013/1/12 11:31
Get on your bikes and ride !

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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2011/1/13 3:05
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ripple wrote:

What makes the neighborhood look like crap, moreso than just about anywhere else downtown, is the amount of garbage on the sidewalk and streets, especially between Newark and 4th. It's astonishing that the business owners on that strip let it remain that way. If I ran Abby's or Frank's Pizza or any of the other nearby places I'd send one of my lower level employees outside to the sidewalk with a trash bag every shift.

My bad, that's my recycled art show commissioned by Abby's and Frank's. The opening is next weekend. Feel anymore legit now?
I'm all for art, but don't deface property whether it is private or public.

Posted on: 2013/1/12 5:26

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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2007/2/3 21:36
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CatDog wrote:
I quite like those bottle sculptures. And yeah at least the chalk is chalk.

except it's just as hard to get off of a painted wall as paint is. I've got one of those circles on my building. I don't feel like a patron of the arts. I feel like somebody whose home has been defaced.

Posted on: 2013/1/11 23:49

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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2010/7/17 13:37
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ripple wrote:
I love that stuff - adds some character to the neighborhood.

What makes the neighborhood look like crap, moreso than just about anywhere else downtown, is the amount of garbage on the sidewalk and streets, especially between Newark and 4th. It's astonishing that the business owners on that strip let it remain that way. If I ran Abby's or Frank's Pizza or any of the other nearby places I'd send one of my lower level employees outside to the sidewalk with a trash bag every shift.


PathH8Tr wrote:
On that note - what about the terrible plastic bottle "art" all along Coles between 3rd to 5th Street? If I lived on that block with all the bottles with plastic straps on my street signs, and I owned? I'd worry about my property value. It looks like sh*t.

I wonder if we'd all have a different perspective if it was our block. I can appreciate graffiti art when it's not on my garage door too.

Posted on: 2013/1/11 23:23

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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2012/10/3 0:07
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Chalk circle guy also paints the word "Alot" around town. He's an absolute menace. Why can't people respect other's property? And jeez, pick one thing and stick with it.

Posted on: 2013/1/11 22:32

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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2007/1/28 22:55
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I love that stuff - adds some character to the neighborhood.

What makes the neighborhood look like crap, moreso than just about anywhere else downtown, is the amount of garbage on the sidewalk and streets, especially between Newark and 4th. It's astonishing that the business owners on that strip let it remain that way. If I ran Abby's or Frank's Pizza or any of the other nearby places I'd send one of my lower level employees outside to the sidewalk with a trash bag every shift.


PathH8Tr wrote:
On that note - what about the terrible plastic bottle "art" all along Coles between 3rd to 5th Street? If I lived on that block with all the bottles with plastic straps on my street signs, and I owned? I'd worry about my property value. It looks like sh*t.

Posted on: 2013/1/11 22:12

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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2012/10/8 13:16
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MonmouthMan wrote:
The name of the moron who makes the stupid chalk circles, triangles and other chalk drawing shi* name is Norm Kirby. He currently has an art show up at LITM. Worst freaking excuse for an art show I have ever seen.

Yeah, he's also responsible for those crappy wheat pasted electrical outlets. I saw him get caught by the cops once, unfortunately they let him go.

Posted on: 2013/1/11 22:11

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