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Re: Speakeasy Lounge at Grove plaza
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Not too shy to talk

This place is great, you should really make the effort to go there and see for yourselves. Jeff is a great guy and a close family friend.
I hope the Groove on Grove Plaza events does not drive his business away,, we need him here.

Posted on: 2013/6/25 0:06

Re: Maxwells in Hoboken Closing end of July
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Not too shy to talk

You're deluded if you think Maxwell's will be opening on Newark Ave.
If it opens anywhere in JC, which it almost certainly won't, it'll be down by Exchange Place.

Posted on: 2013/6/7 19:07

Re: Michelango Hustling Jersey City
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Not too shy to talk

He said he would paypal me the money back. He has my paypal address, now I'm worried he will hack me somehow.

Posted on: 2013/5/29 19:57

Re: Michelango Hustling Jersey City
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Not too shy to talk

I gave that guy $20!

Posted on: 2013/5/29 3:01

Re: The Dopeness
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Not too shy to talk

Is the name a drug reference? Could attract a bad crowd.

Posted on: 2013/5/21 23:20

Re: Cultural events causing congestion at Grove Path Station.
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Not too shy to talk


blanquiita wrote:
5/1/2013-- Never Forget

I read this at least ten minutes ago and I am still laughing. My heartfelt thanks to you for injecting some much needed brevity into a thread that had taken an ugly turn.
I shall not squander this good fortune by responding to the racists, trolls and naysayers among you. I do feel a little discombobulated that some of you chose to attack me for merely suggesting that completely blocking the egress between the PATH station and Newark Ave might not be for the best, however, Blanquita's stunning bon mot has reminded me of the unique power humor holds to bring low even the grandest and most arrogant of men.
It is with this thought in mind that I will now refrain from discussing this issue any further until I have attended a Groove on Grove session, checked out the bands and witnessed the proceedings for myself.

I will have that ice cream.
I will have that beer.
I will reassess my thoughts and report back here.

Posted on: 2013/5/5 1:09

Re: Cultural events causing congestion at Grove Path Station.
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Not too shy to talk

I'll ignore all the ad hominem attacks, especially the one comparing me to Hitler which I found particularly offensive (I'm Jewish) and concentrate on the matter in hand.
This situation cannot be glibly blown off with references to bike racks and noise complaints from Grove Pointe. The enjoyment of 300 people does not justify them directly blocking the path of thousands of commuters; it is selfish, anti-social and quite frankly dangerous. 300 people are not a vast majority of those using Grove Plaza during rush hour.

I reiterate, for those in this thread with seemingly poor reading comprehension, I AM NOT AGAINST THESE EVENTS.
I am against the inconsiderate restrictions they cause pedestrians and commuters coming to and from the PATH station.

I intend to take this matter further. Does anyone who at City Hall I should contact regarding this? I'm assuming Cultural Affairs.

Posted on: 2013/5/3 3:03

Re: Cultural events causing congestion at Grove Path Station.
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Not too shy to talk

Oh sure, I'll refrain from using the nearest path entrance and be late for appointments because of a spray painted fridge or because Nintendo Power Glove are playing.

Posted on: 2013/5/2 18:18

Cultural events causing congestion at Grove Path Station.
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Not too shy to talk

Wednesday night there was a band playing at Grove St. The stage was smack in the center of the plaza and the crowd in front were completely blocking access to the or from the PATH station. I was forced to walk along the building where Duane Reade is but another truck and a group of Spanish gentlemen, possibly inebriated, were congregated backstage, once again blocking my ambulation. Seemingly oblivious to my presence, I had to ask them to make way three times.
All this at the rush hour peak.
I have also noticed this on Fridays with that market or whatever it is, the stalls are set up so you are forced to walk through a narrow section, presumably in the hope that they will make a sale.
I'm all for improving the cultural life of this city but we have to remember that most people who live here and pay taxes do so because of the close proximity of Manhattan. Free and easy access to the city should not be sacrificed for some small time art events.
I think the front of city hall would make a much better place for this type of thing.

Posted on: 2013/5/2 17:58

Re: Whole Foods in JC?
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Not too shy to talk

Yessssss, this is just what this town needs.
A great addition to the neighborhood.

Posted on: 2013/4/12 13:58

Re: Landlord help...toilet troubles
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Not too shy to talk

I just use newspaper mostly or napkins from restaurants.
1. It is economical, virtually free considering how many free newspapers there are. I cut it up into squares and keep it in a tupperware box by the old throne.
2. It is better for the environment.
3. As long as you crumple it a bit, I find it no less effective than the most expensive papers on the market.
4. I have never had an issue with drain blockage. Newspaper turns to sludge when wet, commercial paper has tensile strength.

Posted on: 2013/4/12 3:25

Re: Jersey City parking agency signs off on 12 percent pay hike for executive director
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Not too shy to talk

I dunno, it sounds a lot but it only works out to $2,300 a week.
I certainly wouldn't be happy with that wage.

Posted on: 2013/4/7 19:50

Re: Europa Polish Deli
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Not too shy to talk

I think there are two units to the left of the shoe repair place, Jack's Toys, Fish With Braids, a unit one up from FWB and now Europa, I guess another one.
That block is dooooomed.
We can harp on all we want about wanting a Trader Joes or putting retail spaces on the outside of the mall, but this city cannot sustain businesses like this. We're an odd little commuter town, a stones throw from one of the world's shopping meccas and a short drive to numerous big box stores, mega malls and retail parks.
As somebody who owns property here I'd dearly love that things were different, but as an investor it is better to face reality and plan accordingly.
I wish Choc-O-Pain the best but that store is in its fourth incarnation in 5 or 6 years.
No business of note will ever move into that block and I predict that most of those store fronts will become residential within five years.

Posted on: 2013/4/5 15:47

Re: Europa Polish Deli
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Not too shy to talk

Eviction notice on Europa Deli.
That will make 7 empty storefronts on that block versus 5 occupied. Welcome to the retail ghetto Choc-O-Pain.

Posted on: 2013/4/4 20:16

Re: Powder blue Toyota- man climbing on garages DT 4th St
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Not too shy to talk


kellyh wrote:
...if you tried to stop me from shooting even in a "non-scenic area" you would have a lawsuit on your hands.

That lawsuit would be for your smashed camera if I catch you taking pictures of any of my properties.

Posted on: 2013/3/26 16:11

Re: NYC parking ticket - seeking advice
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Not too shy to talk

In future, use this site or get the app -
Shows you where and when you can park and also where the cheapest garages are.

Posted on: 2013/3/26 16:09

Re: The Cats of Jersey City -- Show us your cat!
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Not too shy to talk

Resized Image

Posted on: 2013/3/5 18:33

Edited by Webmaster on 2013/3/6 5:12:49

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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Not too shy to talk


Greenlantern5001 wrote:
The circle person, the plug person, and Alot are three different artists.

Well that's not true. I can't say anything about Alot, but I think we've established he's responsible for the chalk circles and I've seen him paste the electrical sockets with my own eyes and furthermore, I documented it. From what I understand, he had a partner in crime who has since left town so I guess he can only shoulder half the blame for the stunning masterpiece below.
Please remember though, it's not easy for an artist to flirt with simple styles. it takes a little effort on the part of the viewer to see past its simplicity. One day this may fetch a kingly sum.

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fip wrote:
...all the street art takes my eyes off of the endless trash that people are happy to drop around them as they walk down the sidewalk.

Yeah, because Norm was super diligent with his trash when creating the above.
Resized Image

Posted on: 2013/1/15 10:10

Re: Jersey City music teacher, 61, charged with raping 8-year-old pupil
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Not too shy to talk

Just sick. Another teacher got caught distributing child porn just the other day. There is a pedophile epidemic in this city.

Posted on: 2013/1/11 22:24

Re: Washing machine repairman
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Not too shy to talk

I think it was but there are a few sites that do it. I needed a special tool to remove the huge spring and clip from the door seal, so be warned.

Posted on: 2013/1/11 22:20

Re: Chalk circles all around town
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Not too shy to talk


MonmouthMan wrote:
The name of the moron who makes the stupid chalk circles, triangles and other chalk drawing shi* name is Norm Kirby. He currently has an art show up at LITM. Worst freaking excuse for an art show I have ever seen.

Yeah, he's also responsible for those crappy wheat pasted electrical outlets. I saw him get caught by the cops once, unfortunately they let him go.

Posted on: 2013/1/11 22:11

Re: Made With Love - CLOSED
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Not too shy to talk


Mr_Johnson wrote:
The $1 went towards the generator my ass. In a natural disaster, you do what you can to help your fellow man. Did you see anyone else requiring a fee to charge your electronic devices? If she CHOSE to have a generator in her store, then great. That was a business expense on her part. And to ask the general public to pay for that during a time of crisis is ludicrous. How much did it cost to run that generator? $50? Sorry, she lost my business and respect after doing that.

I could not agree more.
I own property here and I live here so I am heavily invested in the area. There's an awful lot wrong with JC but one of the really good things, I find, is the strong sense of community spirit and this was especially evident after Sandy with the awesome volunteer efforts that took place all over the city, the project at Barrow Mansion deserves a particular mention.
I did not frequent Made With Love much, but I understood it was a community orientated place which is why I found them charging 1$ to charge a phone as baffling as it was disgusting. This was a time when people were pulling together and selflessly giving their time and resources. Many people were without electricity for days, even weeks, and needed a charged phone to keep in touch with loved ones and relatives. That anybody could think of profiting from this situation turns my stomach.
It's a shame when any local business that isn't a dollar store or a crappy bodega closes, but I'm afraid I can't mourn Made With Love after knowing what they did.

Posted on: 2013/1/7 17:27

Re: Washing machine repairman
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Not too shy to talk

I had the same issue with an LG, apparently it is common for detritus from the dirty clothes to mess up the drain motor.
I bought a replacement part online, watched a youtube how-to video and replaced it myself. Total cost with shipping was less than $50.

Posted on: 2013/1/7 14:38

Edited by JustJames on 2013/1/7 15:01:30

Re: Made With Love - CLOSED
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Not too shy to talk

The Stockinette certainly did close through poor business. A coffee shop that doesn't open until 11 really doesn't strike me as viable.
As for Made With Love, yes it was expensive, yes the service was dire, the food on occasion was good, but the death knell had to have been charging a dollar to charge your phone during the hurricane.

Posted on: 2013/1/3 13:55

A horse on 6 th street?
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Not too shy to talk

Hello all,

I had a strange experience on 6th street last night which is bothering ne for a couple of reasons. A friend said I should try posting on this site to try and get to the bottom of it.
I have been looking after my neighbors dog and I'd neglected to take him out in the evening, so I ended up taking him for a little late night stroll around 3am this morning.
We turned onto 6th from Coles St and about halfway up towards Monmouth I saw a horse grazing on the embankment side. I walked up to try and get a closer look but, possibly spooked by the dog, the horse took off and headed north on Monmouth.

Does anybody know of anyone in Jersey City who keeps horses? I've certainly lived in other cities where there ave been urban horses. I need to know that I didn't imagine this and if there are horses in Jersey City, why was this one allowed to graze alone at night? There's a very real chance it could cause a traffic accident or endanger human lives in some other way.

Posted on: 2012/10/8 13:44




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