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Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Home away from home
2010/7/7 17:29 Last Login : 2023/11/10 14:36 From Downtown Jersey City
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I kind of assumed that he would be arrogant enough to throw someone out who disagreed with him. I can't see him changing how he operates unless there's a significant decrease in his cash register. And I don't see that happening from these few complaints. But I hope you will get some satisfaction giving your business to a local merchant who is more deserving of it. I sure am.
Posted on: 2012/2/26 21:13
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Hello to all.
I moved to Jersey City (Mercer and Jersey) about 9 months ago. I felt the need to join JCList in order to chime in here and say that the wine store on Jersey Avenue will no longer get by business. I'm pretty sure the owner doesn't care about losing my six pack of business per week, but I needed to get this off my chest. I went there on Friday to buy some beers, with no knowledge of the "No Snooki" sign. When I encountered the sign, I asked the owner if he was serious. He seemed super proud, and asked me if I had seen the story on TMZ. I had not. I told him that I didn't understand and to lighten up, and he shut the door in my face, seemingly shocked that someone didn't agree with him. I can understand bars and restaurants not allowing film crews as to not ruin the dining experience for others. But the idea of a liquor store or pet store banning people they've never met comes off to me as extremely ignorant and, well, miserable. Until these girls somehow impede on your day-to-day life or negatively affect your business, why not treat them like you'd treat anyone else?
Posted on: 2012/2/26 20:23
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Home away from home
Idiocy and stupid is still only your subjective reality - it's certainly not truth. As for the violence, yes, they did make money off of the punch, however, that's part of the reality show gig, eh? Showing what might happen on camera. It's hardly the same as supporting violence. They didn't paint the puncher as any kind of a positive character, either. You took away from the scene that he was a douchebag.
Posted on: 2012/2/26 16:15
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Home away from home
I'm trying to find the part in the thread where anyone said they thought otherwise about reality TV? You seem to be making a straw man argument.
Posted on: 2012/2/26 16:02
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Home away from home
You are absolutely right about your right to hang a sign that says "No Christie" but again, this is an apples and oranges type of comparison and that is a totally different situation. It sounds like more of a political statement to me. As far as young teenagers being influenced by the two "morons", what does that have to do with Jersey City? They will be on TV one way or another. Furthermore, if young teens being influenced by the show is such a problem, it is the parents' job - and only the parents' job - to prevent their teenagers from watching the show. Not your job, not my job, not the government's job, but the parents' job to censor what their kids watch. Anyone else who does that and we are entering a very dangerous area that goes against the constitutional rights that our founding fathers pushed and fought very hard for. There's a lot of crap on television and elsewhere, but as a free country, you have to take the bad with the good. Suck it up and be grateful for the democracy we live in. As far as the "improving the community" part of it, the reality show being taped here may not help Jersey City, but I fail to see how it could hurt it. The idiots in City Hall have done plenty of that already. The show will air, people will watch it, it may suck or may get high ratings and still suck, it will end and then it will be forgotten a few weeks after. Really, I'm done arguing about this. I'm not going to convince you and you're not going to convince me. I do have one last question. I've been to a few city council meetings (not many) and at every meeting, there are always a few people, always the same ones, who get up and grill the council members about almost EVERY ordinance being voted on with often toothless, pointless questioning, and turn what could be a two hour meeting into a four hour meeting. Yes, my saying this may sound contradictory to the previous paragraph as this is what democracy is all about and I always have the option to leave, but there were ordinances being voted on that I wanted to hear about and it took them forever to get to them because of all these unending questions that don't seem to contribute anything (democratic, yes, productive, no). Are you one of those people that are getting up and asking the council members about every resolution? Because your fears about Jersey Shore and other dumb reality shows influencing teenagers seems to go with your activist/crusader mentality.
Posted on: 2012/2/26 5:50
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Home away from home
Sadly, we have a mayor who could easily be a cast member of this show as well as many residents and JC Listers who have no clue how reality TV shows work. Perhaps they actually think they can score with these 2 bimbos? Now that's comedy.
Posted on: 2012/2/26 5:45
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Home away from home
I meant violence against women, not domestic violence - sorry about that.
Here, mtv pulled the footage but it was pre-released for hype purposes: This was PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL. It's teen tanning because the main demographic of MTV and jersey shore are teens. id?i?o?cy n. pl. id?i?o?cies 1. Extreme folly or stupidity. 2. A foolish or stupid utterance or deed. 3. Psychology The state or condition of being an idiot; profound mental retardation. All of which apply to Jwow and snooki. Here's a definition of stupid for you too: stu?pid (stpd, sty-) adj. stu?pid?er, stu?pid?est 1. Slow to learn or understand; obtuse. 2. Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes. 3. Marked by a lack of intelligence or care; foolish or careless: a stupid mistake. 4. Dazed, stunned, or stupefied. 5. Pointless; worthless: a stupid job.
Posted on: 2012/2/26 4:41
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Home away from home
What? When? Quote:
Fair. Not sure why this is one of society's bigger problems, though. Quote:
They promote self-tanning. How do they promote TEEN tanning? Quote:
Yes, they like to party. Quote:
This is vague and subjective.
Posted on: 2012/2/26 4:01
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Home away from home
caj11: No, it doesn't. I don't think either cast member has any desire to go to Newark anyway, nor do I think MTV would even be remotely interested in airing a reality show in Newark and nor would 495 Productions ever even think of approaching the city of Newark about this. Newark may need more development than Jersey City, but it is beyond any kind of help that a reality show could give it. I have no idea what could be done to help it, other than the NJPAC and Prudential Center being built that have resulted in a few cafes and restaurants opening nearby. Comparing Newark's attitude to Jersey City's about this is almost like comparing apples and oranges. Newark would never have had a horse in this race anyway. I'm certain that both the show's producers and cast have an "oh well" mentality with regards to them being banned in Newark. As for a store owner not wanting a half-drunk and half-naked idiot in your store and driving away customers, you are absolutely right about that. However, who says that they are going to be half-drunk and half-naked all the time. You are judging them based on what you've seen on a reality show, which airs exactly 30 minutes per week of cameras following them. What about the other 167 1/2 hours in the week? Not defending these people by any stretch of the imagination but at the end of the day, they are people and should have the right to shop and patronize where they want (it doesn't give them the right to act like idiots at a place of business but who says they are going to do that just because they walked in?). As for organizing a boycott of whatever store they work in, go right ahead. But you'd better move quickly with that because the show will only be filming here for six weeks and then they are gone. Also, don't you have better things to do anyway? I know I do. I don't agree with many of Gov Christie's opinions so if I hung a sign on my "store" that said "No Christie", that is MY decision. Maybe I support gays and teachers and don't like my tax dollars supporting the top 1% in NJ. Do you know how many young teens are influenced by the idiocy of these two morons? How many teens drink excessively, promote stereotypes, tan excessively, and spend 90% of their life focused on relationships based on the above items...What was it..4 million viewers or more? I thought trying to improve the community you live in is a worthy pasttime....someone should tell those NOGASPIPELINE people that they are wasting time too....
Posted on: 2012/2/26 1:16
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Home away from home
Scubachris: The difference is you are trying to keep Snooki and J-Woww out of your hypothetical store before they have even done anything. If they step foot in your store and cause a nuisance, sure kick them out. But to keep someone out because they've looked like an idiot on TV several times on a reality show is a little ridiculous. I hate to defend S&J but I think those who think this is awful are being a little too judgmental. They are on a reality show where the producers put them in a situations where they will get really drunk, and then pick and choose what footage to air. I'm sure if a camera followed you around for two months and producers needed to pick out some clips for a TV show you wouldn't looks so great either. #1) For a person who hates to defend S&J, you sure do that A LOT in your post. #2) I didn't know the producers put a gun to their head and force them to be promiscuous, drink excessively, get into fights, and disparage Italians and promote stereotypes. So the prodcuers "put them into situations" terminology is laughable AT BEST. #3) If a camera followed me around for 2 months, I would not be doing anything that can be put on a show which -Promotes domestic violence against women -Promotes Public lewdness and drunkenness -Promotes teen tanning which is extremely harmful to your health (skin cancer anyone?) -Promotes binge drinking -Promotes overall idiocy No one forces you to do anything. Snooki and Jwoww know what they are doing
Posted on: 2012/2/26 1:06
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Home away from home
For anyone curious about reality show editing, this is a brilliant piece of TV:
Posted on: 2012/2/25 21:41
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Home away from home
You know what?s funny? MTV/495 probably didn?t have a clue what the show was going to be about. It was probably going to fail on its own. What theme could they use that hasn?t already been done? Two working girls..Laverne and Shirley? Two party girls?Nicole and Paris? No? because of the Mayor of Hoboken and everyone else who jumped on the ?no Snooki? bandwagon they came up with the perfect plot ?Snooki and Jwoww vs. the World.
Just think of all the material they have already before the show even started shooting. Hoboken, Newark, and stores banning them. Maybe that?s why they pushed the start off a week so they could rewrite the ?script?. Thank you haters because of you there will probably be a season two, three, four?.just think of all the possibilities. They could go to different sections of the country and get the cold ?no Snooki? shoulder. After Newt builds the moon colony they could even do a skit about the moon. I can see it now a BIG ?no Snooki? sign on the face of the moon. (you guys should ask for a percentage)
Posted on: 2012/2/25 21:37
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Home away from home
I for one did not know that reality TV wasn't 1000% authentic. That's it, I'm going back to watching pro wrestling
Posted on: 2012/2/25 21:00
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Home away from home
Let me guess....they're pretending to look for apartments but, aw shucks, are just having an awful time. "Okay girls, sit down here on the stoop and pretend to be exasperated. ACTION"!! But alas, they find the perfect place that has already been dressed by the MTV prop dept and voila is already pre-rigged with dozens of remote cameras! Let this crap production be a lesson to all you Snooki loving dumb-asses out there on how unreal reality TV is.
Posted on: 2012/2/25 20:31
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Quite a regular
"They're here" (Poltergeist voice) ... oww_arrive_in_jersey.html
Posted on: 2012/2/25 18:39
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Home away from home
You're absolutely right on both counts. I have nothing to say about the institutionalized racism issue, other than I agree and that the Snooki ban is not the same thing at all. On your second point, you are right as well, which is why it would make far more sense for these merchants that say "no Snooki" to instead put up a sign that says "no film crews". Then we probably wouldn't be arguing about all this in the first place.
Posted on: 2012/2/25 16:07
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Home away from home
First of all, let's not shit all over this country's history of *institutionalized* racism by comparing Snooki bans to segregation. The Italians have not been considered a persecuted minority since, oh, 1927 or so (google "sacco and vanzetti"). I'm pretty sure these bans are because of well documented drunken idiocy, not the culture of these two "ladies."
And having been at events where there are film crews, they are indeed a pain in the ass and make you feel self conscious that you'll end up in the background scratching your butt or something.
Posted on: 2012/2/25 15:49
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Quite a regular
I thought City Hall kept reassuring residents that only off-duty police would be used as security and none of these provided resources would deplete the force or the taxpayer? Then why is it that I see squad cars with officers stationed in front of the firehouse and they're blocking Wayne Street (between Barrow and Jersey) right now filming the exterior of someone's brownstone? This goes along with some story I saw on News 12 how City Hall didn't anticipate the amount of press that was gathering in front of the firehouse and that they need more reinforcements to deal with it.
Seems they underestimated all of this. In the end, it will surely be the undoing of Healy's administration if things get out of hand (too bad his corruption scandal wasn't his undoing).
Posted on: 2012/2/25 14:32
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Home away from home
The Newark gov't is just embarassing themselves. First, who said Snooki wants to go there, anyway? Second, Snooki is the least of their problems.
Posted on: 2012/2/25 0:47
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Quite a regular
Those things aren't yours. It's "Snooki."
Posted on: 2012/2/24 23:32
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Home away from home
No, it doesn't. I don't think either cast member has any desire to go to Newark anyway, nor do I think MTV would even be remotely interested in airing a reality show in Newark and nor would 495 Productions ever even think of approaching the city of Newark about this. Newark may need more development than Jersey City, but it is beyond any kind of help that a reality show could give it. I have no idea what could be done to help it, other than the NJPAC and Prudential Center being built that have resulted in a few cafes and restaurants opening nearby. Comparing Newark's attitude to Jersey City's about this is almost like comparing apples and oranges. Newark would never have had a horse in this race anyway. I'm certain that both the show's producers and cast have an "oh well" mentality with regards to them being banned in Newark. As for a store owner not wanting a half-drunk and half-naked idiot in your store and driving away customers, you are absolutely right about that. However, who says that they are going to be half-drunk and half-naked all the time. You are judging them based on what you've seen on a reality show, which airs exactly 30 minutes per week of cameras following them. What about the other 167 1/2 hours in the week? Not defending these people by any stretch of the imagination but at the end of the day, they are people and should have the right to shop and patronize where they want (it doesn't give them the right to act like idiots at a place of business but who says they are going to do that just because they walked in?). As for organizing a boycott of whatever store they work in, go right ahead. But you'd better move quickly with that because the show will only be filming here for six weeks and then they are gone. Also, don't you have better things to do anyway? I know I do.
Posted on: 2012/2/24 22:40
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Just can't stay away
I see some shrewd business owners in JC are cashing in on all the free publicity. They made TMZ and don't even have to deal with the show production.
Posted on: 2012/2/24 21:03
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Home away from home
"He said because Newark?s emergency personnel would likely be called to mitigate any incidents involving Snooki and JWoww, the risk to Newark residents was just too great."I hope you can appreciate that my first priority is the safety and well-being of citizens and visitors," the mayor wrote."
Newark is practically Camden. And if Manhattan wasn't as close as it is, Newark WOULD BE Camden. Who's he kidding? Yeah there might be incidents involving these two. But never mind the daily shootings, muggings, car thefts, blatant open drug use on the streets. It really does sound like he's more embarrassed for Newark rather than "protecting" it. Putz
Posted on: 2012/2/24 20:29
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Quite a regular
The difference is you are trying to keep Snooki and J-Woww out of your hypothetical store before they have even done anything. If they step foot in your store and cause a nuisance, sure kick them out. But to keep someone out because they've looked like an idiot on TV several times on a reality show is a little ridiculous. I hate to defend S&J but I think those who think this is awful are being a little too judgmental. They are on a reality show where the producers put them in a situations where they will get really drunk, and then pick and choose what footage to air. I'm sure if a camera followed you around for two months and producers needed to pick out some clips for a TV show you wouldn't looks so great either.
Posted on: 2012/2/24 19:46
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Home away from home
Newark, NJ doesn't welcome them and we do?
one of the most dangerous cities in the US says no to them and we say yes? I think everyone here will agree that Newark needs much more development than jersey city and they say no to them... Does that mean anything to some of you? Also, if a half drunken, half naked, stumbling idiot came into your store and drove away your customers - you have every right to kick them out. Actually, it would be COMMON SENSE. What's the difference between my hypothetical "customer" and snooki and jwwow? I would rather have my hypothetical person take care of my children. In any case, whichever store they "work in", I will personally start a boycott of the store. And try to gather community support. Anyone who supports this trash wants a JC that is not conducive to development, business, and families.
Posted on: 2012/2/24 18:52
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Just can't stay away
His banning of Snooki (I'm not a fan of Jersey Shore) just reinforces my opinion of the establishment already. When they first opened, I bought a fairly expensive bottle of wine (upwards of $50) that I was not charged for - it was amongst a large number of items. New employees, new register, etc...I felt bad and walked back about 7 blocks back to the store and let them know what happened. Paid for my wine and left
Not even a Thank You. He barely even made eye contact. Went back many times after that and always felt unwelcomed for some reason. Thankfully, the farily new liquor store on Grove (Manilla) north of the Path Station has a great selection, reasonable prices and NICE employees.
Posted on: 2012/2/24 17:59
Re: Jersey Wines and Spirits vs Snooki
Home away from home
Don't use the word "say's" when calling people bimbos.
Posted on: 2012/2/24 17:58
Re: Jersey Wines and Spirits vs Snooki
Quite a regular
I tip my hat to everyone that say's" NO TO THE BIMBOS".....
Posted on: 2012/2/24 17:36
Re: 'Jersey Shore' Spin-Off in Jersey City
Home away from home
I saw a sign yesterday on an empty lot that read "Whole Foods coming soon...No Snookie". Uh-oh.
Posted on: 2012/2/24 15:39