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Re: C-Town Being Sold
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2005/7/13 15:03
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dtresident wrote:
It appears that C-Town is NOT being sold, according to a number of employees.

Of course not, it's not going anywhere...until they sell the place. There's money to be made there.

Posted on: 2010/10/14 20:26

C-Town Being Sold

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2009/11/30 13:19
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It appears that C-Town is NOT being sold, according to a number of employees.

Posted on: 2010/10/14 19:21

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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2010/7/17 17:48
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Xerxes wrote:
To double check my feelings, to coincide with a trip to one of the Union Square theaters I did a stroll through TJ's on 14th...again
Price comparisons are hard because so much is store brand labelled, but TJ Albacore tuna at $1.99 when Shorprite was selling Chicken of the Sea for $.99, the smallest acorn squash I have ever seen like big lemons for $1.99 each. OY. Honeydews the size of grapefruit for $2.99 when the same week I got a succulent honeydew the size of a bowling ball on Central Aneue for a buck. Preposterous.

So the gentleperson talking about how cheap Trader Joe's prices were by giving his few silly examples was "prevaricating."

The entire vegetable section looked like Shop-Rite's garbage bin...I mean really, any Korean grocer would long ago have thrown the stuff away.

About three buck Chuck (the junk wine)...I fell for it for a trial of every varietal. It MAY have been good once upon a time but it is undrinkable rotgut today. I am a wine connoisseur but anyone who can get this crap down deserves a medal. Plain old cardboard Carlo Rossi Cabernet Sauvignon becomes Chateau Margaux-like compared to the slop sold as the cheapy at Trader Joe's...and it's even cheaper. I don't ask a lot of cheap wine, but I don't like the feeling that it is dissolving fillings out of my teeth.

I asked the clerk how long the checkout would be if I joined the Monday evening line. He said "It moves fast, no more than a half hour." Really, a half hour. He also said things are better on a Tuedsday or Wednesday morning. Could they be worse?

Earlier poster was correct, I have never been in any other Trader Joe's so maybe some are Nirvana, but the one at 14th and Third strikes me as a visit to Hell.

So it looks like you found your solution. Don't go to Trader Joe's

Posted on: 2010/10/4 21:07

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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Xerxes wrote:
Earlier poster was correct, I have never been in any other Trader Joe's so maybe some are Nirvana, but the one at 14th and Third strikes me as a visit to Hell.

If the prices on a few things are Trader Joe's are cheaper, then just buy those few things. Personally, I like the inexpensive dried cranberries.

The new TJ on 6th Avenue seems to have shorter lines. Much shorter, when I was there. None of the three-buck Chuck, though, sadly.

Oh, about C-Town: an employee told me there was never a purchase deal and that was all an Internet rumor. Rumor-mongers!

Posted on: 2010/10/4 18:39

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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To double check my feelings, to coincide with a trip to one of the Union Square theaters I did a stroll through TJ's on 14th...again
Price comparisons are hard because so much is store brand labelled, but TJ Albacore tuna at $1.99 when Shorprite was selling Chicken of the Sea for $.99, the smallest acorn squash I have ever seen like big lemons for $1.99 each. OY. Honeydews the size of grapefruit for $2.99 when the same week I got a succulent honeydew the size of a bowling ball on Central Aneue for a buck. Preposterous.

So the gentleperson talking about how cheap Trader Joe's prices were by giving his few silly examples was "prevaricating."

The entire vegetable section looked like Shop-Rite's garbage bin...I mean really, any Korean grocer would long ago have thrown the stuff away.

About three buck Chuck (the junk wine)...I fell for it for a trial of every varietal. It MAY have been good once upon a time but it is undrinkable rotgut today. I am a wine connoisseur but anyone who can get this crap down deserves a medal. Plain old cardboard Carlo Rossi Cabernet Sauvignon becomes Chateau Margaux-like compared to the slop sold as the cheapy at Trader Joe's...and it's even cheaper. I don't ask a lot of cheap wine, but I don't like the feeling that it is dissolving fillings out of my teeth.

I asked the clerk how long the checkout would be if I joined the Monday evening line. He said "It moves fast, no more than a half hour." Really, a half hour. He also said things are better on a Tuedsday or Wednesday morning. Could they be worse?

Earlier poster was correct, I have never been in any other Trader Joe's so maybe some are Nirvana, but the one at 14th and Third strikes me as a visit to Hell.

Posted on: 2010/10/4 18:09

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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I believe it's some kind of protection for their HVAC systems. If you look closely you'll see that there is clear corrugated plastic on the top like a roof.

Posted on: 2010/10/4 16:55

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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2010/4/5 15:18
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What is the wooden cabana looking thing on roof?

Posted on: 2010/10/4 16:18

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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2010/5/4 1:44
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Stop getting off topic, this thread is about Trader Joe's remember?

Posted on: 2010/10/4 15:45

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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2005/4/21 17:05
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It looks like C-town is back on the market. Today on Craigslist:

Where is the beef?? Western Beef that is. It doesn't surprise me, the price is pretty high for that location for retail.

Posted on: 2010/10/4 14:54

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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ianmac47 wrote:

jcgurl wrote:

One final thought is that they have always been good neighbors to us. I hope the new owners will be the same.

I disagree. The sidewalk area on Third Street near their storage entrance and dumpsters isn't exactly clean. The delivery trucks are loud early in the morning and often park in the middle of the street.

I don't go by there very often, but the most recent time included an overflowing dumpster and a possum milling about.

Posted on: 2010/9/12 16:52

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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The next time the cashier slaps you in the face, politely thank the cashier and tell him/her that you needed a reality check!

Posted on: 2010/9/7 20:31

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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Boiled_Mussels wrote:

Crazy_Chester wrote:
I like it when they slap me in the face and spit at me and call me names during checkout at Shop Rite, but that's just me.

I think everyone who works at Shop Rite is in a union, no?

You really get slapped in the face, spit at, and called names? Who the hell are you kidding?

Not you, that's for sure.

Posted on: 2010/9/7 19:53

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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2004/11/14 2:38
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If Shop Rite is SO bad and the checkout people are so bad, go to Pathmark or Whole Foods and stop complaining

Posted on: 2010/9/7 19:05

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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2010/7/17 17:48
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T-Bird wrote:

Boiled_Mussels wrote:
So you think it's just as easy for a minimum wage employee to work in Shop Rite here as it is for a minimum wage employee to work in a grocery store in Montana, Idaho?

Why not? Is a pound of cheese harder to scan and lift into a bag here than it is in Montana, Idaho?

No. My point is density population. If there is a never ending stream of customers, like there is here, you are far more likely to be irritated, annoyed, etc. and never get a second to breathe.

Posted on: 2010/9/7 18:38

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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Boiled_Mussels wrote:
So you think it's just as easy for a minimum wage employee to work in Shop Rite here as it is for a minimum wage employee to work in a grocery store in Montana, Idaho?

Why not? Is a pound of cheese harder to scan and lift into a bag here than it is in Montana, Idaho?

Posted on: 2010/9/7 18:30

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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2010/7/17 17:48
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Crazy_Chester wrote:
I like it when they slap me in the face and spit at me and call me names during checkout at Shop Rite, but that's just me.

I think everyone who works at Shop Rite is in a union, no?

You really get slapped in the face, spit at, and called names? Who the hell are you kidding?

Posted on: 2010/9/7 17:31

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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2007/11/28 3:26
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I like it when they slap me in the face and spit at me and call me names during checkout at Shop Rite, but that's just me.

I think everyone who works at Shop Rite is in a union, no?

Posted on: 2010/9/7 17:20

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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2010/7/17 17:48
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So you think it's just as easy for a minimum wage employee to work in Shop Rite here as it is for a minimum wage employee to work in a grocery store in Montana, Idaho?

Posted on: 2010/9/7 16:45

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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2008/3/2 23:05
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Nope - it is actually very easy for me to say. And it's not junk - they are called groceries. Not gonna get into a long discussion with yer here regarding personal work ethic. Your comments have me questioning your real thoughts on the subject. You may now have 'the last word' if you wish on this.

Posted on: 2010/9/7 16:33

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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2004/11/14 2:38
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easy for you to say that....ever heard of incentives. that shoprite employee probably feels that he/she is doing a swell job as long as your junk gets put in a shopping bag after ringing up ur order

Posted on: 2010/9/7 16:22

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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2008/3/2 23:05
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Exactly. TJ's does pay more and does more training - thus they get much more of my business. But I think if we begin to get into issues of work ethics and such here we risk going waaay off topic regarding service in relation to the C-Town! I'll will just say that all people should try to do well in whatever job they have. Just because Shop Rite's hourly rate is probably below TJ's rate ( and certainly below Wegmans!) that is not cause for an employee to be terrible at his/her job.

Posted on: 2010/9/7 16:14

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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Well, I think the wages at Shop Rite don't exactly attract those with superior customer service skills. I don't think Shop Rite wants to pay for that. They do at Trader Joe's

Posted on: 2010/9/7 16:00

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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I don't care if one works in Times Square, Jersey City, West Palm Beach, 5th Avenue, or Palm Springs. It does not matter! To say that terrible surly service is to be expected in Shop Rite is absurd. I shall not - I will not- return to that store. I think that they may perhaps have a class for their employees on how to be awful. Very true comments about the express checkouts there - the last few times I went into that store there was always some type of issue on the express checkout - and it seemed to me that the employees would take some sort of 'glee' in being really really slow. I will not give them any of my business.

Posted on: 2010/9/7 15:55

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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heights wrote:

These are the kind of clerks you will get in the Nyc area. We're rough & gruff overb here in these here parts.

Couldn't disagree with you more. Despite what the locals will say, it's no different than raising kids. If you treat your employees well and expect them to be courteous and conscientious - with consequences if they aren't, I'd bet things would improve considerably over the current crappy status quo.

Posted on: 2010/9/7 15:55

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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Tash wrote:
heights Quote:

What do you want next to be powered and dipered ? These are the kind of clerks you will get in the Nyc area. We're rough & gruff overb here in these here parts.

Point well taken ( I still remember change being thrown at me at McDonalds in Times Sq), yes it is JC, and it is no Manhattan or Hoboken and attracts an unpleasant working crowd. However(,as in Times Sq experience,) SR accommodates such a large volume that customer service is its lowest priority. SR have picked up on speed in the past years, but I bet only because it lost customers to balking the queues. SR doesn't pay attention to human resources like many other big companies, but good service is not impossible to have in ANY area, it depends on the company, people it hires, fires, and keeps.

I just wish SR didn't always put the slowest checkout girls in the express lanes. I swear some of them move in slow motion. When I worked in a supermarket as a teen, if anybody moved that slow, their ass would be out the door.

Posted on: 2010/9/7 15:13

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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2009/11/2 21:03
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heights Quote:

What do you want next to be powered and dipered ? These are the kind of clerks you will get in the Nyc area. We're rough & gruff overb here in these here parts.

Point well taken ( I still remember change being thrown at me at McDonalds in Times Sq), yes it is JC, and it is no Manhattan or Hoboken and attracts an unpleasant working crowd. However(,as in Times Sq experience,) SR accommodates such a large volume that customer service is its lowest priority. SR have picked up on speed in the past years, but I bet only because it lost customers to balking the queues. SR doesn't pay attention to human resources like many other big companies, but good service is not impossible to have in ANY area, it depends on the company, people it hires, fires, and keeps.

Posted on: 2010/9/7 12:13

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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bodhipooh wrote:
Tash said:

So, I don't know where you got this idea that TJs is overpriced. Again SR has a good selection, but not the best prices or quality. Also, who cannot praise the fresh smile of every SR check out clerk as s/he pleasantly packs your bag and sends you on your way.

Bingo! This is EXACTLY why TJ's continues to thrive as they constantly expand in any market. They provide very high quality items at very reasonable prices (low, by some standards) and they emphasize good customer service. Shopping in a TJ is a pleasant experience. On the other hand, shopping at SR is a nightmare. Besides the massive, surly crowds, you must also contend with the hostile staff manning their Customer Service desk and cash registers. How could anyone enjoy a shopping trip to SR is beyond me. I only stop there if I absolutely have to, and even then I try to avoid it.

What do you want next to be powered and dipered ? These are the kind of clerks you will get in the Nyc area. We're rough & gruff overb here in these here parts. Do you think J.C will attract young, slender, clean-cut West Point educated cadets to greet and treat you in a Mid-Western manner that most of the DT transplanted hipsters were used to back home. I doubt anybody from N.J suburbia will commute to J.C. to work in TJ's. By the way I find it refreshing to be helped by polite slaes clerks in other parts of Jersey. You don't have to go to far to achieve it.

Posted on: 2010/9/7 0:52

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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I for one will never step a foot back in to Shoprite again. I'm A&P all the way.

TJ would do good in a few years when the units at Monaco Towers and the new rentals on Grand in LH fill up. Until then I don't see them opening up in JC. I wish they did but I'm a realist.

Posted on: 2010/9/6 23:36

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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Boiled_Mussels wrote:

Do you really think the seafood at A&P is above Shop Rite's? I sure don't. And I'm not saying Shop Rite's is good. I will say one thing. Shop Rite has tons of people in it at all times, and it can make for a tedious experience, but at least you know the items are turning over and not just sitting there. Every time I'm in A&P, it seems near dead to me.

I agree Seafood at both places looks equally sad

Posted on: 2010/9/6 19:15

Re: C-Town Being Sold
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2010/7/17 17:48
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Bill463 wrote:
I heard Wegmans will be here soon!

I avoid Shop Rite at all costs. I gave it several tries but the folks that have to work there are just beyond rude. I've come out of that store so very depressed. Wish Shop Rite would offer their employees some type of minimal customer service training. It really is beyond words to describe sometimes. The seafood there looks like it has been sitting there for a week. I have no problem with the A&P but yes, that Lower Price Project is a joke. I do most of my shopping at Wegmans in Woodbridge. And for those that will chide " to drive an hour round trip to shop is crazy" I say no it ain't! 30 minutes in the car to get to a store with fantastic fresh food at low prices? No problem! I love Trader Joe's also. One can get great items at low prices. Someone earlier said that Trader's was expensive? Sounds like they don't shop there. Silly. I've never set foot in that C-Town - I've never had the need.

For those that don't have a car Shop Rite is really the only choice. I've never really interacted with the employees of Shop Rite, but they seem to be on par with just about every other grocery store employee I've ever encountered. Do you really think the seafood at A&P is above Shop Rite's? I sure don't. And I'm not saying Shop Rite's is good. I will say one thing. Shop Rite has tons of people in it at all times, and it can make for a tedious experience, but at least you know the items are turning over and not just sitting there. Every time I'm in A&P, it seems near dead to me.

Posted on: 2010/9/6 18:39

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