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Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrificing?"
Home away from home
Are you kidding? Don't you know how many able hard working private employees have lost their jobs or taken big pay cuts or much more work to keep them? The productive sector has been taking a hit for a couple years while many useless government employees dig their heels in and insist on getting raises in this economy.
Furthermore, very high income taxes on high earners have not produced the hoped for results. The truly rich simply move away to a low tax state. One year later, nobody's grinning. One-third of the millionaires have disappeared from Maryland tax rolls. In 2008 roughly 3,000 million-dollar income tax returns were filed by the end of April. This year there were 2,000, which the state comptroller's office concedes is a "substantial decline." On those missing returns, the government collects 6.25% of nothing. Instead of the state coffers gaining the extra $106 million the politicians predicted, millionaires paid $100 million less in taxes than they did last year -- even at higher rates. "New Jersey enacted its half millionaire millionaires? tax in 2004. Pitched by the state?s unions as the cure for Jersey?s budget woes, the state collected $9.5 billion in personal income taxes in fiscal 2005. Last year, four budget cycles later, the state collected only $10.3 billion and this year it?s estimating just $9.4 billion from the same tax. Revenues have fallen so far below projections that Jersey has actually had to cut its spending (not just its rate of spending, like most states) by more than $3 billion this year despite $2 billion in federal stimulus aid for the state budget. And even so, Jersey had to skip payments to its pension system. If it were a business Jersey would be insolvent, a remarkable achievement in a place whose residents boast the highest personal income in the nation." Quote:
Posted on: 2010/6/29 3:56
Christie On the Line Television
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2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 17:44 From Western Slope
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Channel 13 WNET and Channel 50 WNJN is broadcasting a call-in interview 1-800-922-8813 with Steve Adubato and the N.J governor. ... stie_on_the_line_wit.html
Posted on: 2010/5/28 0:08
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrificing?"
Home away from home
Speaking of limiting expenses, anyone see this article in the Times about the gaming of municipal pensions in Yonkers, and the chronic massive underestimation of what the contracts will cost the city? Want to bet it's not happening here in JC and NJ as bad or worse? Quote:
Posted on: 2010/5/24 4:44
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrificing?"
Just can't stay away
you're setting up a false dichotomy -- because those who advocate keeping the millionaire's tax are not saying that spending doesn't need to be curtailed, or that there isn't a need for fiscal responsible. it's a matter of where the cuts should take place. the particular cuts that Christie says "need" to be made on spending, or at least the ones Chrisite is proposing, will be far less "painful and stark" for the millionaires, no? Christie has chosen to cut the spending on a certain segment of society, and let a small minority (millionaires) keep MORE in their pocketbook during a recession. the net effect is basically allocating more resources to the rich at the expense of the middle class. so again, begging the question why do the majority of residents (seniors, working class, students,etc) have to take on the burden and not the millionaires -- the 16,000 out of a population of several million people on NJ?
Posted on: 2010/5/24 2:34
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrificing?"
Just can't stay away
there will always be disagreements between the people who believe is it is fairer to tax higher incomes higher and those who think it is fairer to have lower taxes... in the end it will not matter, it is the spending that is sinking us.
Be it Jersey City or any other town in Hudson county, New Jersey or the USA, we have spent too much and made commitments to spend to much in the future. All the millionaires taxes or flat taxes or whatever will save us from the fact that massive, painful cuts in public and private spending need to take place.
Posted on: 2010/5/24 2:13
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrificing?"
Home away from home
No they aren't much lower and in many locations much higher.
Posted on: 2010/5/24 1:37
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrificing?"
Home away from home
That NYC payroll tax is actually what puts NJ at tax #1. Without that I estimate we'd be at #10 or so. So if you don't commute, your tax load is MUCH lower! Interesting table at the above site. It shows that NJ tax load expressed as a percentage of income has only gone up 0.7% in 30 years.
Posted on: 2010/5/23 23:42
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrificing?"
Just can't stay away
as i stated, everyone is entitled to their opinion -- it's the tone u take, not the opinion, that i remarked upon. . .
and since u asked, your postings, including ones in previous threads, thus seemed relevant. as for the distinction u seem to be making on property vs. income taxes -- it all takes a chunk out. when it comes to whether NJ is affordable or not 2 live in, what does it matter what the tax is called? the fact is, NJ has lower sales tax, doesn't tax many goods, and has lower income tax. JC also, i don't think, has a payroll tax.
Posted on: 2010/5/23 22:58
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrificing?"
Home away from home
Ah, yes, but I wasn't the only one who had that opinion, was I? As a matter of fact, no one agreed with that guy and told him that he should mind his own business. Not sure why you are posting stuff that isn't related to this thread, but OK, you have figured out the search function and are using things that I've said against me. Not that this has anything to do with what I am saying about the above thread. And Mathias, property taxes in CT and NY are much much much much lower than NJ.
Posted on: 2010/5/23 22:25
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrificing?"
Home away from home
Income Tax in NJ is lower than NY state, gas tax is lower by around 30 cents, footwear and clothing are exempt from taxation in NJ etc etc If you went to a public school I may have to rethink my support of public education
Posted on: 2010/5/23 20:58
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrificing?"
Just can't stay away
directly calling someone an "asshole", telling them that their mom "should have aborted" them isn't exactly a measured, or productive, way of stating your opinion. u seem to have no problem stating your beliefs emphatically, but sometimes come down quite hard (i believe u yourself called this "flaming"?) on others for giving their opinions or observations. for example, blasting Mrasg1 for originally asking everyone's opinions on the junk food vendors: Re: Junk food vendor at Saint Peters Prep downtown 5/18 16:20 Snowflake wrote: Quote: "Oh my god, who the f*ck cares??? Don't you have something better to worry about? Unless your child goes to school there why the hell do you even waste any time thinking about this? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- again, u have every right to be, well if "overrought" isn't the correct term, a bit shrill, then, in stating your opinions. but it's sort of hypocritical to be calling others "assholes", and swearing at Mrasg1 for posting his opinions, too. are u the only one entitled to "waste" time with posting? now who's trying to stifle dialogue? as for your political leanings, that's not the point -- good for u that you're "liberal" socially, and "conservative" fiscally -- that really isn't the point. it's your tone that's sometimes off-putting. just my opinion (i'm entitled to one too, aren't i?)
Posted on: 2010/5/23 19:06
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrificing?"
Home away from home
They'll move to Connecticut, or Westchester. There is a higher rate of wealth in those states because the taxes in those states are much lower. As for my "anger management issues", did you see anywhere where I was overwrought? I stated my opinion and what I felt about the tax break (which I did say, that I honestly have no problem with making the wealthy pay more taxes), and said what that I understood where Christie's train of thought. I certainly am not the only person who has stated an opinion, and did I throw out the "liberal" name calling that someone else threw out here? No I didn't. Far be it from me to express an opinion that isn't like your left leaning one. This is why I find it extremely frustrating on this board. If you are the least bit conservative, names and flames get thrown at you. However if you lean to the left, it's perfectly ok to yell and scream and flame someone for not having the same opinion as you. Say what you want about my political leanings, you have no absolutely no idea. I voted for Gore, I voted for Clinton, I even voted for Corzine the first go around. I am pro choice, pro gay marriage, I basically with all social issues vote liberally. However I have a real problem with people thinking it's OK to continue to over tax without taking a hard look at our budget and cutting waste as needed. Look at JC. Look at all the waste we have here and yet they still think it's OK to increase property taxes to put more money in their pocket. JC is just a small part of a large issue in NJ. What is JC doing? Taxing the people who own in JC, the richest people in this city before taking a hardline with their budget. How do you not see that this is the same thing with this tax?
Posted on: 2010/5/23 17:16
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrificing?"
Just can't stay away
Re: MorrisCanal Park -- for dogs or kids?
posted 4/19 12:27 Snowflake20 wrote: Quote: "The people who own dogs here are the most inconsiderate, entitled asses in JC." to which IanMac 47 responded: Quote: "Second only to those who own children." to which Snowflake20 wrote: Quote: " You are an @sshole. You were a kid once. Maybe your mom should have aborted you, since kids are such a blight on society." [nevermind that Snowflake was the one name-calling to being with] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't have particularly strong opinion on the dogrun issue (i have several kids and like dogs), but this is example of Snowflake20's, shall we say, overwrought rhetoric? Or as another poster in a previous thread called it, "anger management issues"? Snowflake, we know from you telling us that you are "at home all day" with your child, that you spend a lot of time reading for pleasure, that you live in Paulus Hook near Portside. I'm sure you're a nice person in real life, but sometimes on these threads, I want to tell u to please calm down. That goes for u too, Teacher. As for Christie, it's not so much that the cutoff is 400K or 1mill, but that in these dire times, Christie is demanding the 600,000 seniors, the tens of thousands of police, fire, and teachers, hundreds of thousands of working class shoulder the burden. . . while 16,000 "millioniares" a group best able to survive through this recession, are getting a tax break, now, of all times? It's not like this tax is a new levy -- it has been in effect for the past several years. If they're getting tax breaks now, why are others--homeowners (rebates), seniors (prescription drug programs), student programs, public colleges, etc. not getting a break as well? Why is it that the majority of those NJ taxpayers, will be most burdened, while the 1 or 2 percent get a tax relief? What, if the masses don't have bread, let them eat cake? Why are the few "rich" somehow automatically more deserving? That to me smacks of the sense of "entitlement" and inconsideration u so emphatically detest in dogowners (see above.) Does making more money somehow make them better human beings and citizens? Certainly, Madoff, Goldman Sachs, etc. prove otherwise. You still haven't addressed this inequity head on.
Posted on: 2010/5/23 16:29
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrificing?"
Home away from home
Yes. Obviously they will. 4 of the top 10 wealthiest counties in the country are here. Proximity to New York City and Philadelphia, sophisticated culture and entertainment, and available land all make New Jersey a desirable place to live. Quote:
Where are they going to move to? Ohio? Mississippi? Arkansas?
Posted on: 2010/5/23 15:58
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrificing?"
Home away from home
The original Corzine program, which expired this year, was based off of people making more than 400k per year. If the democrats were so concerned about it, why did the let it expire while Corzine was in office? They could have renewed it before Christie took control. The only reason why they allowed it to lapse was so they could make a political move against Christie, knowing he was going to let it expire.
I am all for raising taxes on the wealthy if there are no other solutions. Make some real budget cuts before you start adding more taxes. Do you think wealthy people will want to live here if they are taxed more here than they are in other states? And to add the already exorbitant property taxes that we have here, why would anyone want to live in NJ, especially the wealthy?
Posted on: 2010/5/23 15:24
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrificing?"
Home away from home
The most recent bill was not $400k a year, but a $1M a year.
Posted on: 2010/5/23 14:45
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrifici
Home away from home
You are talking about a billionaire vs. someone who makes 400K a year, which is what this tax is about. OF COURSE SOMEONE WHO IS A MILLIONAIRE PAYS LESS TAX RATE THAN PEOPLE LIKE US! THEY HAVE MORE DEDUCTIONS! But in the end, they STILL are paying more because guess what, they are a billionaire and if they pay 17% of their income, it's fair more than 30% of ours. Do you really think that someone who makes 50K a year pays more income tax than someone who makes 400k? Really? Because I highly doubt that.
Posted on: 2010/5/23 13:16
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrificing?"
Home away from home
I totally agree with what you said. Although he did helped end communism, his policies on taxes, drugs, and AIDS have had a lot of negative affects on America that we can still see today. I though totally support Christy's veto on this tax increase because raising the taxes on the rich may comeback and bite us in the balls when those people start looking for other places to live, REDUCING tax revenues which would mean most likely higher taxes on the middle class. If you don't believe me just look at what happened when they raised the tax on cigarettes, tax revenues went down, not because less people are smoking, it's because people are shipping in cigarettes from other states and selling them over here for a profit.
Posted on: 2010/5/23 7:00
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrificing?"
Home away from home
I disagree with you. Reagan did his ducking damndest to screw things up and he did a pretty good job. But GWB did a pretty bad job.
Posted on: 2010/5/23 6:19
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrificing?"
Just can't stay away
Welcome to the.......State of New Jersey, Inc., LLC.
Posted on: 2010/5/23 5:36
>>> IT'S TOO LATE.....<<<
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrificing?"
Home away from home
2006/11/13 18:42 Last Login : 2022/2/28 7:31 From 280 Grove Street
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If Christy's tax solution was like the Titanic, the rich would be in the life boats, the middle classes treading water and hoping for a rescue and the working poor or unemployed locked in the hull.
Christy would also agree to paying more to the police and fire fighters which would equate to the ship stewards shooting those that seek survival who aren't part of the elite.............that's why it's good to keep cops salaries high !
Posted on: 2010/5/23 4:47
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrificing?"
Home away from home
Yes, because he's gonna fix all of Bush's f##k ups in a year? No one has done more damage to this country than GWB. He was a disaster as a President. Obama was handed a ship of state that was headed over the Niagra Falls. Slowly but surely he has turned it away but it isn't gonna be easy and it's not gonna happen overnight. The GOP can continue spoon-feeding the poor and ignorant their guns and bibles and freedoms (ha-ha) but not every American is so gullible.
Posted on: 2010/5/23 3:07
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrifici
Home away from home
Posted on: 2010/5/23 2:43
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrificing?"
Home away from home
2007/6/27 22:27 Last Login : 2012/4/20 14:33 From Hamilton Park
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Yep, we're all doing much better now that Obama and the Dems rule the roost, right?
Posted on: 2010/5/23 2:28
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrifici
Home away from home
"They actually pay more taxes than teachers, fire fighters, police officers". Millionaires do? They do Snowflake? ... and-paying-my-fair-share/
Posted on: 2010/5/23 1:54
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrificing?"
Home away from home
No, I don't feel underpaid. And I actually have great benefits which I pay about 1.5% of my salary towards.
Posted on: 2010/5/23 1:21
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrificing?"
Home away from home
Do you feel underpaid? Do you feel your benefits should be better?
Posted on: 2010/5/23 1:19
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrificing?"
Home away from home
Do you really think that millionaires don't pay taxes? They actually pay more taxes than teachers, fire fighters, police officers. Such a stupid, narrow view of you people who think that just because you make a ton of money, you "screwed" someone over. WTF is that? Not everyone who makes a lot of money are bankers. I know plenty of people who make a lot of money who work in retail, technology, sales. Just stupid that you make such broadsweeping statements. Also, I never said anything about teachers being bad or dumb. If anything, I think that we SHOULD pay teachers more and offset that with pension reform and teachers paying into their own health benefits, not this 1.5% nonsense.
Posted on: 2010/5/23 1:17
Re: Christy Swiftly Vetoes Millionaires Tax Today -what happened to sermon about "everyone sacrificing?"
Home away from home
Everyone is treated equally. If YOU earn a million dollars, you pay the tax. If I earn a million dollars, I pay the tax. Its not singling out an individual. If you don't want to pay it, earn less money.
Posted on: 2010/5/23 0:57