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Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
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2009/10/7 15:46 Last Login : 2024/7/1 0:32 From jersey city
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The only thing worse then a thug in a hipster/yuppie bar (how dare they!) is a poster who over quotes.
I can?t take the box.. within a box.. within a box.. within a box. Get to the point! Cut and paste people! Have a great JC weekend.
Posted on: 2010/4/9 15:19
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
Home away from home
I really don't know, Tommy. I haven't been to either, but it seemed like the topic had veered off to discussing the class of patrons, and I recall reading a lot of anecdotes about public urination/vomiting and holla behavior in and around the Beer Garden, which didn't strike me as classy.
Posted on: 2010/4/9 14:55
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
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2008/1/3 19:12 Last Login : 2020/9/30 18:46 From Van Vorst Park
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Well, I live in the neighborhood. I have never heard a gunshot outside of the Beer Garden, and I have never heard or seen somebody getting stabbed outside of the beer garden. In your honest opinion Petey, where are you most likely to be a victim of violent crime? If you spent a night at Latin Lounge/Indio's, or the Beer Garden? (violent crime is what we are talking about here)
Posted on: 2010/4/9 14:36
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
Home away from home
Go read the Beer Garden thread on this site. It contains hundreds of postings by a variety of people and is more representative of what goes on there than the opinion of someone who has been there every couple of months. What is that---4 or 5 times since it opened?
Posted on: 2010/4/9 13:52
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
Home away from home
Tommyc_37 wrote "Well, going by statistics, 1stStGuy's fear would be legitimate:Black people are 7x more likely to commit a violent crime than white people.Latino people are 3x more likely to commit a violent crime than white people. And for those who cry racism ... White people are 4x more likely to commit a violent crime than Asian people are. I'm a realist."
Sorry to intrude on your reality but those statistics are based on arrests--and guess who the cops target. For instance the majority of drug dealers are white males between the ages of 18-45 but the majority who get arrested for dealing are black and hispanic. That skews the attaistics BIG TIME. Also most white males are not reported for violent crimes against women because those women believe that the system will fail them. Oh-- and why is it even mentioned that the guy that was stabbed was going to a bar? If he was stabbed in the bar that would be one thing but he was stabbed on his way there. is that another way to issue propaganda about the EVILS of liqour and/or pubs in general?
Posted on: 2010/4/9 13:12
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
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2008/1/3 19:12 Last Login : 2020/9/30 18:46 From Van Vorst Park
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I enjoy a few beers at the beer garden maybe every couple of months or so. In my detailed observations (and I am a people watcher), the clientele at the beer garden is pretty diverse - you've got some preppy types, some hipster types, some more urban types, and you generally see people of all colors. Generally, people seem to conduct themselves pretty appropriately, for a BAR. Are they conducting themselves appropriately for a library - no. But I haven't seen any violence or really any level of ridiculousness there, or around the premises, and I live 2 blocks away. I sometimes hear people walking home and talking somewhat loudly, but this is a city and that is the norm. The patrons I see at the beer garden seem like normal, professional, educated people, who are not prone to violence - and YES, I consider that to be a "higher class of people" than what you'd see at say, Indio's.
Posted on: 2010/4/8 14:54
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
Quite a regular
LOL! FUNNIEST THING I'VE EVER READ ON THIS SITE! I guess if frat boy douchebags and the women who love them are what we're calling "high class" these days...
Posted on: 2010/4/8 14:35
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
Trash is trash no matter what color or ethnicity. If you are defending a group simply by the color of their skin, that is racism too.
The situation is loud, obnoxious people gather and create problems in the neighborhood - does it matter what color they are??? No, it doesn't. They should be taken care of by the authorities. Racism goes both ways.
Posted on: 2010/4/8 11:37
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
Home away from home
I'm surprised to see the Barge Inn mentioned here. I'm old enough and well traveled enough to know a legendary bar, and the Barge certainly qualifies. From its its owner, John, to its uncontrived decor, this is a place that is a living museum and a treasure of authentic JC history and culture.
I neither start nor tolerate drunken thuggery - both my wife and I are 40-ish, 9-to-5 professional types - and I can honestly say I've never experienced anything but a warm welcome, and refreshingly original characters, at the Barge. One day it'll be gone and converted to an Einstein Bagels or a Bennigans, and downtown JC will be that much more like Anytown USA: Dayton, Peoria, Tulsa. (Hoboken.) Is that really the goal? Before you dismiss me as cluelessly effete, I totally respect those who live above the bars mentioned and who have to deal with the noise and ugliness: I have a ton of noise and other issues in my neighborhood, Lafayette. I also had a ton of noise (and vomiting NYU students) in my old neighborhood in the East Village. It's not fun, it's not something you ever really get used to, and after a while you just want everything to be permanently shuttered. But that's no more the sign of a healthy city as is late-night drunken loutishness from its bars. Is the issue with the Barge really thuggery, or is it a question of too-loud drunks smoking and yelling in the street? There's a difference, of course. I remember a recent night when I tried to make a phone call (from the street) two blocks from Barrow Street Bar; the bar noise was so loud I couldn't hear the person I was calling! If noise, not craziness, is the main issue, we should be talking about a lot of JC establishments, not just Barge. It's my sincere hope that the Barge and its neighbors will figure this out. JC will be the worse in its absence. Thanks for your thoughts!!
Posted on: 2010/4/8 4:01
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
Home away from home
Just food for thought. Businesses cater to clientele. They are obviously still above water because of their customers. Only way to change them is to convince them that a different client base would make them more money.
Posted on: 2010/4/8 3:45
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
Home away from home
I love a rowdy bar as much as the next guy, but there's some truth in mentioning those three bars. I've been to all three multiple times. Until the threat exists to remove the liquor license of anyplace that proves to be a hazard (eg, felonies occurring in or spilling out of), there's not much that can be done.
I believe NYC regulates this with community boards. While that may have it's own problems, it's probably the only solution.
Posted on: 2010/4/8 3:13
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
You can argue with each other about racism, or other bars, or whatever you want even though it does nothing to change a thing about this bar in particular upsetting those who live near it. (Nor is it actually useful or constructive).
Indio's patrons drunkenly drive back and forth to the location and scream at each other outside. To our knowledge, there has been at least one shooting recently, as well as stabbings and other attempted harmful acts. This disrupts the overall safety and welfare of actual residents in the neighborhood (read: people who actually live in the direct area of this bar). If you think otherwise - you likely don't live near it.
Posted on: 2010/4/8 2:26
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
Home away from home
Indio's has white people too. i saw some today screaming like crackheads as i moved my car to the other side of the street. i hate them too. I hate Indio's and the people who go there. They can be purple for all i care if they act like ghetto rats we have a problem.
I don't particularly like the white frat boys who get drunk in the backyard of some 2nd street house and sing 3rd eye blind at 2am but at least they don't cause me problems all the time or leave beer bottles all over the place.. oh yeah and shoot at each other. that is a big problem. ghetto does not infer any race or ethnicity.. it infers a mentality that annoys the crap out of me. if you act like a ghetto rat you are my sworn enemy. whoever called this the hood.. have you been here lately? it's not the hood.. it's the city. vast difference.. now if we could just get rid of Indios..
Posted on: 2010/4/8 1:56
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
Home away from home
You're just a retard trying to stir up trouble. Neither blacks nor hispanics "scare" me. It has to do with the crowd that congregates in the area and causes pollution and trouble for the residents. Not the hispanics, not the blacks, but the PEOPLE that frequent these places is what causes the trouble. Anyone who tries to imply anything else (and I'm looking right at YOU, Nori and DragonXJC) are just assholes trying to scream that anyone who speaks up against "their" places are racisit. Call me what you will, I don't care. If I hated blacks or hispanics, I certainly wouldn't be afraid to say it. God knows I've never been too shy to voice my opinions before.
Posted on: 2010/4/7 23:38
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
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2006/12/5 15:53 Last Login : 2012/9/30 0:28 From Belmont Ave.
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I'm one of the first people to call someone on veiled racism, but you're reaching here. There's nothing even hinting at race bias in the original post.
Posted on: 2010/4/7 22:45
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
Home away from home
Glad to hear that this man is okay.
On another note, I'm with this guy...just saying...
Posted on: 2010/4/7 22:14
I am a rock, I am an Island... and a rock feels no pain and an island never cries...Simon & Garfunkle
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
Home away from home
2008/1/3 19:12 Last Login : 2020/9/30 18:46 From Van Vorst Park
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I'm a grandpa for stating facts? I wish it was different...then we would perhaps have less stereotypes. Then racism WOULDN'T exist.
Posted on: 2010/4/7 22:06
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
Just can't stay away
oh my god. Are we starting this now grandpa tommy?
Posted on: 2010/4/7 22:03
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
Home away from home
2008/1/3 19:12 Last Login : 2020/9/30 18:46 From Van Vorst Park
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Well, going by statistics, 1stStGuy's fear would be legitimate: Black people are 7x more likely to commit a violent crime than white people. Latino people are 3x more likely to commit a violent crime than white people. And for those who cry racism ... White people are 4x more likely to commit a violent crime than Asian people are. I'm a realist. Why do people try to hide, sugarcoat, or deny these things, rather than address the problems?
Posted on: 2010/4/7 21:55
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
Just can't stay away
2008/1/5 23:18 Last Login : 2022/12/16 23:23 From Greenville
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Posted on: 2010/4/7 21:52
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
Just can't stay away
In other words "black and latino people scare me, more so than white people"
Posted on: 2010/4/7 21:37
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
Home away from home
I didn't because they aren't around the corner from my apt, and I'm not woken up from the fighting and the ensuing police presence they bring. Had I been, they would have been included as well.
Posted on: 2010/4/7 20:03
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
Just can't stay away
2008/1/5 23:18 Last Login : 2022/12/16 23:23 From Greenville
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C/S Believe me, if they close down my beloved Marias (New Music bo....whatever that sign says lol). I'm going to your bar with all my "ethnically diverse" boys and taking over your juke box and pool tables. And create "Bachata y Merengue nights"
Posted on: 2010/4/7 19:56
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
Quite a regular
This isn't about race or culture for me. It's about loud, obnoxious, violent people keeping me up at night and effecting the quality of life in my neighborhood.
Posted on: 2010/4/7 19:53
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
Home away from home
Latin Lounge refers to the music that is played there, as well as the live bands they have... I go there and im clearly not Latin...
Posted on: 2010/4/7 19:02
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
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2008/1/3 19:12 Last Login : 2020/9/30 18:46 From Van Vorst Park
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I live very close to the beer garden, and I never hear or see any type of "ruckus" near closing time. It just attracts a higher class of people ... whether you like it, or not. Plain and simple. Some things just are, what they are.
Posted on: 2010/4/7 19:01
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
Home away from home
THANK YOU! Although they will fail to admit that this is what they actually mean, I know it and im glad you know it too
Posted on: 2010/4/7 19:00
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
Home away from home
No, your right I do not live in the neighborhood... So I would not know, but point well taken. Although I do assume that majority of bars at closing have some sort of ruckus from drunk patrons... right? Like are they gonna shut down the beer garden? no, and one may wonder why.. I won't talk about the elephant in the room
Posted on: 2010/4/7 18:59
Re: Downtown: Man stabbed and robbed on First and Brunswick going to bar
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2008/1/3 19:12 Last Login : 2020/9/30 18:46 From Van Vorst Park
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Racism? To me, the Latin Lounge in name is racist. If a bar attracts a certain demographic or color of skin, then fine...but to NAME it after that predominant culture is a little "exclusive" of others, isn't it? aoao - if I opened up a bar and named it "Club Caucasian", you wouldn't call me and my bar racist?
Posted on: 2010/4/7 18:58