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Re: Swiped by Car While Riding Bike on Pacific Avenue
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2005/7/13 15:03
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From Western Slope
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T-Bird wrote:

heights wrote:

T-Bird wrote:
The whole "I grew up here so let me tell you how it is" philosophy gets so old - and in this case I'd argue it works against you, Heights. Because you haven't lived anywhere else, you can't fully appreciate just how completely awful certain behaviors are here. Your standards are so low because you don't know anything else. No different than someone who grew up among cannibals and thinks there's nothing wrong with eating your fellow man.

So with your theroy we should accept all types of behavior.

Quite the opposite. Like you, I find many things around here to be in dire need of improvement. I just don't accept the rationale that "you aren't from here so you either a) don't understand, or b) don't count" to be even more backward than the behavior you so frequently deplore.

It is the people who have lived elsewhere - who have seen people drive civilly, keep their streets clean, keep their kids out of trouble, get involved in their communities, elect people who don't belong in prisons - who have the experience to maybe bring about some of the needed change you cry out for.

Believe it or not I am with you on this. I'm getting tired of these low educated idiots getting in the way of decent law abiding people. It can affect the well being of those around them, and they do not like to be repermaned you would think they would have the courtesy to care or at least the fear of looking foolish.

Posted on: 2009/6/17 23:57

Re: Swiped by Car While Riding Bike on Pacific Avenue
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2008/10/19 1:18
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heights wrote:

T-Bird wrote:
The whole "I grew up here so let me tell you how it is" philosophy gets so old - and in this case I'd argue it works against you, Heights. Because you haven't lived anywhere else, you can't fully appreciate just how completely awful certain behaviors are here. Your standards are so low because you don't know anything else. No different than someone who grew up among cannibals and thinks there's nothing wrong with eating your fellow man.

So with your theroy we should accept all types of behavior.

Quite the opposite. Like you, I find many things around here to be in dire need of improvement. I just don't accept the rationale that "you aren't from here so you either a) don't understand, or b) don't count" to be even more backward than the behavior you so frequently deplore.

It is the people who have lived elsewhere - who have seen people drive civilly, keep their streets clean, keep their kids out of trouble, get involved in their communities, elect people who don't belong in prisons - who have the experience to maybe bring about some of the needed change you cry out for.

Posted on: 2009/6/17 18:09

Re: Swiped by Car While Riding Bike on Pacific Avenue
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2008/4/9 19:26
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Once again Heights, you completely missed the point.

Should we dumb it down a shade so you can understand?

Posted on: 2009/6/17 17:59

Re: Swiped by Car While Riding Bike on Pacific Avenue
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2005/7/13 15:03
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T-Bird wrote:
The whole "I grew up here so let me tell you how it is" philosophy gets so old - and in this case I'd argue it works against you, Heights. Because you haven't lived anywhere else, you can't fully appreciate just how completely awful certain behaviors are here. Your standards are so low because you don't know anything else. No different than someone who grew up among cannibals and thinks there's nothing wrong with eating your fellow man.

So with your theroy we should accept all types of behavior.

Posted on: 2009/6/17 17:51

Re: Swiped by Car While Riding Bike on Pacific Avenue
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2006/5/31 15:16
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2015/4/8 1:12
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I'm glad you are OK. I've had a few close calls too. If you live in the Lafayette area, like me, there is always the route over the pedestrian bridge and into LSP.
I use this to go home as I really hate Pacific Ave, especially where it meets Grand.

Posted on: 2009/6/17 17:47

Re: Swiped by Car While Riding Bike on Pacific Avenue
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2008/11/14 15:00
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2019/6/17 18:59
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Your standards are so low because you don't know anything else. No different than someone who grew up among cannibals and thinks there's nothing wrong with eating your fellow man.

I wouldn't be shocked if cannibalism was alive and well in JC. The way a LOT of people act around here, shows me they are a half a chromosome away from reverting back to knuckle scraping and dragging their women around by their hair.

Posted on: 2009/6/17 15:39

Re: Swiped by Car While Riding Bike on Pacific Avenue
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2008/10/19 1:18
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The whole "I grew up here so let me tell you how it is" philosophy gets so old - and in this case I'd argue it works against you, Heights. Because you haven't lived anywhere else, you can't fully appreciate just how completely awful certain behaviors are here. Your standards are so low because you don't know anything else. No different than someone who grew up among cannibals and thinks there's nothing wrong with eating your fellow man.

Posted on: 2009/6/17 14:56

Re: Swiped by Car While Riding Bike on Pacific Avenue
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2008/8/12 18:31
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To fat-ass-bike and 1djcview,

Thank you for your sympathies and I whole-heartedly agree. Given the situation, I am also grateful that the driver chose to stop and "check" on me. There was no undoing what was already done, but his reaction after the incident was more (and better) than I expected.

In the end, nothing really happened. We both got spooked, but that was pretty much it. My thigh is a bit sore from the collision, but I am OK. In fact, I feel bad for the dude... my pedal completely scratched the lower part of his passenger-side door. I am sure it is going to cost him a pretty penny to get that fixed.

Posted on: 2009/6/17 2:32

Re: Swiped by Car While Riding Bike on Pacific Avenue
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2006/11/27 12:04
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The JCPD is to blame. The cops can't be bothered to enforce the driving laws so JC drivers feel free to do as they please. I've seen people blow through a red light right in front of a JCPD patrol car. It doesn't make me angry though. I think it's kind of charming. It's just like the movies and television.

Posted on: 2009/6/17 0:02

Re: Swiped by Car While Riding Bike on Pacific Avenue
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2004/9/14 17:44
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
Black Honda driver must not be local also - normally you get the bird and they keep going.

+1 for Honda driver for stopping

+1 for you for anticipating careless drivers

unfortunately, that has been my experience in jc too. i ride a lot here and in NYC too, and frankly i get more consideration there.


from what you say, it mattered to him, and he knew he'd made a dangerous mistake, and regretted it. that's the best scenario given the mistake was already made.

Posted on: 2009/6/16 22:50

Re: Swiped by Car While Riding Bike on Pacific Avenue
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2005/7/13 15:03
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bodhipooh wrote:

Heights replied:
You sound like a person that hasn't lived in J.C. their whole life. A local would have singled this guy out as an idiot driver not lummped in with the rest of the J.C. driving population. At least he acknowledged what he did, and apologized for it. I'd rather that situation then a guy that cuts me off without realizing it.

Perhaps so, Heights. Indeed, I am NOT a native JC resident. So what? I think you would be hard pressed to find many people who live around here and don't think of JC drivers as nothing more than animals. My experience to date has been very bad. I am extremely careful when I ride my bike, or whenever I drive my car, but I am constantly in fear of an accident. Stop signs all over town are nothing more than Coke signs to most people, and the sheer volume of red-light running is breathtaking. I have seen it all here in good ole JC. I have seen people drive in reverse the entire length of streets (e.g., Gautier) because they are one-way streets and the driver can't be inconvenienced to do the full loop necessary to reach their destination. I have seen people turn left on reds, i have seen people double and triple park. I have seen cars bring down light poles, I have seen cars take the TURN ONLY lanes all the way to the front and then jump into the adjacent lanes while cars are flowing through. Quite honestly, driving in JC is quite an experience.

This is why our insurance rate are so far gone high ! Even the sitting governor has caused the rates to go up. Jersey City is no help either we have to bear the brunt because of these uneducated lame brains driving like idiots. It's become trendy to talk on a cell phone when driving not to mention other distractions. We are over populated where push comes to shove and then some, with no one to turn to but ourselves.

Posted on: 2009/6/16 22:45

Re: Swiped by Car While Riding Bike on Pacific Avenue
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2009/6/2 20:07
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Dear god, please tell me you are kidding


heights wrote:

Knowing the nationality of the responding people to these postings and where they came from before they moved to J.C. would explain a lot. It's just culture shock, I probably would be shocked if I went to their town as well. I'm sure they have idiots there too, where there's one there's more.

Posted on: 2009/6/16 22:44

Re: Swiped by Car While Riding Bike on Pacific Avenue
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2005/7/13 15:03
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elvis wrote:
Thats right, Heights. Because he hasn't lived in JC his whole life, that makes him unqualified to judge the drivers here?
I have lived here ten years, and in that time, I have come to the conclusion that the drivers here suck balls. Failing to yield or even stop most of the time. Taking that suicide left when the light turns green, or ignoring the light all together. I have seen it all. Your dumbassery constantly astounds me.

Knowing the nationality of the responding people to these postings and where they grew up or lived before moving to J.C. would explain a lot. It's just culture shock, I probably would be shocked if I went to their town as well. I'm sure they have idiots there too, where there's one there's more.

Posted on: 2009/6/16 22:36

Re: Swiped by Car While Riding Bike on Pacific Avenue
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2006/11/13 18:42
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2022/2/28 7:31
From 280 Grove Street
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Black Honda driver must not be local also - normally you get the bird and they keep going.

+1 for Honda driver for stopping

+1 for you for anticipating careless drivers

Posted on: 2009/6/16 21:01
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Re: Swiped by Car While Riding Bike on Pacific Avenue
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2008/8/12 18:31
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Heights replied:
You sound like a person that hasn't lived in J.C. their whole life. A local would have singled this guy out as an idiot driver not lummped in with the rest of the J.C. driving population. At least he acknowledged what he did, and apologized for it. I'd rather that situation then a guy that cuts me off without realizing it.

Perhaps so, Heights. Indeed, I am NOT a native JC resident. So what? I think you would be hard pressed to find many people who live around here and don't think of JC drivers as nothing more than animals. My experience to date has been very bad. I am extremely careful when I ride my bike, or whenever I drive my car, but I am constantly in fear of an accident. Stop signs all over town are nothing more than Coke signs to most people, and the sheer volume of red-light running is breathtaking. I have seen it all here in good ole JC. I have seen people drive in reverse the entire length of streets (e.g., Gautier) because they are one-way streets and the driver can't be inconvenienced to do the full loop necessary to reach their destination. I have seen people turn left on reds, i have seen people double and triple park. I have seen cars bring down light poles, I have seen cars take the TURN ONLY lanes all the way to the front and then jump into the adjacent lanes while cars are flowing through. Quite honestly, driving in JC is quite an experience.

Posted on: 2009/6/16 18:38

Re: Swiped by Car While Riding Bike on Pacific Avenue
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2008/4/9 19:26
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2014/1/15 16:41
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Thats right, Heights. Because he hasn't lived in JC his whole life, that makes him unqualified to judge the drivers here?

I have lived here ten years, and in that time, I have come to the conclusion that the drivers here suck balls. Failing to yield or even stop most of the time. Taking that suicide left when the light turns green, or ignoring the light all together. I have seen it all.

Your dumbassery constantly astounds me.

Posted on: 2009/6/16 18:22

Re: Swiped by Car While Riding Bike on Pacific Avenue
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2005/7/13 15:03
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1/14 17:44
From Western Slope
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bodhipooh wrote:
So, today I had a close encounter with one of our adorable JC drivers. This morning, as I was riding my bike home from the gym, I was almost ran over by a black Honda. The dumbass driver was travelling South on Pacific Avenue (heading from Grand towards Communipaw) when he apparently made a last minute decision to make a right turn onto Johnston. The problem is that he never saw me, or perhaps didn't even bother to look, and basically swiped me aside. Truth be told, I am very lucky in that I am constantly watching out for traffic and trying to anticipate people's actions, so I was able to react in a timely manner and came away with nothing more than a bump on my thigh and a scary experience to relay here to all of you. As for the driver, I was half expecting him to just drive away, but the did the decent thing and stopped his car. He asked if I was OK (you could see it in his face that he was SCARED) and apologized several times. I told him I was OK, so he left and I just went home. Hopefully, this was a lesson learned for this driver. I continue to ride, so all is good for now.

You sound like a person that hasn't lived in J.C. their whole life. A local would have singled this guy out as an idiot driver not lummped in with the rest of the J.C. driving population. At least he acknowledged what he did, and apologized for it. I'd rather that situation then a guy that cuts me off without realizing it.

Posted on: 2009/6/16 16:48

Swiped by Car While Riding Bike on Pacific Avenue
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2008/8/12 18:31
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2020/4/26 22:05
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So, today I had a close encounter with one of our adorable JC drivers. This morning, as I was riding my bike home from the gym, I was almost ran over by a black Honda. The dumbass driver was travelling South on Pacific Avenue (heading from Grand towards Communipaw) when he apparently made a last minute decision to make a right turn onto Johnston. The problem is that he never saw me, or perhaps didn't even bother to look, and basically swiped me aside. Truth be told, I am very lucky in that I am constantly watching out for traffic and trying to anticipate people's actions, so I was able to react in a timely manner and came away with nothing more than a bump on my thigh and a scary experience to relay here to all of you. As for the driver, I was half expecting him to just drive away, but the did the decent thing and stopped his car. He asked if I was OK (you could see it in his face that he was SCARED) and apologized several times. I told him I was OK, so he left and I just went home.

Hopefully, this was a lesson learned for this driver. I continue to ride, so all is good for now.

Posted on: 2009/6/16 16:31

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