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Re: please help= animal emergency
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2006/5/6 11:20
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From Jersey City Heights
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A JCLister posted: "I know for a fact that he has given multiple hours over the years at all times of the night and weekend. For, as the boss over at Animal Control he takes his job seriously and if he can't get a ACO - he goes himself. He gets NO OVERTIME for this since he is a Management employee."

FACT: In an article covering the feud between Joe Frank and then director of Liberty Humane Society Director several years ago, Niki Dawson, Joe Frank told the The Jersey City Reporter that he was in fact not envious of her job because with all the OT he puts in, he made nearly double her salary. The figure he gave the reporter was in the low nineties.

FACT: The Jersey City Independent, an online news source, just reported that a second shift would be created at Animal Control, which would save them money in OT. Now, who do you think they are paying this OT to?

Another poster says that an investigation by the authorities has proven that posts made concerning Joe Frank are slanderous. As someone who has followed the adventures of Animal Control since 1980, I am curious as to which posts have slandered Joe, whom Anrold Diaz artfully exposed as speaking with a forked tongue in his second "Shame on You" interview.

Posted on: 2009/8/22 7:31

Re: please help= animal emergency
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2006/5/6 11:20
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From Jersey City Heights
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A JCLister posted: "I know for a fact that he has given multiple hours over the years at all times of the night and weekend. For, as the boss over at Animal Control he takes his job seriously and if he can't get a ACO - he goes himself. He gets NO OVERTIME for this since he is a Management employee."

FACT: In an article covering the feud between Joe Frank and then director of Liberty Humane Society Director, Niki Dawson, Joe Frank told the The Jersey City Reporter that he was in fact not envious of her job because with all the OT he puts in, he made nearly double her salary.

FACT: The Jersey City Independent, an online news source, just reported that a second shift would be created at Animal Control, which would save them money in OT. Now, who do you think they are paying this OT to?

Another poster says that an investigation by the authorities has proven that posts made concerning Joe Frank are slanderous. As someone who has followed the adventures of Animal Control since 1980, I am curious as to which posts have slandered Joe, whom Anrold Diaz artfully exposed as speaking with a forked tongue in his second "Shame on You" interview.

Posted on: 2009/8/22 7:31

Re: please help= animal emergency
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I can highly recommend Oradell Animal Hospital. One of our cats needed emergency orthopaedic surgery this week. The facility is state of the art, the front desk is amazingly customer service oriented and the medical staff is absolutely qualified, communicative and compassionate.


Vigilante wrote:
Oradell Animal Hospital is a 24hr. Emer. Hospital just off RT. 17 North. About 30 min drive. There is a 24 hour place on 15th.street and Fifth Ave in NYC.

Posted on: 2009/8/21 19:43

Re: please help= animal emergency
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2007/11/23 11:19
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It's not slander if it's true. Nobody even answers the phone there. He's a slob and a joke. Bring on the lawsuit.

Posted on: 2009/6/17 18:05

Re: please help= animal emergency

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2009/4/3 18:51
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The Jersey City Council votes TONIGHT on the creation of an Animal Control Committee -- all animal advocates as well as advocates for good government are asked to attend to show support. The Council is split on its support for this Committee and Mayor Healy has come out against it. Support from the community is vital towards getting this important piece of legislation passed.

Whether you care about animal welfare or not, the central issue here is transparency -- transparency in how agencies work, and whether or not government will be responsive to the needs of the community. Those voting in favor of this ordinance favor accountability and transparency in government, and value the highest level of community involvement in creating public policy.

Those voting against it favor a form of government which operates in secrecy and places obstacles in the way of community involvement. They don't want your input or care about being accountable to you, the voters and taxpayers of Jersey City.

The Division of Animal Control has a longstanding history of incompetence and mismanagement. It is time to shine a bright light on its policies and practices and finally create a program of which we can all be proud.


Posted on: 2009/6/17 14:08

Re: please help= animal emergency
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I have know plenty of "nice" people, who were inept at their jobs, and it didn't matter how many hours they put in.

Fact is that Animal Control is ineffective, I have heard too many stories (also from honest, "nice" people) and was a public embarrassment (Dumping Cats TV segment) on HIS watch.
Therefore he is responsible.

Posted on: 2009/6/16 12:05

Re: please help= animal emergency

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2009/4/30 4:12
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I find this case very interesting to share with those users who have posted slanderous statements about Joe Frank that wasn?t even found to be true by the authorities who have investigated it. This story really does have a happy ending to it that we like.

By Laura Parker, USA TODAY
A Florida woman has been awarded $11.3 million in a defamation lawsuit against a Louisiana woman who posted messages on the Internet accusing her of being a "crook," a "con artist" and a "fraud."

Legal analysts say the Sept. 19 award by a jury in Broward County, Fla. ? first reported Friday by the Daily Business Review ? represents the largest such judgment over postings on an Internet blog or message board. Lyrissa Lidsky, a University of Florida law professor who specializes in free-speech issues, calls the award "astonishing." ... net-defamation-case_x.htm

Posted on: 2009/6/16 11:47

Re: please help= animal emergency
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If he can't do the job, then let's get someone who can. If the entity is so disabled that the workers are disposing of house cats in the park, heads have to roll. A commission looks like "action" to the activists on this issue, so it may pacify them for a spell. A politician will make political hay of the success. I'm fine with both.

But if the people running the operation are too old-fashioned, disorganized, understaffed, or uncreative to git-er-dun... then a leadership change is necessary. Sometimes it isn't enough that you know he's a good guy and that he works hard.

Messrs. Frank and Melendez may be great neighbors and friends. That's fine. But if city or county politicocs are unwilling to disturb, fire, or transfer experienced workers on their "faith in the guy" principles alone, then that is the wrong decision.

These gentlemen, or whomever is involved, could be transferred laterally to other departments where their skills are needed. That would be a perfectly acceptable solution.

Posted on: 2009/6/16 0:31

Re: please help= animal emergency

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2009/6/15 22:32
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2009/6/20 17:42
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I have had the privledge of knowing Mr. Joe Frank for over two decades.
I have found him to be a humane, caring and thoughtful human being.
I know for a fact that he has given multiple hours over the years at all times of the night and weekend.
For, as the boss over at Animal Control he takes his job seriously and if he can't get a ACO - he goes himself.
He gets NO OVERTIME for this since he is a Management employee.
He does this because of his good heart and love of animals
Don't scapegoat Joe Frank for a system that is inherently flawed.
The City should put on three shifts to ensure round the clock service to our animal population of this compassionate City.
Scapegoating Joe Frank is not the answer.

Posted on: 2009/6/15 22:56

Re: please help= animal emergency

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2009/6/10 17:14
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2009/6/10 17:14
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To the person who lost a yellow parakeet: I saw a yellow parakeet standing on my stairs a week and a half ago. I tried to get it to step up on my finger but it flew away. This we near the corner of Bergen ave. and Bentley Ave. not too far from Lincoln park.

Posted on: 2009/6/10 17:17

Re: please help= animal emergency

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2009/5/19 1:31
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2009/6/30 1:36
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oh my charlie is orange and white and someone called me and said they saw him and he has a big open sore on his shoulder. he was last seen on cambridge between south and bowers.

BUT marsha is missing her female cat and she was dark brown (actually tortoise) with no tags. i dont have a pic bc marsha doesnt use the computer much. oh god i hope it wasnt her. the cat's name was sierra.

Posted on: 2009/6/10 1:50

Re: please help= animal emergency
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2005/7/19 15:35
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cats n dogs, you may want to email Melendez all that. his email is in this thread somewhere. i did, and he replied.

as for fellowes, this cat was a dark brown female. if you have a picture, PM me and i'll let you know. I truly hope it wasn't yours. I think it was a stray from our block, as i had seen her around before. this was not an indoor cat, and she had no tags.

Posted on: 2009/6/9 19:41

Re: please help= animal emergency

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2009/5/19 1:31
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eric ... what did this cat look like??? i am missing my cat. also a lady on cambridge is missing hers. please write back

Posted on: 2009/6/9 0:41

Re: please help= animal emergency
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Can you tell us what has been done about the three cats that were killed in LIberty State Park one month ago by a loose dog that animal control refused to trap? The City Council was shown the graphic photos of those dead cats at the previous Council meeting a few weeks ago.

What does it take to get through to you and the Council that we will not stand for this anymore? Are you so indifferent to what we are saying? Is Joe Frank blackmailing you and others? Why don't you come clean for once.

This is not going away. This cause and our efforts will not be minimized by you or council members.

We will not be satisfied until we the people of Jersey City have an integral part of how the animals in our community are treated. We will not back down.

Even if that means calling you every day, emailing you every day, blogging about you every day and organizing town hall meetings -- We Will Not Back Down.


ErinMaiden wrote:
so yesterday i wrote to my council man to vote for some oversight, and also to Mr. Melendez to let him know my experience. and color me shocked, b/c this morning i had this response from Mr. Melendez.

Dear Ms. Connors,
Let me first say how sorry I am about your experience. I certainly appreciate and understand your concern about how animal control services are conducted after regular hours. The procedure after hours is to call the JCPD who then contact animal control.
I was informed about this incident this morning and I contacted our chief animal control officer to inquire about your call.
We had an animal control officer in the field till well past 11:00pm last night. Neither this officer or the chief animal control officer (supervisor) received a page or call from JCPD. The animal control supervisor contacted JCPD this morning to inquire about your call and was told that it was received and their screen indicated the call as "referred." Unfortunately, our staff does not have any record of receiving this call. For your information, I am listing the after hour calls we responded to from residents and JCPD:
Animal Control responded to five (5) calls after regular shift.
5:25pm - Bite Case - Central Avenue
After 6:00pm with Task Force- Magnolia Avenue
6:44pm from Police # 115351- Washington Blvd.
6:58pm from Police # 115374 - Wegman Parkway
8:57pm from Police # 115481 - Martin Luther King Drive
As you can see, we received three calls from JCPD to which we responded. Had we received the call regarding the animal in question we would have responded.
These incidents are extremely troubling to us especially during this time. I appreciate your candor regarding the ordinance and understand your sentiments. Our city has a good animal control program but it can be better. Last year we responded to more than 2,200 calls without any incidents or problems. Your situation is very regrettable, and all I can say is I'm very sorry for the trouble you encountered. I'm available at 201 547-6800 if you would like to speak with me.
Harry Melendez

Posted on: 2009/6/4 21:39

Re: please help= animal emergency
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Kenny and Vega said they voted no because they didn't have time to review the ordinance, the final version of which was handed out yesterday. Vega also said that while he agreed the division needs more oversight, he wants to see if it is able to "self-correct" before creating the committee. Flood gave no explanation and Gaughan said he was honoring the wishes of Harry Melendez, director of Health and Human Services, who is against it.

Kenny and Vega: Don't have the time for issues concerning the city. Will remember to post this next election season. Off to a great start.

Vega also said he wants to see if it is able to self correct. First; Which is is? Did you vote "No" because you didn't have time to read it, or because you want it to self correct? Second; how many times does animal control have to Fark up before you realize they can't run properly now, so what makes you think they can fix it? How many news shows will it take to convince them?

Flood gave no explanation. Typical. besides. just won. Doesn't need to.

Gaughan said he was honoring the wishes of Harry Melendez, director of Health and Human Services:
See point two of Vega.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 17:33

Re: please help= animal emergency
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2006/11/28 20:08
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They don't have any record of receiving the page from the police? What kind of crap is that?

Posted on: 2009/6/4 16:06

Re: please help= animal emergency
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2005/7/19 15:35
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one last thing. I had a couple PM's asking me where we took her.

We went to North Jersey Veterinary Emergency Hospital in Lyndhurst, NJ

Apparently they have a contract with the city, and this is where animal control takes them. All you have to do is sign a release, there is no charge to you. Hopefully you never have a reason to go there.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 14:08

Re: please help= animal emergency
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2005/7/19 15:35
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so yesterday i wrote to my council man to vote for some oversight, and also to Mr. Melendez to let him know my experience. and color me shocked, b/c this morning i had this response from Mr. Melendez.

Dear Ms. Connors,
Let me first say how sorry I am about your experience. I certainly appreciate and understand your concern about how animal control services are conducted after regular hours. The procedure after hours is to call the JCPD who then contact animal control.
I was informed about this incident this morning and I contacted our chief animal control officer to inquire about your call.
We had an animal control officer in the field till well past 11:00pm last night. Neither this officer or the chief animal control officer (supervisor) received a page or call from JCPD. The animal control supervisor contacted JCPD this morning to inquire about your call and was told that it was received and their screen indicated the call as "referred." Unfortunately, our staff does not have any record of receiving this call. For your information, I am listing the after hour calls we responded to from residents and JCPD:
Animal Control responded to five (5) calls after regular shift.
5:25pm - Bite Case - Central Avenue
After 6:00pm with Task Force- Magnolia Avenue
6:44pm from Police # 115351- Washington Blvd.
6:58pm from Police # 115374 - Wegman Parkway
8:57pm from Police # 115481 - Martin Luther King Drive
As you can see, we received three calls from JCPD to which we responded. Had we received the call regarding the animal in question we would have responded.
These incidents are extremely troubling to us especially during this time. I appreciate your candor regarding the ordinance and understand your sentiments. Our city has a good animal control program but it can be better. Last year we responded to more than 2,200 calls without any incidents or problems. Your situation is very regrettable, and all I can say is I'm very sorry for the trouble you encountered. I'm available at 201 547-6800 if you would like to speak with me.
Harry Melendez

Posted on: 2009/6/4 13:52

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Jersey Journal

Split council intros animal oversight plan
Thursday, June 04, 2009


A proposal to create a citizens committee to oversee Jersey City's Division of Animal Control squeaked through the City Council on introduction last night by a 5-4 vote.

Council members Phil Kenny, Bill Gaughan, Willie Flood and Mariano Vega voted against the measure, which will go before the council for a final vote on June 17.

The ordinance replaces a stalled ordinance that the city's legal department deemed illegal, arguing that it would usurp power from the city's executive branch.

The new ordinance, which got the OK from the city's attorneys, changes the name from "commission" to "committee," and reduces the number of members from 19 to 13. It also disbands the committee on June 30, 2010, with no provisions for renewal.

Kenny and Vega said they voted no because they didn't have time to review the ordinance, the final version of which was handed out yesterday. Vega also said that while he agreed the division needs more oversight, he wants to see if it is able to "self-correct" before creating the committee. Flood gave no explanation and Gaughan said he was honoring the wishes of Harry Melendez, director of Health and Human Services, who is against it.

In a letter to the council, Melendez wrote that the division is already supervised by the state and that the council could, at any time, appoint an ad hoc committee to investigate particular concerns.

Councilman Steven Fulop, sponsor of the ordinance, said voting against the proposal sends a message that the council is not interested in residents' involvement.

"When this board says 'no,' it's saying 'We don't want you here. We're going to do what we want to do,'" he said.

?2009 Jersey Journal
? 2009 All Rights Reserved.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 10:35

Re: please help= animal emergency
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erin: please help me. i lost a yellow parakeet, and then i lost a yellow canary. for all i know a cat could be having them over for lunch in one of jc's many feral cat luxury condos

Posted on: 2009/6/4 6:12

Re: please help= animal emergency
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2006/2/16 15:09
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Thank you both for doing everything you could for that cat. I can't imagine how frustrated you must have been. I'd be just as heartbroken if I was in the same situation. Shame on the people who tried to berate you here. I have heard similar stories time and time again. I think they need to just clean house and get rid of the existing AC staff, make it a strictly volunteer civilian kind of thing. There are plenty of caring animal people in this city that would be more than willing.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 6:08
Cat Owner's Group of Jersey City

Re: please help= animal emergency
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2009/6/3 2:59
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muffintops wrote:
Ironically enough - last night / early this morning I took my dog to the emergency room at AMCNY on the upper east side for heart failure. Called at first to get a quick phone consultation because I wasn't sure what to do and they said to bring her in immediately. My vet is associated with them and I happen to remember seeing a pamphlet once in the office which is the main reason I went there. They did a wonderful job in stabilizing her, explaining what was going on and treatment in a very kind manner. Upper East Side is a trek - but AMCNY is another option for emergency care. Just wanted to throw out that as another option if so inclined.

Animal Medical Center
510 East 62nd Street,
New York, NY 10065
Phone: 212-838-8100

btw - Erins & Caps and their neighbors are a huge reason their block New York Ave between Congress & South became safer. I lived on the block below and a few houses on their block were a constant crime nuisance (noise, drug dealing, machetes, etc). They are good people.

Erins awersome, period.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 5:20

Re: please help= animal emergency
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2005/6/13 22:45
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Ironically enough - last night / early this morning I took my dog to the emergency room at AMCNY on the upper east side for heart failure. Called at first to get a quick phone consultation because I wasn't sure what to do and they said to bring her in immediately. My vet is associated with them and I happen to remember seeing a pamphlet once in the office which is the main reason I went there. They did a wonderful job in stabilizing her, explaining what was going on and treatment in a very kind manner. Upper East Side is a trek - but AMCNY is another option for emergency care. Just wanted to throw out that as another option if so inclined.

Animal Medical Center
510 East 62nd Street,
New York, NY 10065
Phone: 212-838-8100

btw - Erins & Caps and their neighbors are a huge reason their block New York Ave between Congress & South became safer. I lived on the block below and a few houses on their block were a constant crime nuisance (noise, drug dealing, machetes, etc). They are good people.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 2:25

Re: please help= animal emergency
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Id probablly call Arnold Diaz about this one where Animal Control is just not responding to the injured cat.
Here is a animal control beeper number that I had from a while ago & it seems like its still working if anyone wants it...
201 502 9192
Sorry to hear about the cat ut atleast you tried, I would of dont the same thing!!!

Posted on: 2009/6/4 1:45

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We created the Neighborhood Feral Cat Initiative to create a public discussion about the feral cat crisis in our city and to offer practical ways to address it.

Please come to any one of our FREE monthly Trap Neuter Return workshops. We teach how to trap, offer low cost spay neuter, loan traps for free and provide general support.

Email or get more details from the website at

The next workshop is Saturday, June 13 from 12 - 3pm.

We look forward to meeting you.



ErinMaiden wrote:
thanks everyone.

after last night, i really want to get involved. I heard there's a trap and release program out there to have these poor cats spayed. Does anyone have the contact information? i just don't want to have this happen to another neighborhood kitty.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 1:02

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The City Council meeting tonight was a surprising and a contentious one with Steve Fulop and Bill Gaughan going at each other.

In a reversal from the last council meeting weeks back and from Monday's night's Caucus meeting four council members voted NO for the Animal Control Commission. Steve Fulop made it publicly known that Mayor Healy had called (or had someone call on his behalf) the Council members at 4pm today to ask them to vote NO.

Bill Gaughan gave a pathetic speech about "owing" it to Melendez and Steve had to remind Gaughan that Gaughan represented the public and NOT employees of the City. He also called Marianna Vega a hypocrite since he changed his tune from the Monday night caucus.

Bottom line, it is up for a second reading in two weeks so we will have EVERY animal advocate in attendance and speaking to the Council.

The Council people who voted no are:


We will also have to do a mail/email campaign asking for these four members to reconsider and vote yes.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 0:55

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2008/4/20 15:31
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Thank you for what you did for the kittey last night. We should have some kind of directory on here with lists of emergency numbers. Also, everyone that lets your cats outside PLEASE make sure they have an id tag! I could not make it tonight, but please let us know what happened and what we can do. Again, thank you for your kindness and compassion last night.

Posted on: 2009/6/3 22:39

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2007/11/22 12:36
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We need more Erins & Caps in JC. Thank you both for your compassion & for being proactive.
I'm emailing my councilman now.

Posted on: 2009/6/3 21:52

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unfortunately won't be able to make it tonight, but i did email my councilman. I truly hope they do something about this.


Posted on: 2009/6/3 20:42

Re: please help= animal emergency

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2009/4/3 18:51
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Thank you for telling your story and asking for help. You did the right thing. It is not unusual for a police report to be flawed or contain inaccurate/incomplete information which is why it is not admissible as evidence in a court of law. The fact that the police did not memorialize the incident as you describe is not evidence that you have fabricated something.

I hope you will take this traumatic incident and use it for good. I urge you and others to contact Harry Melendez and ask him to support the creation of this Commission: He is fully aware that there are longstanding problems with Animal Control, he has just chosen over the years to turn a blind eye to it. Also, please contact the Council and tell them your story. They need to hear this. Thanks.

Posted on: 2009/6/3 19:06

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