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Re: Jersey City Councilwoman Nidia Lopez a Florida Resident?

CORRECTION ON THE ADDRESS: The Clerk gave me the wrong address. Oral argument is scheduled to take place at Veteran's Courthouse, Room 1114, 11th floor, 50 W. Market Street, Newark.

Posted on: 2010/7/13 1:31

Re: Jersey City Councilwoman Nidia Lopez a Florida Resident?

Oral argument in the case of Raymaker v. Lopez will take place on Tuesday, July 13 at 10:30 a.m. in the Appellate Division, 60 Nelson Place (Leroy F. Smith Public Safety Building) in Newark, NJ. The argument is open to the public and is expected to last about 30-45 minutes.

Diana H. Jeffrey, Esq.
Counsel for Norrice Raymaker

Posted on: 2010/7/12 15:55

Re: Jersey City Councilwoman Nidia Lopez a Florida Resident?

Norrice Raymaker has asked me to post this as her comment on the decision i n Raymaker v. Lopez:

Ward C voters deserve a representative that is fully committed to serving our interests--not someone who avoids her own taxes while raising ours. This decision has exposed that Nidia Lopez ran a nine-year scheme to maintain a separate identity in Florida so she could duck her responsibilities. Yet now she expects the public to trust her judgement. We deserve better than this. I call upon Nidia Lopez to do the only decent and honorable thing and resign for the good of Jersey City.

Ms. Raymaker intends to appeal this decision as the court overlooked and failed to rule on a crucial legal point raised.

Ms. Raymaker thanks everyone in Ward C for their support and urges everyone not to be discouraged by this decision. Admittledly Lopez's candidacy is yet another example of the HCDO's lack of respect for voters and its belief that it is above the law. Instead, she asks that those who feel a sense of outrage like she does, to call upon Ms. Lopez to resign. Demand that Mayor Healy also do the same. Ask the Council to engage in a "no confidence" vote. And please, seek every opportunity to empower yourselves and the community and take back our City. It can be done.

Posted on: 2009/12/7 23:32

Re: New Jersey Nears Vote on Letting Gays Marry

Christie during the campaign actually promised to do much more than just veto any bill that would create marriage equality. He vowed to work actively against any possibility of legalizing same sex marriage in NJ, which means he wants to proactively pass a Prop 8 type law that makes creating marriage equality by law impossible. I called his campaign HQ during the election and they confirmed this.

Posted on: 2009/12/7 14:40

Re: Jersey City Councilwoman Nidia Lopez a Florida Resident?

I have read the speculation regarding what would be the remedy should Ms. Raymaker prevail in her election contest petition filed against Nidia Lopez a/k/a Nidia Boehringer. For purposes of clarification, neither Ms. Raymaker nor any candidate or potential candidate have the ability to request a specific remedy from the court. The remedy is preordained by applicable statute and case law. Any speculation therefore that Ms. Raymaker will request a remedy that would position her advantageously is misplaced.

Ms. Raymaker intervened in this suit to protect the rights of the electorate of Ward C. Her interest was and remains to to ascertain the truth about Ms. Lopez's eligibility to serve as councilperson. In fact, the suit has enabled the voters to learn quite a bit about not only Ms. Lopez's eligibility, but also about her character, her competence, and her ability or willingness to be truthful, forthright and transparent.

Like many of you, I look forward to receiving the court's ruling. I have confidence that whatever the outcome, the court is being guided by the law and the evidence as presented, and will order the appropriate remedy as dictated not by the parties but by the law.

Diana H. Jeffrey, Esq.
Co-counsel for Norrice Raymaker

Posted on: 2009/11/14 18:38

Re: Jersey City Councilwoman Nidia Lopez a Florida Resident?

The trial in the matter of Raymaker v. Lopez will take place on Monday, October 26, 9:00 a.m. the Honorable Maurice Gallipoli's courtroom, Room 908 in the administration building (i.e., new courthouse) on Newark Avenue.

Posted on: 2009/10/24 15:03

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges

On the issue of a recall election, you would need to get signatures that equal 25% of the total number of registered voters.

Posted on: 2009/7/25 20:50

Re: please help= animal emergency

The Jersey City Council votes TONIGHT on the creation of an Animal Control Committee -- all animal advocates as well as advocates for good government are asked to attend to show support. The Council is split on its support for this Committee and Mayor Healy has come out against it. Support from the community is vital towards getting this important piece of legislation passed.

Whether you care about animal welfare or not, the central issue here is transparency -- transparency in how agencies work, and whether or not government will be responsive to the needs of the community. Those voting in favor of this ordinance favor accountability and transparency in government, and value the highest level of community involvement in creating public policy.

Those voting against it favor a form of government which operates in secrecy and places obstacles in the way of community involvement. They don't want your input or care about being accountable to you, the voters and taxpayers of Jersey City.

The Division of Animal Control has a longstanding history of incompetence and mismanagement. It is time to shine a bright light on its policies and practices and finally create a program of which we can all be proud.


Posted on: 2009/6/17 14:08

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park

The Jersey City Council votes TONIGHT on the creation of an Animal Control Committee -- all animal advocates as well as advocates for good government are asked to attend to show support. The Council is split on its support for this Committee and Mayor Healy has come out against it. Support from the community is vital towards getting this important piece of legislation passed.

Whether you care about animal welfare or not, the central issue here is transparency -- transparency in how agencies work, and whether or not government will be responsive to the needs of the community. Those voting in favor of this ordinance favor accountability and transparency in government, and value the highest level of community involvement in creating public policy.

Those voting against it favor a form of government which operates in secrecy and places obstacles in the way of community involvement. They don't want your input or care about being accountable to you, the voters and taxpayers of Jersey City.

The Division of Animal Control has a longstanding history of incompetence and mismanagement. It is time to shine a bright light on its policies and practices and finally create a program of which we can all be proud.

Posted on: 2009/6/17 14:03

Re: please help= animal emergency


Thank you for telling your story and asking for help. You did the right thing. It is not unusual for a police report to be flawed or contain inaccurate/incomplete information which is why it is not admissible as evidence in a court of law. The fact that the police did not memorialize the incident as you describe is not evidence that you have fabricated something.

I hope you will take this traumatic incident and use it for good. I urge you and others to contact Harry Melendez and ask him to support the creation of this Commission: He is fully aware that there are longstanding problems with Animal Control, he has just chosen over the years to turn a blind eye to it. Also, please contact the Council and tell them your story. They need to hear this. Thanks.

Posted on: 2009/6/3 19:06

Re: please help= animal emergency

Thank you for your compassionate response in helping this poor cat and bringing a humane end to her suffering.

Jersey City is mandated by law to have a 24/7 Animal Control response -- especially to after hours emergencies. The failure of Animal Control to respond is a longstanding problem. In 2006, members of LHS met with Health and Human Services Director Harry Melendez to address this problem. At the time, the system in place was that police would page Chief ACO Joe Frank and he would dispatch an officer. However, Frank would often fail to answer his pager and frequently, animals were left to suffer without any response. Melendez promised to put ACOs on a rotating "on call" schedule. However, obviously the problem still persists. This is why we need an Animal Control Comission. Mr. Melendez opposes the creation of this Commission. Yet sadly, Mr. Melendez is unable or unwilling to adequately address deficiencies within this department. It should not fall to ordinary citizens to help animals in distress.

I would urge you all to use this tragic example to highlight to the Council why more oversight is needed and urge them to vote "yes" on the Animal Control ordinance. The vote is TONIGHT. Contact info is below:

Coucnil President Mariano Vega
City Hall, 280 Grove Street
Room 202
Jersey City, NJ 07302
Tel: (201) 547-5268
Fax: (201) 547-4678

Hilario Nu?ez, Council Aide
Tel: (201) 547-5458

Councilman at large Pete Brennan

Robert Noakes, Council Aide
Tel: (201) 547-5363

Councilwoman at large Willie Flood

Yvette Gore-Bell, Council Aide
Tel: (201) 547-5108

Ward A Councilman Sottolano

Robert Rybinski, Council Aide
Tel: (201) 547-5060

Ward B Councilman Phil Kenny
Sonia Schulman, Council Aide
Tel: (201) 547-5101

Ward C Councilman Steve Lipski

Irina Zaki, Council Aide
Tel: (201) 547-5172

Ward D Councilman Bill Gaughan

Bridget Dickson, Council Aide
Tel: (201) 547-6817

Ward E Councilman Steve Fulop
Althea Bernheim, Council Aide
Tel: (201) 547-5283

Ward F Councilwoman Viola Richardson

Lorenzo Richardson, Council Aide
Tel: (201) 547-5361

Posted on: 2009/6/3 14:59

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park

The Law Department has conceded that Fulop's ordinance creating an Animal Control Commission can lawfully be enacted by the Council, with some amendments. The ordinance is slated to be voted on tomorrow night (Wed June 3).

Specifically, language has been altered slightly to clarify that the Commission's purpose is advisory only, not administrative, i.e., the Commission will review existing policy within the Division of Animal Control and make recommendations on what policy changes should be implemented. Secondly, instead of creating a permanent body, the Commission will exist for a year and will expire at that time absent a renewal by the Council.

I hope you all will support this ordinance as it is an important step in creating more transparency and accountability within the Division of Animal Control. All are urged to contact their Council reps and ask them to vote "yes" tomorrow night.

Parking rules, animal panel on agenda
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Two ordinances, one to bar the city from booting illegally parked cars unless the owner has three unpaid parking tickets, and the other to create an Animal Control Committee, will be introduced at tomorrow night's Jersey City City Council meeting.
Both ordinances are proposed by Councilman Steve Fulop.
"We're still booting on the first offense," said Fulop.
At last night's City Council caucus, Mary Spinello, who recently stepped down as Ward B councilwoman to take the helm of the Jersey City Parking Authority, said the city boots 100 to 200 cars a week.
The parking ordinance would also require the JCPA to refund money to drivers who are found not guilty of the parking violation by a municipal court judge.
In addition, it would allow residents to use their residential parking permits anywhere in the city except Zone 8, which is in the vicinity of New Jersey City University, at the request of Ward A Councilman Michael Sottolano. Currently, residents' permits are valid only in their home zone.
The ordinance creating an Animal Control Committee would replace a stalled ordinance that would create an Animal Control Commission.
Jersey City's legal department had argued against the commission, saying it would usurp power from the director of the city's Department of Human Services, which oversees the Animal Control Division.
The new ordinance, which was approved by the city's attorneys, makes clear that the committee will only serve in an advisory capacity. It also reduces the number of members from 19 to 13, and creates the committee, initially, for just one year.

Posted on: 2009/6/2 20:38




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