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Re: Excellent Buffalo Wings- Where can I find them?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I strayed away from buffalo after trying the Ginger scallion and the Jerk wings at NuBar.

Give them a try if you're feeling frisky. They have SixPoint Resin on tap right now too which is a plus.

Posted on: 2015/1/13 4:10

Re: Bad Vibes at Park and Sixth
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


tern wrote:
And as I read it, the actual 'scam' consisted of promising to pay the room-mate's sister for hiring a car to move them, and then not paying.

Hardly a scam, the girl(s) would have had to pay to move their stuff in any case!

Souds like a silly squabble between a couple of kids.


I think the bigger concern for all involved was the threats made to acquaintances of the girl after they visited the restaurant. Within minutes of the couple finishing their meal they were being emailed by Gabby threatening to deport them (and at the time one was still processing the status of his citizenship). That to me is terrorism and much more important than a dispute over car rental.

I personally would never believe someone who "says" they're in the CIA, thus how I put this all together to begin with - but unfortunately for the girl she trusted her roommate and "friend" to the extent of believing "Chris" was caught up in work all the time. When confronted, Gabby had several panic attacks and meltdowns about the girls lack of trust in her. She fell for it, it was silly. But she's still a victim nonetheless. Gabby stating that Chris was her cousin was what made the whole scheme believable. She even had her brother call the girl on occasion posing as "Chris" after feeding him personal info from the text conversations.

Bottom line is the girl is sick and she's a criminal. I like Park and 6th a lot, but now anyone who is friends or close to the victimized girl would never be able go there again while Gabby is working. And downtown is an extremely small community.

I definitely don't recommend boycotting a restaurant over an issue that wasn't their fault, but at the same time nobody wants a lunatic serving their food and alcohol.

Posted on: 2014/2/1 17:14

Re: Bad Vibes at Park and Sixth
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


jerseymom wrote:
People who have risen to this level of "sophistication" in their criminal activity have usually been at it for a while. This is likely not her first mark or her last. Were the police contacted at all? If any of this abuse is happening over the Internet that involves an exchange of money, this could rise to a crime that is reportable to the FBI.

Might want to chat with them at the FBI field office in Newark. They're not intimidating at all and quite helpful:

Phone: (973) 792-3000

The FBI is a fantastic idea actually. Being that she is claiming to be a CIA agent and making threats of deportation to people I think that could be considered terrorism.

There were plans to contact the police once the girls things were removed from the apartment they share. Right now she fears any action will result in her possessions being destroyed.

Posted on: 2014/1/31 4:46

Re: Bad Vibes at Park and Sixth
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

We even contacted apples HR department asking to have Chris Wagner call us back and were told he doesn't exist.

Then we checked the voter registration website using the info on the ID photo that he posted to "prove he was real" and that person doesn't seem to exist there either.

When his name is googled the only information that comes up is links to the sites exposing Gabby.

Park and Sixth has been made aware of who they're employing already, but I would take caution if you've ever given this girl any information.

"Chris" sent very threatening messages to friends of the girl containing personal information that could only have been obtained from the girls cell phone. When asked how "he" got this info, he told the girl that his CIA connections can hack into her phone at any time and then sent her screen shots of her own text conversations.

The situation is very real and Gabby is obviously very ill and a danger.

Posted on: 2014/1/30 23:24

Re: Bad Vibes at Park and Sixth
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


SOS wrote:
Can anyone with more than a few posts provide evidence? Could easily all be BS.

This is very real. I'll break it down.

Gabby and the other waitress who was victimized were roommates. Gabby set her up with her "cousin" Chris Wagner, claimed he worked for the CIA and that is why he always canceled plans. Gabby ran his identity from texting apps, sent photos of a model from Sweden named Kristian Steen and set up a Facebook account under (Gabe Wagner) and an Instagram under (chrswgnr).

Gabby and the roommate needed a rental car to move into their apartment, and "Chris" told them he would reimburse the other girls sister for the car as his moving gift to his cousin Gabby and the girl he was supposedly courting.

When things never added up and photos didn't match I pointed it out to the victimized girl and we researched it. That's when we found various other women discussing gabby Varga on the internet.

She's a scam artist and I hope the restaurant gets rid of her before she strikes again. They lost an employee and a few regulars over it already.

I'm glad someone posted this here, the girl who got scammed is a very good friend of mine.

Posted on: 2014/1/30 23:15

Re: Dance Lessons or Dance Classes??
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Boca Grande near the Newport PATH has Salsa lessons on Sunday nights. Piel Canela Dance School hosts them, there's no cover and margaritas are $4 during the lessons. I believe they start at 6pm.

Posted on: 2011/7/9 17:56

Re: FOUND gray Kitty
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I wouldn't doubt that. 3 Houses on my street have foreclosed in the past year. And this girls super skinny but obviously house broken.

Posted on: 2009/7/21 3:25

Re: FOUND gray Kitty
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

p.s. are there any vets / shelters that would test for leukemia and feline aids for relatively cheap?

I have a worm / giardia test.

Posted on: 2009/7/21 0:47

FOUND gray Kitty
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

She showed up on my porch. Country Village section of Jersey City. we've been feeding her, and she sleeps in the bush outside. She's REALLY skinny but otherwise doesn't appear unhealthy. She showed up wearing a blue flea collar. She's super friendly and affectionate, and if no one claims her I am going to keep her.

If she's yours, pm me.
But expect a lecture about keeping your pets fed.

Or, if you'd like to adopt a kitty- pm me. I have 2 already. no need to be selfish.

Posted on: 2009/7/21 0:41

Re: Donating A Car In Jersey City
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

You can donate it to me.

I can't however, provide any tax deductible anythings.

Posted on: 2009/7/17 5:23

Re: 19 year old robbed at gun point- vroom st.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

sweet! so then it's scientific evidence that chromium reduces violent acts in humans.

I'll take it!

Posted on: 2009/7/12 5:06

Re: 19 year old robbed at gun point- vroom st.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


GnomeGeneral wrote:

Br6dR wrote:
Is Vroom Street downtown or NONdowntown? Can't place it at the moment.


SonOfPizzazz wrote:
Oh, that's a good reason. Don't I look stupid for asking.

Thank God the police aren't out there looking for a guy with a gun.

Too shaken up to call the pigs, but not shaken up enough that he can't call up his buddies? Either something stinks or you kids are idiots.

It's NOT downtown. Please be sure to report it, we are in a contest to see who has the least amount of crime! I'm totally rooting for downtown because I live here. I'm pretty sure we're winners already and the rest of you are losers from LOSERTOWN!

Well I live in greenville so I think I'm the winner. Except I actually live in country village, so I think we actually have less crime than parts downtown if you count just country village.

And Vroom street is a few blocks from Journal Square.

Posted on: 2009/7/11 17:25

Re: 19 year old robbed at gun point- vroom st.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


super_furry wrote:

Thisloveiswar wrote:
I highly doubt calling and saying "Hey! there WAS a guy with a gun- but he's gone now" Is really going to do anything.

WRONG! I assume your friend is probably stoned/drunk so doesn't want to talk to police, but HAVE HIM VISIT IN PERSON TOMORROW to fill out a report. It DOES make a difference because it will be reflected in the crime stats. If a person is out there with a gun, IT MUST BE REPORTED. A report has to be filed with the police, and don't let the police try to talk your friend out of filing a report.

I'm sure he did report it. I spoke to him to the extent of "Someone held a gun to my back and took my ipod. I'm home now. Cry. Cry. Why Me, I have to go."

All I said was maybe he didn't because he was scared.

And sorry, not every youth in JC is "stoned and drunk" all the time. So, I'm sure this wasn't the reason he didn't call police- IF he even didn't. I still don't know.

and okay you're correct, so add this to your stats:

+1 Wanna be gangster in jersey city with a Gun. New Total = 1,000,001

Posted on: 2009/7/11 6:21

Re: 19 year old robbed at gun point- vroom st.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

P.S, If the police went out to look for every guy with a gun in JERSEY CITY - I'm sure they'd have no time to be lingering around my shows waiting to find a drunk kid and an excuse to shut it down.

I highly doubt calling and saying "Hey! there WAS a guy with a gun- but he's gone now" Is really going to do anything.

Posted on: 2009/7/11 6:06

Re: 19 year old robbed at gun point- vroom st.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


SonOfPizzazz wrote:
Oh, that's a good reason. Don't I look stupid for asking.

Thank God the police aren't out there looking for a guy with a gun.

Too shaken up to call the pigs, but not shaken up enough that he can't call up his buddies? Either something stinks or you kids are idiots.

Yeah. And seeing as how I am not even in this county to really offer any kind of input other than informing people in JC, I'm sure that insult was deserved on my part.

Thank you for letting me know that I'm an idiot for saying I don't know what someone did or did not do after them calling me saying a few things, hanging up and not calling back.

Note where i said IDK multiple times in the post- because I don't know.

Posted on: 2009/7/11 6:02

Re: Jersey City Animal Hospital neglected my dog for 8 hours
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Putting elderly dogs under anesthesia sounds so risky.
Especially small breeds.

I opt for the regular and hated brushing for my guy.

Posted on: 2009/7/11 5:32

Re: 19 year old robbed at gun point- vroom st.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I'm supposed to visit that exact area tomorrow. The house he was leaving when it happened. Now I'm debating it.

Posted on: 2009/7/11 5:26

Re: 19 year old robbed at gun point- vroom st.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


SonOfPizzazz wrote:
There's a choice whether or not to call the police in that situation?

Yeah. He could have just been really shaken up and ran home. He called me about 30 mins after it happened and he was blocks away from the area. At that point what is there to do. File a report, sure, but he didn't see the guys face so I doubt he thought about it.


Posted on: 2009/7/11 5:25

19 year old robbed at gun point- vroom st.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

So a friend of mine was just robbed at gunpoint about an hour ago on Vroom street, close to the dead end side. Near house numbers 10-

If anyone lives in that area be careful.

I was not informed as to whether or not he called police.

Posted on: 2009/7/11 4:54

Does anyone know of ANY downtown businesses that are hiring?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I took a walk around downtown today hoping to find some help wanted signs, and I had no luck.

I had a great job in Old Bridge but I moved back here full time again last week, and seeing as how Janam is not going to poof back into existence, I'm forced to lurk and submit applications at the mall.

Any love for a college student with lots of food service/retail/customer service experience?

Posted on: 2009/6/26 3:29

Re: Huge Pay Raises for JC High School Athletic Directors / At-risk First Graders Reading Program Cut
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I went to McNair- and I don't think i EVER saw Dwyer doing anything. Nice guy though. I'll take that job.

Posted on: 2009/6/24 4:37

Re: McNair HS - #85 on Newsweek's Top 1500 Schools - Was 30 in 2008
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

My freshman year we were number 15.

Posted on: 2009/6/11 2:37

Re: What Jersey City Restaurant Do You Miss the Most?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

paradise east on 440.

Posted on: 2009/6/5 3:31

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

We aren't looking for fluffy.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 21:34

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


SonOfPizzazz wrote:

Thisloveiswar wrote:
NYC always gets good draws for hardcore shows, the problem is that a lot of the kids out here begging for something to do on a friday night arent aware of how close and easy nyc is to get to.

You guys grew up here and don't know how close the city is? Sheesh. Maybe if you put half as much energy into teaching the local kids about the PATH train (that we were taking at 14 to get beer in the village while we were not even "from here") as you put into posting multiple threads about how you can't seem to get anything done on your own and think that we care, you might have something.

Real Advice:

- Find out if local rehearsal studios will allow a hosted show, if their insurance / fire capacity allows it. Pearl might be able to help. The wallpaper factory, maybe not. Not sure if they're even legal.

- Are there any VFW's or American Legions around here? I'm not even sure. There's a Knights of Columbus on St. Pauls Ave. Talk to them. Those guys are always looking for cash.

- Basements, as eggs mentioned. I've been to a few basement shows in the area over the past few years. They DO happen. Sometimes with basement shows though, the sketchier the neighborhood, the better. You wouldn't believe what bands I saw in someone's kitchen in Brownsville.

I know you're only worried about not how things were, but how things are going to be, which is cool, but I have to say it would be nice to see a return to the days when punks were punks and every band had at least one member or friend who knew how to tap into streetlamps for free electricity and run an extension cord into an abandoned house or factory and have, at least for an hour or two, an honest to god hole in the wall punk club.

Anyway, good luck.

not us per say, the younger kids. I don't know many 14-15 year olds with parents that allow them to go into the city to see bands play. I guess they're less privileged than I was, but regardless, I'd like to have opportunities open for them too.

Basement shows are great, but I'm not looking for shows for the sake of shows..

I started my scene on basement and backyard shows, tea houses, coffee shops..etc. It's gotten way bigger than that.

And I've contacted every VFW and hall imaginable- waiting for call backs.

and p.s, if you don't care, why are you helping? =]

Posted on: 2009/6/4 21:04

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

yeah, i realized how it may have sounded after people were already replying. trying to do all of these things on my own is somewhat frustrating at times, and i am under a lot of pressure. (not really)

The great Dancing Tony told me himself
"when we're all gone, you'll be the one running this scene."


I can only hope so.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 5:24

Re: please help= animal emergency
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


muffintops wrote:
Ironically enough - last night / early this morning I took my dog to the emergency room at AMCNY on the upper east side for heart failure. Called at first to get a quick phone consultation because I wasn't sure what to do and they said to bring her in immediately. My vet is associated with them and I happen to remember seeing a pamphlet once in the office which is the main reason I went there. They did a wonderful job in stabilizing her, explaining what was going on and treatment in a very kind manner. Upper East Side is a trek - but AMCNY is another option for emergency care. Just wanted to throw out that as another option if so inclined.

Animal Medical Center
510 East 62nd Street,
New York, NY 10065
Phone: 212-838-8100

btw - Erins & Caps and their neighbors are a huge reason their block New York Ave between Congress & South became safer. I lived on the block below and a few houses on their block were a constant crime nuisance (noise, drug dealing, machetes, etc). They are good people.

Erins awersome, period.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 5:20

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

eggzbenedict wrote: Let me try and sum this up- Thisloveiswar- people on this site actually got pissed today because of the way some people gratiously dealt with a stray cat that was hit by a car. Don't expect much. But let me try and help. While not a lifer, I did go to high school in Jersey City. Back then, when we were all underage, there were very few options for shows. They mainly consisted of basement shows (usually in the heights where basements and some cool parents existed), or venturing into the burbs for other basement shows or VFW Hall shows. You aren't going to get any love from bars in town. Underage means one thing- no liquor sales. If you are into hardcore, and want all ages shows, you may have to venture into NYC. Look into ABC NO RIO. All ages hardcore matinees every Saturday. They have been doing it since the late 80's early 90's. Have you tried Maxwells? You may be able to pull off an afternoon show there if you can show that the bands will draw. I realize I am pointing out places out of Jersey City, and your concern is the lack of options you have in Jersey City. but, it is what it is. I hope some of this helps. Keep your chin up.
I've done hoboken, amazing draws. I had a few events over at monroe center for the arts on monroe and 8th. I have maxwells contacts, they seemed ready to work something out, but i prefer doing straight rentals and keeping the door profits to fund the next shows. NYC always gets good draws for hardcore shows, the problem is that a lot of the kids out here begging for something to do on a friday night arent aware of how close and easy nyc is to get to. I've contacted a few places brightmoment suggested and I'm hoping they are game to do something. I'm glad to see at least a few of you took my post for what it was. Thanks for the help <3

Posted on: 2009/6/4 5:05

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Alanwright, I am not looking for some type of war versus my city. I am looking for show venues, clear and simple. I posted my initial thread after reading about 20+ rejection emails from venues i had contacted, all stating that there was no place for such an event amidst the events they were planning- thus the hostility towards much of downtown and the people involved.

and yes, i do believe that many of the bands i work with know their history, because unlike the misinformed children you are taking us for, we are well aware of things around us and what got us where we are today.

to clear up my original post completely, I would just like to see jersey city becomjing more involved in the all ages scene, and taking it for what it can become- not just looking at it for what it may have been. there are many great artists here who happen to have a following of non drinkers, and my anger is not with jersey city itself, but with the fact that 90% of the venues here are bars or do not have the means to handle every crowd and ever genre.

I am simply trying to spread the know that there ARE young adults trying to make good in the scene. not all of us are partying and sucking up tax payers dollars on wasted educations out here, and that is moreso what i am going for.

I love JC. I am proud to have been born and raised here and i do not shun those who were not. I welcome the change and i see the benefits of everything and everyone that has come to build JC into what is is today

all i am asking for is the citys trust that teenage kids are in fact capable of doing something right.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 5:00

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Vigilante wrote:

jennymayla wrote:

Thisloveiswar wrote:
Is this what I have to look forward to in adulthood? Ridiculing young people trying to do productive things.

I suppose so.

Life lesson: When you ask people for their opinion, you best brace for their opinion.

Hardcore music events catering to a young adult audience in this neck of the woods just might be a liability an event-space owner is not willing to accept. But if you keep it professional (lose the sense of entitlement) and build a good track record, your options will increase dramatically.

With sincerest best wishes from a local elder.

Probably not a good idea to insult people either. Life lesson #2 "we grew up here" means nothing unless they are putting your name on a monument.

and who exactly am i insulting?

I'm stating that even though we grew up here, it is impossible for us to showcase our events, but very possible for people who haven't been here as long.

find the insult in there for me, please.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 3:45

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