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Re: Help Liberty Humane Win a Make Over!
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2006/4/18 0:04
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REMINDER: Voting starts tomorrow April can vote 10x each day

The 10 finalists have now been named it is next up to America to vote for the grand prize winner starting on April 13 and ending on April 19. Every Zootoo member will have the opportunity to vote 10 times each day. The finalist with the highest number of public votes from America will receive the makeover.

Congratulations to Liberty Humane Society in Jersey City for making it into the top 10!


Posted on: 2009/4/12 15:15

Re: Help Liberty Humane Win a Make Over!

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2007/10/26 0:52
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And you can vote for LHS while you're at the shelter too!

Posted on: 2009/4/10 18:06

Re: Help Liberty Humane Win a Make Over!
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Liberty Humane will be having a small celebration Tuesday, April 14th at 6pm.

Please join us and our volunteers and adoptable animals for light refreshments and a lot of fun!

Posted on: 2009/4/10 16:57

Re: Help Liberty Humane Win a Make Over!
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The 10 finalists have now been named it is next up to America to vote for the grand prize winner starting on April 13 and ending on April 19. Every Zootoo member will have the opportunity to vote 10 times each day. The finalist with the highest number of public votes from America will receive the makeover.

Congratulations to Liberty Humane Society Jersey City for making it into the top 10!


Posted on: 2009/4/10 2:57

Re: Help Liberty Humane Win a Make Over!
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Just signed up today and adopted a dog from LHS today!

Posted on: 2009/3/12 20:58

Re: Help Liberty Humane Win a Make Over!
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I'll be there Sunday morning, but until then, I'm scoring ZooToo points. So should all of you!

Posted on: 2009/3/12 5:21

Re: Help Liberty Humane Win a Make Over!
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2006/12/5 15:53
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It would be wonderful if anyone who hasn't signed up yet would do so in support of LHS. Zootoo will be visiting us on Sunday to see if we're worthy of the top prize - and we can use all the points we can get!

Feel free to stop by Sunday, they'll be there at 9am!

Posted on: 2009/3/11 23:54

Re: Help Liberty Humane Win a Make Over!
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2006/4/18 0:04
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Resized Image The clock is ticking.....

Shelter Makeover II: 3 Phases

Phase 1: shelter supporters earn points by being active on zootoo for their affiliated shelter. The shelter with the most points accumulated is NOT the winner of the contest. The top 20 shelters become semi-finalists. Phase 1 Ends on March 13th
Hurry up and join or log in and make some points.............thx

Posted on: 2009/3/11 22:29

Re: Help Liberty Humane Win a Make Over!

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2007/10/26 0:52
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Yes, please sign up to help LHS! And remember, upload your profile picture!! That's an extra 25 points for LHS and if LHS winds up in the Top Ten, in order to vote for us, you MUST have a profile picture of yourself (not your pet!) in order to vote. Please upload your profile picture asap!!!

Posted on: 2009/3/9 2:30

Re: Help Liberty Humane Win a Make Over!
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2006/4/18 0:04
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Earn zootoo points towards the shelter makeover contest: just for being a PETCO P.A.L.S. Member! No purchase necessary.

If you're a member of the PETCO P.A.L.S. membership rewards program, just enter your P.A.L.S. account number here. Doing so will then award you 200 zootoo points! One time only per user.

That was an easy 200! ... m_campaign=petconewpoints

Posted on: 2009/3/7 17:16

Re: Help Liberty Humane Win a Make Over!
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i cannot wait to show off sharky's new colts martingale collar and matching leash when it comes in the mail....drooolllll....

Posted on: 2009/3/5 6:35

Re: Help Liberty Humane Win a Make Over!
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2008/9/1 12:29
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Or don't. There is only a bit more than a week to go in this thing, and the gaps between 3 and 4 (Liberty) and 4 and 5 are widening by the day. Liberty just doesn't have as many people on board as some of the other shelters, and for a long time Liberty was carried by a few dedicated folks who have burned out.

The scoop is that Liberty will finish in the top 20 and be part of the "narrowing down to 10 by zootoo" phase. No one can do anything about this phase unless they work for zootoo.

But, if Liberty makes the cut and gets into the final 10, then we will need people bad. Bad bad bad. At that point, it will be a simple matter of logging in and clicking the "vote for Liberty" button up to 10 times per day. That part of the contest is a lot easier than logging on and posting pictures, reviewing the latest dog food, etc.

So, if you think this is a great thing for Liberty and/or Jersey City and you think that Liberty deserves a makeover but you don't have an hour each day to max out your point total at zootoo, just sign up for an account and wait for me or croft or John to post here and tell you to go vote like the dickens. I'd rather you sit on your hands now and vote like crazy later than get fried trying to save Liberty by yourself now and be halfhearted about the voting when that happens.

Of course, if you do happen to have a thousand pics of your Labradoodle wearing a Mets poncho and eating tapioca out of an old sneaker, bring 'em on.

Posted on: 2009/3/5 5:23

Re: Help Liberty Humane Win a Make Over!
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There are only 9 days left and LHS in JC has now been dropped to #4. Sign up to and put up lots of pics! This shelter totally deserves to win a makeover.

Posted on: 2009/3/4 21:44

Re: Help Liberty Humane Win a Make Over!

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2005/3/14 21:20
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Being a newbie, I know I look at this chart several times a day. Finally captured the image and added some boxes for tracking your max daily points. (I wish I could adopt one LHS pet a day) Well, I hope this helps. GOOD LUCK, LIBERTY HUMANE!!!

Resized Image

Posted on: 2009/3/3 15:21

Re: Help Liberty Humane Win a Make Over!
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2006/9/1 11:45
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There are cash prizes for the top shelters. We need the money badly to purchase supplies. I think John can explain the money aspect of the contest better than I can. I can explain the needs of the shelter, but I'd bore people for hours.

Also, if anyone is up for donating washing machines, we are in DIRE need of working washing machines and towels for bedding the dog cages. For cats, pillow cases and small linens work well.

Posted on: 2009/3/1 20:06

Re: Help Liberty Humane Win a Make Over!
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2006/4/18 0:04
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OottaBahr wrote:
i looked at the site this morning. even if you are or are not in the top spot, isnt the final vote up to the public? Kinda like American Idol for kennels?

I believe you are correct, but it's important that we stay in the top 5 through out the different rounds of competition..(I think)...Maybe Croft or John can explain it....

Posted on: 2009/3/1 16:02

Re: Help Liberty Humane Win a Make Over!
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2009/2/27 0:34
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i looked at the site this morning. even if you are or are not in the top spot, isnt the final vote up to the public? Kinda like American Idol for kennels?

Posted on: 2009/3/1 15:27

Re: Help Liberty Humane Win a Make Over!
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2006/4/18 0:04
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Daily reminder.....

Posted on: 2009/3/1 14:15

Re: Help Liberty Humane Win a Make Over!
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2006/4/18 0:04
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getting down to the wire on the first phase of this contest.. bump!

Posted on: 2009/2/28 4:16

Re: Help Liberty Humane Win a Make Over!
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2006/4/18 0:04
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I'm passing on this message:


Event details:

There are over 500 people on this distribution. If everyone uploads 5 pics for at least 10 days, or comments on 5 news articles for 10 days, we can without a doubt take back first!!! Just hang in there!! There are only 14 days left!!! Just think about all of those homeless cats and dogs your helping!! Also don't forget. The more points you score the better your chances are of getting Yankees vs Mets tickets!!

Photo link:
News Link:

Posted on: 2009/2/27 14:18

Re: Help Liberty Humane Win a Make Over!
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2006/4/18 0:04
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Thanks, croft and dntshootthepianist .. You guys(gals) are good souls!

Posted on: 2009/2/26 12:25

Re: Help Liberty Humane Win a Make Over!
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2008/9/1 12:29
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When my wife and I moved to JC a few months ago, we had a few priorities. One was to get involved in some sort of volunteer position in the local community and one was to get a dog (since we were moving to a house with a yard instead of the little San Francisco apartments we?d been in). We got a dog (from Liberty). And we?re now volunteering (at Liberty).

I haven?t been to every animal shelter in the world, and I haven?t met everyone at Liberty, but the people who I have the most contact with (croft, Allison and Brian) are all remarkable people. They are remarkable because I?ve spent some time at Liberty and I?ve heard the phone ringing and ringing and ringing and I see the people come in through the door who ask questions like ?If there are any vicious dogs that are gonna get put down can we take them for free instead?? and I hear Liberty talking to landlords who say that the dog their tenant adopted will have to be returned to the shelter because his tenants cannot have dogs and I watch these people deal with the craziness of shelter life while still being kind and compassionate towards the animals they care for. You know how you sometimes punch the computer or the dashboard or throw the wrench or kick the door? Well, these people can?t do that, because the things they work with all day are not inanimate objects. And they know that.

And I?ve met scores of great volunteers, too. People who drive to Liberty from an hour away because they know the shelter and the people and they know that Liberty gets a lot of dogs that people think are worthless and they know that those dogs aren?t worthless. Instead of spending their weekends at the beach, they spend their weekends cleaning dog poop out of cages. And they aren't even serving community service. Go figure.

If you?re a pet person, great. If you?re not a pet person, you can still click on croft?s link and register and vote when the voting happens in a couple of months. My nom de zootoo is karlthepianist, should you be simply dying to find out what is going on in my life petwise.

All right. I?ve said my peace. I know that JCList is full of people asking for help for various and sundry causes, most of them quite legit and quite beneficial for our city in the long run. I know that. Do what you can. If you can do this, great.

We?ve only been here a few months, but we?re really glad to have attached ourselves to Liberty. It?s not a high-end fancy-schmancy carbon fiber shelter, and the animals there are not high-end fancy-schmancy pedigree animals, but the people there are high-end people, that?s for sure.

Posted on: 2009/2/25 5:19

Re: Help Liberty Humane Win a Make Over!
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Croft, you are such a star. Thanks for such a heartfelt and important point of view!

Going to vote now...

Posted on: 2009/2/25 3:56

Re: Help Liberty Humane Win a Make Over!
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While I don't usually write about Liberty Humane Society on here, I must add my thoughts and concerns on the contest.

I have visited the shelter ahead of us. They do good work, plain and simple. I can't badmouth the other shelters in first and second place in that area. In fact, I've friended many people from St. Tammany through Zootoo and they are all very good people, true animal lovers.

We need the makeover badly. Our animals need it. We don't have the space or an abundance of supplies to take care of the amount of animals that come in. We make the best of what we have. We are in dire need of renovations throughout the shelter, things nobody would even think of. We need little things like newspapers, towels, toys, blankets, food, cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, cat litter, and paper supplies on a daily basis.

Our barrier wall came crumbling down two weeks ago. That wall helped secure our backyard area, keeping the animals within our grounds. While we had some renovations done, there is still much to improve on. We have one bathroom in our facility, in our employee kitchen. While our volunteers help us with some of the tasks that the employees are often too tied up to do (laundry, constantly walking dogs, training) there are some things we can't always rely on volunteers and donations for.

Our animals require vet care. All animals are spayed/neutered before being adopted out. Our adoption fees are very humble, perhaps too humble for the economy at this time. We're over crowded with unwanted pit bulls and cats that continue to come in on a daily basis. We take in animals from Animal Control and the general population. We don't get to pick and choose what animals come through our doors. We simply make room, set up a crate or cage, and hope for the best.

A makeover might not be the answer to the intake population by any means, but it would provide us with a modern facility that will make our day to day routines easier to handle with ample space for more intake and better care. It would provide us with a proper and sanitary space for medical treatment for sick and injured animals.

My first visit to LHS was a good experience. Working there was life changing. The people that work at LHS are a different breed. Day by day, sometimes night by night, employees spend their own time with these animals, giving them the attention they deserve.

Sure, I can hope and dream that this makeover can become a reality. We have enough people in Jersey City and Hudson County who can help MAKE this a reality.

My personal opinion is that if you have time for facebook and myspace, you can spend a few minutes a day on Zootoo and show off your pets to people who will actually be interested in hearing about them. I've met many great people that volunteer with us mainly because I've read their journals and viewed their photos and comments on zootoo.

It's been a great and rewarding experience. I hope that with the remaining time in this contest that others will help out and make this dream a reality.

Posted on: 2009/2/25 3:01

Re: Help LHS Win a Million Dollars!
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17 more days left for the first round.......bump!

Posted on: 2009/2/24 11:53

Re: Help LHS Win a Million Dollars!
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I would never bump up this thread...that would be an unwritten TOS....

Please register.....thanx

Posted on: 2009/2/24 1:55

Re: Help LHS Win a Million Dollars!
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LHS has dropped to 3rd place .. these are the ways you can help the shelter build points.

Pet adopted via Zootoo 200 points
Points awarded to shelters only. Not users. 50 adoptions per shelter, per week *

New Registered User 50 points
Registration is complete when your email is validated. 1 time only

Welcome Back User 50 points
If you were a user before the shelter makeover II contest started, log-in and get 50 points. 1 time only, calculated nightly

Refer a Friend50 points
Use our "invite friends" link. Email validation from your friend is required

Write a Journal15 points
Limited to 2 journal entries per day

Upload a Video 25 points
Limited to 3 video uploads per day

Upload a Photo 15 points
Limited to 5 photo uploads per day

Profile Photo 25 points
Add or update your Profile Photo during the makeover. 1 time only

Write a Review 20 points
Limited to 3 reviews per day

Comment on News5 points
Limited to 5 news discussions per day

Answer a Question 4 points
Limited to 1 answer per day

Vote on Pet War 1 point
Limited to 5 votes per day

If you have already registered log on and do one of the available option below to earn more points for LHS

If you have not registered ....hurry...DO IT

Posted on: 2009/2/24 0:34

Re: Help LHS Win a Million Dollars!
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Yeah. After last year's mess with the shelters, it would be nice to see something good happen for the dogs and cats around here.

Posted on: 2009/1/9 18:42

Re: Help LHS Win a Million Dollars!
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2006/4/18 0:04
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My 2 cents:

The "other" shelter that we are basically competing against had a huge story in their local paper urging the community to sign up. Their points jumped shortly after the story ran and their local paper is doing mini follow up stories.

My suggestions:

Speak at the next city council meeting ask for citywide support, the Jersey Journal and the Hudson Reporter are usually there and have the council put some pressure on them to run a story.

Councilman Fulop has an extensive email distribution list, ask him, and any other Council persons if they can send out that press release you have on this contest via email to all of their Jersey City constituents. Have the city council help get the word out any way they can.

Contact the Mayor's office and Stan Eason @ JC1 ask for the Mayors support and have them run this announcement on channel one. Have the Mayor help get the word out any way his office can

A million dollars towards a complete shelter make over is no small change, this is HUGE $$$ !!!

Contact the following Neighborhood Associations and send them your press release each have a large email distribution list ask them to please send it out to all of their contacts.

The Hamilton Park Neighborhood Association

Historic Paulus Hook Neighborhood Association

Van Vorst Neighborhood Association

Harsimus Cove Neighborhood Association

Let me know if you need the contact info for the above groups and I'm sure others know of more that are e-friendly too.

Good luck and my fingers are crossed~

Posted on: 2009/1/9 0:28

Re: Help LHS Win a Million Dollars!
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signed up yesterday, this is how you get points:

Posted on: 2009/1/8 23:59

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