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Re: Embankment- Update Thread

Zoning Board Hearing Tonight To Be Carried to New Date

Monday, July 13th,Hearing To Be Rescheduled; Stay Tuned

At 5:15 today we received word from the Planning Division that the hearing tonight will be carried to a new date. There will be a meeting, but only to try to set a new date. All business will be carried.

We are rushing this out in the hopes that it will reach you before you start out for the meeting. We will send information about the new date as soon as we know more.

Posted on: 2009/7/13 21:47

Re: Jersey City Animal Hospital neglected my dog for 8 hours


newtothearea wrote:
$583 for teeth cleaning? Is that normal?

Unfortunately, yes. If you own one of these small dog breeds that seem to accumulate lots of plaque, $500 - 1500 is not unheard of for comprehensive dental work. I have two Maltese so you can just imagine my expense.

JoS, the reason why they didn't offer water to your dog is that it's procedure to withhold water and food for at least 6 hours before anesthesia is administered. I believe the likelihood of asphyxiation from regurgitation is lessened with this practice. Clearly the vet staff was negligent in failing to realize earlier that they would not have been able to complete your dog's procedure that day. You should have been called and your pet should have been given water and food the moment this was apparent

I hope your doggy has recovered from the experience!

Posted on: 2009/7/9 16:44

Re: Breaking and Entering - Hamilton Park - Be Aware


radryan03 wrote:
The marks from the screw driver are in the jam.

Something like this? Resized Image

Thankfully the deadbolt was engaged and I was home (in the middle of the day) for this failed break-in attempt. I looked out my window in time to see this burglar give up and walk away. This happened about 4 years ago but the screwdriver marks are still there to remind us to lock the deadbolt each and every time.

I'm on Sixth and Monmouth.

Posted on: 2009/7/7 18:04

Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009

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GO Pam!!! You and Eric definitely have my vote!!

Posted on: 2009/6/1 23:08

Re: Tear down the embankment


jbat wrote:
In the spring and summer, the trees and vegetation on top of the embankment are a wonderful relief from all the concrete and brick of the neighborhood. In the fall, especially this last fall, the leaves look gorgeous when they turn. Take a moment from obsessing about the stones and look up once and awhile. You're missing the best part.

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Posted on: 2009/3/11 16:22

Re: Help Liberty Humane Win a Make Over!

Being a newbie, I know I look at this chart several times a day. Finally captured the image and added some boxes for tracking your max daily points. (I wish I could adopt one LHS pet a day) Well, I hope this helps. GOOD LUCK, LIBERTY HUMANE!!!

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Posted on: 2009/3/3 15:21

Re: House Alarms

Sorry for the long post but there's a ton of info here....

We have Slomins Shield.


- We were locked into a five year contract (in order to qualify for free installation)

- If you want to move your contract in under 5 years, you are still responsible for the remaining months plus there is a steep charge for moving your contract (I think it's the cost of installation) plus your contract resets to the original five years in your new place. Your other option would be to sell the system to the new occupants of the dwelling for the remainder of the contract.

- Installation fees run about $600 (without the 5 yr contract)

- System is hardwired ONLY with some wireless components. If you don't have an unfinished basement or crawl space, wires may be exposed and fastened with staples to your walls.

- What they claim their installed hardware is valued at: $1,200 ~ Actual value of hardware ~ $150 maybe $200

- I found I had to basically re-write their keypad instruction booklet for our tenants. It's very unclear about alot of functions

- Absolutely no online support

- After about three years, we had to get the alarm and battery packs replaced (but this was covered under Slomin's maintenance fees)

- You need a land-line to operate it. Not an issue with my space but often tenants can't use the system because they sometimes opt not to activate their house phones.

- There has been complaints lodged against SS regarding claims made by sales agents at the time of signing for 'guarantees' that were not stated in the contract. When customers try to refer to these claims, the company will always use the contract to dispute. So basically when a salesman tells you to take his word for something DON'T! Although this pretty much goes for any negotiation/contract review situation be it a time share, health club membership, insurance policy, etc.

- The basic panel is limited to 8 zones.

- The extended warranty has an annual cost of $134.00.

- The smoke detector they install is NOT approved by the NFPA, nor is it recognized as a qualified smoke detector in many jurisdictions. Paragraph 3 of their contract states this. Their smoke detector does not qualify for any additional insurance discounts on many homeowner's policy.

- The motion detectors are single technology motion detectors which are easily triggered by insects, cobwebs, or small pets. Single technology motion detectors are a primary cause for false alarms which results in fines being levied against the homeowner.

- Their contract clearly states they will place a lien on your property for the duration of the contract and should you default on the contract your ?free" system will now have a cost of $1169.00 of which you will be responsible for paying 60% of that PLUS pay the balance of the monitoring contract.

- Their system has a 15 second delay in the dialer.

- Their system cannot be monitored by any other company so if you decided to switch companies after the 5 years you would need a new system installed.

- Truly a hassle to cancel. We've had experiences trying to cancel certain accounts. It involved calling customer service, being transferred to their cancellation department, having to leave them your number. Waiting days for them to call you back, finally speaking with someone to request the cancellation, needing to wait for a cancellation letter, having to fill out and send back the letter, waiting for them to receive it, all the while continuing to be billed. A call to their cancellation dept always ends in assurances that nothing is owed and the problem is taken care of. The next month, another bill will arrive and then the next, this time with a late notice. Finally worked out after several months.


- Free system with 5 yr contract. You get: 1 panel, 2 keypads, 3 doors, 2 motions, 1 fire sensor, and a keychain remote

- Our installation was clean and no wires were left exposed. Only one window sensor ever gave us a problem.

- Good phone customer service. They walked up through the operation of the keypads and fobs.

- SS customer service and alarm monitoring stations are located in New York and they don't out source these departments. Apparently some alarm providers will use call centers located in other countries.

- They offer 3 free months when you recommend a friend who signs. So when we signed three apartments at once, we paid nothing on one system for half a year. (Neg: If I ever decided to refer a friend, I would advise him of EVERY negative and would probably still feel some qualms about it)

Also note: We have never registered our system with Jersey City police or fire department. Early on we had about 2-3 false alarms triggered by ourselves or our tenants (mostly due to inexperience with the system). Response times were very quick. We were never issued a 'false alarm fine' for these by any department in Jersey City.

With all this, we have been very satisfied with the service provided by Slomins. We will continue to be their customers. Mostly because their equipment is installed and we've already fulfilled our original contract and can cancel or restart on any of our apartments at any time. Also because the system has probably prevented a building fire involving a sleeping tenant and a late night hotdog. It gives us peace of mind when we go away on vacations or even out to dinner. And because they've been in business since 1923, we're pretty confident they'll be around for many more years.

Posted on: 2008/8/9 15:11

Re: El Aguila Dorada Restarant

As a matter of fact, I did ask our waitress for a take out menu. Enjoy!

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note: their dine-in menu has more options

Posted on: 2008/7/31 11:53

El Aguila Dorada Restarant

El Aguila Dorada Restaurant
Typica Comida Mexicana

830 Broadway (Corner of E38th and Broadway)
Bayonne, NJ 201-858-0033

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Clockwise from top: Beef burrito with guacamole, tomato, onions & shredded lettuce; Condiments: Guacamole, Shredded Cheese, Sour Cream, Salsa;
Sizzling shrimp with tomatoes, onions and peppers; Sides: Refried beans and yellow rice; Warmed fajita basket; Imported Mexican Coca-cola

Thank you for recommending this restaurant! We had a fantastic dinner!

Posted on: 2008/7/28 12:30

Re: Jersey City unveils big, bold plans for parks


GrovePath wrote:

The master plan suggests the developer set aside property for passive open space, including pedestrian paths, gardens and seating areas


Posted on: 2008/4/8 21:55

Re: Where are our pets buried?

My first dog died about ten years ago. Since it was in the middle of winter, we were able to have the hospital release her body to us and we kept her in an ice cold garage for a couple of days while I made arrangements.
We drove her and the family up to the Hartsdale Pet Cemetery where I had scheduled a same day individual cremation. They had a small room where they laid her out and let us spend some time with her before they took her away. We had a long lunch at a local restaurant where we sat around and reminisced about our favorite memories with our dog. In under three hours we returned to the Cemetery and her ashes were given back to us in an urn I had chosen from their selection. I believe in total, I spent about $300. The staff was very professional and efficient. I was extremely satisfied with the service. I was glad to have found a Pet Cemetery with historical significance and an impeccable reputation. I honestly wouldn't hesitate to enlist their services again.
The whole ordeal provided my family with a sense of comfort and closure that I think would be lacking had I simply opted to have the vet to dispose of the remains.

Posted on: 2008/3/31 18:08

Re: Savas - Polish Cafeteria Opens on Grove Street

From how she described the kielbasa, it's cooked during the day and are usually in the metal heating trays with sauerkraut. She worries that certain dishes become too dry when they're sitting in the heating trays for long. So she often removes various items from the trays (include peirogies) and then heats up a serving to order. If you want the kielbasa fried instead of microwaved, I'm fairly sure she would accommodate. If possible, try the kielbasa for lunch (soon after it is freshly cooked). I hear it's very good.

Myself - I'll eat a whole tray of Savas' peirogies microwaved, fried, grilled, frozen... whatever.

Posted on: 2008/2/28 15:36

Re: Savas - Polish Cafeteria Opens on Grove Street


simplify wrote:
Just an idea, since so many people on this forum really want her business to thrive, maybe we could ban together and offer our services to help promote her business. I'm sure we could make up cheap flyers (anyone have access to a photocopier) and take volunteer shifts handing out flyers for 30 minutes at the Grove Street Path station at dinnertime. I'd be willing to organize this if anyone else wants to help support/promote our favorite new business.

We all chose to live in this cute little neighborhood for a reason, why not join forces to help develop the community we want.

PM me if you are interested in helping.

I love, love, love Sava!! Jadwiga could definitely use some lovely design. It may be in the works already. But she may like to have some options. (especially from donated talent)

Anyone interested in a design-off??
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Posted on: 2008/2/19 1:24

Re: RUDE UPS deliveryman

I'm on Sixth Street. I see my regular UPS guy at least once a week (accepting packages for various tenants in the building + neighbors!). Our usual deliveryman wears glasses and is middle-aged and Hispanic. He's always been very amicable. Although I think he mentioned the recent street closings (due to construction) has been a pain in the butt.

Do you think he might be the same guy?

My FedEx delivery guy is a real card. Smokes like a chimney and always slightly ornery.

Posted on: 2007/11/8 1:27

Re: composting in JC

I started composting last year with a tumbler type container. I keep it in the corner of the yard - sort of in the shade. It's be slow going - haven't harvested any compost from it yet. Mostly because I go through periods of ignoring it and loading it up with too many greens. I also have a problem finding enough browns to keep a good balance. I thought about asking relatives for their leaves in the fall but I'm worried about bringing pests in this way. Compost will still happen even if the ratios are off. It just takes longer. No critter problems at all.

Although it's probably not ideal for the squeamish, worm composting is the fastest way to produce rich fertilizer from your kitchen scraps. I started my worm bin this past July. I purchased a stacking worm bin and set it up on my deck. I have about 100 red wigglers and they seem to be doing really well on kitchen scraps and shredded newspaper. In a few more weeks I should be able to collect my first load of castings. My husband is pretty grossed out by it but I'm having fun. My only issue is where to overwinter a container full of worms.

Posted on: 2007/9/5 16:02

Re: Meeting on Flooding Issues - Steven Fulop


skwirrlking wrote:
Also, would it be possible to distribute the MUA questionnaire electronically, so that more people than just those that attended can file a complaint?

MUA Flooding Questionnaire:

Click here to open JPG of full size form

Click here to open PDF of full size form

FEMA Disaster Assistance Info: (English and Spanish)
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Posted on: 2007/5/1 2:45

Re: White Manna


fasteddie wrote:
To bad you didn't get a photo of the burger as it hit the door behind you and slowly slid down the glass.

Fantastic visual, Edward.

Posted on: 2006/11/19 16:45




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