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Re: With record numbers of riders turning to the PATH - $4B in upgrades coming
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2005/7/13 15:03
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From Western Slope
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wibbit wrote:
All of this is nice, but honestly i think they should just spend the 4billion to make the train run every 5 mins 7 days a week, instead of the current 10-15 min wait and the confusing weekend schedule.

Dont really give a damn about comfortable seats / new heating etc, especially since the ride is so short. All it matters is the train arriving on time in shorter intervals.

oh well, better than nothing i guess.

Try taking the 33rd. St. train and the JSQ train on a Sunday morning it runs every half hour from midnight till 10:41 AM. Saturdays are a little more forgiving from 12:13 am - 8:37 am. As far as comfort is concerned well think about the riders that board from JSQ - 33rd on a weekend that increases the ride time, add boarding at Newark Penn. which boosts it by 11minutes not to mention the wait for the other connecting PATH train. I think I would like a bit of comfort please. The PATH runs a pretty good system with good communication to their customers. Other companies and not just trains are short handed or inept to discuss business and any variables pertaining to my concerns. PATH avails itself to any who inquire.

Posted on: 2009/2/23 23:13

Re: With record numbers of riders turning to the PATH - $4B in upgrades coming
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2005/2/28 1:48
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2015/10/25 2:28
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The executive director of the Port Authority is answering questions this week. Maybe he'll
have a better answer for your question. ... t-authority/?ref=nyregion

Posted on: 2009/2/23 20:20

Re: With record numbers of riders turning to the PATH - $4B in upgrades coming
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2007/7/30 22:23
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How could anyone who plunked down top dollar at 77 Hudson or other luxury apartments around Exchange Place stand for the WTC line to be shut down on weekends for a year - and probably more given inevitable delays?

I still can't believe PATH is going to go ahead with that horrible plan...

Posted on: 2009/2/23 19:47

Re: With record numbers of riders turning to the PATH - $4B in upgrades coming
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2006/4/10 13:29
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2024/5/15 1:51
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I have heard some interesting ideas, but none of them are really totally acceptable. The closures will probably be a bit delayed while they try and figure out how to make things happen, but they are almost definitely coming for a bit this summer-- and more importantly, before the gubernatorial election.

Posted on: 2009/2/23 19:36

Re: With record numbers of riders turning to the PATH - $4B in upgrades coming
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2008/4/9 19:26
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I tried asking them about this through their website. They gave a canned response that didn't even begin to answer my question. Those PATH assholes don't give one iota about what we think.

Posted on: 2009/2/23 19:30

Re: With record numbers of riders turning to the PATH - $4B in upgrades coming
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2007/11/28 3:26
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The WTC line will be closed on 40 weekends beginning this summer through summer 2011. There will be 12 yet-to-be-announced weekends on which the line will be running.

I would hope that they would then just run a Newark-33rd line (via Exchange and Pavonia) in addition to the Hoboken-33rd line on weekends, but of course it can be futile to hope that the PATH would do anything sensible or convenient.

Posted on: 2009/2/23 19:26

Re: With record numbers of riders turning to the PATH - $4B in upgrades coming
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2005/1/24 19:00
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2009/5/13 20:32
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ianmac47 wrote:

Just wait until those bastards start closing the World Trade Center on the weekends. 13,000 more riders will be packing into the 4 trains an hour headed to 33rd street.

When does that start? I was planning to use the WTC line this weekend.

Posted on: 2009/2/23 17:53

Re: With record numbers of riders turning to the PATH - $4B in upgrades coming
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2006/4/10 13:29
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2024/5/15 1:51
From Mars
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wibbit wrote:
All of this is nice, but honestly i think they should just spend the 4billion to make the train run every 5 mins 7 days a week, instead of the current 10-15 min wait and the confusing weekend schedule.

Just wait until those bastards start closing the World Trade Center on the weekends. 13,000 more riders will be packing into the 4 trains an hour headed to 33rd street.

Posted on: 2009/2/23 17:42

Re: With record numbers of riders turning to the PATH - $4B in upgrades coming
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2004/9/15 19:03
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wibbit, I'm with you as far as getting rid of that confusing weekend schedule.

There is no reason Newark & JC riders should ever have to go to dinky little Hoboken.

Posted on: 2009/2/23 16:23

Re: With record numbers of riders turning to the PATH - $4B in upgrades coming
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2005/2/14 23:14
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2009/12/26 3:33
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All of this is nice, but honestly i think they should just spend the 4billion to make the train run every 5 mins 7 days a week, instead of the current 10-15 min wait and the confusing weekend schedule.

Dont really give a damn about comfortable seats / new heating etc, especially since the ride is so short. All it matters is the train arriving on time in shorter intervals.

If you think about it, the japanese were able to achieve that 20 years ago with a far far complex network. The path system by comparison is really very simple, and with 4 billion dollars behind it, i just dont see why it cant be done.

oh well, better than nothing i guess.

Posted on: 2009/2/23 16:18

With record numbers of riders turning to the PATH - $4B in upgrades coming
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2004/9/15 19:03
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2023/8/15 18:42
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$4B in upgrades coming to PATH

Monday, February 23, 2009

With record numbers of riders turning to the PATH system to get around Hudson County and Manhattan, the Port Authority is rolling out billions of dollars worth of upgrades - both practical and for comfort.

As part of a $4 billion, decade-long improvement plan, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey will add more cars per train to increase capacity, reduce energy costs with LED lights and more efficient brakes, and quicken travel with a computer-guided signal system.

But riders of the century-old system may first notice the more comfortable seats, re- arranged interiors and improved heating and air-conditioning of the next generation of PATH cars.

The new cars, which will replace the current ones introduced in the 1960s, are scheduled to be rolled out in the next four to six weeks, said Susan Bass Levin, deputy executive director of the Port Authority.

"The cars themselves carry about the same number of people, but in a much more comfortable way," she said.

Along with more comfortable confines, PATH stations are getting overhauls to handle more passengers. Platforms at the Grove Street, Harrison and Journal Square stations will be extended to accommodate 10-car trains instead of the current seven-car trains, Bass Levin said. The extensions, she said, will increase capacity by 20 percent.

Last year, 75 million people took PATH trains, breaking the previous record of 74 million set in 2000. Bass Levin expects those numbers to stay up.

"It's the right thing to do for your pocketbook and for your future," she said.

At least one Hudson community is looking to take advantage of the PATH's surging popularity.

Developers in Harrison are planning to build a transit village - a neighborhood designed to reduce dependency on cars - around the PATH station on Frank E. Rodgers Boulevard.

Before those plans become a reality, though, county and Port Authority officials are teaming up to build a $45 million parking deck that will hold 1,460 cars at the location, Norman Guerra, executive director of the Hudson County Improvement Authority, said.

That will allow space currently used as parking lots to become retail and residential areas near the station.

"It's sort of that transit hub concept. There's more and more of that type of project popping up," he said. "This is perfect because you have the transit right there. It will definitely put Harrison on the map."

Posted on: 2009/2/23 15:04

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