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Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Home away from home
With all due respect, I found this web site, it is very informative read:
Cultural views of suicide. http://suicideandmentalhealthassociat ... And the book, Raw Law touches on this subject: Chapter titled: One good Cop
Posted on: 2008/6/3 2:21
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Home away from home
That's what Cankicker said, in fact. MORE scrutiny, smaller department.
Posted on: 2008/6/2 17:48
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Home away from home
Actually, in some smaller departments there is MORE scrutiny because there are in fact fewer jobs to go around. I suggest you go out and apply to some local, county, state, and federal agencies and report back to us in a couple of months.
Posted on: 2008/6/2 17:46
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Home away from home
You obviously didn't get my point.... I'm not comparing city cops with suburban cops,what I was trying to convey is the fact that a candidate for an urban city cop job doesn't go through as much scrutiny as someone who were to apply for a police job in a smaller less urban town, hense one of the reasons why theres a larger number of City cops that wind up blowing their Brains out and having dependency issues. Nowhere in my prior Text did I ever come close to saying that a city cops job is Easy, I'm on the same page with you with regards to that. CK
Posted on: 2008/6/2 17:44
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Home away from home
Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on a second do you know how hard it is to be a cop in a city? Do you know the types of people they have to be dealing with on a daily basis? A cop from the suburbs barely has to put effort in his job while a cop in a city like this has to give his/her 100% everyday! You should thank them for thanking such a hard job. You cannot compare suburban cops to city cops there is just to big of a difference. In most of my interactions with the police I've been treated respectfully and only once did I think a cop was wrong but it was because I failed to inform him well of the situation. Your sounding off because you probably were pulled over and giving a ticket for knowingly breaking the law. As I mention before this cop was going through a tough time and alcohol probably contributed to his demise as it does in something like 90% of all suicides. The reason why more cops and military personal die in the process of suicide is because they use a gun as opposed to hanging themselves which not always kills people. Statistics do not always tell the truth buddy! Oh and the hiring process is extremely difficult since both the state and the municipality do background and psychological checks on applicants. This failed once though, in the case of the cop who kill a child on the Pulaski skyway but I think that guy got hired because he was the mayor's cousin.
Posted on: 2008/6/2 17:14
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Home away from home
I believe more stringent controls have to be put in place during the hiring process .
Theres way too many of these candidates for the Police academy that come with some really heavy baggage and truthly speaking create a room for concern since their carrying fire arms. Historically speaking most police depts in large urban communities such as JC have a large number of suicide cases amongst it's rank and file . I believe the reason behind this is due to the lax Hiring and screening process. Lets face it when a city like JC is faced with the pressures of hiring cops, it's allmost certain that their going to lower the standards,unlike smaller suburban towns. BTW, I agree with one of the other posters to this blog, that some of these cops are worse than the lowlifes their responsible for locking up ! CK
Posted on: 2008/6/2 15:52
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Home away from home
And blinkered point of views
Posted on: 2008/6/2 12:16
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Just can't stay away
Lots of blinkered flag waving in this thread.
Posted on: 2008/6/1 23:30
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Home away from home
2004/9/14 17:44 Last Login : 2016/3/14 17:57 From McGinley Square
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Devious, You're a rare person. Take care of yourself. My best wishes to you and your family.
Posted on: 2008/6/1 20:40
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Home away from home
If you don't mind me asking, what type of work do you do? Do you read? I mean books, articles, etc. What's the basis of your comments? Maybe you should do your homework before you post. I saw a documentary where an officers heart was monitored while chasing a suspest in his patrol car. The rate of his heart was exceedingly higher then what it should have been. When they are in training, it's not the same as when they are actually out on the field a field that they must know like the palm of their hand. But I can just imagine,... a soldier, mortars falling from the sky, a field they barely know. That last resort comment on the soldiers/officers was so off the wall. I can't imagine an America without them. Irregardless they need our support. You can't alway's expect things to be perfect no one is perfect. And obviouly not even you JB!!
Posted on: 2008/6/1 3:02
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : 2024/7/5 23:54 From Western Slope
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This is true, there are many over the years in the J.C. force that have taken an ugly path. The Jersey Journal will confirm this. I am sure that the ones who haven't ended their lives or been kicked off the force are either normal or have short fuses.
Posted on: 2008/6/1 1:41
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Home away from home
did you ever think that maybe the extremely high stress levels these officers and soldiers face day in and day out can take a phsychological toll on them. Air traffic controllers and many other professions may experience high stress levels but it doesnt compare. police not only put their lives on the line but also see alot of crap that can wear anyone sane person down over time. As far as our soldiers , not only are they in harms way 24-7 but the death and destruction they witness is overwhelming for just about anyone. Keep you stupid thoughts to yourself.
Posted on: 2008/6/1 1:22
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Home away from home
My condolensces go out to you and your family in this time of sorrow. I know a retired officer who's brother, also an officer committed suicide many yrs. ago. My post with the shortcut was only to understand based on the article presented in the JJ?. My apologies.
Posted on: 2008/5/31 22:21
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Quite a regular
And so you see RJustin? There are times when it's just better to keep your ill-conceived opinions to yourself. It's not the conversations on this site I can't handle, it's the insensitivities of those such as you.
I was wrong though. The line that formed to offer opinions so soon after a man's death only had you on it. The long line was filled with those who thought you distasteful.
Posted on: 2008/5/31 19:21
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
I've heard just about enough of this. This man is my uncle. He did not commit any sort of severe crime and he was not in debt. Furthermore, he was not mentally unstable. If you all really want to know, I'll tell you. The day he went missing, he went to go visit my sick grandmother. Then, he went to have lunch with some mystery man in Pennsylvania. That's when he went missing. The police have not told us who this man was, and my uncle has never driven to Pennsylvania before. The police are bs'ing. This mystery man had something to do with it. My uncle was very unselfish and would have never killed himself. Also, he did indeed know some sort of secret, as someone had suggested. That's why the police refuse to give more information...and it's why he retired. I don't know if the paperwork part of his retirement was ever completed though. Anyway, they know something and they're not telling us. Oh, and thank you Mathias and Minnie for your kind support. I just wish there were more people like you guys.
Posted on: 2008/5/31 18:28
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Home away from home
If someone here can make a reasonable argument that committing suicide is not a mentally imbalanced act, I will withdraw my hypothesis.
Otherwise, it would probably do you well to keep emotional opinions to yourself, as they make you look both foolish and reactionary. For the record, I think it's a shame that this man killed himself. And I think that more should be done to protect the mental health of people who are in high risk jobs. And I think that the real shame here is the responses of people who would rather stick their head in the sand than demand reform and accountability. Cheers.
Posted on: 2008/5/31 17:15
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
I am not sure which of RobotJustin's quotes was the most absurd. Most police officers join the PD at a very young age, so therefore I highly doubt that for most it is their LAST option. In addtion, all police officers are required to pass psychological exams and take civil service tests. Secondly, why is he insulting soldiers? What do they have to do with a man committing suicide? And yes, I would also like to know if he knows any police officers or soldiers.
Posted on: 2008/5/31 17:09
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Home away from home
Nice argument RJ.
Are you really this clueless, insensitive, and thoughtless, or do you just play the part online?
Posted on: 2008/5/31 17:04
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Home away from home
"I am sorry, I misquoted you,the actual quote that you stated is "I'd imagine that the reason for the high rates is that the profession attracts(not all,but alot) of mentally imbalanced people." I may not have gotten the quote 100% correct in my previous post, but the meaning of your statements was exactly the same.The views of a very callous and shallow person pointing out my misquote doesn't change that.Now I am sure there are some punctuation and grammar mistakes in this statement ,but that doesn't change the point.Just like your pointing out my misquote doesn't change the meaning of your posts."
Are you then claiming that people who kill themselves are not mentally imbalanced?
Posted on: 2008/5/31 16:58
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Home away from home
Lt Shinnick was also the lead investigator into what the police in the Heights did to me last year.
I cooperated with his department fully, he was tough with me during questioning, but fair. I came away from my meeting with him feeling that maybe he would do the right thing and that maybe he does act with some independence from the rest of the department. Periodically I would see him on my block, surveying the scene and talking to witnesses at all different times of the day. I felt reassured that despite his loyalties to the police department that at least he was doing a thorough job. To be honest I never really expected the JCPD to do much against the officers who brutally beat and falsely imprisoned me but Shinnick gave me a sense that there was a small chance. Not surprisingly JCPD recently named the two officers who did most of the beating as officers of the month. I'm sorry for his family and his colleagues that he was close to. After witnessing and experiencing what I did last year I can say first hand that all is not right within that police department. For the Chief and Prosecutor to make statements like "we will let the JCPD investigate this" and "it probably has nothing to do with his job" is premature and ridiculous. This is the head of Internal Affairs for a police department that has been rocked with many scandals and is in the midst of a huge steroid distribution and use scandal that implicates almost 1/3 of the department. He commits suicide 1 year before retirement and does it in another state and an outside body is not investigating it?
Posted on: 2008/5/31 16:52
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Home away from home
I have a question Robotjustin
Do you know anyone that serves/served in our Military or police force? I assume you do not because your comments are not only rediculous but obviously not well thought. You are a disgrace and should be ashamed of yourself.
Posted on: 2008/5/31 16:50
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Just can't stay away
I am sorry, I misquoted you,the actual quote that you stated is "I'd imagine that the reason for the high rates is that the profession attracts(not all,but alot) of mentally imbalanced people." I may not have gotten the quote 100% correct in my previous post, but the meaning of your statements was exactly the same.The views of a very callous and shallow person pointing out my misquote doesn't change that.Now I am sure there are some punctuation and grammar mistakes in this statement ,but that doesn't change the point.Just like your pointing out my misquote doesn't change the meaning of your posts.
Posted on: 2008/5/31 16:42
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Just can't stay away
Sad news, and perhaps too common to JC. For instance, 11 years ago the JCPD Police Chief took his own life at police headquarters.
John Fritz details... Police Chief Of Jersey City Kills Himself
Posted on: 2008/5/31 16:19
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Home away from home
"Your statement that"most not all must be mentally imbalanced" has to be the most absurd statement that I've read on these forums"
I didn't make that statement. Please reread and quote properly.
Posted on: 2008/5/31 16:07
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Just can't stay away
Your statement that"most not all must be mentally imbalanced" has to be the most absurd statement that I've read on these forums. Most police officer's do the job because everyday it's something different, most do it because it gives them satisfaction that they are making a difference in the community and also because of the benefits that it affords them and there families. You just come off as a very bitter person or maybe you're just ill informed ,either way the statement showed a lack of compassion or respect for the man's family and a lack of class on your part.
Posted on: 2008/5/31 16:01
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Home away from home
"A man dies and the lines forms of those who have a strange need to show they're clever. Thanks Minnie for saying the right thing at the right time. Later for speculation."
Excuse me. Police suicide is an EPIDEMIC, as per the article by dontstealmyrocks. It's totally appropriate to suggest reasons for the problem. I'm not blaming the police officers, but perhaps the hiring mechanisms aren't doing enough to screen applicants who won't be able to deal with the stress from the job, or doing enough to ensure the mental health of the officers. If you can't handle conversation, then don't visit public message forums.
Posted on: 2008/5/31 15:15
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Quite a regular
A man dies and the lines forms of those who have a strange need to show they're clever.
Thanks Minnie for saying the right thing at the right time. Later for speculation.
Posted on: 2008/5/31 14:53
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Home away from home
On the subject of cops..... did anyone else see the heavy display of testosterone jogging around Hamilton Park yesterday? I was told they were Port Authority cop trainees. Anyway... I enjoyed it!
Posted on: 2008/5/31 14:45
Re: Head of Jersey City police internal affairs found dead in apparent suicide
Actually, many people want to be police. Working as a police officer and an air traffic controller are two entirely different careers. It has excellent benefits, overtime, and police can retire after only 25 years. People are always critizing police, but the fact is that our society and especially Jersey City need police. I think that they do what many people do not have the guts to do. So, instead of criticizing police and disrespecting a man who served his city and sadly took his life, why don't you think about some of the things that Police officers (especially JC) see every day? They do not have the luxury of working in air conditioned offices everyday. They are trying to protect citizens from crack dealers, murderers, and drunk drivers.
Posted on: 2008/5/31 13:22