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Re: Garbage, garbage, garbage & meat
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2006/9/7 20:59
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2017/3/15 17:02
From Jersey City
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Damn McNair kids...

Posted on: 2008/4/11 15:37

Re: Garbage, garbage, garbage & meat
Home away from home
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2005/1/24 19:00
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2009/5/13 20:32
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While we are on the topic, how are we supposed to dispose of styrofoam? I had a barrel out last night full of styrofoam blocks and it was ignored by the garbage and recycle pickups. My only choice now is to bag it so it can't be seen and then maybe they'll pick it up.

Posted on: 2008/4/11 14:03

Re: Garbage, garbage, garbage & meat

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2005/3/27 7:51
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2009/6/23 4:56
From Take a wild guess
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slauben wrote:
Ok, now I am sure this has been posted here before.... somewhere, but I just cant find it.

Is there anything that can be done about the loose trash that blankets our JC streets after garbage pickup? It is completely out of control, just the other day I was walking my 2 dogs when I turn around only to find Molly trailing behind me with a 20 oz. raw steak hanging from her mouth.

Just to play devil's advocate, are you upset over the loose trash or the fact that your dog got to the steak before you?

Posted on: 2008/4/11 5:50
Sola lingua bona est lingua mortua.

Re: Garbage, garbage, garbage & meat
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2006/4/29 14:15
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2020/12/8 23:34
From The Italian Village
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I personally report trash issues with pictures via e-mail (particularly when it comes to sloppy trash pickups) to the following JCIA representatives: Oren K. Dabney, Sr. CEO of JCIA e-mail: Crystal Fonseca, Assistant e-mail: I also Cc Steven Fulop in my e-mails to the JCIA to keep him informed on trash issues reported to Mr. Dabney. I strongly encourage JC residents to also report any trash issues to the JCIA contacts listed above and send as much detailed information as possible, specially pictures. Remember, TAKE ACTION!

Posted on: 2008/4/11 4:15

Re: Garbage, garbage, garbage & meat
Home away from home
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2005/1/24 19:00
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2009/5/13 20:32
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I have seen cops on my street roll down the window and throw stuff out. How can they ticket people for littering when they do it themselves.

I am especially surprised at the amount of litter that remains around schools. Don't they pay full time janitorial staff? The charter school on 9th & Manila is disgusting. The entire building is surrounded by litter. When people see litter on the ground it makes them feel it is ok to throw more. Broken windows theory....

Posted on: 2008/4/11 2:40

Re: Garbage, garbage, garbage & meat
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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2005/2/28 19:26
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2009/11/29 19:49
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It's really sad to say, as many of us agree, but the conditions of Jersey City are usually disgusting. I live in the Heights and am pretty amazed at the amount of trash there is. I grew up in Queens and am usually somewhere in the city daily and often in very busy commercial areas like Flatbush Ave. or Queens Blvd. I always pay attention to how clean they are compared to almost any street in JC. It really is incredible.

I have mentioned this to NID reps at our neighborhood meetings and get blank stares. I ask them if they enforce storefront cleanliness and even property cleanliness. I get comments like, 'It's very difficult.' I'm not sure what that means. I ask them if they ever have ticketed anyone they saw littering and she seemed proud or at least comfortable to say she is scared to do that. 'They might flip out on me.' Isn't it your job though Ma'm? 'I should call the cops I guess' She actually said that at the meeting. I am really baffled by the lack of effort. They created the department to keep the city clean. It is not that big of a city. They have bragged about having more enforcement officers and I see very little change. The one good thing that happens (which is a band-aid) are the walking streetcleaners who do a good job but even after they leave the trash builds up again!

I have asked at meetings why we don't have more or in some cases any garbage cans in an urban setting. "People use them for household trash" Couldn't you step up enforcement to limit that aspect of their use but still have the advantage of a garbage can that at least some people would use? I get no real answer to that.

I have decided my best hope is to pray for a worldwide shift in wind patterns that will no longer cause a huge amount of trash to blow directly into our yard and our neighbors yard. One day I will take a picture and post it. It really is incredible on a windy weekend day.

I know there are many other problems in others' lives and our communities but the way we look is important to how we feel to some degree. I also understand it affects or bothers some more than others. I am quite saddened that a city with such a large amount of development and resources (i.e. tax dollars) is underserved in an essential way. We should be a gem in the region and instead I find it embarrassing to invite family and friends from Queens to come visit because I don't want them to be disgusted and think I'm a loser.

Posted on: 2008/4/10 22:59

Re: Garbage, garbage, garbage & meat
Home away from home
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2005/2/14 23:14
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2009/12/26 3:33
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slauben wrote:
Ok, now I am sure this has been posted here before.... somewhere, but I just cant find it.

Is there anything that can be done about the loose trash that blankets our JC streets after garbage pickup? It is completely out of control, just the other day I was walking my 2 dogs when I turn around only to find Molly trailing behind me with a 20 oz. raw steak hanging from her mouth. I walk the dogs every morning and every night (and I do gather up their waste matter) and I really cant believe the amount of loose trash there is. Is it at all possible to have an extra trash collector follow behind the truck and scan the area for oddments? I am thinking about just going through my block (First between Erie and Manila) and picking up all the trash, and then just walking the dogs in a circle.

why are you denying your dog a steak dinner? It's bad enough he has to eat all the processed supermarket food everyday at home!

j/k i am bored

Posted on: 2008/4/10 22:11

Re: Garbage, garbage, garbage & meat
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2007/9/29 17:46
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2013/5/19 22:46
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That's why outta towners call Jersey City, DIRTY CITY.
They should take the kids now like in pre-k and start teaching them that old slogan, DONT BE A LITTER BUG with the sad Indian Chief and a tear in his eye, until they graduate high school and make them clean it as an assignment or do a question and answer commercial with people talking about the filth that litters our streets. I see people of all ages all the time just throwing chip bags or what have you on the ground like it's just nothing...and the bodegas don't help there's like one on almost every street or corner with munchie wrappers just all over the place, yes, it is disgusting!!!!, And when it's windy it's just horrible. I'm always cleaning the front of my area ALL the time and have been doing it for yrs!!!!By the time I'm done I've got a whole garbage bag full of crap!!! from condoms to nickel bags to blunt tips.

Posted on: 2008/4/10 21:16

Re: Garbage, garbage, garbage & meat
Home away from home
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2008/4/2 11:56
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2018/10/5 14:16
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Chances are you should blame your neighbors. Where trash is well-bagged and set out at appropriate times, there usually isn't more rubbish on the pavement than to be expected in an urban environment. Wayne between Barrow and Grove is a good example of residents not giving a crap about their street (the north side).

Posted on: 2008/4/10 21:14

Garbage, garbage, garbage & meat
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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2008/2/27 16:03
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2010/10/7 16:32
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Posts: 25
Ok, now I am sure this has been posted here before.... somewhere, but I just cant find it.

Is there anything that can be done about the loose trash that blankets our JC streets after garbage pickup? It is completely out of control, just the other day I was walking my 2 dogs when I turn around only to find Molly trailing behind me with a 20 oz. raw steak hanging from her mouth. I walk the dogs every morning and every night (and I do gather up their waste matter) and I really cant believe the amount of loose trash there is. Is it at all possible to have an extra trash collector follow behind the truck and scan the area for oddments? I am thinking about just going through my block (First between Erie and Manila) and picking up all the trash, and then just walking the dogs in a circle.

Posted on: 2008/4/10 20:52

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