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Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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2004/11/6 21:13
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Hurtle wrote:

What dusk to dawn definition?

My point was that if your winning meant they had to interpret the law in a way that made them look ridiculous, I doubt they'd do it, they'd find a way to make you lose, because that's easier than changing a law that makes no sense. We've got shedloads of laws that make no sense, it seems popular, and allows authorities to act seemingly arbitrarily and still be within the law.

Posted on: 2008/2/15 4:02

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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rosember wrote:

You cant even quote it correctly, click on the link and you will see that it says: "Curbside collection is provided twice a week, including holidays. Materials must be tied or placed in containers and placed curbside no earlier than 7:00 PM the night before your scheduled collection day." That's night not day, it can be interpreted several ways, and where is it written that this is the law? Exactly what statute is it? The web site doesn't say. When you go to court, reference the web site, surely your summons will reference the law (by statute), bring a video camera, we all would like to see your face when you discover what the law really is.

They changed my collection time to Monday night. The night before would be Sunday. It's as simple as that.

Why would the city be issuing violation warnings for something that isn't a law? It says OBEY THE LAW in big letters right across the front.

I'm not going to waste my time looking up statutes. I'll leave that for you. I trust that the info provided on the city's website is the same as what's written in the law. Why wouldn't it be?

I was just trying to point out that there's an inconsistency in what's written on the website and the warnings they're handing out for anyone that wants to try and fight it if they do get a fine. If you happen to get one of these summonses and feel inclined to pay it then knock yourself out.

Posted on: 2008/2/15 0:50

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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Hurtle wrote:

What dusk to dawn definition? They now collect my trash on Monday night, not Tuesday morning. The day before Monday is Sunday so anything after 7:00 PM Sunday would be acceptable as the law stands.

It certainly seems exploitable. They changed the collection time and didn't change the law to reflact that. Perhaps they're already aware of this and that's why they handed out warnings instead of actual summonses.

You cant even quote it correctly, click on the link and you will see that it says: "Curbside collection is provided twice a week, including holidays. Materials must be tied or placed in containers and placed curbside no earlier than 7:00 PM the night before your scheduled collection day." That's night not day, it can be interpreted several ways, and where is it written that this is the law? Exactly what statute is it? The web site doesn't say. When you go to court, reference the web site, surely your summons will reference the law (by statute), bring a video camera, we all would like to see your face when you discover what the law really is.

Posted on: 2008/2/15 0:04

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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2006/10/27 21:07
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brewster wrote:

Hurtle's 27 hour window sounds great, but I'd like to see someone win that one in court!

"Mr. Hurtle, we define day as midnight to midnight rather than your quaint dawn to dusk definition, therefore if your garbage might possibly be picked up before midnight the earliest it may be put out is 7 that evening. Case closed, pay the bailiff".

What dusk to dawn definition? They now collect my trash on Monday night, not Tuesday morning. The day before Monday is Sunday so anything after 7:00 PM Sunday would be acceptable as the law stands.

It certainly seems exploitable. They changed the collection time and didn't change the law to reflact that. Perhaps they're already aware of this and that's why they handed out warnings instead of actual summonses.

Posted on: 2008/2/14 19:35

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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2004/11/6 21:13
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ansky wrote:
This problem just doesn't seem that hard to solve. I can name at least 5-10 other people in my building or on my block that would be willing to drag a garbage can 3 feet from the house to the curb at an appropriate time.

Ansky, you must be quite charming if you can get someone to consistently take out your garbage twice a week forever. Most people like my 20something renters are lucky if they know their neighbors names.

Hurtle's 27 hour window sounds great, but I'd like to see someone win that one in court!

"Mr. Hurtle, we define day as midnight to midnight rather than your quaint dawn to dusk definition, therefore if your garbage might possibly be picked up before midnight the earliest it may be put out is 7 that evening. Case closed, pay the bailiff".

Posted on: 2008/2/14 18:39

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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2007/10/11 3:28
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SAL on THE HILL wrote...
Haha and I think it's ironic that somebody who whines about what a waste of resources it is to enforce the leash laws then goes and reports his neighbor for an arguably less hazardous QOL violation (can't remember the last time a garbage can bit somebody, or took a wayward dump in Hamilton Park), and then creates a thread to gloat about it, all self-satisfied-like. hypocrisy?

Your paranoia is amusing. I wish I had such sway over any of the city services. I posted to warn people for the weeks to come. Certain indivuals stirred up the city to come down to HP and enforce the leash-laws and I simply countered, on another, thread that they should not use selective enforcement when it comes to QOL issues. I assume the city decided I was right and they enforced several QOL issues including the leash-law and the garbage ordinance. I thought it was ironic that those same people got tickets for the garbage violation. And, yes, it does give me some satisfaction that they didn't have their "houses in order".

Posted on: 2008/2/14 16:42

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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BrightMoment wrote:

brewster wrote:
How about returning to the actual topic.

The change of pickup time actually creates hardship for some people. The law should be that placing garbage out be "no more than X hours before pickup time", X being a reasonable period. The change in pickup times here changed X from ~10 hrs to 3 hrs. I have tenants with evening restaurant shifts who simply can't hit that 3 hr window to put out their garbage since they work a 4-12 pm shift. This doesn't seem fair or rational to me.

Thanks Brewster for posting the most succint, coherent analysis of the problem with the new garbage pickup times.

I plan to bring this up at the upcoming HCA mtg. and hope other neighborhood groups, HPNA, VVPA, HPHNA, NNA and others discuss this as well and recommend change allowing garbage to be placed on curb earlier in the day OR pickups need to start later (say after midnight at minimum or later as before).

As Brewster points out above, we went from having 10+ hours to place garbage on curb (7Pm until 5AM+) to having minimum of only 3 hours (7PM until 10PM is beginning of pickup). This is unreasonable as many persons working different shifts have only this 3 hour window now.

Actually, the way I read the law is that we now have at least 27 to put the garbage out. Here's what the city's website says about garbage collection: ... riteria=garbage&optcond=2

Here's the important part:

no earlier than 7:00 PM the night before your scheduled collection day.

They collect on my street at 11:15 PM so for a Monday collection we could put the trash out after 7:00 PM Sunday per the city's own website. Yep. They changed the collection time but never updated the law.

My building got a ticket, actually just a warning, for putting the trash out early too. If it came down to being levied a fine, first I'd try to make the apartment that chronically puts out their trash at a time that agitates the city pay. If that failed I'd try the loophole. I'd imagine if the loophole works it wouldn't be long before the city changed the law.

Posted on: 2008/2/14 14:02

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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BrightMoment wrote:
As Brewster points out above, we went from having 10+ hours to place garbage on curb (7Pm until 5AM+) to having minimum of only 3 hours (7PM until 10PM is beginning of pickup). This is unreasonable as many persons working different shifts have only this 3 hour window now.

This problem just doesn't seem that hard to solve. I can name at least 5-10 other people in my building or on my block that would be willing to drag a garbage can 3 feet from the house to the curb at an appropriate time.

Posted on: 2008/2/14 13:45

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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2008/1/28 23:20
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Vigilante wrote:

r_pinkowitz wrote:

SalOnTheHill wrote:

Vigilante wrote:
Lo and Behold the city must be monitoring this website. Today around 5pm they issued several tickets along 8th. Street to buildings that had put their garbage to the curb before the allowed time of 7pm. Almost all cited buildings were larger multi-dwellings where the supers put the garbage out in bags only. (This is so they don't have to return to drag in the empty cans.) What annoys me more is that the bags will often break and leave a mess which does not get cleaned for a few days till the super returns. I have cleaned up several messes from the buildings on either side of mine. I normally don't mind doing it but they are paying these supers to do this work.

Weren't you the guy in some other thread complaining that the city shouldn't be bothering with pesky little "quality of life" issues like leash laws and trash being put out early, because there are more important issues to deal with?

Or is it just that you think the city should only enforce the laws you personally agree with, and not the ones you don't?

Just checkin' man!

So typical of many of these types of posts. " The City is so dirty", "Garbage on the streets" "Dog poop everywhere" "Why doesn't JC enforce these QOL issues" followed up by...." FU, I just got a ticket for not moving my car", FU, they are enforcing QOL issues, " FU, They issued me a warning to put my dog on a leash in a public park"......go figure!

I'm not picking on Vigilante and singling him out, but SalOn TheHill has a valid point and should hit home to a few out here!

You obviously did not read my post. I am not complaining about anything. I am simply putting the word out and actually applauding the city's action. I think it is ironic that someone who I know has complained about the dogs got a ticket for the garbage violation. Kharma?

Haha and I think it's ironic that somebody who whines about what a waste of resources it is to enforce the leash laws then goes and reports his neighbor for an arguably less hazardous QOL violation (can't remember the last time a garbage can bit somebody, or took a wayward dump in Hamilton Park), and then creates a thread to gloat about it, all self-satisfied-like. hypocrisy?

Posted on: 2008/2/14 4:25

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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2004/11/7 17:04
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brewster wrote:
How about returning to the actual topic.

The change of pickup time actually creates hardship for some people. The law should be that placing garbage out be "no more than X hours before pickup time", X being a reasonable period. The change in pickup times here changed X from ~10 hrs to 3 hrs. I have tenants with evening restaurant shifts who simply can't hit that 3 hr window to put out their garbage since they work a 4-12 pm shift. This doesn't seem fair or rational to me.

Thanks Brewster for posting the most succint, coherent analysis of the problem with the new garbage pickup times.

I plan to bring this up at the upcoming HCA mtg. and hope other neighborhood groups, HPNA, VVPA, HPHNA, NNA and others discuss this as well and recommend change allowing garbage to be placed on curb earlier in the day OR pickups need to start later (say after midnight at minimum or later as before).

As Brewster points out above, we went from having 10+ hours to place garbage on curb (7Pm until 5AM+) to having minimum of only 3 hours (7PM until 10PM is beginning of pickup). This is unreasonable as many persons working different shifts have only this 3 hour window now.

Posted on: 2008/2/12 17:27
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Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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2006/4/18 0:04
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brewster wrote:
How about returning to the actual topic.

The change of pickup time actually creates hardship for some people. The law should be that placing garbage out be "no more than X hours before pickup time", X being a reasonable period. The change in pickup times here changed X from ~10 hrs to 3 hrs. I have tenants with evening restaurant shifts who simply can't hit that 3 hr window to put out their garbage since they work a 4-12 pm shift. This doesn't seem fair or rational to me.

You have a very valid point and I can see how this can effect someone who works a pm shift. If a person does not live in a house or building that has a super or another designated person to handle the garbage going out at a specified time this can be a problem. Most work shifts are 8 hours and it would be impossible for someone to get home in time to put the trash out before the garbage trucks arrive. My block the garbage truck arrive between 12 and 12:30 pm, so if I did work a night shift and had no one else to move the cans to the curb, it would be a huge problem.

Posted on: 2008/2/12 16:56

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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2004/11/6 21:13
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How about returning to the actual topic.

The change of pickup time actually creates hardship for some people. The law should be that placing garbage out be "no more than X hours before pickup time", X being a reasonable period. The change in pickup times here changed X from ~10 hrs to 3 hrs. I have tenants with evening restaurant shifts who simply can't hit that 3 hr window to put out their garbage since they work a 4-12 pm shift. This doesn't seem fair or rational to me.

Posted on: 2008/2/12 16:30

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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2006/2/5 2:30
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navigating the curves of the logic on this and the dog thread has gone from amusing to exhausting.


Posted on: 2008/2/12 16:27
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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2005/7/19 15:35
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wow. this thread exemplifies why i refer to jc list as just complaining. one comment spirals into a bitch fest. perhaps this should be called Just Children thread, b/c thats how many act.

Posted on: 2008/2/12 16:24

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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2006/4/18 0:04
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Vigilante wrote:

r_pinkowitz wrote:

So typical of many of these types of posts. " The City is so dirty", "Garbage on the streets" "Dog poop everywhere" "Why doesn't JC enforce these QOL issues" followed up by...." FU, I just got a ticket for not moving my car", FU, they are enforcing QOL issues, " FU, They issued me a warning to put my dog on a leash in a public park"......go figure!

I'm not picking on Vigilante and singling him out, but SalOn TheHill has a valid point and should hit home to a few out here!

Why would you feel the need to preface your comment with an apology to me? Sal on the Hill was actually wrong about what I said and therefore I definitely should not be singled out for something I definitely did not say.

Wow Vig...what don't you get on my comment?
Do you feel I'm wrong and many posters complain that no one enforces until they get caught breaking the law and they "biatch" that they got caught and the city should go pick on the "real" offenders? I agree that Sal's post fits many, many people here. If you read some of these posts on one thread they complain no enforcement and another thread they ask or advise how to get around the law.. My comment was not directed at you and that's why I posted that I'm not singling you out and it fits many on this site!

Posted on: 2008/2/12 16:16

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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2007/10/11 3:28
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scooter wrote:
you wrote:

What annoys me more is that the bags will often break and leave a mess which does not get cleaned for a few days till the super returns. I have cleaned up several messes from the buildings on either side of mine.

and sal, like me, somehow mistook that for a complaint.

You must be a lawyer. You want to argue the argument when you can't win. It is an old trick. Robin inferred that I was complaining about the city writing tickets which I was not. Did I complain about my neighbors lazy super? Yes. It has nothing to do with Robin's point. Nice try.

Posted on: 2008/2/12 16:11

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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you wrote:

What annoys me more is that the bags will often break and leave a mess which does not get cleaned for a few days till the super returns. I have cleaned up several messes from the buildings on either side of mine.

and sal, like me, somehow mistook that for a complaint.

Posted on: 2008/2/12 16:01
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
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r_pinkowitz wrote:

So typical of many of these types of posts. " The City is so dirty", "Garbage on the streets" "Dog poop everywhere" "Why doesn't JC enforce these QOL issues" followed up by...." FU, I just got a ticket for not moving my car", FU, they are enforcing QOL issues, " FU, They issued me a warning to put my dog on a leash in a public park"......go figure!

I'm not picking on Vigilante and singling him out, but SalOn TheHill has a valid point and should hit home to a few out here!

Why would you feel the need to preface your comment with an apology to me? Sal on the Hill was actually wrong about what I said and therefore I definitely should not be singled out for something I definitely did not say.

Posted on: 2008/2/12 15:54

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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2006/4/18 0:04
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Vigilante wrote:

scooter wrote:
you're not complaining about anything?

What annoys me more is that the bags will often break and leave a mess which does not get cleaned for a few days till the super returns. I have cleaned up several messes from the buildings on either side of mine.

You can be a little all over the place, vigilante - or maybe I misread your posts.

Yes you did. Robin inferred that I was complaining about the citations being issued which I obviously was not.

I did? What part of this made you thin skinned?

r_pinkowitz wrote:
I'm not picking on Vigilante and singling him out, but SalOn TheHill has a valid point and should hit home to a few out here!

Posted on: 2008/2/12 15:42

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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2007/10/11 3:28
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SalOnTheHill wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

BTW one of the leaders of the anti-dog movement got cited today for the garbage violation. All's fair.....

Hahaha now I get it. I'm sure that it's a sheer coincidence that "one of the leaders of the anti-dog movement" got cited, just as it's a sheer coincidence that you know this happened, and are gloating about it.

Maybe they're one of your NIMBY TOOL friends?

Posted on: 2008/2/12 15:21

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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Oh ok, I thought you were complaining.

Posted on: 2008/2/12 15:14
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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2007/10/11 3:28
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scooter wrote:
you're not complaining about anything?

What annoys me more is that the bags will often break and leave a mess which does not get cleaned for a few days till the super returns. I have cleaned up several messes from the buildings on either side of mine.

You can be a little all over the place, vigilante - or maybe I misread your posts.

Yes you did. Robin inferred that I was complaining about the citations being issued which I obviously was not.

Posted on: 2008/2/12 14:57

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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you're not complaining about anything?

What annoys me more is that the bags will often break and leave a mess which does not get cleaned for a few days till the super returns. I have cleaned up several messes from the buildings on either side of mine.

You can be a little all over the place, vigilante - or maybe I misread your posts.

Posted on: 2008/2/12 13:52
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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2007/10/11 3:28
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r_pinkowitz wrote:

SalOnTheHill wrote:

Vigilante wrote:
Lo and Behold the city must be monitoring this website. Today around 5pm they issued several tickets along 8th. Street to buildings that had put their garbage to the curb before the allowed time of 7pm. Almost all cited buildings were larger multi-dwellings where the supers put the garbage out in bags only. (This is so they don't have to return to drag in the empty cans.) What annoys me more is that the bags will often break and leave a mess which does not get cleaned for a few days till the super returns. I have cleaned up several messes from the buildings on either side of mine. I normally don't mind doing it but they are paying these supers to do this work.

Weren't you the guy in some other thread complaining that the city shouldn't be bothering with pesky little "quality of life" issues like leash laws and trash being put out early, because there are more important issues to deal with?

Or is it just that you think the city should only enforce the laws you personally agree with, and not the ones you don't?

Just checkin' man!

So typical of many of these types of posts. " The City is so dirty", "Garbage on the streets" "Dog poop everywhere" "Why doesn't JC enforce these QOL issues" followed up by...." FU, I just got a ticket for not moving my car", FU, they are enforcing QOL issues, " FU, They issued me a warning to put my dog on a leash in a public park"......go figure!

I'm not picking on Vigilante and singling him out, but SalOn TheHill has a valid point and should hit home to a few out here!

You obviously did not read my post. I am not complaining about anything. I am simply putting the word out and actually applauding the city's action. I think it is ironic that someone who I know has complained about the dogs got a ticket for the garbage violation. Kharma?

Posted on: 2008/2/12 13:01

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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I've seen a black guy with a uniform and an SUV driving around downtown. His vehicle has "Environmental Enforcement" or something of that nature on the side. Usually patrols on garbage collection days.

Another leach, trying to justify the cost of his sad ass by throwing tickets at people.

Posted on: 2008/2/12 11:38

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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Vigilante wrote:
It is not the enforcement that bothers me. It is the "selective" enforcement.

It's a doggie jihad. Bastards.

BTW one of the leaders of the anti-dog movement got cited today for the garbage violation. All's fair.....

Huey P. Silvestris?

Posted on: 2008/2/12 10:03

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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Vigilante wrote:

BTW one of the leaders of the anti-dog movement got cited today for the garbage violation. All's fair.....

Hahaha now I get it. I'm sure that it's a sheer coincidence that "one of the leaders of the anti-dog movement" got cited, just as it's a sheer coincidence that you know this happened, and are gloating about it.

Posted on: 2008/2/12 4:30

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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2006/4/18 0:04
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SalOnTheHill wrote:

Vigilante wrote:
Lo and Behold the city must be monitoring this website. Today around 5pm they issued several tickets along 8th. Street to buildings that had put their garbage to the curb before the allowed time of 7pm. Almost all cited buildings were larger multi-dwellings where the supers put the garbage out in bags only. (This is so they don't have to return to drag in the empty cans.) What annoys me more is that the bags will often break and leave a mess which does not get cleaned for a few days till the super returns. I have cleaned up several messes from the buildings on either side of mine. I normally don't mind doing it but they are paying these supers to do this work.

Weren't you the guy in some other thread complaining that the city shouldn't be bothering with pesky little "quality of life" issues like leash laws and trash being put out early, because there are more important issues to deal with?

Or is it just that you think the city should only enforce the laws you personally agree with, and not the ones you don't?

Just checkin' man!

So typical of many of these types of posts. " The City is so dirty", "Garbage on the streets" "Dog poop everywhere" "Why doesn't JC enforce these QOL issues" followed up by...." FU, I just got a ticket for not moving my car", FU, they are enforcing QOL issues, " FU, They issued me a warning to put my dog on a leash in a public park"......go figure!

I'm not picking on Vigilante and singling him out, but SalOn TheHill has a valid point and should hit home to a few out here!

Posted on: 2008/2/12 4:08

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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What is the Anti-dog movement? (Just Curious)


Vigilante wrote:

BTW one of the leaders of the anti-dog movement got cited today for the garbage violation. All's fair.....

Posted on: 2008/2/12 3:45

Re: Tickets Issued for putting garbage out before 7pm
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SalOnTheHill wrote:

Vigilante wrote:
Lo and Behold the city must be monitoring this website. Today around 5pm they issued several tickets along 8th. Street to buildings that had put their garbage to the curb before the allowed time of 7pm. Almost all cited buildings were larger multi-dwellings where the supers put the garbage out in bags only. (This is so they don't have to return to drag in the empty cans.) What annoys me more is that the bags will often break and leave a mess which does not get cleaned for a few days till the super returns. I have cleaned up several messes from the buildings on either side of mine. I normally don't mind doing it but they are paying these supers to do this work.

Weren't you the guy in some other thread complaining that the city shouldn't be bothering with pesky little "quality of life" issues like leash laws and trash being put out early, because there are more important issues to deal with?

Or is it just that you think the city should only enforce the laws you personally agree with, and not the ones you don't?

Just checkin' man!

No. I just want the city (not necessarily the police) to cover all the quality of life issues as they state them in their city code. Some people were targeting dog owners only for enforcement and obviously someone has prompted the city officials to even the playing field. It is not the enforcement that bothers me. It is the "selective" enforcement. BTW one of the leaders of the anti-dog movement got cited today for the garbage violation. All's fair.....

Posted on: 2008/2/12 3:37

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