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Re: Is being ignorant a requirement to work for the JC Parking Authority?
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Not much can beat the warm fuzzy JCPA feelings you get when you have to personally go to muni court to clear a parking ticket gotten by the guys who stole your car - 5 days after you reported it stolen... (so it slips through their fingers, and then you can't even clear it up by phone or mail - way to respect the crime victim/citizen, JC...)

ok that's the last time I harp on that.

Posted on: 2008/7/25 16:37
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

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injcsince81, what are the italian and seafood places in Bayonne you like? In 3 years, we've never been down there other than to see it whiz by from rt. 78 - so we're thinking of taking a drive down there one of these days...

(hopefully this won't getting yanked for of-topic - so... TaqueriaTaqueriaTaqueria...)

Posted on: 2008/7/25 16:22
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Assault in Van Vorst Park tonight
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If some in the U.S. are "more barbaric" it is an argument for properly vetted law abiding citizens carrying firearms.


Posted on: 2008/7/23 13:09
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Healy Timeline
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having said that, he should get some help. He should get out of city hall, then he should get some help.

Posted on: 2008/7/22 19:33
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Healy Timeline
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I have to admit it never gets tired for me... because I just can't *believe* this guy is mayor of what's going to soon be the biggest city in the state of New Jersey.

and um, no I never passed out drunk naked on my porch. I must be no fun at all.

Posted on: 2008/7/22 19:32
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: NPR's "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" has segment, "You're the most corrupt city in the entire nation.
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I think the Politics' Magazine article and likely this radio segment trashing jersey City, are just politically motivated! Way to go whoever is behind it -- just another stereotypical smearing of Jersey!
...shoot the messenger(s).

Posted on: 2008/7/22 14:13
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Assault in Van Vorst Park tonight
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anyone outside the leftist orthodox religion is either sexually repressed, has a small penis, ...
woah... - easy, tiger - where's that coming from?

Posted on: 2008/7/21 14:40
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Assault in Van Vorst Park tonight
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I?ve been asking the city to install cameras for years and keep being told the monies are not available.
Yeah $104K of those tax abatement dollars went instead to Kabili T. to march in a few parades (and to turn out the black vote when needed) and $46K went to the lawyer handling Healy's Bradley Beach incident to be something called (almost comically) a 'part-time legislative research officer'.

NPR (and that magazine) is right, the city *is* a joke. But it's only 'endearing' if you don't have to live here.

Posted on: 2008/7/21 12:38
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: council person chastises Journal
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you two are a-holes
...the fine art of debate, JC-stylee

Posted on: 2008/7/16 15:03
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Booker, Healy urge Senate to pass gun bill -- NJ Moves Step Closer To Strict Handgun Sales Limit
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I think they *are* suing out of state dealers.

New Jersey is focusing on its own citizens who follow strict guidelines.
If you read the article (did you read the article?) they're finding a lot of guns involved in crimes bought locally, in other words people in the business of buying for others who aren't able to (unless you just think they're lying about the numbers).

THAT'S who the bill focuses on (jeez louise).

What's the waste of money? The conditioning and electricity in the state house as they signed the bill? Because this sounds like sound legislation to me - I even think the limit of 12 per year is still ridiculous - personal protection? Who's buying even 4 guns a year for personal protection?

oh yeah. the nuts are.

Posted on: 2008/7/16 14:57
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Booker, Healy urge Senate to pass gun bill -- NJ Moves Step Closer To Strict Handgun Sales Limit
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New Jersey demonizes legal handgun owners
how is it demonizing you to limit you to 12 per year? what, you need 13? I don't get this nutty gun thing.

Posted on: 2008/7/16 14:20
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: council person chastises Journal
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Ms. Richardson seems to ask the JJ editorial board and its readership to call it what it is ... corruption and cronyism.
I don't think she comes even close to saying that, she would prefer to not call it anything - that there be *no* accountability, for fear of being labeled racist: it's a great cover.

Ironically, I took the article to be looking for *more* black leaders, *more* blacks in power - not less. The rub for the Floods/Cunninghams/Richardsons/Tabilis of the JC is that what they're talking about is a *cleaner* black leadership.

I also wish we had cleaner *white* leadership in JC (the only difference being that it happens that there *is* a white Obama on the JC scene, so we'll see...)

p.s. and could it be maybe the paper's paying more attention to black leadership than Filipino leadership only in proportion to the relative sizes of the populations in JC?

Posted on: 2008/7/16 14:15
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Councilman gets ethics questions on the ballot
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I find that hard to believe.
+1, that post sounds like it's coming from a Hudson Democratic machine operative

...because even if Schundler's motivations are cynical, no-way, no-how would Healy *ever* get behind these initiatives....

Posted on: 2008/7/16 13:42
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: council person chastises Journal
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no but they're both corrupt - and that's the real issue, not race.

Obama is threatening to her because he threatens her tired old trump card, which is to imply racism when the obvious stench of corruption around here is brought up.

For our local yokels like her, Cunningham, Flood, Tabili et al, Obama threatens their defense of last resort - but for the race industrialists like Jackson/Sharpton etc., Obama is even more threatening because he challenges their whole business model.

Posted on: 2008/7/16 12:38
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: council person chastises Journal
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Perhaps psychologically, your paper is not prepared for the kind of change Barack Obama refers to.

State Sen. Sandra Cunningham has never been embraced by your paper, either.

ok so if the paper doesn't endorse Sandra Cunningham (the same Sandra Cunningham who refused to attend any public debates when 'running' for her late husband's state senate seat and whose 'foundation' spends 85% on 'expenses' and 15% on charity according to tax records) - then you're "not prepared for the kind of change Barack Obama refers to" (code for racist...)


(ianmac47 is right, Cory Booker is NJ's Obama, not these Hudson County political machine tools)

Posted on: 2008/7/15 14:48
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Councilman gets ethics questions on the ballot
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Other city council members and Mayor Jerramiah T. Healy have said the measures would be impractical.

yeah, they would tend to get in the way of the graft....

I understand there are like 3200 signatures on that petition, so it should survive the verification process, but it'll probably go down in November unless there's a serious voter turnout - because (for example) Kabili Tayari isn't paid $104K to march in a few parades, he's there to deliver votes on command - and the unions and the vendors and the contractors for whom pay-to-play is standard Jersey City operating procedure will deliver their share of bought-and-paid-for votes too.

Corruption is like a cancer, kind of hard to get rid of it. But let's try anyway.....

! ....register and vote.... !

it's easy to register - just print out this form, fill it out, and send it in....

Posted on: 2008/7/10 12:26
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: SCARED RAPLESS: Member of the hip-hop group Wu-Tang Clan feels threatened
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Posted on: 2008/7/9 15:39
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Fields Development Reports Waldo Lofts Now 90% Sold in Jersey City's Powerhouse Arts District
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the developer is trying to get approval for a taller building

I wonder how much Councilman Gaughan will charge for that....

Posted on: 2008/7/9 13:54
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Fields Development Reports Waldo Lofts Now 90% Sold in Jersey City's Powerhouse Arts District
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10% still unsold???

They better get over to the next City Council meeting and buy themselves a sweeter abatement...

Posted on: 2008/7/8 16:56
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Taqueria. You can have it.
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huh - I stopped going after trying it once or twice because of the blandness factor, but now I want to go back just to be amused by the attitude. They sound like the soup nazi - "No Tacos for You!!"

Posted on: 2008/7/7 20:02
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Jersey City Obama event (gas prices)
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This Wednesday, we'll be at a gas station near you?we're pushing back against the RNC's new ads blaming Obama for gas prices. We need everyone out to remind people McCain is Big Oil's candidate?not Obama. There's a National Day of Action for an Oil-Free President event in Jersey City. Can you make it? < ... 0-3501955-ZOReoGx&t=1> Click to RSVP < ... 0-3501955-ZOReoGx&t=2> Dear MoveOn member, Have you seen the latest ad from the RNC? With holiday travel and gas prices on every channel, the Republicans are spending over $3 million in the next week to convince voters that high gas prices are Barack Obama's fault. What's scary is that their strategy is working?even though the Republicans' energy policy got us into this mess! So this Wednesday, we're pushing back with our National Day of Action for an Oil-Free President. We'll be gathering at gas stations around the country to reach out to voters and make sure they know John McCain is Big Oil's candidate and that he won't solve our energy crisis. Can you join the event in Jersey City? Host: Naava P.?fellow MoveOn member Where: HOLLAND TUNNEL GAS STATION (in Jersey City) When: Wednesday, Jul. 9, 2008, at 5:00 PM Here's the link to RSVP: ... 13130-3501955-ZOReoGx&t=3 < ... 0-3501955-ZOReoGx&t=3> We'll be in front of gas stations with signs and fliers to remind people that McCain is in the pocket of Big Oil. His campaign is run by oil industry lobbyists,1 and he looks to Big Oil for big campaign contributions.2 We can't count on him to push for alternative energy solutions or help lower gas prices. But soon ads blaming Obama for gas prices will be up all over the country. And people squeezed by energy costs may forget that it was another Republican with close ties to Big Oil and former oil lobbyists advising him in the White House who brought us to this point. Now is the time to make sure voters know John McCain won't solve our energy crisis. Sign up to attend a gas station event now: ... 13130-3501955-ZOReoGx&t=4 < ... 0-3501955-ZOReoGx&t=4> Hope you can make it! Thanks for all you do. ?Noah, Andrea, Stephen, Anna, Lenore and the rest of the team Sources: 1. "John McCain, His Big Oil Lobbyists, and His Big Oil Policies," Progressive Media USA Research, June 16, 2008 2. "John McCain On The Side Of Oil Companies," Progressive Media USA Research, April 23, 2008

Posted on: 2008/7/7 17:56
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Path Alerts
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actually most are about service outages, which happen pretty regulary - both Hoboken/33rd and Jrnl. Sq./33rd were completely suspended for a while this morning, I think that's what the OP was referring to.

Posted on: 2008/7/7 17:13
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Path Alerts
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the L train was bad but this Path stuff is crazy


you're right, it is - this is Jersey City.

Things don't really work here.

and just wait till more of your ex-neighbors move here, then the PATH will get really interesting.

Posted on: 2008/7/7 17:02
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Kabili Tayari in the news again...this time he didn't return his rental car
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They are empowered to conduct weddings and stand in for mayors at various events,

....for $104k

When you get reminded that the corruption is so deeply nested and rooted into the institutions themselves, it makes you realize Fulop et al (and any kind of reform in general) just doesn't stand a chance - this guy's job is so clearly payment in return for afro-american votes when needed - then there's other payments in place for union votes when needed, they'll bus in the elderly when needed, etc etc

I kind of hate this place.

Posted on: 2008/7/6 3:43
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Kabili Tayari in the news again...this time he didn't return his rental car
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And he does exactly what?

Steam control. (I just re-read Bonfire of the Vanities...)

Posted on: 2008/7/4 0:40
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Feeling more cramped on the PATH????
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sometime 2026

...a few months after the second stairwell at grove St. comes online (you'd think it was the stairway in an Apple store they were building, each one takes so long...)

Posted on: 2008/7/3 16:08
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Liberty Harbor - thoughts?
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The sales people were quite friendly to me, but they are very busy!

this is a shill post. (the implied message: "act now!")

Posted on: 2008/7/2 13:02
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Taqueria
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I guess I'm the only person who didn't like this place. The food was bland and flavorless.

No you're not, I feel exactly the same way about Taqueria - and I've kind of been all over Mexico, going maybe 7-8 times (staying and traveling with friends from Mexico DF on a few trips) and I also lived in LA for 3 years (not to brag, only to preempt any questioning of my bona fides...)

Posted on: 2008/7/1 17:15
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Journal Square / New York Times: Ambitions Expand at Canco Lofts
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oh, and that unprofitable venture I told you about, the one I need my tax deal sweetened for?

You might have read something in the papers about me actually recently *expanding* it - I know that might not sound very logical since it's been so so unprofitable, but that article's misleading, they took everything out of context - pay no attention to that.

Posted on: 2008/6/29 19:21
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Re: Journal Square / New York Times: Ambitions Expand at Canco Lofts
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Instead of lowering prioces, they are lowering the taxes

hey could I do that too? I took on a few business ventures that haven't worked out as well as I hoped this past month... So if the city could just revise the tax commitment I previously agreed to, I *might* manage to find enough change under the couch cushions to pay maybe .003 percent or so of the difference. Would that be ok? Great, thanks. I can meet the council in the parking lot behind city hall - I'll be the guy with the brown paper bag. -- 20's ok?

Posted on: 2008/6/29 19:07
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

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