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Re: Composting in Downtown JC
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2010/11/17 1:11
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2024/1/7 4:19
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Parkman, are you still taking compost for Van Vorst? I've got about 40 pounds of grain that I need to dispose of.

Posted on: 2012/7/11 4:01

JC Parks & Forestry:"Compost? What's that?"
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2004/11/6 21:13
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2023/7/17 17:42
From Hamilton Park
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I swear! I called on a whim wondering if they, like some cities I've heard about, compost the organic matter they collect and make it publicly available. OK, they don't have it, but for the person answering the phones to NEVER have heard the word!!

Posted on: 2012/5/17 17:12

Re: Composting in Downtown JC
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2005/7/14 18:51
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2018/12/12 21:42
From on van vorst park
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BrightGirl wrote:
Anyone know if any of the local downtown parks, VYP or Hamilton, will take the compost?
The Friends of Van Vorst Park would welcome any compost you would like to donate. We have 19 gardens that could use it and this would be a great way to help improve your park. Let me know if you decide to follow it up.

Posted on: 2011/1/17 22:58

Composting in Downtown JC
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2007/3/30 2:51
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2014/10/19 17:37
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Am thinking about getting a small worm composter for my apartment, but since I don't have a backyard, I'm wondering what I would do with the compost.

Anyone know if any of the local downtown parks, VYP or Hamilton, will take the compost?

Posted on: 2011/1/17 18:56

Re: composting in JC

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2008/10/28 13:17
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2011/9/17 13:18
From West Bergen & Heights
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The L.E.S. Ecology center stand at Union Square also sells red wrigglers by the pound. We usually re-supply our bins every spring with new worms as we transfer our soil and worms to the garden in the fall and re-fill our bins with fall leaves and cuttings.

Adding worms is definitely a benefit as it speeds up the composting quite a bit. Its like FIOS. I used three garbage bins and drilled holes everywhere for air. We keep two filled and a third empty. Everytime we mow or have scraps we fill the third and then transfer from the other two. Provides a constant weekly turnover.

The squirrels are the biggest nuisance, but not that big of a deal. The will lift the lids or even chew through the plastic to get the kitchen waste. But, funny to see them run down the street with a giant corn cob in their mouth.

Posted on: 2010/2/10 13:36

Re: composting in JC
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2004/5/25 12:19
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2017/6/15 12:48
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I started a worm bin last summer and now my worms have reproduced. If anyone is interested in starting a worm bin you can have a handful of worms from me. (you don't need too many worms and they reproduce)

You can reach me at ... -system-home-hacks-108022

Posted on: 2010/2/9 20:51

Re: vermicomposting

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2008/1/29 16:31
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2009/5/5 0:20
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i have been meaning to start one forever, i know you can buy the worms here: and they even sell this small sanitary plastic device for doing it, but its way too pricey. even the worms are pricey.

when i had a backyard in college (new brunswick nj - not super rural) i had a bin and composted and never had problems with pests or rodents.

good luck!

Posted on: 2009/3/9 21:03

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2004/5/25 12:19
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2017/6/15 12:48
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I was wondering if any one out here does vermicomposting.
i was thinking of starting a small one and was wondering if there are like minded people who can help with resources etc.

Posted on: 2009/3/9 15:34

Re: composting in JC

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2007/2/5 6:35
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2012/12/24 16:36
From Harsimus Cove
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The Brunswick Community Garden has a compost pile and would most likely be very willing to take you scraps.

Posted on: 2007/9/5 18:06

Re: composting in JC
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2005/12/12 22:14
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2013/9/9 13:46
From Intersection of Venerated @ Ensconced
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meowmix & di6 ? Thanks for the input!!...

Both of you had mentioned the problem of coming up with enough browns. As I was reading the literature, I was thinking? there are a number of trees in Hamilton Park that have dead leaves under them almost all year. If I end up composting, I thought I?d go over with a rake and a couple lawn-n-leaf bags and fill up. Wouldn?t it be win-win for both the HP community (cleaner HP) and composters (brown organic material)?

Would there be a possible objection from the HP community that I?m missing?...

Posted on: 2007/9/5 17:19
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: composting in JC

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2005/3/14 21:20
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2009/7/24 13:43
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I started composting last year with a tumbler type container. I keep it in the corner of the yard - sort of in the shade. It's be slow going - haven't harvested any compost from it yet. Mostly because I go through periods of ignoring it and loading it up with too many greens. I also have a problem finding enough browns to keep a good balance. I thought about asking relatives for their leaves in the fall but I'm worried about bringing pests in this way. Compost will still happen even if the ratios are off. It just takes longer. No critter problems at all.

Although it's probably not ideal for the squeamish, worm composting is the fastest way to produce rich fertilizer from your kitchen scraps. I started my worm bin this past July. I purchased a stacking worm bin and set it up on my deck. I have about 100 red wigglers and they seem to be doing really well on kitchen scraps and shredded newspaper. In a few more weeks I should be able to collect my first load of castings. My husband is pretty grossed out by it but I'm having fun. My only issue is where to overwinter a container full of worms.

Posted on: 2007/9/5 16:02

Re: composting in JC
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2006/10/21 14:18
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2018/11/24 5:16
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I have a small compost bin. I made it using these instructions:

I used the basic idea. I'm always adding to the compost and I mix it up every week or two. This is my first time doing it, so I guess I'll see how it turns out. Hopefully there will be some for the spring! One thing I have trouble with is finding enough 'browns' since I have no grass clippings or dead leaves. I have been adding a lot of shredded newspaper and cardboard. Spent potting soil also goes into the mix. I haven't had any trouble with pests, aside from small flies that get in there when I don't bury the greens deeply enough.
Also, the brunswick community garden composts. When I went to their open house, they said some people join just to compost there.

Posted on: 2007/9/5 15:15

Re: composting in JC
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2005/12/12 22:14
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2013/9/9 13:46
From Intersection of Venerated @ Ensconced
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I was inspired as well, and stopped by the Union Sq. Market composting stand this past weekend.

The idea of it is REALLY appealing. NYC has all this programs that provide a ton of info and include discounts on some of the composting bins. Doing a quick internet search, I see that Bergen County has program for buying discounted compost bins, but I couldn?t see anything similar for Hudson County. Is there such a program in Hudson county?...

Have any of you JC gardeners actually tried it here in downtown? If so, any problem with rodents?... Any other tips?...

Posted on: 2007/9/5 14:10
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

composting in JC
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2007/2/3 21:36
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2020/4/18 19:17
From Way Downtown
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Does anyone know where I can bring veggie and gardening scraps for composting? The Union Square Farmer's Market has a guy who takes scraps and sells dirt. Anybody like that at the Hamilton or Van Vorst Markets?

Posted on: 2007/6/19 20:21

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