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Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations fly
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2004/9/15 19:03
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For it being an unimportant story - you seem like you can't stop posting to this thread!

alanwright wrote:
Thank you, Grove Path, for posting another unimportant news story from the JC Reporter.

Posted on: 2009/5/12 1:55

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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ogden1 wrote:
It's pretty telling that you would rather look at a single incident from 2002 instead of looking at the fact's on Steve Fulop's record.

Everyone should check out the link posted above in #28. This shows the real truth about the Councilman's record.
read it and make your own choice.

Buy why Guy? What will Guy do for us? Stop telling us what's wrong with the other guy, tell us what's great about your Guy! You have 12 hours left!

Posted on: 2009/5/12 0:06

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations fly
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2007/4/6 19:49
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It's pretty telling that you would rather look at a single incident from 2002 instead of looking at the fact's on Steve Fulop's record.

Everyone should check out the link posted above in #28. This shows the real truth about the Councilman's record.
read it and make your own choice.

Posted on: 2009/5/12 0:02

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations fly
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ogden1 wrote: Quote:
Seems the best you can come up with is the "squab" incident.
This use of the passive voice - "the squab incident" - grossly distorts the incident in question. We didn't "come up with" the squab incident simply to defame; Catrillo chose to dishonor the fallen heroes and victims of 9/11 through his cheapness and bad planning. That tells us something important about the candidate: if Guy Catrillo cannot do serious things seriously, then he's not a serious candidate. At the time, his answer was to joke about it: at least the birds are free, instead of being dinner, etc. Mistakes happen, and honest mistakes honestly happen. But, some mistakes are so absurd, sad, humorous, and disgraceful that they should not be washed away by the passive voice and ignored at the slightest convenience.

Posted on: 2009/5/11 19:06

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations fly
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2007/4/6 19:49
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I'm voting Guy.

Seems the best you can come up with is the "squab" incident.

Did Fulop really start the hi rise fire unit? NOT
Did he develop Owen Grundy Park? NOT

Wish he would stop maligning the teachers and Dr. Epps.
I have many teacher friends that are extraordinary educators in the JC system.
Thank you Tom Favia for setting the record straight.

Posted on: 2009/5/11 18:21

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations fly
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My very smart mother has lived in this city for 83 years, and one would be hard-pressed to find anyone who can smell a hudson county crook quicker than she can.

Of course she likes Fulop, not only because he is honest and smart, but because she knows how important it is to have a dissenting vote on the council.

Having another one of Healy's "team" on the council to rubber stamp would be bad, bad, bad.

Posted on: 2009/5/10 21:47

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LifeOfRiley wrote:
And how about Guy Catrillo's full page spread NEGATIVE AD on the back page of the Hudson Reporter, THIS WEEK, TOO, paid for by Team Healy and the HCDP. When a candidate is behind in the polls or has nothing to offer, the only tactic left is to attack.

That ad was as tacky, mean-spirited, wildly inaccurate and ultimately ineffective as you can get. When you stake your whole ability to hold office on the notion you won't argue with people and then you spend your whole campaign arguing with someone (who, much to your frustration, won't argue back).... kind of makes the whole exercise rather pointless, no?

The "Army of One" attack took tastelessness to a new low, though. To co-opt a slogan used for military recruitment and use it against someone who put aside self-interest to serve his country seems ignorant beyond words.

In the end, I'm sure anyone with an IQ high enough that they are able to read will see that ad for what it is - the desperate ranting of someone with nothing to say and no one to listen. Would be nice if those providing the funding for this kind of garbage could meet the same fate!

Posted on: 2009/5/10 21:36

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Squabs =/= doves. That's all you need to know. Catrillo is an idiot of epic proportions.

Posted on: 2009/5/10 16:25

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Catrillo and his people ran an ugly hateful campaign...after Tuesday he can crawl back under his rock and just be another civil servant pawn who can and will be replaced if they don't donate and campaign for the disgraceful machine.Simple minded Catrillo hates " outsiders" like Fulop ,they hate that Fulop thinks for himself, they hate that Fulop can't be bought( Sean Conners how's your big pay raise) They hate that Fulop is intelligent and will achieve remarkable things in his life.

Full disclosure I'm an outsider ...I've only been in the area 23 years and Ward E 14 years

Full disclosure ..I don't work for the city, county, state.

Full disclosure...I may not achieve remarkable things in my life but am doing my best to raise a nice family and am proud to live in Steve Fulops ward and call him a friend.

Posted on: 2009/5/10 14:43

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And how about Guy Catrillo's full page spread NEGATIVE AD on the back page of the Hudson Reporter, THIS WEEK, TOO, paid for by Team Healy and the HCDP. When a candidate is behind in the polls or has nothing to offer, the only tactic left is to attack.

It's even more apparent when Guy is suppose to be a "nice guy". That goes completely against the grain. Anyone with half a brain can see throught the glass house and realize that Guy will just be a rubber stamping lap dog of Mayor Healy.

I applaud Steve Fulop's campaign for keeping things above the fray. I only wish other political campaigns, at any level, did the same. Steve has done great things for Ward E. He will most definitely be getting my vote.

Posted on: 2009/5/10 12:17

Latest volley between Fulop & Catrillo
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During an election, it is a regular tactic for one candidate to claim with disappointment or outrage that they have been unfairly attacked by their opponent. I remember last summer when the McCain campaign accused then-Senator Obama of ?playing the race card from the bottom of the deck? after Obama made a truly harmless comment to a crowd one day.

Political strategists do this to elicit sympathy for their candidate from voters -- sometimes when the facts are not on their side. And they often alter the words of their opponent or opponent?s supporters to make the ?attack? seem as bad as possible.

The Fulop campaign is now engaging in this very effective tactic by claiming that people associated with the Catrillo campaign have been sending emails and such with ?misinformation? about Mr. Fulop. They have also set up a webpage to refute the ?misinformation.?

I definitely don?t begrudge the Fulop campaign the right to advocate for their candidate in any way they think appropriate. This can certainly be a dirty business but the Fulop campaign is coloring inside the lines as far as I see it.

Anyway, the Catrillo camp is up on their MySpace blog with a pretty detailed dossier which includes the Fulop campaign?s statement in its entirety and a point-by-point refutation of its assertions:

A bunch of people were talking about these issues on the ?Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo two man race? thread.

Full disclosure: I volunteer for the Catrillo campaign.

PS. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers in the house. My wife is going to be a mother in a couple of months gdwilling and we're celebrating Soon-To-Be Mother's Day. I wonder if the candidates support putting that on the calendar. Thoughts?

Posted on: 2009/5/10 8:44

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations fly
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Posted on: 2009/5/9 19:24

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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ps. what would happen if A League of Woman Voters board member, an organization that sponsors numerous presidential debates, send out a politically oriented e-mail?

LOL -- You are giving HPNA too much credit.

(sorry, I love you folks, but really...all this?)

Posted on: 2009/5/8 20:37

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations fly
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oskilo wrote:


FULL DISCLOSURE: Although I?m the HPNA President, I?m NOT responding on behalf of the HPNA itself.

Thanks for all this clarification to angel3, but for me this is an HPNA fight. Not an election fight. So, the thrill is gone.

But, the idea that you're responding in your personal capacity alone seems like a difficult proposition.

Posted on: 2009/5/8 19:53

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations fly

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2009/3/29 22:17
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I am the former HPNA board member who you are all talking about. I want to say a couple things:

Thanks for posting. I?ve wanted to comment on the HPNA portions of this thread but refrained from doing so out of concerns for your privacy. First I?d like to say, I?m sorry to see you go and I know the vast majority of the board feels the same. You brought a lot of energy to the board, were quick to volunteer, and you always meant well even when things didn't turn out as expected. I left you many messages expressing my support for you and I wish you had returned my calls (or the calls of the other board members who tried to reach out to you). It's unfortunate that a few comments made in anger and haste made you feel unwelcome and unwanted.

The HPNA has bylaws for a reason. The bylaws say that no Board member can send mail or anything else political with the HPNA letterhead or signature without giving it to the Board Secretary so it can be read and approved at the next meeting of the Board.

I did not have the words HPNA anywhere in any form on the email.

That's true, unfortunately you sent it from an email address you also used for HPNA business and you did not specify that the email reflected your personal views. Your email rather than being a advocacy email, attacked a particular candidate. The email posed a series of questions you felt should be posed to the candidate. You did this two days prior to a debate the HPNA setup and publicized. A debate where you knew the format involved taking the questions from the audience. One of your direct recipients took offense to your email and forwarded it to the that candidate?s campaign manager with comment that ?it appears a HPNA board member is attempting to "poison the well"? of questions.

There are no rules saying that HPNA board members are not allowed to have political opinions. If there was, everybody would be guilty.

That is 100% true, you are far from alone in your support of Guy Catrillo and the entire Board knew you were a member of that campaign, since you were very open, honest, and proud to be a part of it. You're not the only board member to campaign for the candidate of their choice. Who you support and your work on the campaign was never an issue and it?s not the issue now. The HPNA strongly encourages everyone to get involved and participate in the political process however as HPNA board members, we do have a responsibility to ensure our personal views are not mistaken for HPNA's views. The HPNA is and must remain politically neutral.

Other Board members have sent political emails around and nobody said anything. The difference is they support Councilman Fulop and I don?t.

That's not quite right. Unlike other emails, your email (from both a content and timing point of view) caused members of the community to doubt the HPNA's nonpartisanship. You, one of the organizers of the HPNA's debate, sent an email proposing questions that should be asked and (valid or not) those questions pointedly attacked one candidate in particular. That was the only reason the HPNA reacted and even then the full extent of the HPNA?s reaction was to ask you to send an email stating the views in your email were your own personal views and not the views of the HPNA. I, personally, did suggest that if you wanted to apologize to the board you should send an email yourself but that was only after you had apologized to me several times (on the phone and in voicemail) for the misunderstanding your email inadvertently caused.

Any other excuse for their attacks on me is not honest unless they don?t understand the bylaws of their own organization. If I had violated the bylaws they would have been right to question what I did. But there is nobody saying I did that because I didn?t.

There was no excuse for the language used by a few of the board members however, if you read the entire board thread then you know as well as I that nearly everyone on the list who spoke up, stuck up for you. We (myself included) responded that we thought it was an honest mistake/misunderstanding and admonished those board members using unprofessional language.

Regarding some of the other things that have been said:
I don?t think is appropriate to and won?t comment or answer any ?political? questions (including follow-ups to this post) until after the election. I'm only posting this to inject clarity regarding some of the motives & objectives at work in this very minor debacle. If anyone still cares about any of this after it's all over and done, I?ll be happy to talk about it then.


FULL DISCLOSURE: Although I?m the HPNA President, I?m NOT responding on behalf of the HPNA itself.

Posted on: 2009/5/8 19:37

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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PEOPLE: This is still an unimportant story. Grove Path and Richard Kaulessar cannot change that fact. Email tit-for-tat IS NOT, IS NOT, IS NOT, a real election issue... no matter how much disagreement there is about how it arose.

ogden1 wrote:

The Fulop camp took a PERSONAL email and started this nonsense.

It's not nonsense to respond to Catrillo's team's criticism, including the newspaper ads.


FULOP'S TEAM MADE IT PUBLIC, with misinformation.

Obviously the original email is not public. They made it's existence public by responding with their view on their website. So what?


It was not sent to a COMMUNITY distribution list. THIS IS A LIE. It was sent to personal friends.

Maybe it's not a LIE, but just a misunderstanding. Either way, so what? That seems like it's the only thing that Fulop's team did "wrong." They are well within their rights to respond to criticism, but wrong to say it was a "community list" by which we mean an HPNA group list.


Some of [HPNA], who consider themselves erudite and righteous, are way out of line. They need to step up professionally and hone their interpersonal skills...

You're probably right.

If we believe that the HPNA lashed out against the angel3, the former Board member, the "evil-doer" here sounds like the HPNA, not Fulop, Catrillo, or angel.

If the email was not on HPNA letterhead and could not be confused with a sanctioned HPNA communiction, then they're being politically naive that their organization cannot withstand dissent.

Perhaps Fulop misunderstood that it wasn't official. Perhaps HPNA fed that misunderstanding. In any case, Fulop's team was responding to Catrillo team criticism, or what they understood to be emails from "vocal and key volunteers to the Catrillo campaign."

So what? They did it in a noninvasive way without slinging (much) mud.

Posted on: 2009/5/8 18:11

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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being that said e-mail was sent by an HPNA board member
being that HPNA was sponsoring a debate 2 days later being that non-profits are forbidden from endorsing political candiates I have come to my conclusion that said HPNA board member used poor judgement in sending out a political e-mail. The issue is now over.

Let it be written
Let it be said


ps. what would happen if A League of Woman Voters board member, an organization that sponsors numerous presidential debates, send out a politically oriented e-mail?

Posted on: 2009/5/8 17:54

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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Does anyone tell you how many words you may send to a friend? C'mon.
How about the personal emails asking people to particpate in Fulops campaign, sent from HPNA members.
Guess this is OK?
Gas on the fire exploded with Fulops website.
Otherwise this all would have been unnoticed.

Posted on: 2009/5/8 17:43

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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if it was only sent to a few people how'd it end up going to several supporters of Fulops..just playing devils advocate.

I haven't heard exactly how many recipients there were, but it was a 1000 word diatribe, not a short little email you'd send to a friend. It appears she was forwarding a document generated by a campaign.

To say it AGAIN, she did not say it was an HPNA document, nor was it an HPNA list, the issue was that people who had dealt with her on HPNA business using that same email were now receiving a partisan document from her, possibly leading them to believe it was from the HPNA also.

Would people automatically assume such? Personally I'm not convinced, but it concerned the HPNA officers and they thought it jeopardized the debate. They asked her to send an additional email to that list clarifying that it was her personal position not HPNA's. Then the Catrillo camp joyously threw gas on the fire and people are still struggling to understand exactly what happened.

Posted on: 2009/5/8 17:32

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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Let's face the music.
The Fulop camp took a PERSONAL email and started this nonsense. They made baseless statements WITHOUT even reading the email, made assumptions and disparaging remarks and spun it out of control. FULOP'S TEAM MADE IT PUBLIC, with misinformation. It was not sent to a COMMUNITY distribution list. THIS IS A LIE. It was sent to personal friends. One of those folks passed it the FULOP camp.
I have personally viewed emails that contained HPNA members urging others to support Fulop by affixing signs on their houses and also writing letters to the Jersey Journal. Should this be made public? NO, IT"S THEIR BUSINESS TO PRIVATELY SUPPORT ANY CANDIDATE THEY PLEASE.

Some of this group, who consider themselves erudite and righteous, are way out of line. They need to step up professionally and hone their interpersonal skills. This is not a totalitarian state. I have lived here all my life, been a member of the HPNA, personally paid for a section of the iron fence when there was little support from city gov?t., cleaned up the park by hand, provided grass seed, lawn spreaders etc.. , and cleaned dog poop with previous HPNA administrations. I participated in many events with wonderful members and have never seen such poor performance, as today. The group used to be very productive, helping seniors get housing, scrutinizing developers, monitoring green issues (esp. illegal dumping), reaching out to the neighborhood. What a shame. GUY CATRILLO never has and will never stoop this low. Remember, Big Brother is watching!!!!!!!!!

Posted on: 2009/5/8 17:28

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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if it was only sent to a few people how'd it end up going to several supporters of Fulops..just playing devils advocate.

Posted on: 2009/5/8 16:03

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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As a point of clarification, the email in question was NOT sent out using any HPNA email list, or in the name of the HPNA.

To reiterate, as an administrator of the HPNA YahooGroups email list, this did not happen. For anyone to say otherwise, is simply idle and malicious gossip.

All the best.


Posted on: 2009/5/8 15:57

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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I do not fault anyone for sticking up for what/who they believe in.
Even if you used the HPNA email list (not having HPNA anywhere), I would commend you for being resourceful. Although I can understand HPNA not wanting their email list used for non-HPNA issues.

I am, however, curious about your opinion of Fulop's point by point response on his website. If he is right, then your information was waaaaay off.

Posted on: 2009/5/8 15:50

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations fly
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Catrillos camp..the e-mail was sent to a couple of friends. was sent to an HPNA e-mail list.

da truth vat dis da truth?

Posted on: 2009/5/8 15:45

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations fly

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I am the former HPNA board member who you are all talking about. I want to say a couple things:

The HPNA has bylaws for a reason. The bylaws say that no Board member can send mail or anything else political with the HPNA letterhead or signature without giving it to the Board Secretary so it can be read and approved at the next meeting of the Board.

I did not have the words HPNA anywhere in any form on the email.

There are no rules saying that HPNA board members are not allowed to have political opinions. If there was, everybody would be guilty. Other Board members have sent political emails around and nobody said anything.

The difference is they support Councilman Fulop and I don?t. Any other excuse for their attacks on me is not honest unless they don?t understand the bylaws of their own organization. If I had violated the bylaws they would have been right to question what I did. But there is nobody saying I did that because I didn?t.

And I still support Guy Catrillo.

Posted on: 2009/5/8 15:07

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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I'm just interested to see if the original e-mail had HPNA in the sign off. Its just he said/ she said until it's posted.

I don't believe anyone ever said it did. The issue was as I described above. She never claimed to speak for HPNA, and no one accused her of it, just of being thoughtless about the implications of the email.

BTW, Ricardo Kaulessar should get the JC stenographer award for simply printing whatever the Catrillo camp said happened without any of the HPNA's side of the story. Newsflash: reporting is more than taking dictation.

Posted on: 2009/5/8 2:03

Re: Steven Fulop & Guy Catrillo, trying to turn it into a two-man Downtown council race; accusations
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I'm just interested to see if the original e-mail had HPNA in the sign off. Its just he said/ she said until it's posted.

Posted on: 2009/5/7 22:08

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It is also consistent with the intellectual dishonesty and mischaracterized "less-than-half-truths" demonstrated by the challenger last night at the debate.

Posted on: 2009/5/7 22:02

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As I understand it, the issue for HPNA was not that she sent it, but that it was sent out under an email address that she had been using for conducting HPNA business, thus risking a sizable list of recipients thinking this was HPNA official communication, throwing their official impartiality and nonprofit status into question. Had she used a different email never used for external HPNA business, there would have been no controversy at all.

Whether you accept this view or not, they essentially saw the incident as the equivalent of using HPNA company letterhead for private political activity and reacted to control damage to the organization. The etiquette of email has tripped up many people, and is still not obvious in many cases.

Trying to use HPNA's reaction to this incident to whip up partisan anger about it by deliberate mischaracterization of what happened is pretty low, IMHO.

Posted on: 2009/5/7 21:58

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whospeaksforyou wrote:
"You understand that the first amendment is about protecting citizens from being punished by the government for expressing their views, right? No one suggested that the person spreading rumors should be prosecuted. The first amendment does not say that expressing oneself (especially in a poor or incorrect manner) should not have consequences to ones standing in the community. The first amendment is irrelevant."

You misunderstand.

The Hamilton Park Neighborhood Association (HPNA) is a non-profit organization. They can not inflict "consequences" as you say, on an individual member for his or her beliefs or the expression of those beliefs.

After the former-HPNA Board member in question sent this email expressing her concerns about Councilman Fulop, she was verbally accosted by the President of the HPNA and he demanded that she apologize to the HPNA for her expression of opinion. He would have had a right to do so if the Board member had violated any of the HPNA bylaws. But she did not.

Further, she was trashed over email by members of the HPNA Board who called her "stupid", among other niceties.

Nobody is suggesting that members of the HPNA committed a crime or even that action should be taken in civil court. Just that they actively attempted to stifle the opinion of one of their own due to the opposing political views that many of them hold.

I think it's striking under the circumstances that Councilman Fulop, who is well aware of the situation, has not asked the HPNA to apologize to their former member. He is not responsible for their actions, but his silence is noted. The former Board member is one of his constituents. As Councilman, shouldn't he be standing up for her rights?

This topic is on two different threads, so if I piece both of them together......

1) An HPNA board member sent an email to someone who was not an HPNA board member about Fulop.

2) The recipient asked Fulop about things in the email.

3) Fulop's campaign responded with a press release because this person supports his opponent # 30.

Okay, now this is where I'm totally confused..

1) What does this have to do with the HPNA?

2) Many HPNA officers post on this site and express strong political opinions?

3) Was this one board member being singled out by the HPNA as a whole ~or~ just the private views of one board member to another?

Posted on: 2009/5/7 21:33

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