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Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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Hahaha, most people are hesitant to play the ISIS card.

Posted on: 2017/7/27 20:49

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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Yvonne wrote:
Where are the rants you are talking about? There are none, nickie. I acknowledge the fact my views are different than those here, but I am not bringing them up constantly. It is the people who are not tolerant who brings it up. By the way, I did not bring up my faith, you and others did. You refuse to acknowledge you are not tolerant to other points of views.

What you seem utterly unable to understand is no one cares at all what you believe, as long as you leave them out of it. But you and yours don't. Your intolerance is expressed as wanting to control the lives of and deny rights to people you think are immoral, just like ISIS. Resisting your bullying is not intolerance, it's just the opposite, it's protecting the rights of ALL people.

Posted on: 2017/7/27 17:34

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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Where are the rants you are talking about? There are none, nickie. I acknowledge the fact my views are different than those here, but I am not bringing them up constantly. It is the people who are not tolerant who brings it up. By the way, I did not bring up my faith, you and others did. You refuse to acknowledge you are not tolerant to other points of views.

Posted on: 2017/7/27 16:14

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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Yvonne wrote:
Nickie, again, you are the result of poor mothering. But then again, you probably attack the handicapped too. I know you think you are insulting me, but you are having a meltdown because you cannot have your way. You are afraid of truths. I suggest counseling because adults should know better than act like kids. You don't. You are an example of what I said about ISIS, they kill the body when they cannot have their way, you try to kill with words but I forgive you. You do not know better.

LOL, yes, I'm the one that needs're comparing people that don't think parking is necessary to ISIS and going on rants about gays in the Catholic Church. How on earth someone as disgusting, incoherent as you basically commands the neighborhood associations and has tremendous sway over city policy and council members, I have no idea.

Posted on: 2017/7/27 15:58

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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Nickie, again, you are the result of poor mothering. But then again, you probably attack the handicapped too. I know you think you are insulting me, but you are having a meltdown because you cannot have your way. You are afraid of truths. I suggest counseling because adults should know better than act like kids. You don't. You are an example of what I said about ISIS, they kill the body when they cannot have their way, you try to kill with words but I forgive you. You do not know better.

Posted on: 2017/7/27 15:54

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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Yvonne wrote:
The below comments are the example of no tolerance for others. Some people here have the same 'tolerance' as ISIS. Their answer is - if you don't believe what I believe (ISIS) they will kill the nonbeliever. The so-call tolerant people who do not tolerant another point of view try to kill someone's reputation. ISIS kills the body, you try to kill the reputation with words. Personally, I hate no one, but I do feel sorry for people who are not tolerant to other points of view.

Except that the fat slob Yvonne makes up lies, ignores facts and changes the subject when confronted with information that runs counter to her own beliefs. You're the one that can't handle the truth that it's not 1985 anymore and new residents are pouring in that don't think you do.

Posted on: 2017/7/27 15:16

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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The below comments are the example of no tolerance for others. Some people here have the same 'tolerance' as ISIS. Their answer is - if you don't believe what I believe (ISIS) they will kill the nonbeliever. The so-call tolerant people who do not tolerant another point of view try to kill someone's reputation. ISIS kills the body, you try to kill the reputation with words. Personally, I hate no one, but I do feel sorry for people who are not tolerant to other points of view.

Posted on: 2017/7/27 15:13

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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Yvonne wrote:
You can not handle the truth. But none of this has anything to do with parking. Parking is needed for families.

Ha, apart from the hilarity inherent in this sequence ... of all the things families need, why is parking the one we should provide them for free at considerable cost to society?

Posted on: 2017/7/27 15:10

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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Yvonne wrote:
Here is the irony, the liberals on this board are the ones who are the bigots. They claim tolerance but when someone challenges them they become the intolerant snowflakes. No, I don't buy the fact you can change your gender and I hold gay men responsible for entering the priesthoods that resulted in the sex scandals in the Catholic Church. You cannot claim you are 'born that way' and pretend it is the Church fault when you rape a child. Afterall, where are the sex scandals from heterosexual priests?
You can not handle the truth. But none of this has anything to do with parking. Parking is needed for families.

You are the one that hates everyone that is not you, bigot.
I linked catholic priest abuse of girls before and you ignored that and stopped posting on the subject so STFU.

Posted on: 2017/7/27 2:05

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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Yvonne wrote:
Here is the irony, the liberals on this board are the ones who are the bigots. They claim tolerance but when someone challenges them they become the intolerant snowflakes. No, I don't buy the fact you can change your gender and I hold gay men responsible for entering the priesthoods that resulted in the sex scandals in the Catholic Church. You cannot claim you are 'born that way' and pretend it is the Church fault when you rape a child. Afterall, where are the sex scandals from heterosexual priests?
You can not handle the truth. But none of this has anything to do with parking. Parking is needed for families.

Wow, way to double down on your bigotry!! "No, YOU'RE the intolerant one for not tolerating my bigotry!!!" Awesome.

Not that facts are able to penetrate your Bigot Bubble, but more boys are molested simply because priests have more access to them than girls. PLENTY of girls are molested by your pedo priests, they're really looking for anything warm and concave because keeping it bottled up ain't natural. ... male-victimization-impact

In contrast to the low estimate of victimized females by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, a random survey of over 7,000 active Catholics in the U.S. and Canada found a closer ratio, that 1.7 percent of the females and 3.3 percent of the males had been sexually abused in childhood by a priest. In any case, a significant number of girls have been victimized by priests.

Just think, that "active catholic" survey leaves out all the molestation victims who said "fuck this church and it's fucking abusive priests".

Posted on: 2017/7/27 1:38

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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Here is the irony, the liberals on this board are the ones who are the bigots. They claim tolerance but when someone challenges them they become the intolerant snowflakes. No, I don't buy the fact you can change your gender and I hold gay men responsible for entering the priesthoods that resulted in the sex scandals in the Catholic Church. You cannot claim you are 'born that way' and pretend it is the Church fault when you rape a child. Afterall, where are the sex scandals from heterosexual priests?
You can not handle the truth. But none of this has anything to do with parking. Parking is needed for families.

Posted on: 2017/7/27 1:09

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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brewster wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
No, I am stating a fact, your mother did a lously job of raising you. You never develop good manners and that is the job of parents, especially mothers. I have seen good parenting and poor parenting as a retired teacher. People on the board complains about the way animals are raised, they blame the owner, well, you received poor parenting so I blame your mother for that.

what you can't seem to understand Yvonne is that you have forfeited the right to be treated politely with your hypocrisy, hysteria, self aggrandizement and bigotry. I have no desire to be rude to anyone else in the world but you sure bring it out in me with your insistence on ignoring the facts other people present so you can continue beating your self righteous drum. You think you're polite because you don't use bad words? You're one of the rudest people around.

100% agree.
If you are going to be a rude racist bigot don't think that claiming to be a devout catholic makes you a good person.

Posted on: 2017/7/27 0:48

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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2004/11/6 21:13
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Yvonne wrote:
No, I am stating a fact, your mother did a lously job of raising you. You never develop good manners and that is the job of parents, especially mothers. I have seen good parenting and poor parenting as a retired teacher. People on the board complains about the way animals are raised, they blame the owner, well, you received poor parenting so I blame your mother for that.

what you can't seem to understand Yvonne is that you have forfeited the right to be treated politely with your hypocrisy, hysteria, self aggrandizement and bigotry. I have no desire to be rude to anyone else in the world but you sure bring it out in me with your insistence on ignoring the facts other people present so you can continue beating your self righteous drum. You think you're polite because you don't use bad words? You're one of the rudest people around.

Posted on: 2017/7/27 0:23

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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No, I am stating a fact, your mother did a lously job of raising you. You never develop good manners and that is the job of parents, especially mothers. I have seen good parenting and poor parenting as a retired teacher. People on the board complains about the way animals are raised, they blame the owner, well, you received poor parenting so I blame your mother for that.

Posted on: 2017/7/26 21:40

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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Yvonne wrote:

dr_nick_riviera wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
You people are ridiculous, I posted a real story about a neighbor who had to use her car because surgery plus treatment left her chest sore, she told me she could not ride the PATH because the bumps from other passengers left her in pain. Yes, people do need cars. Luckily, she did recover. But your comments are ridiculous. People need their cars.
Cars are an improvements on the horses which lined the city before the auto. You didn't have to deal with the smell.

By the way, I receive no pleasure when other people have sorrow. I suggest you check your own conscience.

The only concern the fat slob Yvonne has is paying 0 or as little as she possibly can in taxes (though it's perfectly OK for everyone else to compensate and pick up her slack) and ensuring she encounters as little traffic and can find easy, free parking wherever she goes. The only concern here is for herself and becoming a power broker in the next administration and her crocodile tears about neighbors and "people she knows" only further that purpose.

So nickie, your mother raised a son with no manners. Personally, I would be horrified if my sons had your manners. So where did you get your doctor's degree? From the streets where low life make comments on the corner. You are a disgrace.

A little defensive, maybe you're upset there's truth to my criticisms. I'd be horrified if I had a mother that blatantly lies and can't remember basic facts to further her own ends and was a laughingstock of the community. You are a disgrace.

Posted on: 2017/7/26 21:32

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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dr_nick_riviera wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
You people are ridiculous, I posted a real story about a neighbor who had to use her car because surgery plus treatment left her chest sore, she told me she could not ride the PATH because the bumps from other passengers left her in pain. Yes, people do need cars. Luckily, she did recover. But your comments are ridiculous. People need their cars.
Cars are an improvements on the horses which lined the city before the auto. You didn't have to deal with the smell.

By the way, I receive no pleasure when other people have sorrow. I suggest you check your own conscience.

The only concern the fat slob Yvonne has is paying 0 or as little as she possibly can in taxes (though it's perfectly OK for everyone else to compensate and pick up her slack) and ensuring she encounters as little traffic and can find easy, free parking wherever she goes. The only concern here is for herself and becoming a power broker in the next administration and her crocodile tears about neighbors and "people she knows" only further that purpose.

So nickie, your mother raised a son with no manners. Personally, I would be horrified if my sons had your manners. So where did you get your doctor's degree? From the streets where low life make comments on the corner. You are a disgrace.

Posted on: 2017/7/26 21:28

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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Yvonne wrote:
You people are ridiculous, I posted a real story about a neighbor who had to use her car because surgery plus treatment left her chest sore, she told me she could not ride the PATH because the bumps from other passengers left her in pain. Yes, people do need cars. Luckily, she did recover. But your comments are ridiculous. People need their cars.
Cars are an improvements on the horses which lined the city before the auto. You didn't have to deal with the smell.

By the way, I receive no pleasure when other people have sorrow. I suggest you check your own conscience.

The only concern the fat slob Yvonne has is paying 0 or as little as she possibly can in taxes (though it's perfectly OK for everyone else to compensate and pick up her slack) and ensuring she encounters as little traffic and can find easy, free parking wherever she goes. The only concern here is for herself and becoming a power broker in the next administration and her crocodile tears about neighbors and "people she knows" only further that purpose.

Posted on: 2017/7/26 21:06

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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You people are ridiculous, I posted a real story about a neighbor who had to use her car because surgery plus treatment left her chest sore, she told me she could not ride the PATH because the bumps from other passengers left her in pain. Yes, people do need cars. Luckily, she did recover. But your comments are ridiculous. People need their cars.
Cars are an improvements on the horses which lined the city before the auto. You didn't have to deal with the smell.

By the way, I receive no pleasure when other people have sorrow. I suggest you check your own conscience.

Posted on: 2017/7/26 20:52

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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ActionDan wrote:
Why would anybody charge an "arm and a leg" for parking only to let the space go unused?

The only reason parking costs an "arm and a leg" anywhere is that parking is an extremely uneconomical and inefficient use of space, and when the cost of parking is dictated by supply and demand it's very expensive.

It's just amazing to me to hear people complain that parking is too expensive in a given place, without realizing that actually parking is too cheap almost everywhere.

It would be hard to argue that parking in JC is expensive... most of the lots in DTJC seem to run discounts with very low prices. I have friends who drive in from the suburbs to park here as part of their commute into NYC because, at $10/day, it is super cheap to do so. Savvy commuters would opt for the LSP Park & Ride, where parking is ridiculously low.

Posted on: 2017/7/26 17:58

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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Why would anybody charge an "arm and a leg" for parking only to let the space go unused?

The only reason parking costs an "arm and a leg" anywhere is that parking is an extremely uneconomical and inefficient use of space, and when the cost of parking is dictated by supply and demand it's very expensive.

It's just amazing to me to hear people complain that parking is too expensive in a given place, without realizing that actually parking is too cheap almost everywhere.

Posted on: 2017/7/26 13:50

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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Yvonne wrote:
I am sorry for your loss....

No you are not.

Posted on: 2017/7/26 1:16

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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I'd add -Yvonne - you're an effing asshole when you prey on other people's tragedies to score a point.[/quote]

That is a recurring theme with no source to back it up, along the lines of "I had a neighbor who..", "My friend saw...", etc.

Posted on: 2017/7/26 1:15

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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Yvonne wrote:
Don't get old or have an accident and need continuous medical attention, jtjcview.

A competent adult chooses their service providers based on their needs, if you need parking close you choose a doctor with convenient parking. All the local hospitals have parking. My kids pediatrician has parking. I chose a GI from the ones in network and recommended based on his proximity to the F train. I park at a meter when I see my GP in Hoboken. My fucking dentist in McGinley Sq has parking. This is one of the most absurd of all your absurd arguments.

Posted on: 2017/7/26 1:03

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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I am sorry for your loss. You did not mention if your sister lived in JC or another city with sensible parking for cars. I personally know what it is to be responsible for family members who are old or ill. You cannot use a bike to bring them to the office.

Posted on: 2017/7/26 1:03

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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Yvonne wrote:
Don't get old or have an accident and need continuous medical attention, jtjcview. When you only live for yourself and not part of a family, you develop an unrealistic view of life which is messy. I had a former neighbor who developed breast cancer and her doctor was in NYC. She could not take the PATH because anytime someone bump into her on the trains she had severe pains due to her illness so she took her car to her doctor's appointment. This is part of the messy life I am referring to.

My sister died of cancer last year. In and out of hospitals and doctors offices without parking. No problem. Your point being?

I'd add -Yvonne - you're an effing asshole when you prey on other people's tragedies to score a point.

Posted on: 2017/7/26 0:50

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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Don't get old or have an accident and need continuous medical attention, jtjcview. When you only live for yourself and not part of a family, you develop an unrealistic view of life which is messy. I had a former neighbor who developed breast cancer and her doctor was in NYC. She could not take the PATH because anytime someone bump into her on the trains she had severe pains due to her illness so she took her car to her doctor's appointment. This is part of the messy life I am referring to.

Posted on: 2017/7/26 0:42

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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Yvonne wrote:
Alex, you never had the responsible of bringing sick relatives to the doctor for various appointments. You live in an idealize world where no one gets sick.

A doctor's office is a business like any other. If you need free or validated parking - that's down to the docs office. There's almost nowhere on the planet that offers near-free parking within a 60-minutes commute of any global center. Does NYC? Tokyo? London?

Posted on: 2017/7/26 0:30

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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Alex, you never had the responsible of bringing sick relatives to the doctor for various appointments. You live in an idealize world where no one gets sick.

Posted on: 2017/7/25 20:20

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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AlexC wrote:
the only vehicles on the road should be public transport, police, fire and emergency vehicles. there should be a cheap and efficient way to go around your city, including bikes.

You obviously have a simple life. It does not work for people with multiple children to shlep around, or work that requires more than can be carried on a bike, not to mention those who can't turn up to work soaked from sweat or rain. I bike often, but have to drive often too. We need good choices, not absolutism.

Posted on: 2017/7/25 3:30

Re: Can JC kick it's parking addiction?
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the only vehicles on the road should be public transport, police, fire and emergency vehicles. there should be a cheap and efficient way to go around your city, including bikes.

Posted on: 2017/7/25 3:11

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