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Jersey City police checkpoint at Journal Square results in 51 issued summonses
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2012/1/11 18:21
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N. Ocampo

As part of the statewide ?Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over? campaign, Jersey City police ran a checkpoint in Journal Square Friday night into Saturday morning, across the street from the Journal Square Transportation Center on Kennedy Boulevard.

Although no motorists where charged with driving drunk, 51 motor vehicle drivers were issued summonses for violations ranging from no proof of insurance to broken taillights, Jersey City Police spokesman Robert McHugh said yesterday.

The checkpoint was in operation from 9 p.m. Friday to 3 a.m. Saturday.

?The goal of the program is to raise awareness about the dangers of drinking and driving through high-visibility enforcement, education, and to arrest motorists who choose to drive while impaired by drugs and alcohol,? McHugh said.

The crackdown is funded through the state Division of Highway Traffic Safety and the Drunk Driving Enforcement Fund.

It will continue across Jersey City through Sept. 7.

Posted on: 2013/8/19 19:11

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Posted on: 2013/8/17 11:43
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Re: Jersey City police to crack down on drunk driving this weekend
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2012/2/20 18:20
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Jersey City police begin crackdown on drunken drivers

By Michaelangelo Conte/The Jersey Journal
August 16, 2013 at 7:10 PM

Drunken drivers, beware!

The Jersey City Police Department is participating in the statewide ?Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over? campaign that got under way today.
DWI checkpoints will be conducted throughout Jersey City through Sept. 7 to detect and deter drivers from getting behind the wheel while impaired, police spokesman Robert McHugh said.

?The end of the summer is traditionally a time of social gatherings which often include alcohol,? McHugh said. ?The goal of the program is to raise awareness about the dangers of drinking and driving through high-visibility enforcement, education, and to arrest motorists who choose to drive while impaired by drugs and alcohol.?

If you plan to drink, choose a designated driver before going out, take mass transit, take a cab, ask a sober friend to drive you home or spend the night where the activity is, police advise.

?Our message is simple ? don?t drink and drive,? acting Police Chief Joseph Connors said. ?We encourage anyone planning on drinking to be responsible and designate a sober driver. Chances are if you are impaired, you will be caught and arrested.?

The crackdown is funded through the state Division of Highway Traffic Safety and the Drunk Driving Enforcement Fund. ... nk_driving_crackdown.html

Posted on: 2013/8/17 5:52

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for picking up a hooker, i would make the huy pay $1,000 or something. he may well have a family to support and i don't feel the family should suffer for his stupidity.

Posted on: 2013/7/14 10:14

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(just one more thing if you got through my long post and was shaking your head. The drinking age in NJ was 18 from 1973 to 1980. We were drinking legally in senior year of high school. How sick is that?)

THE REGION; Drinking Age of 21 Gains in Jersey
Published: June 11, 1982

TRENTON, June 10? The State Senate, in a 27-to-8 vote, approved a bill today that would raise New Jersey's drinking age from 19 to 21 next Jan. 1.

The measure now goes to the Assembly.

Governor Kean has said he will sign any drinking-age increase passed by both houses of the Legislature. The Legislature lowered New Jersey's drinking age to 18 in 1973 and raised it to 19 in 1980. In neighboring states, Pennsylvania has a legal drinking age of 21, and New York will raise its legal age of 18 to 19 on Dec. 4. Connecticut will make the same change on July 1.

NJ21 Coalition

Posted on: 2013/7/14 3:40

Re: Jersey City police to crack down on drunk driving this weekend
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New Jersey Sobriety Checkpoints

Are Sobriety Checkpoints Legal?

The U.S. Supreme Court in 1990 (Michigan v. Sitz) upheld the constitutionality of sobriety checkpoints. The Court held that the interest in reducing alcohol-impaired driving was sufficient to justify the brief intrusion of a sobriety checkpoint. If conducted properly, sobriety checkpoints do not constitute illegal search and seizure in most states.

As I recall when they first started cops were either just stopping cars where they thought the driver looked suspicious/drunk or they were stopping every car. Someone sued and then the cops had to state the formula that they would use the night of the check point. Every nth car would be stopped.

I think check points are a great thing. I bet they saved many lives including my own. This is what we used to do in the 70?s in JC. In the summer most college age kids had houses down the shore. On Friday night we would load up two cars with our weekend gear and 2 cases of beer for each car. The two cases of beer were for all of us including the driver for the trip down. (I know stupid looking back now)

During the rest of the year Friday and Saturday nights involved getting cases of beer, with Blackberry Bandy in the colder months, and Moon Juice from Gimpets in the warmer months and heading down to the Roosevelt Stadium Marina wall. That is where tons of kids would get loaded and then drive and bar hop to the many bars and clubs in JC and Bayonne. (Soap Creek Saloon, Narrowbacks, O?Hara?s (by SPU), Show Boat, and every old-man bar in between) Also the occasional road trip to Mother?s Night Club up on Rt 23 or hitting the Big Apple. No one bothered us down ?the wall? it was like the rave gathering?s of today. (again very stupid looking back now)

I think it was the early 80?s when the JC and especially Bayonne crack down and check points started. Bayonne cops were tough they had them at all of the boarders between JC and Bayonne. The State Troopers started to crack down and had troopers standing at the coin drop toll booths with flash lights along the Parkway.

Needless to say all of our pre shore/bar/club drinking stopped. We would now just drive to our destination sober and have a few drinks there. We would also let the guy who drank the least or who would not drink at all that night be the DD.

(my dates may be a little off I am old and can?t remember I also blame it on consuming way too much Moon Juice back in the day. Funny at the end of those drunken nights everyone would head down to the Colonette or VIP for their 3:00 am sober up meals. There would be lines of people/drunks waiting to get in.God bless those poor waitresses)

Posted on: 2013/7/14 2:27

Re: Jersey City police to crack down on drunk driving this weekend
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heights wrote:
As far as the breathalizer test is concerned driving is a privlege and NOT a right.

my thoughts exactly - Imagine a bus driver thats drunk and takes a mouth wash to hide the smell - test anyone anytime anywhere thats behind the wheel of a vehicle

Posted on: 2013/7/14 2:00
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Re: Jersey City police to crack down on drunk driving this weekend
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As far as the breathalizer test is concerned driving is a privlege and NOT a right.

Posted on: 2013/7/14 1:56
Get on your bikes and ride !

Re: Jersey City police to crack down on drunk driving this weekend
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Pamrapo wrote:

fat-ass-bike wrote:
I can't understand why a random breath test to detect drink drivers is a bad thing.

It's not a bad thing. It is just something the courts have held to be an unreasonable search, prohibited by the 4th Amendment to the Constitution. The breath test has been held to be a search, and the random nature is without probable cause and thus unreasonable. It's something the Government may not do to its citizens.

The Fourth Amendment:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

While the amendment does not specifically mention automobiles or electronic communications, courts have interpreted how the protection extends and does not extend.

Checkpoints have been generally held to not be searches, since they involve observation of a person in public, and do not search anything until evidence (smell of alcohol, containers observed, erratic behavior) gives them cause for a detention and search according to established procedures (by consent, admission, according to state law regarding vehicle operation, or by warrant). "I only had three mar-two-nis" makes a search reasonable.

Thanks for the clarity - So the Police are able to stop motorists at anytime (license / insurance check for example)and once stopped they can follow-up with a test if they detect alcohol via smell, body language, speech etc.
Once stopped Police can then also get a dog to search if they suspect drugs too!

Posted on: 2013/7/14 1:48
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Re: Jersey City police to crack down on drunk driving this weekend
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
I can't understand why a random breath test to detect drink drivers is a bad thing.

It's not a bad thing. It is just something the courts have held to be an unreasonable search, prohibited by the 4th Amendment to the Constitution. The breath test has been held to be a search, and the random nature is without probable cause and thus unreasonable. It's something the Government may not do to its citizens.

The Fourth Amendment:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

While the amendment does not specifically mention automobiles or electronic communications, courts have interpreted how the protection extends and does not extend.

Checkpoints have been generally held to not be searches, since they involve observation of a person in public, and do not search anything until evidence (smell of alcohol, containers observed, erratic behavior) gives them cause for a detention and search according to established procedures (by consent, admission, according to state law regarding vehicle operation, or by warrant). "I only had three mar-two-nis" makes a search reasonable.

Posted on: 2013/7/14 1:24

Re: Jersey City police to crack down on drunk driving this weekend
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I can't understand why a random breath test to detect drink drivers is a bad thing. I don't want to share the road with a drunk driver and I don't want drink drivers detected only after they have killed or injured someone.

Police are allowed to do license checks at will to ensure motorists are licensed to operate a vehicle. Drug or alcohol testing should be a condition of vehicle use as is wearing a seat-belt and securing children in child seats.

I'd love to see more drug and alcohol testing for drivers - I don't want my family to be a victim. ... paired-drv_factsheet.html

Posted on: 2013/7/14 0:52
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Re: Jersey City police to crack down on drunk driving this weekend
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Exactly. Searching without probable cause is illegal. Not only that, but to the person saying that the Founding Fathers couldn't have envisioned people getting drunk and driving, I say this: neither could they envision the Internet, or the many other forms of communications now available to us, and yet we recognize they are protected by our First Amendment right to freedom of expression. Just because they couldn't envision a particular situation, it doesn't mean that it is excluded. So, I must agree with the others that view DUI checkpoints as illegal searches bereft of probable cause.

Posted on: 2013/7/13 23:47

Re: Jersey City police to crack down on drunk driving this weekend
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Beachguy wrote:

penumbra wrote:

fat-ass-bike wrote:

You can't be serious with that comment - one of the best forms of crime prevention is police presence

Anything that prevents knuckle-heads on the roads that my family and I share with is a-ok with me

I am completely serious. This is a violation of our 4th amendment rights. It is no different than the police going door to door, searching houses for illegal firearms, drugs or what have you. Nor is it different than scanning emails, texts or phone calls, which Edward Snowden exposed or the racial profiling of NYC's Stop & Frisk. They should not stop anyone unless they have probable cause.

The 4th amendment reads: ?The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.? In the 1990 Supreme Court case that authorized alcohol checkpoints, the justices agreed that it infringed upon the 4th, despite allowing them under specific guidelines. The justices were patently wrong in violating our rights.

I don't defend anyone who chooses to drive drunk, but nor do I support giving police unnecessary powers. While some of our rights are being so vigorously defended (2nd amendment, quite notably), our rights to privacy and unlawful search are eroding.

With all due respect, our founding fathers couldn't know that 237 years into the future, idiots would drink an excessive amount of Mead and jump into their horseless carriages and kill people. Extreme conservatives and extreme liberals go back to the Constitution or, even worse, the Bible, to defend their arguments. You have to temper interpretations of very old documents with modern application and common sense. I got a DUI back when I was very young when I was pulled into a roadblock and blew a .1 with the breathalyzer. Cost me about 10 grand in legal fees and insurance premiums and I lost my license for six months. Never drove after drinking again and never killed anyone due to selfish stupidity either.

No one is saying that drinking and driving should be legal. Just that searching without probable cause is illegal.

Posted on: 2013/7/13 23:09

Re: Jersey City police to crack down on drunk driving this weekend
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Beachguy wrote:

penumbra wrote:

fat-ass-bike wrote:

You can't be serious with that comment - one of the best forms of crime prevention is police presence

Anything that prevents knuckle-heads on the roads that my family and I share with is a-ok with me

I am completely serious. This is a violation of our 4th amendment rights. It is no different than the police going door to door, searching houses for illegal firearms, drugs or what have you. Nor is it different than scanning emails, texts or phone calls, which Edward Snowden exposed or the racial profiling of NYC's Stop & Frisk. They should not stop anyone unless they have probable cause.

The 4th amendment reads: ?The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.? In the 1990 Supreme Court case that authorized alcohol checkpoints, the justices agreed that it infringed upon the 4th, despite allowing them under specific guidelines. The justices were patently wrong in violating our rights.

I don't defend anyone who chooses to drive drunk, but nor do I support giving police unnecessary powers. While some of our rights are being so vigorously defended (2nd amendment, quite notably), our rights to privacy and unlawful search are eroding.

With all due respect, our founding fathers couldn't know that 237 years into the future, idiots would drink an excessive amount of Mead and jump into their horseless carriages and kill people. Extreme conservatives and extreme liberals go back to the Constitution or, even worse, the Bible, to defend their arguments. You have to temper interpretations of very old documents with modern application and common sense. I got a DUI back when I was very young when I was pulled into a roadblock and blew a .1 with the breathalyzer. Cost me about 10 grand in legal fees and insurance premiums and I lost my license for six months. Never drove after drinking again and never killed anyone due to selfish stupidity either.

Thanks for your honesty. I find that these people complaining the most about their "rights" are the ones who eventually have to fess up. "Well, I might have been speeding" or "I had a drink or two". They are the new generation who want to deflect responsibility and pretend they are being persecuted unfairly.

Posted on: 2013/7/13 22:04

Re: Jersey City police to crack down on drunk driving this weekend
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penumbra wrote:

fat-ass-bike wrote:

You can't be serious with that comment - one of the best forms of crime prevention is police presence

Anything that prevents knuckle-heads on the roads that my family and I share with is a-ok with me

I am completely serious. This is a violation of our 4th amendment rights. It is no different than the police going door to door, searching houses for illegal firearms, drugs or what have you. Nor is it different than scanning emails, texts or phone calls, which Edward Snowden exposed or the racial profiling of NYC's Stop & Frisk. They should not stop anyone unless they have probable cause.

The 4th amendment reads: ?The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.? In the 1990 Supreme Court case that authorized alcohol checkpoints, the justices agreed that it infringed upon the 4th, despite allowing them under specific guidelines. The justices were patently wrong in violating our rights.

I don't defend anyone who chooses to drive drunk, but nor do I support giving police unnecessary powers. While some of our rights are being so vigorously defended (2nd amendment, quite notably), our rights to privacy and unlawful search are eroding.

With all due respect, our founding fathers couldn't know that 237 years into the future, idiots would drink an excessive amount of Mead and jump into their horseless carriages and kill people. Extreme conservatives and extreme liberals go back to the Constitution or, even worse, the Bible, to defend their arguments. You have to temper interpretations of very old documents with modern application and common sense. I got a DUI back when I was very young when I was pulled into a roadblock and blew a .1 with the breathalyzer. Cost me about 10 grand in legal fees and insurance premiums and I lost my license for six months. Never drove after drinking again and never killed anyone due to selfish stupidity either.

Posted on: 2013/7/13 21:48

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user1111 wrote:

WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:
I guess you would have to ask about the personal rights of the 1/2 dozen people who have died on or near Grand Street over the last 10 years... most recently the poor woman on the bike... don't think they ever caught the killer of the woman crossing Grand Street by JCMC a few years ago... or the cab that was destroyed @ Grand/Marin... most involved alcohol.

i'm sorry they died, but illegal searches are still illegal. if there's probable cause to stop someone (i.e. erratic driving, etc.), then stop them.

simply driving on a road is not probable cause to be stopped.

If you feel that strongly about it you can always refuse to stop and decline the search... I don't mind stopping and answering a few questions if it helps keep the streets safe.

you're missing the point. it's not about me or you, although you're free to answer their questions of course. i don't drive so this isn't an issue for me personally.

it's that the illegal searches are illegal. citizens are expected to follow the law, so why are the police not held to the same standard?

Posted on: 2013/7/13 18:15

Re: Jersey City police to crack down on drunk driving this weekend
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WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:
I guess you would have to ask about the personal rights of the 1/2 dozen people who have died on or near Grand Street over the last 10 years... most recently the poor woman on the bike... don't think they ever caught the killer of the woman crossing Grand Street by JCMC a few years ago... or the cab that was destroyed @ Grand/Marin... most involved alcohol.

i'm sorry they died, but illegal searches are still illegal. if there's probable cause to stop someone (i.e. erratic driving, etc.), then stop them.

simply driving on a road is not probable cause to be stopped.

If you feel that strongly about it you can always refuse to stop and decline the search... I don't mind stopping and answering a few questions if it helps keep the streets safe.

Posted on: 2013/7/13 18:09

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TheBigGuy wrote:
I guess you would have to ask about the personal rights of the 1/2 dozen people who have died on or near Grand Street over the last 10 years... most recently the poor woman on the bike... don't think they ever caught the killer of the woman crossing Grand Street by JCMC a few years ago... or the cab that was destroyed @ Grand/Marin... most involved alcohol.

i'm sorry they died, but illegal searches are still illegal. if there's probable cause to stop someone (i.e. erratic driving, etc.), then stop them.

simply driving on a road is not probable cause to be stopped.

Posted on: 2013/7/13 18:03

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I guess you would have to ask about the personal rights of the 1/2 dozen people who have died on or near Grand Street over the last 10 years... most recently the poor woman on the bike... don't think they ever caught the killer of the woman crossing Grand Street by JCMC a few years ago... or the cab that was destroyed @ Grand/Marin... most involved alcohol.

Posted on: 2013/7/13 17:35

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fat-ass-bike wrote:

You can't be serious with that comment - one of the best forms of crime prevention is police presence

Anything that prevents knuckle-heads on the roads that my family and I share with is a-ok with me

I am completely serious. This is a violation of our 4th amendment rights. It is no different than the police going door to door, searching houses for illegal firearms, drugs or what have you. Nor is it different than scanning emails, texts or phone calls, which Edward Snowden exposed or the racial profiling of NYC's Stop & Frisk. They should not stop anyone unless they have probable cause.

The 4th amendment reads: ?The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.? In the 1990 Supreme Court case that authorized alcohol checkpoints, the justices agreed that it infringed upon the 4th, despite allowing them under specific guidelines. The justices were patently wrong in violating our rights.

I don't defend anyone who chooses to drive drunk, but nor do I support giving police unnecessary powers. While some of our rights are being so vigorously defended (2nd amendment, quite notably), our rights to privacy and unlawful search are eroding.

Posted on: 2013/7/13 11:51

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I just took a cab ride from grove and they are serious they are in the middle of Grand st in front of McDonald's checking every car that drives by. Good luck To you all, buckle up!!!

Posted on: 2013/7/13 4:19

Re: Jersey City police to crack down on drunk driving this weekend
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penumbra wrote:
How about the police do their jobs and focus on criminals instead of grandstanding on a street corner, mugging for the news cameras and hassling the law abiding?

You can't be serious with that comment - one of the best forms of crime prevention is police presence - siht, I'm be rapped if they sat outside my house everyday checking on drink-drivers, outstanding warrants and any crime associated with a car, driver or passengers...I'd even bring out coffee and doughnuts for them.

Anything that prevents knuckle-heads on the roads that my family and I share with is a-ok with me

Posted on: 2013/7/13 3:26
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How about the police do their jobs and focus on criminals instead of grandstanding on a street corner, mugging for the news cameras and hassling the law abiding?

Posted on: 2013/7/13 3:12

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How about you don't drink and drive?

Posted on: 2013/7/13 2:39

Re: Jersey City police to crack down on drunk driving this weekend
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Grey areas in law are created to keep the legal fraternity employed and weathy. Legislation will never be void of altered interpretation.
Another fear of the legal fraternity is CCTV, as it is near impossible to argue a case that generates huge expense for them. Prosecutors love CCTV, however defendants hate them! Judges and Police love them as it helps make their jobs so much easier when making an arrest or imposing a sentence.

I'd like to see prosecutors persue establishments that send out drunks into the community only after they extract every cent out of them for the drinks. We have laws that states, service is to be denied to intoxicated patrons!

Posted on: 2013/7/13 2:06
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Re: Jersey City police to crack down on drunk driving this weekend
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2013/6/26 2:20
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Another grant for...doing their job?

Posted on: 2013/7/13 1:42

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One of the oddities of NJ law is accepting a drivers license is accepting consent to a breathalyzer. Conviction of refusal to accept results in loss of driving privileges. NJSP has a nice page on their position.

On the other hand, NJ's legal community has found ways to make that less of a blow, if you can afford to fight it. Sort of like NJ legally offers a concealed carry permit, but doesn't actually issue any. That resolves the issue IL lost this week for refusing to issue carry permits.

My guess is they find fewer DUIs than the average stop and due to the process in NJ, they will lose more cases than average. Of course, no one releases those stats so we'll never know how many were convicted or how many people's rights were violated.

Freedom,or some facsimile. Know your rights and exercise them.

Posted on: 2013/7/13 1:36

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If you are ballsy enough (and, knowledgeable enough) you could try this:

YouTube DUI checkpoint refusal

But, I am not sure how well it would go over here in JC given the prevailing atmosphere.

FTR, I am not endorsing, nor promoting, mouthing off at cops, or LEOs of any type.

Posted on: 2013/7/12 23:07

Re: Jersey City police to crack down on drunk driving this weekend
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From what I gather, checkpoints are a gray area of our system. The Supreme Court deems them legal, let the 4th Amendment does not. That being said, one could conclude that a checkpoint for the sake of snaring anything that comes through would be illegal, although a checkpoint placed on a road where previous crimes have been committed (like drunk driving arrests on a road that leads from a bar) would be considered legal. Good luck arguing any of this in a courtroom should you be caught.

Posted on: 2013/7/12 18:50

Re: Jersey City police to crack down on drunk driving this weekend
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WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:

Vigilante wrote:
Great news. Road stops of any sort are a good idea. Nabs lots of offenders and nabs lots of people who have warrants. This should happen every weekend.

illegal road stops are illegal

That they are. But we live in a surveillance state overrun with terrorists.

Posted on: 2013/7/12 10:20

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