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Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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2004/11/8 19:53
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trp3 wrote:
ok rabbit, you did one of two things:

1) you moved to Jersey City, and bought a dog.


2) you owned a dog(s) and moved to Jersey City.

either way, you knew what they city had to offer regarding dog friendly environments/recreation, so why complain about anything at all? the VVP dog run is more than what the city had before. give parkman a break, and be happy you have atleast somewhere to bring your dog to now.

if you don't like the VVP run, than just deal with what you had before. exactly what you had when you moved here, which was, and still is, very little.

you can't squeeze blood from a stone, bro.

you love your dogs so much, such a priority for them to run and play.....move out to the suburbs.

these dog discussions make me crazy.

Friendly answer your multiple choice scenario, the answer is none of the above. I moved to jersey City and ADOPTED a dog (I would never BUY one). You ask me to deal with what i had before and I do. When the dog run is overcrowded, which it is frequently, we don't go. We walk elsewhere and that is fine. It's what we had before so I am more than cool with it. And when the dog run is less crowded, we enjoy it. And my dog enjoys it. And we talk to other users who also bitch and moan about the urine smell and the cruddy surface and the omnipresent signage (3 signs to explain the rules? please - it's overkill) and the lack of a promised drainage system.

as for moving to the burbs? please, don't be an ass.

i give kudo's to parkman for taking on this project. i would never have the guts or initiative to do so. therefore i didn't. but parkman knew that this would not be an easy project and that it would be a long, tedious process and that shit happens and not everyone is always pleased. in fact, i heard folks on the subway bitching and moaning that it sucks and they dont even have dogs. It's a public project and it's gonna be controversial. I am just pointing out the obvious. don't like it? don't read.

the fact that these dog discussions make you crazy is half the fun. if they make you crazy, don't read them. no-one is forcing you to turn your PC (or MAC) on and read a post by Rabbit Rabbit. But since you feel compelled to read my blatherings about dogs, read this: you're making me hot.

Posted on: 2007/3/28 14:35

Edited by RABBITRABBIT on 2007/3/28 15:24:45

Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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2004/11/8 19:53
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parkman wrote:


parkman wrote:

Parkie -- what's with the urine absorbing volcanic ash covered dog run? It smells liek a friggin litter box and it's not even summer yet. Guess you were sold a load of (turkish) shite.
Don?t use the run, keep the dogs on a leash while in the park, stay off the pet free areas, help me deal with crapkins, and we stay good enemies for life.

Maybe the lavender and roses we?ll be planting on May 5th (want to help?) will divert your sensitive orifices from what dogs in great numbers tend to produce in an enclosed space.

it's funny how the run became the hidden tool you have used to allow you to put up all the other signs int he park restricting usage. what the hell is with the 6 foot leash restriction. dickwad.

as for the urine smell comment - why do immediately retort with "don't use the run". you sound so defensive! i am just commenting that the super-surface you touted before you bought it as odor-absorbing seems to be odor retaining. funny how you get so uppity, you old mess. perhaps you should have done your homework...... and by the way, what's with the forgotten bluestone?
I?ve donated the last year of my life to build this run for the community and the park, why don?t you stop bitching and come help me. We don?t officially open till May 5th because we still have work to do, including $4,000 worth of plants that the Friends of VanVorst Park contributed and will plant around it?s perimeter. We will be resetting the bluestone, and install three benches in the run by that date.

The 6? leash restriction (without me resorting to name calling as you constantly do), is the law on the books; all these so called restrictions are not a ?hidden tool? of mine but rules and laws that have not, to date, been enforced; but they will be in VVP.

And as far as being defensive, try dedicating yourself to something you believe in and see how objective you become after making your best efforts and then have someone who hasn?t lifted a finger, made constructive suggestions or contributed financially and then does nothing but complain.

This run was never built to handle to handle the entire population of dogs in our community, that?s why it?s necessary to construct a much larger one in HP and find locations for dog populations in other wards in JC.

So your bitching is not over as you claimed, welcome back but now I have to change my signature.

Dude - you know it's all about the love. I'm just voicing the same things you think about. "damn - they told me that volcanic ash was gonna absorb the odor, but it doesn't seem to". You know I'm right. Nothing i have said here is incorrect - and nothing I have said here is my opinion alone. You know I love you, you old fart - but i simply don't love the fact that my dog was attacked yet again, the place smells like the men's room in grand central in the 70's (don't ask) and that my floors are covered with crap the dog drags in. Does my dog love the dog run? Absolutley. And for that i thank you.

Posted on: 2007/3/28 14:26

Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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2006/4/1 22:40
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ok rabbit, you did one of two things:

1) you moved to Jersey City, and bought a dog.


2) you owned a dog(s) and moved to Jersey City.

either way, you knew what they city had to offer regarding dog friendly environments/recreation, so why complain about anything at all? the VVP dog run is more than what the city had before. give parkman a break, and be happy you have atleast somewhere to bring your dog to now.

if you don't like the VVP run, than just deal with what you had before. exactly what you had when you moved here, which was, and still is, very little.

you can't squeeze blood from a stone, bro.

you love your dogs so much, such a priority for them to run and play.....move out to the suburbs.

these dog discussions make me crazy.

Posted on: 2007/3/28 6:44

Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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2005/7/14 18:51
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parkman wrote:

Parkie -- what's with the urine absorbing volcanic ash covered dog run? It smells liek a friggin litter box and it's not even summer yet. Guess you were sold a load of (turkish) shite.
Don?t use the run, keep the dogs on a leash while in the park, stay off the pet free areas, help me deal with crapkins, and we stay good enemies for life.

Maybe the lavender and roses we?ll be planting on May 5th (want to help?) will divert your sensitive orifices from what dogs in great numbers tend to produce in an enclosed space.

it's funny how the run became the hidden tool you have used to allow you to put up all the other signs int he park restricting usage. what the hell is with the 6 foot leash restriction. dickwad.

as for the urine smell comment - why do immediately retort with "don't use the run". you sound so defensive! i am just commenting that the super-surface you touted before you bought it as odor-absorbing seems to be odor retaining. funny how you get so uppity, you old mess. perhaps you should have done your homework...... and by the way, what's with the forgotten bluestone?
I?ve donated the last year of my life to build this run for the community and the park, why don?t you stop bitching and come help me. We don?t officially open till May 5th because we still have work to do, including $4,000 worth of plants that the Friends of VanVorst Park contributed and will plant around it?s perimeter. We will be resetting the bluestone, and install three benches in the run by that date.

The 6? leash restriction (without me resorting to name calling as you constantly do), is the law on the books; all these so called restrictions are not a ?hidden tool? of mine but rules and laws that have not, to date, been enforced; but they will be in VVP.

And as far as being defensive, try dedicating yourself to something you believe in and see how objective you become after making your best efforts and then have someone who hasn?t lifted a finger, made constructive suggestions or contributed financially and then does nothing but complain.

This run was never built to handle to handle the entire population of dogs in our community, that?s why it?s necessary to construct a much larger one in HP and find locations for dog populations in other wards in JC.

So your bitching is not over as you claimed, welcome back but now I have to change my signature.

Posted on: 2007/3/28 4:08

Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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2004/11/8 19:53
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parkman wrote:

Parkie -- what's with the urine absorbing volcanic ash covered dog run? It smells liek a friggin litter box and it's not even summer yet. Guess you were sold a load of (turkish) shite.
Don?t use the run, keep the dogs on a leash while in the park, stay off the pet free areas, help me deal with crapkins, and we stay good enemies for life.

Maybe the lavender and roses we?ll be planting on May 5th (want to help?) will divert your sensitive orifices from what dogs in great numbers tend to produce in an enclosed space.

it's funny how the run became the hidden tool you have used to allow you to put up all the other signs int he park restricting usage. what the hell is with the 6 foot leash restriction. dickwad.

as for the urine smell comment - why do immediately retort with "don't use the run". you sound so defensive! i am just commenting that the super-surface you touted before you bought it as odor-absorbing seems to be odor retaining. funny how you get so uppity, you old mess. perhaps you should have done your homework...... and by the way, what's with the forgotten bluestone?

Posted on: 2007/3/28 3:13

Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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2005/7/14 18:51
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Parkie -- what's with the urine absorbing volcanic ash covered dog run? It smells liek a friggin litter box and it's not even summer yet. Guess you were sold a load of (turkish) shite.
Don?t use the run, keep the dogs on a leash while in the park, stay off the pet free areas, help me deal with crapkins, and we stay good enemies for life.

Maybe the lavender and roses we?ll be planting on May 5th (want to help?) will divert your sensitive orifices from what dogs in great numbers tend to produce in an enclosed space.

Posted on: 2007/3/28 1:21

Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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2004/11/8 19:53
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Parkie -- what's with the urine absorbing volcanic ash covered dog run? It smells liek a friggin litter box and it's not even summer yet. Guess you were sold a load of (turkish) shite.

Posted on: 2007/3/27 21:47

Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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2006/11/13 18:42
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The gang of kids wearing white t-shirts on bikes roaming Hamilton Park are keeping clear of a new gang that has emerged and in control of Van Vorst Park. Let the turf war begin! The gang from Van Vorst Park are know as the 'Park Masters', and here is a picture of them caught on CCTV.

Resized Image

Posted on: 2007/3/9 2:10
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Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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2005/4/18 21:14
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I have submitted the plans for the new Van Vorst Shooting Range.

It will be on the south side of the park shooting north. Please note that only handguns will be permitted in the western section, while all larger elephant guns and such must be kept within the eastern airlocks.

Happy shooting!

Posted on: 2007/3/8 16:34

Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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Yes, she went over the weekend. I will let her know.


Posted on: 2007/3/8 15:22

Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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2004/11/8 19:53
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parkman wrote:
Please note that no dogs over 25 pounds are allowed in the small dog run.

That's one rule i will not be following. I have two, one large pup type who wil stay in the big run , but one VERY old dog who can't play with the big boys as he is fairly frail and they play rough. It's the little dog run for me. We walk at seperate times and he will be using the small run. Look for me parkman, make a citizen's arrest. Dare ya.

Posted on: 2007/3/8 14:45

Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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2005/6/28 20:13
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Parkman and everyone else involved, thanks for all the hard work. We have really enjoyed the dog run. I try to go at "off" times when the place isn't packed with the dog owner social club, and my dog usually gets quite a workout, actually. A few intense sprints after some sticks of a ball is a big energy release for her. So thank you. Many happy dogs around town since the run opened up, and it's brought quite a few more people to the park as well.

trp3- have you ever heard of dog shelters? Rescue groups? Unfortunately, most dogs don't have the luxury of choosing whether they get to live in Jersey City or in Short Hills. There are many happy dogs in Jersey City and I'm sure they're very thankful that they get to live in homes with loving owners rather than in some cage or put to sleep.

Posted on: 2007/3/8 1:43

Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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2005/7/14 18:51
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bdlaw wrote:
My girlfriend took our dog to the run the other day and wonders why there is no "airlock" entrance.

Just curious.
If you haven?t been there in the last two days, then you don?t know that your ?air lock? was installed. The entrance now has a 7?x8? enclosure with a separate gate to each of the runs. It?s a process, bear with us.

Please note that no dogs over 25 pounds are allowed in the small dog run.

?Send guns and money?; deadline for the plaque is March 15.



Posted on: 2007/3/8 1:40

Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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2006/2/9 14:13
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My girlfriend took our dog to the run the other day and wonders why there is no "airlock" entrance.

Just curious.

Posted on: 2007/3/7 23:43

Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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2004/11/8 19:53
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
I can't believe it, has the hand of God touched RR wih these responses?

Jesus died for someone's sins but not mine

Posted on: 2007/3/7 23:29

Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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2006/11/13 18:42
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I can't believe it, has the hand of God touched RR wih these responses?

Posted on: 2007/3/7 11:35
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Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run

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2005/2/25 21:53
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Thanks a lot for your perseverance Marc.


Posted on: 2007/2/20 17:09

Re: Dog run open at Van Vorst Park
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2006/2/18 5:53
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Parkman, great work! You can be proud of the work you did along with getting the public involved in the project.

I won't be using it but I'm happy for all the ones that will and the HAPPY DOGS.

Posted on: 2007/2/19 23:32

Re: Dog run open at Van Vorst Park
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Posted on: 2007/2/19 21:12

Dog run open at Van Vorst Park
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2004/9/15 19:03
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Dog run open at Van Vorst Park

Monday, February 19, 2007

The long-awaited Van Vorst Park Dog Run in Downtown Jersey City is open for business, though not yet complete.

The 4,600-square-foot recreational area for dogs has been open for the past two weeks, says Marc Wesson, a Friends of Van Vorst Park officer who played a leading role in researching designs for a dog run and coordinating with city officials.

Fundraising has yielded $21,000 to date, and the city will pay the balance of the approximately $125,000 needed to build the run, Wesson said.

The final 20 percent of the perimeter fence will be completed this month, and benches and a divider to designate areas for large and small dogs will be installed in the spring, he said.

Dismayed by the deterioration of Van Vorst Park's lawns after a 1999 renovation, Wesson conceived of the run as a solution.

"In order to try to redo the park again, I felt that the only solution was to build a dog run there," said Wesson, a 20-year resident of the neighborhood who's only recently begun to contemplate dog ownership.

The first community vote paving the way for a dog run took place in 2003, but the project was stalled due to disagreements over its projected size.

"It just highlights what a premium is placed on open space," said Ward E Councilman Steve Fulop, who was later involved in brokering a compromise between advocates of the run and those who feared it would eat up precious space.

The parties ultimately reached an agreement in 2005, and construction began last fall.

"It's literally going to make the non-dog run portions of the park better because you'll have clean grass there," Fulop said.

Other features of the run include canine water fountains and a surface composed of decomposed granite and volcanic rock with the ability to absorb urine ions and convert them to calcium, Wesson said.

Braving the cold on Friday afternoon with her black Lab mix, Babe, Colleen Clinton, 36, confessed to having "anxiously awaited" the dog run.

"I think, for me, it's close and you don't have to worry," she said. "You can take them off the leash and let them have fun."

COTTON DELO can be reached at

Posted on: 2007/2/19 12:17

Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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2005/7/14 18:51
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Still, if you or your dogs (and others in the area) feel better, well then, parkman, you have my blessing. I have completed my bitching.
Well, Happy Valentine's Day to you too. Now let me finish the run in peace; we still have a ways to go.

Posted on: 2007/2/14 15:02

Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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2004/11/8 19:53
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bluedog wrote:
I'm coming late to the discussion but just to add my two cents, I think the divider makes sense. I have a small 15-pound dog who has been bitten twice by dogs three times her size. Both times the dogs got away from their owners and both times I really feared for my dog's life. And here's the funny part, both times the horrified owners declared they had no idea their dogs were capable of that.

If you have a bigger dog, I'm sure it doesn't matter whether there is a divider or not. But if you have a small dog, yes, it makes sense.

ok - if that's the real deal then i will agree to never bring up the division again. nobody wants to see a dog get attacked by another. so i will no longer be vocal on the split - at least in this board. HOWEVER, I would like to see the dividing fence have some capability to be opened when users wish for a full run and closed when people wish to have a seperate run. people are VERY cordial in the run - we are all friends. and if someone came in with a small dog and asked for it to be closed, they would get no grief. chances are it would stay seperate 98% of the time becuase everyone is so lazy, but there are dogs out there who like to run, and there are times when a LOT of dogs come out at once and it gets a little crowded. That might be a nice compromise. and by the way bluedog, it's not just the little k9s who get into a scuffle. I have a larger dog who has also been bitten by other dogs. sometimes dogs - like psople - just do't get along. sometimes it's a long conflict that lasts years and sometimes it's an intermittent arguement, like "give me back my ball." Still, if you or your dogs (and others in the area) feel better, well then, parkman, you have my blessing. I have completed my bitching.

Posted on: 2007/2/14 14:16

Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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2006/11/13 18:42
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Don't worry, it will be divided into 2 compounds for small and large dogs. It was thrashed out and agreed on months ago by residents of that area - even though some (not the majority) opposed the idea.

Posted on: 2007/2/14 13:33
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Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run

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2007/2/9 16:48
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I'm coming late to the discussion but just to add my two cents, I think the divider makes sense. I have a small 15-pound dog who has been bitten twice by dogs three times her size. Both times the dogs got away from their owners and both times I really feared for my dog's life. And here's the funny part, both times the horrified owners declared they had no idea their dogs were capable of that.

If you have a bigger dog, I'm sure it doesn't matter whether there is a divider or not. But if you have a small dog, yes, it makes sense.

Posted on: 2007/2/14 13:17

Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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2004/11/8 19:53
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parkman - i hate to say this but i like the new gate and the fencing looks nice. friend sent me pictures from this afternoon.

so let's leave it at that and forget the divider, ok?

Posted on: 2007/2/14 5:41

Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
I'll never use the dog run parkie, but I wouldn't waste my breath keeping certain individuals happy with a response.

You have an agreement on what people wanted months ago, so stick to it. If some people aren't happy then bad luck.

Grade: B+

Posted on: 2007/2/12 12:52

Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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2006/11/13 18:42
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I'll never use the dog run parkie, but I wouldn't waste my breath keeping certain individuals happy with a response.

You have an agreement on what people wanted months ago, so stick to it. If some people aren't happy then bad luck.

Posted on: 2007/2/12 11:49
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Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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2006/2/18 5:53
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parkman wrote:
tomorrow I will ask Public Works to tap into the fire hydrant and saturate the area to wash away this dust.

I guess that will make it a dog skating ring.

Great work parkman, we all know it's not easy doing a project like this.

Posted on: 2007/2/12 6:20

Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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2005/7/14 18:51
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parkman wrote:
Oh, this one is fun..

Not half as fun as my reply.

You have no choice but to capitulate, you?re wrong!

I have plenty of choices, PM. And I am not wrong. but i'll amuse you, lover.

I always felt that the run was much too large for the size of our park, but I?m following what the community voted on, in the majority, including the division of the run.

that's your opinion. and i think the run is a great size for the park, but that if it's divided in two, both sides will be too small. you can't get me to change my mind. it is what it is. so save some of the precious money you can't seem to raise and forget about the middle fence. no one wants it. go take a poll with the people who are enjoying the dog run every morning, after work and at night. not many want your stupid divider. but if it goes up so bee it. i can still think it's too small and i can still voice my opinion. and i will . it's america, dude.

As I?ve told you before, we will be replacing the trees that were removed due to them being diseased..

ha! we'll both be dead before that happens. a new tree will never survive in a pit of dog urine and you know it. and if those trees WERE diseased, you might as well take all the trees in VVP out. they all looked exactly the same. funny how the only ones removed were the ones "in the way" and they were removed juts BEFORE you started breaking ground. c'mon james patterson, write some more fiction.

As I have also told you, the fence contractor will repair the damage the City caused to the garden fences, gratis, as a favor to us..

Well that would be a surprise and a nice one at that - but you never told me that. you only said that you, too, were dissappointed. good work, you old fossil.

Hate the surface, hate me..

don't hate you, lover. but i do hate the surface and i think you and your cronies made a miserable choice. you obviously are not DOG OWNERS. the problems caused by that surface in cleanliness of our homes and dogs strips some of the bennies of park cosmetics. my dog threw that shit up this afternoon after chewing on a ball incased in it. you obviously couldnt have known, but who ever you hired should have. if i was Trump I would have fired you a long time ago.

Next time, you try dealing with the City and get something completed on time. You?re fortunate that it has gotten this far..

I don't start something I can't finish. And I am certainly smart enough not to think I could get something of that magniture done in JC with this f'd up government. You're either a moron for taking this on, or a martyr.

Standing by you?re comments, puts you on one leg..

I don't really understand that comment, but you spelled "you're" wrong.

And, last but certainly not lest , you would be so lucky!

Ditto. If you can still rise to the occasion.
You?re making me work too hard for an old man.

Once again, the run is not being divided in two; it?s 2/3, 1/3. Live with it.

As you believed the run would never be built, the trees will be replaced on the outside of the perimeter fence this spring. They have already been ordered.

This surface was recommended by dog owners and you need to give it time or don?t use it till it rains. And I grew up with dogs as pets till I was in my late teens.

I will finish this if you?re constant annoyance doesn?t kill me first. I would prefer the moron moniker.

I can?t help it if you don?t understand simple abstract thinking, however you got me on the spelling, what a HORROR!

Viva Viagra.

Posted on: 2007/2/12 5:50

Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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parkman wrote:
Oh, this one is fun..

Not half as fun as my reply.

You have no choice but to capitulate, you?re wrong!

I have plenty of choices, PM. And I am not wrong. but i'll amuse you, lover.

I always felt that the run was much too large for the size of our park, but I?m following what the community voted on, in the majority, including the division of the run.

that's your opinion. and i think the run is a great size for the park, but that if it's divided in two, both sides will be too small. you can't get me to change my mind. it is what it is. so save some of the precious money you can't seem to raise and forget about the middle fence. no one wants it. go take a poll with the people who are enjoying the dog run every morning, after work and at night. not many want your stupid divider. but if it goes up so bee it. i can still think it's too small and i can still voice my opinion. and i will . it's america, dude.

As I?ve told you before, we will be replacing the trees that were removed due to them being diseased..

ha! we'll both be dead before that happens. a new tree will never survive in a pit of dog urine and you know it. and if those trees WERE diseased, you might as well take all the trees in VVP out. they all looked exactly the same. funny how the only ones removed were the ones "in the way" and they were removed juts BEFORE you started breaking ground. c'mon james patterson, write some more fiction.

As I have also told you, the fence contractor will repair the damage the City caused to the garden fences, gratis, as a favor to us..

Well that would be a surprise and a nice one at that - but you never told me that. you only said that you, too, were dissappointed. good work, you old fossil.

Hate the surface, hate me..

don't hate you, lover. but i do hate the surface and i think you and your cronies made a miserable choice. you obviously are not DOG OWNERS. the problems caused by that surface in cleanliness of our homes and dogs strips some of the bennies of park cosmetics. my dog threw that shit up this afternoon after chewing on a ball incased in it. you obviously couldnt have known, but who ever you hired should have. if i was Trump I would have fired you a long time ago.

Next time, you try dealing with the City and get something completed on time. You?re fortunate that it has gotten this far..

I don't start something I can't finish. And I am certainly smart enough not to think I could get something of that magniture done in JC with this f'd up government. You're either a moron for taking this on, or a martyr.

Standing by you?re comments, puts you on one leg..

I don't really understand that comment, but you spelled "you're" wrong.

And, last but certainly not lest , you would be so lucky!

Ditto. If you can still rise to the occasion.

Posted on: 2007/2/12 5:01

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