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Not too shy to talk
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Wow. Couple points here...

Drop the word Arts in the proposals. I apllied for those apts at 150 Bay. I had to have an income of between $20k-$55k/yr (or about) to have a shot at the lottery to buy a condo for $350k (app). I'm married, so a combined income knocked us out of the running. If I was single, I couldn't afford to buy it. Hence the catch 22. And we're not talking about 20 condos, I believe it was under 10 (but I'm sure someone here can correct me on the #).

My point - Why even have the subsidized housing? This is just being used as a catchword during election time.

As far as the Powerhouse, I'm from Baltimore. It's a tourist joint that noone from Baltimore ever visits. They say culture - I say Newport. If you call Mexican food Ole, Italian food Bertuccis, & Indian food Cafe Spice - then I gotta feeling the PowerHouse will be up your alley. Whatever.

Until storefront rents drop, liquor licenses expand, & noise restrictions ease - this will not be a cultural mecca of any kind.

bryan beninghove

Posted on: 2007/12/6 16:51

Re: ox restaurant
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Not too shy to talk

High - hell yeah. Cuz that's what you got to be to eat there.

But then again, people put their babies in yoga classes, so what the hell do I know.

Posted on: 2007/12/2 19:51

Re: ox restaurant
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Not too shy to talk

They got a lot of buck for their bang.

Posted on: 2007/10/30 16:43

Re: NYC crackdown on noise -- Jersey City's new ordinance goes into effect July 17
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Not too shy to talk

NOISE ORDINANCE -7 decibels??!!??

I can't take a crap under 7 decibels.

FULOP - I know you pushed hard for this one. Way to go. Nice progressive approach to our growing community. I walk around Park Slope; brownstone neighborhood; lots of live music, decent pizza places, and it's boomin at 1am. It's great. Our chances of having anything like that here are shot because of this stupid ordinance. I don't even go out around here anymore because(with exception to Iron Monkey) there is no music in Jersey City.
Pro Arts or Pro Sleep?

-bryan beninghove

Posted on: 2007/8/23 14:53

Re: Downtown Jersey City Rap label drug bust, 23 arrests
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Not too shy to talk

Maybe I should open a barbershop.

Raid of jazz label turns up 8 empty 30 packs of Schaeffer, 2 handles of Dewars, 1 cowboy hat, & 3 bottles of Beam Rye.

Posted on: 2007/3/21 14:47

Re: Downtown Jersey City Rap label drug bust, 23 arrests
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Not too shy to talk


"... and the ancillary connection to rogue segments of the music industry ..."

I love that line.

Posted on: 2007/3/20 17:43

Re: Heights residents call foul on absent Healy -- Fulop shows up and "takes shots" at Mayor.
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Not too shy to talk


Binky wrote:

Actually, I think you're quoting Grovepath. As stated earlier in the thread, that wasn't the JJ title. No mention of "pot shots" in the article.
You didn't read it, I guess - just quoted it.

Oh. Glad you're there to correct me, BINKY!

Posted on: 2007/3/10 18:00

Re: Heights residents call foul on absent Healy -- Fulop shows up and "takes shots" at Mayor.
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Not too shy to talk


bdlaw wrote:

So legitimate criticism of public figures is now "potshots".


Hey - I'm just quoting the papers.

Posted on: 2007/3/10 15:26

Re: Heights residents call foul on absent Healy -- Fulop shows up and "takes shots" at Mayor.
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Not too shy to talk

There was another glaring no-show : the Guardian Angels.

Maybe we should take "potshots" at them too.

Posted on: 2007/3/10 15:22

Re: Van Vorst Park---Dog Run
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Not too shy to talk

I have submitted the plans for the new Van Vorst Shooting Range.

It will be on the south side of the park shooting north. Please note that only handguns will be permitted in the western section, while all larger elephant guns and such must be kept within the eastern airlocks.

Happy shooting!

Posted on: 2007/3/8 16:34

Re: Tania's - Gone for Good?
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Not too shy to talk

I was there three weeks ago & they had heating problems.

There you have it.

Posted on: 2007/2/11 18:55

Re: Fulop: Vega and Lipski rake in developer $$$
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Not too shy to talk

Check this one out!

Posted on: 2007/1/24 16:09

Re: Steven Fulop - Newark Avenue Update
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Not too shy to talk


GrovePath wrote:

Can we get back to Newark Avenue!

First, let me get a crack.


Posted on: 2006/11/21 15:39

Re: Steven Fulop - Newark Avenue Update
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Not too shy to talk


alb wrote:
One simple, local solution would be to pay the guy who owns the department store by C.H. Martin to turn his store over to someone else. That's a store that seems to be suitable for the market and could be really useful, but the owner just glares at people like me and scares us away.
If, say, the Subia's people would take it over and give it a cool, friendly vibe, maybe it could be an engine of change all by itself.

Funny - I have the total opposite vibe. I just left CH Martins - bought some thermals! Good cheap rugs too.
Subia's on the other hand, has turned me away when I was a quater short on a $1.50 cup of coffee. Refuse to go back - even if they do have those good overpriced Israeli products.

I'm not saying we need the slew of cheap stores - I'm just saying these little boutiques will come & go. I dig a good joint as much as the next - but Subia's, Tia's, the vintage shop, etc can't make enough to not charge too much.

If Newark Ave really wants to turn around - it's gotta be nightlife. Bars & restauraunts are the answer. Not a goddam Gap store.

Posted on: 2006/11/20 19:32

Re: Steven Fulop - Newark Avenue Update
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Not too shy to talk

What are the new Entertainment revisions?

Will i have to use a guitar player?

Posted on: 2006/11/20 15:27

Re: New York magazine article on downtown Jersey City
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Not too shy to talk

Downtown Jersey City is a wonderful place where nothing costs more than 99 cents.

Posted on: 2006/11/13 20:14

Re: Ideas for Jersey City T-shirts
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Not too shy to talk

jersey city

Posted on: 2006/6/14 16:57

Re: Ideas for Jersey City T-shirts
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Not too shy to talk

Jersey City?

Posted on: 2006/6/14 15:52

Re: The New York Times: LeFraks Envision Even Bigger Skyline Across Hudson
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Not too shy to talk

All I'm saying is that there is nothing that resembles a neighborhood bar. The more these jerkoffs build into the sky - the less space there is to have any type of mom & pop establishments. Not saying that what the residents want; but it feels like a closed community that keeps extending its boundaries.

Posted on: 2006/6/1 21:30

Re: The New York Times: LeFraks Envision Even Bigger Skyline Across Hudson
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Not too shy to talk

Really? Where can a man even get a drink around there?

Posted on: 2006/6/1 20:23

Re: The New York Times: LeFraks Envision Even Bigger Skyline Across Hudson
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Not too shy to talk

There goes the neighborhood.

Posted on: 2006/6/1 20:02

Re: Ordinance for Security Cameras - Steven Fulop
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Not too shy to talk

If owners of the buildings want to put up cameras - so be it.
I don't like the notion of requiring owners to install them. It's essentialy forcing the community to spy on itself in the name of crime.
Now I'm all for lower crime- but not at the expense of another civil liberty.

Posted on: 2006/4/17 15:23

Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Sounds like it may be tough on the less affluent areas.

Posted on: 2006/2/22 15:40

Re: Fulop Calls for Resignation of Police Chief Robert Troy
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Not too shy to talk

2 words : Chuck Norris

Posted on: 2006/2/10 21:54

Re: Musical Police Chiefs
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Not too shy to talk

I'm sorry - if this ain't grandstanding; I don't know what is.
It's more than obvious the councilman has greater ambitions. I see this as nothing more than using a bad situation to gain personal acclaim.

Posted on: 2006/2/7 16:24




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