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Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop
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2006/3/1 16:55
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Saturday January 6, 2007
Letter to the Editor - MAYOR JERRAMIAH HEALY

Fulop?s plan wrong for city
I am opposed . . . .

As I have said publicly, the basic credo of the administration is simple and was borrowed from the honor code of the U.S. Military Academies and is worth repeating here: ?Don?t Lie, Don?t Cheat, and Don?t Steal.?


Actually, the Honor Code, is more about Doing what is Right rather than simply not breaking any rules . . . It is not about Don't do this, don't do that. it is about developing Leaders who honor the trust of the American people with service.

It Ain't about the Benjamins!

Posted on: 2007/1/22 16:09

Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop
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2004/8/24 15:08
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Whether Councilman Fulop or any other council members have accepted campaign contributions from developers is not relevant.

While I agree that this is important legislation, this idea will be relevant as it could possibly relate to motive. The publics best interest is not always the reason.

Posted on: 2007/1/22 15:43

Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop
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2004/2/6 23:13
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At the last council meeting, Council President Vega stated that Councilman Fulop\'s proposed Redevelopment Pay to Play Reform ordinance would be on the agenda for January 24th.

In the world of our city council, we will be able to confirm this by the end of the caucus meeting on January 22.

If you have interest in how the muncipal council works, stop by City Hall, 280 Grove St., a little before 6pm, 2nd Floor, Monday evening. You can observe, but not speak.

If confirmed that the ordinance is on the agenda, it will come up to be introduced -

Date: Wednesday, January 24th

Time: 6 pm

Place: Council Chambers, City Hall, 280 Grove Street

If you wish to speak in support (or opposition), you can do so during the open speaking portion of the council meeting by calling the City Clerk\'s office on Monday or Tuesday at (201) 547-5150.

Note that the first reading and vote to introduce the ordinance does not provide for public comment. If you speak during the public speaking portion of the meeting, the vote will have been done to either introduce or not introduce the ordinance.

Whether Councilman Fulop or any other council members have accepted campaign contributions from developers is not relevant. This is a vital ordinance and if enacted could have far reaching positive effects on improving our municipal government.

I have said enough about this issue here on this board. For more information, visit Civic JC\'s website for Councilman Fulop\'s press release, Civic JC\'s op/ed article and Civic JC\'s request for support at -

The ordinance has been designed and promoted by Citizen\'s Campaign -

Hopefully, upon the conclusion of Wednesday\'s council meeting, we will be able to thank at least five of our council members for voting to introduce the ordinance....

Posted on: 2007/1/22 12:31

Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop
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What would your response have been if a certain other downtown developer hired Maria Pignataro to do publicity? I believe your response would have been more restrained to say the least. I'm not thrilled about the arrangement either, the Silvermans hiring Healy's PR person, but your response is disproportionate.
I'm disappointed that you have such a strong reaction to this and remain mute on the pay for play ordinance. The impact of pay for play has much wider repercussions for us all.


Minnie wrote:
Well gag me with a cheap plastic spoon...It stinks! How is that for positive publicity!

Posted on: 2007/1/10 23:08

Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop
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2004/2/6 23:13
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Good questions and points.

Yes, it covers professionals and consultants here -

[/quote]Section XXXX.4. Contribution Restrictions and Disclosure Requirement Applicability to Consultants.

(a) The contribution and disclosure requirements in this Ordinance shall apply to all Redevelopers
as well as professionals, as defined in N.J.S.A 40A:11-1 et seq., consultants or lobbyists contracted or employed by the Redeveloper ultimately designated as the Redeveloper to provide services related to the:

1. Lobbying of municipal government officials in connection with the examination of an area and its designation as an area in need of redevelopment or in connection with the preparation, consultation and adoption of the redevelopment plan;

2. Obtaining the designation or appointment as Redeveloper;

3. Negotiating the terms of a redevelopment agreement or any amendments or modifications Thereto; and/or

4. The performance of professional services in completing the terms of the redevelopment Agreement by consultants, lobbyists, or professional; it being understood that nothing
herein shall be interpreted to include tradesmen, craftsmen, or other persons licensed in connection with performing construction or construction related services (e.g. electricians, plumbers, etc.) in this prohibition.

(b) It shall be a violation of this ordinance, and shall require immediate termination of the consultant?s contract, for a consultant to violate the contribution limits or fail to disclose a contribution as required in this Ordinance.

(c) A redeveloper who participates in, or facilitates, the circumvention of the contribution restrictions through consultants or professionals shall be deemed to be in Violation of this

(d) All redevelopment agreements or amendments thereto shall include a provision proving for the enforcement of the consultant?s termination in the event of violation of this ordinance.

The proposed ordinance also addresses spouses, children etct here-

(c) As defined in N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-3, ( the ?Act?) a ?Redeveloper? means any person, firm, corporation partnership or limited liability company that shall enter into or propose to Enter into a contract with the City or its designated Redevelopment Entity for the Redevelopment or rehabilitation of an area in need of redevelopment, or an area in need of rehabilitation , or any part thereof, under the provisions of the Act, or for any construction or other work forming part of a redevelopment or rehabilitation project. For purposes of this ordinance the definition of a Redeveloper includes an individual, including an individual?s spouse, an any non-emancipated child living at the same address; firm; corporation; professional corporation; partnership; organization or association, including all principals who own ten percent (10%) or more of the equity in the corporation or business trust, partners and officers employed by the entity as well as nay subsidiaries directly controlled by the Redeveloper, and excluding sub-contractors or subsidiaries in which Redeveloper has a ten (10%) percent or more ownership interest.

I hope that everyone who concurs with Councilman Fulop's proposal, besides posting here will also send the emails to their councilperson, the three at large and Mayor Healy, along with letters/emails to the Jersey Journal and Jersey City Reporter.

Gary wrote:
The mayor's weak argument speaks more to the need for public financing of elections than to the need to continue to allow developers to contribute.

His suggestion that Fulop turn down developer dollars while the competition rakes in their cash is unrealistic. I commend the councilman for proposing a set of rules that will set a level playing field for all candidates.

Healy's letter raises one important question, though. Will this ordinance leave the cadre of attorneys, engineers, architects, etc. who are part of the "development community" here free to continue contributing? If so, would this ordinance achieve the desired results? And beyond that, what would be in place to stop a developer's spouse, parent, child or best friend from writing a big fat check to the mayor's re-election kitty?

Posted on: 2007/1/9 15:40

Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop
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Telecomreg wrote:
The mayor uses the tired argument that developers are important to JC therefore they must be allowed to participate in the "democratic process".

Is anyone shocked that Mayor "Heal"ee is siding with the developers and against the citizens of Jersey City?

By the way Mayor Heal-ee, what happened to all the "green spaces" that were promised by your "democracy loving" "flag waving" "coffer filling" buddies?

The waterfront is a virtual concrete jungle. Nary a blade of grass to be seen.

Oh, and, by the way Mayor, how do you suppose us citizens should feel about your lackies (oh, I am sorry, I mean government officials) receiving favors, preferencial treatment and other "just-this-side-of-the-law" treats?

I can tell you how this citizen feels... This is just more of the same "cesspool" government that has existed for years.

Jolly good of you to support democracy!

Cheers and happy New Year.


P.S. You get extra credit for Deputy Mayors getting greased for weddings.

Posted on: 2007/1/9 15:20
I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.
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Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop
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2006/2/6 15:52
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Saturday January 6, 2007
Letter to the Editor - MAYOR JERRAMIAH HEALY

Fulop?s plan wrong for city.
As I have said publicly, the basic credo of the administration is simple and was borrowed from the honor code of the U.S. Military Academies and is worth repeating here: ?Don?t Lie, Don?t Cheat, and Don?t Steal.?


Today we are going to learn about the word Don't.
It's a very powerful word.It also has no business being in the quote above.If you remove it you will have the true essence of the healy administration.Lie,Cheat and Steal.

Posted on: 2007/1/9 14:06

Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop
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2005/9/6 15:48
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Healy may be out, but my question is, 'who will take his place?' It seems that no matter who it is, they adhere to the same MO. Or they are stymied by the council. Or we get Schundler, who refinances the debt and sells off our assets like all good repugnantmen.

Posted on: 2007/1/9 14:03

Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop
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2006/11/13 18:42
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Healy could be out or resign even earlier pending the outcome of his court case.

Posted on: 2007/1/9 13:21
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Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop
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2005/1/19 22:27
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The mayor uses the tired argument that developers are important to JC therefore they must be allowed to participate in the "democratic process". Time after time, courts have declared that restrictions on political contributions do not inhibit the democratic process, but make it stronger. Reminds me of the arguments against the Mcain/Feingold statute. Fortunately, mostly those oppposing that statute were kicked out of Congress in November. The same will probably happen to Healy in '09.

Posted on: 2007/1/9 5:21

Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop

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2005/5/13 2:55
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The mayor's weak argument speaks more to the need for public financing of elections than to the need to continue to allow developers to contribute.

His suggestion that Fulop turn down developer dollars while the competition rakes in their cash is unrealistic. I commend the councilman for proposing a set of rules that will set a level playing field for all candidates.

Healy's letter raises one important question, though. Will this ordinance leave the cadre of attorneys, engineers, architects, etc. who are part of the "development community" here free to continue contributing? If so, would this ordinance achieve the desired results? And beyond that, what would be in place to stop a developer's spouse, parent, child or best friend from writing a big fat check to the mayor's re-election kitty?

Posted on: 2007/1/9 4:40

Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop
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2005/8/16 2:53
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2007/1/29 17:28
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Saturday January 6, 2007
Letter to the Editor - MAYOR JERRAMIAH HEALY

Fulop?s plan wrong for city
I am opposed to the ordinance submitted to the Jersey City Council by Councilman Fulop that would bar campaign contributions from persons or companies that have been designated developers by the Jersey City Redevelopment Agency (JCRA) because such persons should not be prevented from fully participating in the democratic process simply because they have agreed to invest in our city.
The JCRA and private developers have historically partnered together to engage in development that is the envy of the entire state and for Councilman Fulop to insinuate that the JCRA or the developers that it has designated have acted improperly does a great disservice to this city. Councilman Fulop?s proposal is particularly mystifying since a review of his ELEC reports demonstrates that he has relied heavily upon donations from developers, as well as their consultants and lawyers.
As Bill Dressell, the president of the League of Municipalities, recently wrote in New Jersey Lawyer Magazine, December 2006: ?At the local level, contributions are scarce, but the costs of getting out just one or two mailings is intimidating for candidates who do not have the personal resources to fund their own campaigns. The issues are complex, but if they are not addressed fairly, the league believes the result will be that only those with personal financial resources will be able to run for elective office.? Councilman Fulop?s ordinance would give a disproportionate advantage to the wealthy that have the means to finance their own campaigns.
I do support transparency in government and we have been following recently adopted state legislation when awarding contracts for professional services by requiring providers of such services to disclose their campaign contributions. I have asked the Law Department to prepare an ordinance that would require all designated developers or those seeking to be designated to declare their political contributions as well. However, developers play an important role in this city and they should not be completely kept out of the political process.
This administration and this City Council have only one criterion for the designation of developers or the awarding of professional service contracts: Who will provide the best services to the City of Jersey City. Contributions to this mayor?s campaign or the City Council members campaigns has never been a criterion for the designation of developers or for the awarding of any professional service contracts.
As I have said publicly, the basic credo of the administration is simple and was borrowed from the honor code of the U.S. Military Academies and is worth repeating here: ?Don?t Lie, Don?t Cheat, and Don?t Steal.?



GrovePath wrote:
I wish someone ...would repost the Mayor's comments here.

Posted on: 2007/1/9 2:18
25mc Watchdog Group Blog Web Site

Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop
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2005/8/16 2:53
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25mc applauds any proposal that seeks to remove any ethical "gray areas" to development in Jersey City.

The Fulop "pay to play" proposal seeks to ban political contributions by developers one year before and one year after the proposed development. This would serve to protect politicians from allegations of favoritism to developers. It would also serve to level the playing field by providing protection for smaller developers and non-profits who cannot give hefty donations to politicians. Cynics will say that this will only drive "contributions" under the table. We prefer to be optimists and hope that this proposal will usher in a more ethical era of development in Jersey City and will preserve the integrity of our political representatives.

We join Civic JC in urging our members to contact all the Council members and the Mayor in requesting the passage of this proposal. Their passage of this proposal will serve to uphold the covenant we made with them when we elected them to manage our city with ethics and integrity for the betterment of the citizenry.

Posted on: 2007/1/8 22:44

Edited by 25mcwilliams on 2007/1/8 23:06:03
25mc Watchdog Group Blog Web Site

Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop
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mrrogers wrote:
hey b.m. can you please post that editorial from healy that was in on sat.People need to see his response to the pay to play ordinance.

I would, but unfortunately I didn't get the JJ on Sat, haven't even seen the letter myself. If someone has a printed copy of it and are coming to the DJCW mtg. tonight at Grace Church, 7PM, bring it along and I'll make copies, scan it in and post it here. If you have a printed copy of it PM me or send me email and I'll give you my address to mail it to me:

Posted on: 2007/1/8 18:36
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Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop
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I wish someone from the Mayor's office would post to this list -- if not then maybe someone from the Jersey Journal would repost the Mayor's comments here.

Posted on: 2007/1/8 14:39

Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop
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hey b.m. can you please post that editorial from healy that was in on sat.People need to see his response to the pay to play ordinance.

Posted on: 2007/1/8 14:31

Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop
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This endorsement was just sent out to the Hudson DFA memerbership and I already posted on DFA "Blog for America" (click on the highlighted links to see further info)

The Hudson DFA has a meeting this coming Wed, Jan 10th @ 7PM, at Sweet Priscilla's.

Hudson DFA proudly supports Councilman Fulop's Proposal for Developer Pay-to-Play Reform Initiative. The proposed ordinance created by The Citizen Campaign and also endorsed and supported by Civic JC would ban political contributions to local candidates and political parties from developers and their professionals. It has been put on the agenda for the January 24, 2007 Council Meeting.

We urge you support the Redevelopment Pay-to-Play Reform ordinance by doing one of two things before January 24th . One, even if you are not a resident of Jersey City, please send a Letter to the Editor of the Jersey Journal newspaper showing your support for the Pay-to-Play Reform ordinance. There are three easy ways to do this:

(1) send mail to: Letters to the Editor, 30 Journal Square, Jersey City, N.J., 07306

(2) e-mail to and

(3) Call the Journal On Line message system, at
(201) 217-2500.

And, also, if you are a Jersey City resident, please contact your Jersey City ward councilperson, the three at large council members, and Mayor Healy by email and / or fax. We provided below both email and fax numbers along with a sample message (from Civic JC) that can be cut and pasted into an email to send or printed for a letter by fax.

Again, this is a great opportunity to see some true change in Hudson County. We got it passed in Hoboken; let's do the same in Jersey City!

Mayor Jerramiah Healy:,
Fax: (201) 547-4288

Council President Mariano Vega:
Councilman at Large Peter Brennan:
Councilwoman at Large Willie Flood:

Ward A Councilman Michael Sottolano:
Ward B Councilwoman Mary Spinello:
Ward C Councilman Steve Lipski:
Ward D Councilman William Gaughan:
Ward E Councilman Steve Fulop:
Ward F Councilwoman Viola Richardson:


Dear [ ] :

I support the Redevelopment Pay to Play Reform ordinance being put forth by Councilman Steven Fulop and supported by Hudson DFA, Citizens Campaign, and Civic JC.

While redevelopment can bring about positive changes in our city, there is a tremendous potential for abuse, corruption and conflict of interest throughout the process.

The proposed ordinance bans political contributions to local candidates and political parties by developers seeking redevelopment agreements. The main purpose of the law is to protect the integrity of the redevelopment process which is powerful and an irrevocable.

Please introduce and approve the Redevelopment Pay to Play Reform ordinance.

[Add additional comments]

Phone number
Email sent and Paid for by Democracy for America,, and not authorized by any candidate. Contributions to Democracy for America are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Posted on: 2007/1/8 1:34
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Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop
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I just read in todays JJ a letter to the editor Written by Mayor Healy that slams councilman Fulop's Pay to Play ordinance.

Its not online so you have to read the paper.Can someone scan this and post it here,i'm computer challenged or i would do it.

His argument is pretty pathetic and rather silly for a sitting Mayor,why not just call the papers and do an interview.

Posted on: 2007/1/6 18:59

Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop
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2005/1/27 18:52
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Article from today. This is important so I am bumping back up.

Fulop: Add 'pay-to-play' limits for city developers
Thursday, January 04, 2007

A Jersey City councilman has proposed extending "pay-to-play" prohibitions to a group widely regarded as a treasure trove for politicians - developers.

According to an ordinance proposed by Downtown Councilman Steve Fulop, developers would be barred from entering into a redeveloper's agreement with the city for one year after making a contribution to a city politician.

The biggest projects in the city - for example, the two-tower development planned for Journal Square and the rehabilitation of the old Jersey City Medical Center - all involve developers who have been "designated" as developers by the Jersey City Redevelopment Agency.

The goal of the ordinance, Fulop said, is to eliminate the perception that the road to "designation" is paved by campaign contributions.

"It takes the highest ethical road possible," Fulop said about his ordinance. "Hudson County has been plagued by a negative stigma. So we're going to correct the perception."

Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy wasn't available yesterday to comment.

The Fulop ordinance is likely to receive its first hearing before the council on Jan. 24. City Council President Mariano Vega said last night he's asked the city's corporation counsel to make sure it doesn't violate the state's pay-to-play statute, which took effect a year ago.

The state's ordinance focuses on vendors who are seeking contracts for goods and services.

Heather Taylor, spokeswoman for the government watchdog group Common Cause, said 14 municipalities have adopted pay-to-play ordinances for developers. An ordinance similar to Fulop's has been signed by Newark Mayor Cory Booker and awaits City Council approval there, she said.

Eric Silverman, a designated developer for several projects in the city, acknowledged making campaign contributions to every elected member of city government. Asked if he'd maintain the same level of giving if Fulop's ordinance is adopted, Silverman replied, "That's a hard one to answer. It would probably not (diminish)."

Lowell Harwood, managing partner of Harwood Properties - the designated developer for the Journal Square project - said the Fulop ordinance would hinder his ability to support the candidate of his choice.

"They are taking away my right to elect the person I want to elect," Harwood said. "If I see good government, that's who I'm going to support."

Posted on: 2007/1/4 14:32

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Is there something like a Hatch Act for Hudson county employees?

The Hatch Act (5 U.S.C. ?? 7321 ? 7326) generally permits most federal employees to actively participate in political management and political campaigns. Employees are prohibited, however, from engaging in political activity while in uniform, on duty, in a government building, or in a government vehicle. Political activity is defined as ?an activity directed toward the success or failure of a political party, candidate for partisan political office, or partisan political group.? 5 C.F.R. ? 734.101.

Just wondering...

Posted on: 2007/1/4 6:16

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Nothing prevents a 501(c)(3) charity from engaging in litigation consistent with its purpose. Where it gets into trouble is a) if it uses its funds for lobbying or influencing legislation or b) if it gets directly involved in politics by supporting or opposing particular candidates.

Non-profits can engage in grass roots type lobbying (i.e., sending members requests to call their congressperson, etc). But there are various tests that the IRS applies, which look at how much time and money the organization spends on it, to see if it has crossed the line from an educational/charitable organization to a lobbying/advocacy organization.

Although the founders can speak to it better than I can, Civic JC was founded as a 501(c)(4) precisely so it would have more flexibility in terms of lobbying activity and advocacy.

Anyway, this is a good ordinance which I support whole heartedly!


Posted on: 2007/1/4 4:08

Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop

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Support Redevelopment Pay to Play Reform

Councilman Steven Fulop, Ward E has announced that he will introduce a Redevelopment Pay to Play Reform ordinance at the January 10, 2006 meeting of the City Council.

The proposed ordinance, endorsed and supported by Civic JC would ban political contributions to local candidates and political parties from developers and their professionals.

New Jersey law grants local officials tremendous authority to make permanent and long reaching decisions in the redevelopment process including the taking of private land through eminent domain, irrevocably changing the use and zoning of land, and awarding tax abatements and other financial incentives. Redevelopment agreements have a profound impact on the quality of life of Jersey City citizens and the financial future of the city. It is critical that this powerful process be protected from the undue influence of political and campaign contributions. We hope to sever the link between redevelopment agreements and political contributions.

Please contact and express your support for the Redevelopment Pay to Play Reform ordinance. We ask that you contact your ward councilperson, the three at large council members and Mayor Healy by email and / or fax. We have provided below, both email and fax numbers along with a sample message that can be cut and pasted into an email to send.

Thank you for your time, effort and concern.

Mayor Jerramiah Healy:, Fax: (201) 547-4288

Council President Mariano Vega:
Councilman at Large Peter Brennan:
Councilwoman at Large Willie Flood:

Ward A Councilman Michael Sottolano:
Ward B Councilwoman Mary Spinello:
Ward C Councilman Steve Lipski:
Ward D Councilman William Gaughan:
Ward E Councilman Steve Fulop:
Ward F Councilwoman Viola Richardson:

Sample correspondence:

Dear [ ] :

I support the Redevelopment Pay to Play Reform ordinance being put forth by Councilman Steven Fulop and endorsed by Civic JC.

While redevelopment can bring about positive changes in our city, there is a tremendous potential for abuse, corruption and conflict of interest throughout the process.

The proposed ordinance bans political contributions to local candidates and political parties by developers seeking redevelopment agreements. The main purpose of the law is to protect the integrity of the redevelopment process which is powerful and an irrevocable.

Please introduce and approve the Redevelopment Pay to Play Reform ordinance.

[Add additional comments]

Phone number

Posted on: 2007/1/4 0:35

Edited by CivicJC on 2007/1/4 0:55:11

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Citizens hire lawyers all the time when the rule of the land isn't upheld. Of course it shouldn't happen, but it does. The city should have upheld zoning and building requirements in many cases where citizens hired lawyers to reopen cases here in Jersey City. Problem is, the just don't.

What we found is, complaints are really pretty worthless. Lawyers still instill some fear.

Posted on: 2007/1/3 23:04

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jcheights wrote:

BrightMoment wrote:

hero69 wrote:
Somehow we [the Citizens] need to set up a mechanism whereby we can sue the city, city officials and perhaps developers when they knowingly ignore/break the law. That's the only way things are ever going to change. I will gladly donate to such a fund that would be run by one or several of the neighborhood organizations.

Most "neighborhood organizations" are 501 (c)3 non profits which under IRS regs could not do what you propose under IRS guidelines.

However, 501 (c)4 organizations "may" be able to do this as they are allowed to support specific candidates, etc. The only 501 (c)4 group in this forum is Civic JC's and they can be found at so I suggest you contact them per your suggestion.

On the other hand, there's nothing keeping a group of concerned citizens from banding together and hiring a lawyer. An easier task, I believe, but more individual liability. I would check into the specifics.

Isn't this the job of the county or state prosecutor? Why would the citizens have to hire a lawyer if a law has been violated? Why not just file a complaint? I don't see how willful neglect of duty or violation of election laws would be a civil case.

Posted on: 2007/1/3 22:44

Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop
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BrightMoment wrote:

hero69 wrote:
Somehow we [the Citizens] need to set up a mechanism whereby we can sue the city, city officials and perhaps developers when they knowingly ignore/break the law. That's the only way things are ever going to change. I will gladly donate to such a fund that would be run by one or several of the neighborhood organizations.

Most "neighborhood organizations" are 501 (c)3 non profits which under IRS regs could not do what you propose under IRS guidelines.

However, 501 (c)4 organizations "may" be able to do this as they are allowed to support specific candidates, etc. The only 501 (c)4 group in this forum is Civic JC's and they can be found at so I suggest you contact them per your suggestion.

On the other hand, there's nothing keeping a group of concerned citizens from banding together and hiring a lawyer. An easier task, I believe, but more individual liability. I would check into the specifics.

Posted on: 2007/1/3 22:28

Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop
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hero69 wrote:
Somehow we [the Citizens] need to set up a mechanism whereby we can sue the city, city officials and perhaps developers when they knowingly ignore/break the law. That's the only way things are ever going to change. I will gladly donate to such a fund that would be run by one or several of the neighborhood organizations.

Most "neighborhood organizations" are 501 (c)3 non profits which under IRS regs could not do what you propose under IRS guidelines.

However, 501 (c)4 organizations "may" be able to do this as they are allowed to support specific candidates, etc. The only 501 (c)4 group in this forum is Civic JC's and they can be found at so I suggest you contact them per your suggestion.

Posted on: 2007/1/3 22:25
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Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop
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I can't believe it, a politician with some ethics?

If you keep this up Fulop, I might drag my big ass up and vote for you in the next election.

Posted on: 2007/1/3 22:09
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Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop
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So which Neighborhood association wants to take the lead in setting up such a fund to take these corrupt politicians and developers to court. Post info and I will send in a check.

Posted on: 2007/1/3 22:01

Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop
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HarsCover wrote:
This is a great step.

This is only a step. Whether it is "great" or not remains to be seen.

What are the penalties for disregarding to ban? Will any penalties be assessed to the offending politician as well as developer? Thieves aren't afraid of a guard dog with no bite.

Posted on: 2007/1/3 21:34

Re: Developer Pay-to-Play Press Release- Steven Fulop

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This is a great step.

Posted on: 2007/1/3 21:03

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