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Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2006/4/28 16:26
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resistance is futile - you will be absorbed by the BORG! prepare for upload....

Posted on: 2006/5/6 1:30

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/11/21 5:46
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So - my one week was up and I posted a respond to Sonia, saying that what she was claiming was wrong. That I wasn't trolling, etc.

Of course, that was removed. LOL.

What a nutcase!

Posted on: 2006/5/6 0:09

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2006/4/28 16:26
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so how do you like a host of new joinings with praise to the chairman?
i eyeballed the bbs member number - about 700 total, of which only 500 logged in since jan 2005. pretty pathetic, considering the 10K resident population. of course, anybody can register - there's no requirement to actually live in newport. so-o strange for a community association?! but then, i've seen posts, even from sonia - saying we have members and non-members here (i assume of nwa?). however recent inquiry of how to become a nwa member yielded: just register on the board. by that logic, those people banned from the board, are banned from their community association! would you imagine that? just for asking, why the post was deleted? draconian laws of new order: one q and you are OUT!

Posted on: 2006/5/4 17:17

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/7/12 13:39
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wibbit wrote:

haha hiya LostLaMancha, so that's where you been hiding. i was wondering what happened, as you were a very active poster on nwa in the past. Did nwa ban you too?

yeah, long before you I must add, if thats a compliment. I had a different identity, and then that got banned too!! Either way, I still just logon to the board to see if anything has changed. nothing has, and it doesn't look like anything will in the near future.

Posted on: 2006/5/3 18:49

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/2/14 23:14
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LostLaMancha wrote:

Gaga, we know who you are. you are the gadget nerd, right :). I remember your conversations with Chaturganj. And didn't you move to JSQ? I thought you got back on the board just to aska coupe of questions about Comcast, and got banned :). And you are definitely not Falcon (not that there is anything wrong with that). That is how the NWA is run. What is the point of posting the truth about yourself on the NWA board? The post might be deleted, the author banned, and no one would be any wiser. Sonia treats that board and the forum as private property, not a community forum. Which is why different views are not entertained. Earlier when Prashant Sehgal was the webmaster, I asked him so many times as to why he allowed the board to be run the way it was. But apparently Prashant had a subsidized apartment himself, and so he never questioned the rules set by Sonia.

Sonia and her goons are quick to point out about the Lenin's rent susidized apartment, but the rent of Sonia's apartment never comes up.

haha hiya LostLaMancha, so that's where you been hiding. i was wondering what happened, as you were a very active poster on nwa in the past. Did nwa ban you too?

yeah i bought a place in jsq a couple months ago, and my comcast cable was moved as well with no change to equipment/package/pricing etc. (very nice feature on comcast part). So i just logged on nwa to ask some question after the offer expired. Then saw sonia waving the ban stick around again (she's done it in the past too). Posted my inquiry, got deleted, asked why deleted, got banned with no explanation....after 3 years of being a active "good" member of the board. what a joke!

Posted on: 2006/5/3 17:16

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2006/4/28 16:26
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i seems to me that anybody who logs in to nwa board is considered to be a member(???). it also seems to me that only people from newport who live and/or work there should be allowed to become active community association members. and when they move out (like a lot of renters do) - they should no longer be allowed to be active members. the active members on community board should have voting rights and be polled regularly on all issues. including the moderation of the board. who are the trustees of this board, who determine rules? - nobody knows. do they actually have a list of active members - not just people registered on nwa? - nobody knows... what kind of community board is it ? on top of that - no head of the board should be a moderator! moderator is supposed to be a third party - impartial and keeping the tempers low. sonia just declares 'that was against the rules, that was trolling - we have the right, we're not going to discuss it'. that's pretty undemocratic and obnoxious and there is no recourse. granted, she is busy - but that is not an excuse for banning people who want to raise issues or don't like what's going on. a community board should be a sounding board of the community and should not be controlled by one person - that smacks of dictatorship and censorship.

Posted on: 2006/5/3 13:33

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/7/12 13:39
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wibbit wrote:

WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!! I am gaga on nwa board! i moved to newport 3 years ago after getting a job in a financial firm by the waterfront. I joined nwa forum around the same time (back when it was still unmoderated and in the old text board format). It was just a place to talk and get some updates on things newport.


Can someone please post this message for me on nwa? And tell Cleo to get a freaking clue.

I was banned from posting after asking why my previous post was deleted.

Gaga, we know who you are. you are the gadget nerd, right :). I remember your conversations with Chaturganj. And didn't you move to JSQ? I thought you got back on the board just to aska coupe of questions about Comcast, and got banned :). And you are definitely not Falcon (not that there is anything wrong with that). That is how the NWA is run. What is the point of posting the truth about yourself on the NWA board? The post might be deleted, the author banned, and no one would be any wiser. Sonia treats that board and the forum as private property, not a community forum. Which is why different views are not entertained. Earlier when Prashant Sehgal was the webmaster, I asked him so many times as to why he allowed the board to be run the way it was. But apparently Prashant had a subsidized apartment himself, and so he never questioned the rules set by Sonia.

Sonia and her goons are quick to point out about the Lenin's rent susidized apartment, but the rent of Sonia's apartment never comes up.

Posted on: 2006/5/3 8:23

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/2/14 23:14
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Gaga is a fellow by the name of Dan Falcon, who has lived in Newport for ten years in a rent subsidized apartment at the George Washington or one of the presidential plaza buildings. Dan has a high school education, but likes to think of himself as an economist. He is always spitting hate at Newport. You can read about him, as he is quoted in this week's Hudson Reporter. There was a meeting at the city council, where he challenged the members (except Steve Fulop) for giving Newport a tax abatement. Sonia is also highlighted in that same story, she favored the abatement because it means Lefrak will have to fufill a written promise to our community that he will complete the waterfront walkway after the abatement was approved.

WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!! I am gaga on nwa board! i moved to newport 3 years ago after getting a job in a financial firm by the waterfront. I joined nwa forum around the same time (back when it was still unmoderated and in the old text board format). It was just a place to talk and get some updates on things newport.


Can someone please post this message for me on nwa? And tell Cleo to get a freaking clue.

I was banned from posting after asking why my previous post was deleted.

Posted on: 2006/5/3 4:25

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2006/2/6 15:52
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Nice try.First post by new person is oh so flattering Sounds like the guy who opened the taco stand by City Hall.By the way what happen to the taco guy.Dammit now i want a taco.

Posted on: 2006/5/3 4:16

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2006/1/29 4:31
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You have to read the latest entry on the NWA board, it's the funniest thing
Click here

Posted on: 2006/5/3 1:37

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/2/14 23:14
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this is ridiculus, my post was deleted on nwa too. I questioned why the original poster was banned for having a different opinion than sonia and said something like

i know it's a private board and you can do whatever you want with it, but dont label it as a newport community board. A community forum is where people can come together to debate and even argue on varies issues without the fear of getting banned/censored as long as it's done in a civilized manner.

my entire post was deleted without any explanation. Now i believe it, nwa really is just a front for sonia and her goons to work the area for lefrak.

Posted on: 2006/5/3 0:41

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2006/4/28 16:26
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The real hard core crowd like Cleo/Renuka/Harley is thoroughly pro Sonia and support everything newport, even Cafe Spice!!

what cracked me up, was that i actually posted that i loved living in newport! a ti-iny happy voice among the flying rotten eggs.. . all those complaints really got to me. there are so-o many more much worse places to live in an' around nyc !
and here i was living happily for years, completely unawares of all that froth on the boards and - w-a-am!
that was quite an irony .
but how do we get the freacking member numbers? is there someplace they have to tell? see, way i reason it - once everybody knows, how few people are members - it'll seriously deflate her baloon. besides, if they're just a 10% - there's no way they can claim to represent anything but a minority.
ps i loved cafe spice the first year - with $25 entrees. great goan curries. there were no indians in site . not many customers in general. now it's a diner and a desi social club with nothing much interesting to eat. pity!

Posted on: 2006/4/28 18:36

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/7/12 13:39
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Butchcjg wrote:
Sonia's recently post to explain why she banned me says that it's b/c "some people join this post merely to illecit responses and make allegations".

In her dictionary, that is everyone who has a different opinion.

PS Did you get my PM? I sent it to you on the other board, and then cc'd it to you on this one.

Posted on: 2006/4/28 18:14

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/7/12 13:39
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icricket wrote:
i don't care if she banned me. besides sc it was just an endless string of complaints about smth or other and quite pointless bashings of lefrak. like in any rental building people find problems, but it's all kinda political at the same time. i found it very distasteful. what bothers me, is that they claim to represent the community. most renters don't give a hoot anyway, and condo's are too few. of course, all condo owners will be members of their association and collective members of joint condo association. now THAT in my view will be a legit slice of community that is there to stay and really care - although at this point it will be only 2 buildings out of 9. that's why i want to know, how many members nwa has - with sonia at the helm, i will never join them, and i don't want her to speak for me either. however, she could be unelected, no? question is , who'll want to step in? but she definitely acts like a queen bee in permanent residence - off with this head, chop the hands of that one...

cricket. I thought banning you was the funniest. You have joined the board what like 5 days ago, and then you posted a link, and the once it was deleted, you simply question why that was deleted, and boom! you were gone. That was one of the worst times for Sonia with DeltaFox and wondering questioning about Shore Club and mariott and everything under the sun.

Anyway, the point that irks me is the same. That the board apparently stands for everyone in newport, though probably less 1% of the populations is a part really cares about it. The real hard core crowd like Cleo/Renuka/Harley is thoroughly pro Sonia and support everything newport, even Cafe Spice!!

Posted on: 2006/4/28 18:11

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/11/21 5:46
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Sonia's recently post to explain why she banned me says that it's b/c "some people join this post merely to illecit responses and make allegations".

Oh yes, I joined wayyyy back in November and just sat quietly all this time and participated in conversations only so that 7 months later I could start making accusations. It was my plot!!!

Err, how annoying.

I dont live in Newport, but I lived in a Newport-owned building (The Roosevelt). Soon I'm moving, though, and thus won't pretend to represent that community nor have a need to be a part of it.

Any places to be a part of the Hamilton Park Neighborhood online, besides this place? I'm moving to an apartment directly on the park!

Posted on: 2006/4/28 18:04

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2006/4/28 16:26
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i don't care if she banned me. besides sc it was just an endless string of complaints about smth or other and quite pointless bashings of lefrak. like in any rental building people find problems, but it's all kinda political at the same time. i found it very distasteful. what bothers me, is that they claim to represent the community. most renters don't give a hoot anyway, and condo's are too few. of course, all condo owners will be members of their association and collective members of joint condo association. now THAT in my view will be a legit slice of community that is there to stay and really care - although at this point it will be only 2 buildings out of 9. that's why i want to know, how many members nwa has - with sonia at the helm, i will never join them, and i don't want her to speak for me either. however, she could be unelected, no? question is , who'll want to step in? but she definitely acts like a queen bee in permanent residence - off with this head, chop the hands of that one...

Posted on: 2006/4/28 17:26

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2006/2/6 15:52
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Can you say soup nazi.This sonia is such a ego maniac.Banned for a week.Like anyone would care.Mr roggers is so happy since she banned me long ago.

Posted on: 2006/4/28 17:04

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2006/4/28 16:26
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i also think that your posts were quite polite and certainly not deserved to be banned. i was banned from that board 'cause i helpfully mentioned the existence of kannekt during the intense shoreclub postings....- which turned out to be a deathly offense to sonia. it is not even in the rules - that you can't mention any other bbs's. and kannekt happens to be a very useful waterfront board, at that.
i am not a member of nwa, though i live in newport. what i want to know is how many people from newport are members vs how many people are living in newport. i do not think that nwa is representative of people living there and it is very misleading for them to claim that they represent the community. is there any way to find out, how many members they have ?
why should that be a secret? at least they should post it on their board, no?

Posted on: 2006/4/28 16:38

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards

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2005/7/1 4:54
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Butchcjg, I've seen your posts on that site, and you're right. You've never antagonized anyone there. You should definitely keep screenshots going forward, once that one-week "ban" is removed. Frankly, that site is a joke, and is not representative of the people living there.

I recently had the *pleasure* of having my posts edited then deleted by Sonia. See screenshots below. I'm surprised she hasn't banned me from that site after that. I guess she's afraid I'll blog about it!

Resized Image



Posted on: 2006/4/28 16:12
Have you had your DoJo Mojo today?

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/6/7 19:22
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Butchcjg wrote:

This is exactly what she does!! She censors, but then says she doesn't and says the burden of proof is on you. (How can you prove someone is censoring if they remove the post and then ban you!?)

Take a screenshot of it next time you post it.

Posted on: 2006/4/28 15:26

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/11/21 5:46
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I checked with the Attorney Genera's Charity Registry and NWA filed their 2004 report with the AG and it showed:

$1610 - Direct Public Contributions

$305 - Program
$1322 - Management

Unless 2005 significantly changed, then they are a low-budget organization, so why not just disclose this information and start banning anyone who questions it?

Of course, I dont think "in-kind" contributions have to be recorded in this report and I saw some accusations of that.

Posted on: 2006/4/28 14:45

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/11/21 5:46
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Sonia - I know you read this board, as do other posters, so I'll just respond to you here.

You DID remove my posts, when all I was doing was saying I just didnt understand why you don't show your association members the budget so that everything is transparent. What's wo wrong with that? I didnt say it in an inflammatory way, but rather suggested it was a way to to prove Fulop long and be transparent.

Then you started removing my posts, so then I posted saying "where's my post?" NOW you say the reason you removed me is b/c I was falsely accusing you of removing posts.

Talk about an abuse of power, Sonia. And, from what I've read here, it seems like this is how you work! Scary, scary. Why do you want to ban anyone who challenges you or Lefrak? What's there to hide? You say nothing, so why are you so defensive?

Posted on: 2006/4/28 14:37

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/11/21 5:46
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So - I posted about the censorship there...

And she responded saying the reason she banned me "for one week" is because I posted a false accusation that she had removed my post, which was apparrently an attept to claim censorship.

That's SOOOOOO bogus! She *DID* remove my posts! TWO of them!!!!

This is exactly what she does!! She censors, but then says she doesn't and says the burden of proof is on you. (How can you prove someone is censoring if they remove the post and then ban you!?)

I'm getting irked...makes me feel like getting a bunch of us together with protest signs for the next NWA meeting!

Posted on: 2006/4/28 14:23

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/10/7 15:05
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I have a question about the association.
Do they have a board? Do members pay a dues?

Posted on: 2006/4/28 12:07

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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Butchcjg wrote:
Well, I agree not much goes on there....this board is definitely better.

But, just by principle, I can't stand being banned.

And, I plan to make it known how that board is run! If the board is run that way, then surely the organization is run that way too.

And, it really makes me wonder what she's hiding.

She's pretending to be a rep of the residents of Newport when she's really the developers webtool. In the past she had admitted that her rent is lower that what others are paying and I'll wouldn't be surprised if the major funding for her site is from the same source. She is never very critical of LeFrak.

Posted on: 2006/4/28 11:09

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/10/7 15:05
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I saw her picture in the JC Reporter a couple of weeks ago, she does resemble that Leona photo lol!

I read her Fulop posts from time to time and her arguments so many times are nothing but air. If she ever runs for some kind of office, I will campaign for the person running against her. We already have a dictator as a president. Trying to avoid that on a local level.

Posted on: 2006/4/28 3:24

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2006/1/29 4:31
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I don't think it's a big secret how that board is run, it's been discussed here and also over here
Your story reaffirms it

Posted on: 2006/4/28 2:07

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/11/21 5:46
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Well, I agree not much goes on there....this board is definitely better.

But, just by principle, I can't stand being banned.

And, I plan to make it known how that board is run! If the board is run that way, then surely the organization is run that way too.

And, it really makes me wonder what she's hiding.

Posted on: 2006/4/28 2:02

Re: Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2006/1/29 4:31
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That board is a joke, it's Sonia's little playground. I visited in the past- before I found out about this site- and all that board is is a bunch of Newport residents (maybe 10-15, you always see the same few people posting) who can't think for themselves and need to be told how to live and what businesses to frequent. As soon as some kind of controversy or question arises they are asking for Sonia to tell them what to do.
You're better off banned, you're not missing much

Posted on: 2006/4/28 1:54

Censorship on Newport Waterfront Association Boards
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2005/11/21 5:46
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Wow - So, my account has been banned from the NWA bulletin boards by Sonia!

I have never ever trolled, never said a dirty word and never done anything but discuss a few topics (like internet connection, restaurants, etc). Seriously, I've only posted there a few times and never said a single negative or bad thing.

But, a couple of days ago she started saying that Fulop was slandering her by saying they received $$ from LeFrak.

So, I posted asking why she doesnt disclose their financials, to prove Fulop wrong. That though she doesnt have to "legally", it seems to make sense that she should do so since it's a community association.

She responded saying she's a very ethical person, blah blah blah. So, I wrote saying that she should have nothing to hide so why not disclose?

She removed that post.

So I posted "Hey, where'd my post go? I didnt say anything bad".

And, now my account is banned from the site!

Is this the norm there????

How can a group claim to be a "community association" but be SO unwilling to disclose any info to the community and ban anyone who asks questions?

Posted on: 2006/4/28 1:44

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