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Re: Newark Catholic Archdiocese Suspends Masses
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Yeah, we have a Latin term for everything, that doesn't mean they knew squat about how a virus actually spread, or of modern science for that matter.
The Church also endured by hiding away in monasteries, so, there's that. The Church will survive this, even as some of its members will not. While we pray for their souls, we must also think of how many more could have been saved if we acted better in previous pandemics. In the meantime, faith endures in the safety of our homes. Faith Alive @ Home Guide
Posted on: 2020/4/6 17:04
Re: Newark Catholic Archdiocese Suspends Masses
Home away from home
Actually, disease spread has been understood for centuries, though imperfectly (and we hardly have a perfect understading of the Coronavirus). Epidpemic and pandemic are both words coined by Hippocrites in the 4th century BC! LOL, the masks worn by doctors treating black plague victims would be very helpful to any health care professional today! Hospitals were invented by Catholics and so was modern medicine. Medical teachers and students at Bologna began to open human bodies, and Mondino de Luzzi (c. 1275?1326) produced the first known anatomy textbook based on human dissection.
The liturgy of the Catholic Church has never been suspended like this before. This was not out of ignorance or out recklessness but was because of faith. A priest would annoint someone dying of the black plague and would take precautions. The same is possible today but priests, if you can find one, are barred from the death beds. Anyway your anti Christian animus with limited knowledge is crippling.
Posted on: 2020/4/6 16:32
Re: Newark Catholic Archdiocese Suspends Masses
Home away from home
Well, historically speaking, back in the day they didn't even know what a virus is so, I would hope that today's Christians know better than go back to those dark days where millions of people die needlessly.
I know some of us so-called Christians crave for the end times but if you really are meant to 'love you neighbor' then don't pass on the virus to them. St. Peter may just send you to the other place.
Posted on: 2020/4/6 15:35
Re: Newark Catholic Archdiocese Suspends Masses
Home away from home
I don't know. The Catholic Church was like the first to shut down. Historically, it had never shut down. Indeed, the conduct of Christians during the Plague of Cuprian in the 3rd Century is considered one of the explanations for the triumph of Catholicism over the Roman Empire. Is that blood on its hands or belief in its mission?
It's apostasy. I noticed a change about twenty years ago- Mass being canceld if it snowed, being told to stay home if you had a cold. In the 1940s and 50s, Italy had terrible polio epidemics. Everything would be shut down except the churches which were open 24 x 7. That's faith. This virus is scary but it is not very edifyng that the priests have all locked themselves into their rectories. So we have priest as homosexual predator and now we have priest as chicken little. I guess now we know that the sacraments are not essential. A Chrisian is suppossed to live each day as if it were his last. Death is ever suppossed to be ever before us. A priest since he has no wife or family is suppossed to be enabled to live in a detached and selfless manner. For sure, precautions need to be taken, social distance maintained, numbers limited. But locking churches. Forbidding the sacraments? If this is half as bad as we think, then all of us should be going to Confession now. LOL, Francis says he wants his priests to smell like sheep. What they all smell like instead is of disinfectant. So the dead die alone wiithout viaticum or annointing, the sinners are left in their sin, the hungery are denied the food of everylasting life. Thank God, the Amazon delivy gal, the postman, the Walmart stock boy, the policewoman, fireman, nurse, LPN, janitor in the hospital, and doctor are made of finer stuff!
Posted on: 2020/4/6 13:36
Re: Newark Catholic Archdiocese Suspends Masses
Home away from home
Posted on: 2020/4/5 16:39
Re: Newark Catholic Archdiocese Suspends Masses
Home away from home
Masses are not suspended, just public gatherings. You can watch mass on TV, you may not receive sacraments unless by special arrangement (maybe) like it is done for the infirm and dying. The Pope just had Palm Sunday mass without a crowd, so yeah, it's not the end of the Catholic Church as we know it.
What saddens me though is that some people think the Catholic church is overreacting in comparison to the swine flu pandemic. No, it is learning from past mistakes - the mistake of minimizing a pandemic that led to 60 million infected and 14,000 dead. It's a church that doesn't want blood in its hands. So yeah, keep bringing up these comparisons without even thinking about what could have been prevented, because that makes you such a great Christian.
Posted on: 2020/4/5 14:18
Re: Newark Catholic Archdiocese Suspends Masses
Home away from home
I strongly doubt Jesus would approve because he gave the Great Commandment: ??Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ?Love your neighbor as yourself.? All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.? You failed on the second part which means you failed on the first. Stop worshipping yourself.
Posted on: 2020/4/5 14:10
Re: Newark Catholic Archdiocese Suspends Masses
Just can't stay away
you are so dumb. it hurts to read your thoughts.
Posted on: 2020/4/5 5:56
Re: Newark Catholic Archdiocese Suspends Masses
Home away from home
He condemned tghe Pharisee for being outwardly religious while not having it in their heart, dumbass. You can't even get your own good book right. Like all right wing garbage religious yahoos, you use care more about the details than about people, which is what Jesus condemned.
Posted on: 2020/4/5 2:09
Re: Newark Catholic Archdiocese Suspends Masses
Home away from home
This is about Masses being suspended, so who do you think Jesus would condemn, a person you consider dumb or one who thinks he is better anyone? Think of the Pharisee and the tax collector parable. Jesus condemned the Pharisee because he thought highly of himself.
Posted on: 2020/4/4 20:34
Re: Newark Catholic Archdiocese Suspends Masses
Home away from home
This statement, not just from Yvonne, but from all the dumb Fox watchers, has not aged well, when over 1,000 are dying a day, and doubling every three days.
Posted on: 2020/4/2 22:51
Re: Newark Catholic Archdiocese Suspends Masses
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2017/1/3 18:17 Last Login : 2020/10/12 20:58 From Jersey City
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The mortality rate from the 2009 H1N1 flu was about .02%. Right now the mortality rate from COVID-19 is around 2% or 100 times deadlier.
Posted on: 2020/4/2 16:55
Re: Newark Catholic Archdiocese Suspends Masses
Not too shy to talk
Same cancellations happened in 1918 with churches, schools, and theaters: ... a-pandemic-1918-churches/
Posted on: 2020/3/17 18:56
Re: Newark Catholic Archdiocese Suspends Masses
Home away from home
In 2009 when the swine flu hit, many Catholic Churches had large bottle of disinfectants placed on tables where pamphlets are located. The swine flu infected 60 million and over 14,000 died. There was no panic. It would be interesting to know how many are infected now and compare those numbers of the past.
Posted on: 2020/3/17 18:45
Re: Newark Catholic Archdiocese Suspends Masses
Home away from home
I'm sure the response will be "It's gods will".
Posted on: 2020/3/14 23:56
Re: Newark Catholic Archdiocese Suspends Masses
Just can't stay away
i guess prayers don't work afterall.
Posted on: 2020/3/14 19:11
Re: Newark Catholic Archdiocese Suspends Masses
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2015/5/28 0:34 Last Login : 2024/8/5 12:48 From Jersey City
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Posted on: 2020/3/14 18:35
Newark Catholic Archdiocese Suspends Masses
Home away from home
Posted on: 2020/3/13 12:14