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Re: This N.J. city wants you to 'adopt' a catch basin and keep it clean
Home away from home
2009/5/15 4:26 Last Login : 2017/12/25 1:59 From here to eternity
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We already do this. It is called taxes.
Posted on: 2017/10/13 21:32
Re: This N.J. city wants you to 'adopt' a catch basin and keep it clean
Home away from home
Maybe we could each adopt an MUA employee and if we feed them, treat them kindly and give them fabulous gifts they could keep the storm basins clean. Just a thought.
Posted on: 2017/10/12 16:33
Re: This N.J. city wants you to 'adopt' a catch basin and keep it clean
Home away from home
This is the bigger issue. Clearing the basins can help/alleviate localized flooding around them, but ultimately, even if every basin was kept clear, the sewer will not be able to handle the volume of water during heavy downpours, and the water will back out and up from every possible place.
Posted on: 2017/10/12 16:11
Re: This N.J. city wants you to 'adopt' a catch basin and keep it clean
Home away from home
I have been doing this and de-weeding the catch basin in front of my place for the past 14 years... for whatever its worth.
I used to have major flooding issues, with water blasting out of the manhole covers during heavy rain, and my roof drain then backing up into my basement. I found at old engineering map that showed where the sewers went. I used that map to list every catch basin that was backing that was downstream of my building, sending it over to the MUA. JCMUA, to their credit, did promptly followup and investigated. The sewer it turns out had multiple collapses and was badly plugged with debris. The collapse was so bad with the basin in front of my place that the JCMUA dug up the street and put in a bypass pipe. Drainage worked a lot better after all the work was done with backups gone except during really extreme downpours. The city's 150+ year old system is in dire need of a major rehabilitation. Money fixes everything.... the question is, where will the money come from?
Posted on: 2017/10/12 15:02
Re: This N.J. city wants you to 'adopt' a catch basin and keep it clean
Home away from home
Maybe the city should start raising sidewalks or lowering streets or building more storm tanks, pumps
Posted on: 2017/10/12 3:08
This N.J. city wants you to 'adopt' a catch basin and keep it clean
Home away from home
2009/10/7 15:46 Last Login : 2024/7/1 0:32 From jersey city
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This N.J. city wants you to 'adopt' a catch basin and keep it clean Updated on October 11, 2017 at 12:57 PM Posted on October 11, 2017 at 11:53 AM By Patrick Villanova The Jersey Journal New Jersey's second-largest city wants its residents to help keep catch basins clear of garbage to mitigate flooding on city streets. Jersey City has launched a series of initiatives aimed at tackling issues related to climate change, initially focusing on storm water management, reducing flooding and limiting pollution of our waterways. ... c.html#incart_river_index
Posted on: 2017/10/12 2:35