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Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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2006/11/13 18:42
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Every person other then our wonderful native Indians, is or was, by previous generations, a result of someone being a refugee.

Being a refugee or immigrant, still requires you to follow a legal procedure / circumstance to enter and should never be denied to anyone.

Illegal aliens are a total different subject, as they wish to cheat the system and or process (Queue jumping).

Posted on: 2017/2/28 22:06
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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2013/5/15 14:11
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Jeez, you're arguing with yourself now-better start drinking heavy before our President speaks to Congress tonight, you'll need to.

Posted on: 2017/2/28 19:00

Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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2014/8/25 19:18
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Monroe wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Obama promised us the average family would save $2,500/year in healthcare costs under his 'signature' accomplishment. What happened to that? And for the minimum wage, very few are paid that, under 2% of workers I believe.

But Wendy's announced they're replacing thousands of cashiers with robots, due to rising minimum wages. You'll see more of that. Oopsie.

Politifact actually has a really great breakdown on the confusion around that statement. Here are some facts for you! ... ealth-insurance-premium-/

Google is your friend buddy- every deflection you've given me has ended up being a total attempt to grasp at straws and you could have figured that out yourself. It's so pathetic. You don't even research your own statements before spewing them. No wonder you have such a boner for Trump. You don't want to think for yourself. Grow a pair and read some real news that cites sources and facts. There's a whole big exciting world out there!

So the video of him saying this is fake news, lol?

Uh no...I literally just gave you a link referencing this exact statement. When you're ready to talk with the grown ups instead of just repeating the same thing over and over again I'll give you some more attention. To be honest you've made this so easy it's not even satisfying- you just ignore the comment any time someone disproves you and then shout about Obama. Trump logic doesn't work in reality buddy- use your own big boy brain to sort that shit out.

Posted on: 2017/2/28 17:52

Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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2005/3/19 3:39
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From HamiltonPARK
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Everyone calm down! Drumpf is setting the bar low which he is a master at doing.

"We have come up with a solution that's really, really ? I think ? very good. Now I have to tell you, it's an unbelievably complex subject. Nobody knew health care could be so complicated." - Drumpf DUH...

Posted on: 2017/2/28 4:27

Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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TonyTwoPoops wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Obama promised us the average family would save $2,500/year in healthcare costs under his 'signature' accomplishment. What happened to that? And for the minimum wage, very few are paid that, under 2% of workers I believe.

But Wendy's announced they're replacing thousands of cashiers with robots, due to rising minimum wages. You'll see more of that. Oopsie.

Politifact actually has a really great breakdown on the confusion around that statement. Here are some facts for you! ... ealth-insurance-premium-/

Google is your friend buddy- every deflection you've given me has ended up being a total attempt to grasp at straws and you could have figured that out yourself. It's so pathetic. You don't even research your own statements before spewing them. No wonder you have such a boner for Trump. You don't want to think for yourself. Grow a pair and read some real news that cites sources and facts. There's a whole big exciting world out there!

So the video of him saying this is fake news, lol?

Posted on: 2017/2/28 4:12

Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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2012/11/10 20:38
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TonyTwoPoops wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Obama promised us the average family would save $2,500/year in healthcare costs under his 'signature' accomplishment. What happened to that? And for the minimum wage, very few are paid that, under 2% of workers I believe.

But Wendy's announced they're replacing thousands of cashiers with robots, due to rising minimum wages. You'll see more of that. Oopsie.

Politifact actually has a really great breakdown on the confusion around that statement. Here are some facts for you! ... ealth-insurance-premium-/

Google is your friend buddy- every deflection you've given me has ended up being a total attempt to grasp at straws and you could have figured that out yourself. It's so pathetic. You don't even research your own statements before spewing them. No wonder you have such a boner for Trump. You don't want to think for yourself. Grow a pair and read some real news that cites sources and facts. There's a whole big exciting world out there!

LOL at you citing Politifact as some objective source. Just LOL!!

Posted on: 2017/2/28 3:50

Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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2014/8/25 19:18
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Monroe wrote:
Obama promised us the average family would save $2,500/year in healthcare costs under his 'signature' accomplishment. What happened to that? And for the minimum wage, very few are paid that, under 2% of workers I believe.

But Wendy's announced they're replacing thousands of cashiers with robots, due to rising minimum wages. You'll see more of that. Oopsie.

Politifact actually has a really great breakdown on the confusion around that statement. Here are some facts for you! ... ealth-insurance-premium-/

Google is your friend buddy- every deflection you've given me has ended up being a total attempt to grasp at straws and you could have figured that out yourself. It's so pathetic. You don't even research your own statements before spewing them. No wonder you have such a boner for Trump. You don't want to think for yourself. Grow a pair and read some real news that cites sources and facts. There's a whole big exciting world out there!

Posted on: 2017/2/27 23:54

Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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2013/5/15 14:11
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Obama promised us the average family would save $2,500/year in healthcare costs under his 'signature' accomplishment. What happened to that? And for the minimum wage, very few are paid that, under 2% of workers I believe.

But Wendy's announced they're replacing thousands of cashiers with robots, due to rising minimum wages. You'll see more of that. Oopsie.

Posted on: 2017/2/27 23:13

Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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2014/8/25 19:18
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Monroe wrote:
Wait, Obama adds $30,000 to each family's portion of the national debt, and it's because Republican's aren't raising the minimum wage?

How did you come up with that??

Well for one thing Relublicans in congress had to approve that debt so blaming Obama for it weakens whatever point you thought you were making.

You think employers not feeling obligated to pay their workers a livable wage doesn't have anything to do with debt? How so? It shows people aren't able to pay their bills due to cost of living exceeding wage increases. Republicans repeatedly fight against raising the minimum wage.


"Total debt?including mortgages, student loans and auto loans?is expected to surpass the amounts owed at the start of the Great Recession by the end of 2016. That's largely due to the growth of mortgage debt, which surged from $159,020 per household in 2010 to $172,086 this year, and debt from auto loans, which jumped from $20,032 in 2010 to $28,535 in 2016.Total household debt now hovers at $132,529 per household, or nearly $12.4 trillion total.

Its strong growth is that the cost of living has significantly outpaced median household income. For instance, while earnings have grown 28% over the last 13 years, medical costs spiked by 57% and food and beverage costs increased by 36% during the same time frame."

Posted on: 2017/2/27 22:59

Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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2013/5/15 14:11
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Wait, Obama adds $30,000 to each family's portion of the national debt, and it's because Republican's aren't raising the minimum wage?

How did you come up with that??

Posted on: 2017/2/27 20:17

Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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Monroe wrote:

Hamparkvet wrote:

Monroe wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Hillary and Bill are worth hundreds of millions of dollars, 'earned' by pay for play, yet we're still paying for their Secret Service protection.

The cost of security, whether for President Trump and his wife and family, or when Obama was jetting all over the place (or when Michelle went to Africa with the kids and their friends), or for other ex Presidents-it's part of the cost. It's no different for any of them.

Obama is going to have, what, three residences-should we fund protection only for one?

Uh we provide security for all former presidents so I don't know why you're throwing that in there like we aren't paying the security for all the former Republican presidents.

Trumps vacations have already cost us $11.3 million and it's been a month. Obamas travel expenses for his 8 year term averaged $12.1 million each year. Don't complain about all the money being wasted on ACA and immigrants when you voted for someone who is basically wiping his ass with your tax dollars.

I'll bet you lump in the weekend in Florida President Trump spent WITH THE PRIME MINISTER OF JAPAN as a vacation, lol. At least he's golfing with a head of state, instead of sycophant donors like Obama did.

And, frankly, Obama DOUBLED THE NATIONAL DEBT as POTUS. If President Trump does that, shoot a flare. Thankee!

Stupid, stupid argument. Obama was handed a recession, Trump was handed a recovery. He's like the guy who was handed an excellent house, mortgage free but is figuring out how to save on the cable bill. Easy work but time will tell how he screws it up...

'Handed a recovery, with no mortgage'? The per family debt increased from 30K to 60K . . . labor participation rate is at a historic low, home ownership and family income declined under Obama's 8 years, food stamps are up over 10 million people . . . get a freaking grip.

Per household debt is up...because Republicans refuse to admit that the minimum wage needs to be increased to match cost of living and fight every measure to do so. What do you have to say about that? Everything you stated shows that people are struggling to make ends meet.

Posted on: 2017/2/27 19:27

Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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Hamparkvet wrote:

Monroe wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Hillary and Bill are worth hundreds of millions of dollars, 'earned' by pay for play, yet we're still paying for their Secret Service protection.

The cost of security, whether for President Trump and his wife and family, or when Obama was jetting all over the place (or when Michelle went to Africa with the kids and their friends), or for other ex Presidents-it's part of the cost. It's no different for any of them.

Obama is going to have, what, three residences-should we fund protection only for one?

Uh we provide security for all former presidents so I don't know why you're throwing that in there like we aren't paying the security for all the former Republican presidents.

Trumps vacations have already cost us $11.3 million and it's been a month. Obamas travel expenses for his 8 year term averaged $12.1 million each year. Don't complain about all the money being wasted on ACA and immigrants when you voted for someone who is basically wiping his ass with your tax dollars.

I'll bet you lump in the weekend in Florida President Trump spent WITH THE PRIME MINISTER OF JAPAN as a vacation, lol. At least he's golfing with a head of state, instead of sycophant donors like Obama did.

And, frankly, Obama DOUBLED THE NATIONAL DEBT as POTUS. If President Trump does that, shoot a flare. Thankee!

Stupid, stupid argument. Obama was handed a recession, Trump was handed a recovery. He's like the guy who was handed an excellent house, mortgage free but is figuring out how to save on the cable bill. Easy work but time will tell how he screws it up...

'Handed a recovery, with no mortgage'? The per family debt increased from 30K to 60K . . . labor participation rate is at a historic low, home ownership and family income declined under Obama's 8 years, food stamps are up over 10 million people . . . get a freaking grip.

Posted on: 2017/2/26 22:44

Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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2013/10/15 17:32
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This is truly the best type of protest - nonviolent, non-destructive, makes a point simply, in a way that makes you think.

Now you may not agree with their position - I'm not sure we can be the same refuge for the world as we (the USA) were 100 years ago - but you can applaud the protesters for expressing themselves eloquently.

Posted on: 2017/2/26 16:56

Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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2005/3/19 3:39
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Monroe wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Hillary and Bill are worth hundreds of millions of dollars, 'earned' by pay for play, yet we're still paying for their Secret Service protection.

The cost of security, whether for President Trump and his wife and family, or when Obama was jetting all over the place (or when Michelle went to Africa with the kids and their friends), or for other ex Presidents-it's part of the cost. It's no different for any of them.

Obama is going to have, what, three residences-should we fund protection only for one?

Uh we provide security for all former presidents so I don't know why you're throwing that in there like we aren't paying the security for all the former Republican presidents.

Trumps vacations have already cost us $11.3 million and it's been a month. Obamas travel expenses for his 8 year term averaged $12.1 million each year. Don't complain about all the money being wasted on ACA and immigrants when you voted for someone who is basically wiping his ass with your tax dollars.

I'll bet you lump in the weekend in Florida President Trump spent WITH THE PRIME MINISTER OF JAPAN as a vacation, lol. At least he's golfing with a head of state, instead of sycophant donors like Obama did.

And, frankly, Obama DOUBLED THE NATIONAL DEBT as POTUS. If President Trump does that, shoot a flare. Thankee!

Stupid, stupid argument. Obama was handed a recession, Trump was handed a recovery. He's like the guy who was handed an excellent house, mortgage free but is figuring out how to save on the cable bill. Easy work but time will tell how he screws it up...

Posted on: 2017/2/26 16:55

Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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Yvonne wrote:
Letter to the editor - another point of view: ... t.html#incart_river_index

Good letter.

Posted on: 2017/2/25 21:23

Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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Letter to the editor - another point of view: ... t.html#incart_river_index

Posted on: 2017/2/25 20:28

Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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TheBigGuy wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
No one talks about the cost of immigrantion, we spend billions when you add healthcare, education, housing but in the meantime, there is no money for bridges and tunnels which are falling apart and will becoma a tragedy. The illegal immigrant population will become part of the 47% that do not pay taxes.

I agree with you 100%, but the good guys won this issue. It's over, and we will get the illegal immigration crackdown we have desperately needed for years.

Just think of how many bridges we could fix with all the tax payer money we are spending on Trump's frequent vacations and housing Melania in the NYC tower she's too humiliated to leave. Can't wait to see the final tally and you foaming at the mouth to defend it like a good little chump.

And imagine what we can do with the savings from the millions in money/time spent protecting the President and his family from the thousands of threats... last weekend at his FL rally 4 aircraft breached the normal no fly zone established when AF1 is the air... an at least one incident, a USAF jet scrambled.

deflect deflect deflect

I hear Camp David is pretty secure if he cares about wasting so many funds- but then how will our big boy get to make a big show/security threat by showing off all his grown up nuclear documents to his hotel guests? (Btw what about Hilary's emails again???)He doesn't care about wasting the money of his spineless little followers because they are so dopey they buy whatever bullshit he spews to them. It's pathetic.

What is your hangup with Camp David???? Obama never used the compound... he preferred the 57th State and MVY. ... ml?utm_term=.8877e0cf8f11

You never spoke up when former first lady and her daughters went off on vacation trips to Europe, Spain, Africa and Asia. The media used to swoon at the NYC Obama date night in NYC.

Deflect? You need to move on to a fresh Trump bashing topics... this is old news for the next whiny liberal 24 hour news cycle.

Keep ignoring those numbers so you don't have to feel like a sucker. I'd probably want to ignore facts too if I got played this bad :)

Posted on: 2017/2/24 16:51

Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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TonyTwoPoops wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
No one talks about the cost of immigrantion, we spend billions when you add healthcare, education, housing but in the meantime, there is no money for bridges and tunnels which are falling apart and will becoma a tragedy. The illegal immigrant population will become part of the 47% that do not pay taxes.

I agree with you 100%, but the good guys won this issue. It's over, and we will get the illegal immigration crackdown we have desperately needed for years.

Just think of how many bridges we could fix with all the tax payer money we are spending on Trump's frequent vacations and housing Melania in the NYC tower she's too humiliated to leave. Can't wait to see the final tally and you foaming at the mouth to defend it like a good little chump.

And imagine what we can do with the savings from the millions in money/time spent protecting the President and his family from the thousands of threats... last weekend at his FL rally 4 aircraft breached the normal no fly zone established when AF1 is the air... an at least one incident, a USAF jet scrambled.

deflect deflect deflect

I hear Camp David is pretty secure if he cares about wasting so many funds- but then how will our big boy get to make a big show/security threat by showing off all his grown up nuclear documents to his hotel guests? (Btw what about Hilary's emails again???)He doesn't care about wasting the money of his spineless little followers because they are so dopey they buy whatever bullshit he spews to them. It's pathetic.

What is your hangup with Camp David???? Obama never used the compound... he preferred the 57th State and MVY. ... ml?utm_term=.8877e0cf8f11

You never spoke up when former first lady and her daughters went off on vacation trips to Europe, Spain, Africa and Asia. The media used to swoon at the NYC Obama date night in NYC.

Deflect? You need to move on to a fresh Trump bashing topics... this is old news for the next whiny liberal 24 hour news cycle.

Posted on: 2017/2/24 12:11

Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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JCMan8 wrote:

Monroe wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Hillary and Bill are worth hundreds of millions of dollars, 'earned' by pay for play, yet we're still paying for their Secret Service protection.

The cost of security, whether for President Trump and his wife and family, or when Obama was jetting all over the place (or when Michelle went to Africa with the kids and their friends), or for other ex Presidents-it's part of the cost. It's no different for any of them.

Obama is going to have, what, three residences-should we fund protection only for one?

Uh we provide security for all former presidents so I don't know why you're throwing that in there like we aren't paying the security for all the former Republican presidents.

Trumps vacations have already cost us $11.3 million and it's been a month. Obamas travel expenses for his 8 year term averaged $12.1 million each year. Don't complain about all the money being wasted on ACA and immigrants when you voted for someone who is basically wiping his ass with your tax dollars.

I'll bet you lump in the weekend in Florida President Trump spent WITH THE PRIME MINISTER OF JAPAN as a vacation, lol. At least he's golfing with a head of state, instead of sycophant donors like Obama did.

And, frankly, Obama DOUBLED THE NATIONAL DEBT as POTUS. If President Trump does that, shoot a flare. Thankee!

Let's politely ignore the crocodile tears Tony is shedding about taxpayer expenditures.

President Trump has already cut our national debt by $12 BILLION in his first month in office.

By contrast, Obama increased our national debt by $200 BILLION in his first month in office.

Trump is already beginning to Make America Great Again, and we've got 95 more months to look forward to! ... llion-in-his-first-month/

Yeah by cutting a bunch of important programs that Americans benefit from (that barely cost anything per taxpayer) because they don't feed his ego or line the pockets of him or his cronies. How much is that useless wall going to cost us again that you were promised we wouldn't be paying for?

Posted on: 2017/2/24 4:55

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Monroe wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Hillary and Bill are worth hundreds of millions of dollars, 'earned' by pay for play, yet we're still paying for their Secret Service protection.

The cost of security, whether for President Trump and his wife and family, or when Obama was jetting all over the place (or when Michelle went to Africa with the kids and their friends), or for other ex Presidents-it's part of the cost. It's no different for any of them.

Obama is going to have, what, three residences-should we fund protection only for one?

Uh we provide security for all former presidents so I don't know why you're throwing that in there like we aren't paying the security for all the former Republican presidents.

Trumps vacations have already cost us $11.3 million and it's been a month. Obamas travel expenses for his 8 year term averaged $12.1 million each year. Don't complain about all the money being wasted on ACA and immigrants when you voted for someone who is basically wiping his ass with your tax dollars.

I'll bet you lump in the weekend in Florida President Trump spent WITH THE PRIME MINISTER OF JAPAN as a vacation, lol. At least he's golfing with a head of state, instead of sycophant donors like Obama did.

And, frankly, Obama DOUBLED THE NATIONAL DEBT as POTUS. If President Trump does that, shoot a flare. Thankee!

Let's politely ignore the crocodile tears Tony is shedding about taxpayer expenditures.

President Trump has already cut our national debt by $12 BILLION in his first month in office.

By contrast, Obama increased our national debt by $200 BILLION in his first month in office.

Trump is already beginning to Make America Great Again, and we've got 95 more months to look forward to! ... llion-in-his-first-month/

Posted on: 2017/2/24 0:10

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Monroe wrote:
President Trump may be the only POTUS who will come out after 8 years worth less than when he went in. A true testament to his love of country.

You would have made a really good nazi.

Posted on: 2017/2/23 20:46

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President Trump may be the only POTUS who will come out after 8 years worth less than when he went in. A true testament to his love of country.

Posted on: 2017/2/23 20:44

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Monroe wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Hillary and Bill are worth hundreds of millions of dollars, 'earned' by pay for play, yet we're still paying for their Secret Service protection.

The cost of security, whether for President Trump and his wife and family, or when Obama was jetting all over the place (or when Michelle went to Africa with the kids and their friends), or for other ex Presidents-it's part of the cost. It's no different for any of them.

Obama is going to have, what, three residences-should we fund protection only for one?

Uh we provide security for all former presidents so I don't know why you're throwing that in there like we aren't paying the security for all the former Republican presidents.

Trumps vacations have already cost us $11.3 million and it's been a month. Obamas travel expenses for his 8 year term averaged $12.1 million each year. Don't complain about all the money being wasted on ACA and immigrants when you voted for someone who is basically wiping his ass with your tax dollars.

I'll bet you lump in the weekend in Florida President Trump spent WITH THE PRIME MINISTER OF JAPAN as a vacation, lol. At least he's golfing with a head of state, instead of sycophant donors like Obama did.

And, frankly, Obama DOUBLED THE NATIONAL DEBT as POTUS. If President Trump does that, shoot a flare. Thankee!

Nice spin on not answering or noting any of my points. I do lump it in as a vacation when it's his own hotel and he's advertising it to his guests and putting on a show while compromising our security with his stupidity. What a man of the people!

You can also blame congress for approving all that debt.

Fun quote from Politifact:

The figures are correct, and we don?t doubt the president shares some of the blame for the increased indebtedness. But Trump?s statement leaves out some key points.

First of all, the added debt wasn?t solely the responsibility of Obama; Congress had to approve it as well. And the recession that began before Obama took office in 2009 cut government revenues and led to some of the higher debt incurred during the president?s term.

Posted on: 2017/2/23 20:31

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TonyTwoPoops wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
No one talks about the cost of immigrantion, we spend billions when you add healthcare, education, housing but in the meantime, there is no money for bridges and tunnels which are falling apart and will becoma a tragedy. The illegal immigrant population will become part of the 47% that do not pay taxes.

I agree with you 100%, but the good guys won this issue. It's over, and we will get the illegal immigration crackdown we have desperately needed for years.

Just think of how many bridges we could fix with all the tax payer money we are spending on Trump's frequent vacations and housing Melania in the NYC tower she's too humiliated to leave. Can't wait to see the final tally and you foaming at the mouth to defend it like a good little chump.

And imagine what we can do with the savings from the millions in money/time spent protecting the President and his family from the thousands of threats... last weekend at his FL rally 4 aircraft breached the normal no fly zone established when AF1 is the air... an at least one incident, a USAF jet scrambled.

deflect deflect deflect

I hear Camp David is pretty secure if he cares about wasting so many funds- but then how will our big boy get to make a big show/security threat by showing off all his grown up nuclear documents to his hotel guests? (Btw what about Hilary's emails again???)He doesn't care about wasting the money of his spineless little followers because they are so dopey they buy whatever bullshit he spews to them. It's pathetic.

It's amusing to see your continued temper tantrums. I look forward to another 8 years of them.

Posted on: 2017/2/23 19:09

Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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TonyTwoPoops wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Hillary and Bill are worth hundreds of millions of dollars, 'earned' by pay for play, yet we're still paying for their Secret Service protection.

The cost of security, whether for President Trump and his wife and family, or when Obama was jetting all over the place (or when Michelle went to Africa with the kids and their friends), or for other ex Presidents-it's part of the cost. It's no different for any of them.

Obama is going to have, what, three residences-should we fund protection only for one?

Uh we provide security for all former presidents so I don't know why you're throwing that in there like we aren't paying the security for all the former Republican presidents.

Trumps vacations have already cost us $11.3 million and it's been a month. Obamas travel expenses for his 8 year term averaged $12.1 million each year. Don't complain about all the money being wasted on ACA and immigrants when you voted for someone who is basically wiping his ass with your tax dollars.

I'll bet you lump in the weekend in Florida President Trump spent WITH THE PRIME MINISTER OF JAPAN as a vacation, lol. At least he's golfing with a head of state, instead of sycophant donors like Obama did.

And, frankly, Obama DOUBLED THE NATIONAL DEBT as POTUS. If President Trump does that, shoot a flare. Thankee!

Posted on: 2017/2/23 18:47

Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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Monroe wrote:
Hillary and Bill are worth hundreds of millions of dollars, 'earned' by pay for play, yet we're still paying for their Secret Service protection.

The cost of security, whether for President Trump and his wife and family, or when Obama was jetting all over the place (or when Michelle went to Africa with the kids and their friends), or for other ex Presidents-it's part of the cost. It's no different for any of them.

Obama is going to have, what, three residences-should we fund protection only for one?

Uh we provide security for all former presidents so I don't know why you're throwing that in there like we aren't paying the security for all the former Republican presidents.

Trumps vacations have already cost us $11.3 million and it's been a month. Obamas travel expenses for his 8 year term averaged $12.1 million each year. Don't complain about all the money being wasted on ACA and immigrants when you voted for someone who is basically wiping his ass with your tax dollars.

Posted on: 2017/2/23 18:42

Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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Hillary and Bill are worth hundreds of millions of dollars, 'earned' by pay for play, yet we're still paying for their Secret Service protection.

The cost of security, whether for President Trump and his wife and family, or when Obama was jetting all over the place (or when Michelle went to Africa with the kids and their friends), or for other ex Presidents-it's part of the cost. It's no different for any of them.

Obama is going to have, what, three residences-should we fund protection only for one?

Posted on: 2017/2/23 18:31

Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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TheBigGuy wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
No one talks about the cost of immigrantion, we spend billions when you add healthcare, education, housing but in the meantime, there is no money for bridges and tunnels which are falling apart and will becoma a tragedy. The illegal immigrant population will become part of the 47% that do not pay taxes.

I agree with you 100%, but the good guys won this issue. It's over, and we will get the illegal immigration crackdown we have desperately needed for years.

Just think of how many bridges we could fix with all the tax payer money we are spending on Trump's frequent vacations and housing Melania in the NYC tower she's too humiliated to leave. Can't wait to see the final tally and you foaming at the mouth to defend it like a good little chump.

And imagine what we can do with the savings from the millions in money/time spent protecting the President and his family from the thousands of threats... last weekend at his FL rally 4 aircraft breached the normal no fly zone established when AF1 is the air... an at least one incident, a USAF jet scrambled.

deflect deflect deflect

I hear Camp David is pretty secure if he cares about wasting so many funds- but then how will our big boy get to make a big show/security threat by showing off all his grown up nuclear documents to his hotel guests? (Btw what about Hilary's emails again???)He doesn't care about wasting the money of his spineless little followers because they are so dopey they buy whatever bullshit he spews to them. It's pathetic.

Posted on: 2017/2/23 18:16

Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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TonyTwoPoops wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
No one talks about the cost of immigrantion, we spend billions when you add healthcare, education, housing but in the meantime, there is no money for bridges and tunnels which are falling apart and will becoma a tragedy. The illegal immigrant population will become part of the 47% that do not pay taxes.

I agree with you 100%, but the good guys won this issue. It's over, and we will get the illegal immigration crackdown we have desperately needed for years.

Just think of how many bridges we could fix with all the tax payer money we are spending on Trump's frequent vacations and housing Melania in the NYC tower she's too humiliated to leave. Can't wait to see the final tally and you foaming at the mouth to defend it like a good little chump.

And imagine what we can do with the savings from the millions in money/time spent protecting the President and his family from the thousands of threats... last weekend at his FL rally 4 aircraft breached the normal no fly zone established when AF1 is the air... an at least one incident, a USAF jet scrambled.

Posted on: 2017/2/23 18:05

Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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Our money is going to social programs for immigrants, in the billions of dollars, not to the needs of Americans. Bridges are in disrepair. ... ridges-need-work/8091313/

Posted on: 2017/2/23 17:54

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