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Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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2009/7/29 1:51
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people automatically assumed it was since the Police tweeted shots fired NEAR Planned Parenthood.

Police can't find the shooter/s.
it's still active shooting.
Witnesses from nearby stores saying the shooter/s appeared to have been shooting from the outside not from inside Planned Parenthood.
OTher reports saying shooter/s were shooting at passing cars.

No one still dont know where this shooter came from.
via CNN and DAily News


Adonis wrote:
How do you know it was a religious zealot?

Posted on: 2015/11/27 21:14

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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Posted on: 2015/11/27 21:11
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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How do you know it was a religious zealot?

Posted on: 2015/11/27 21:06

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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They're saying the call to 911 came from Planned Parenthood but its also a shopping area no one in Planned Parenthood said shooters was in the building. Shooting was NEAR Planned Parenthood but it appears the shooter was shooting randomly outside and might've barricade himself/herself in the building..


Monroe wrote:
Well, to your standards there's nothing to see.

There are 'reports' of shots fired but no confirmation (right now).

It was in the 'vicinity' of the Planned Parenthood office, not 'at' the facility. Could be some kids shooting off fireworks in an alley a block away who don't even know what PP is.


Posted on: 2015/11/27 20:40

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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Well, to your standards there's nothing to see.

There are 'reports' of shots fired but no confirmation (right now).

It was in the 'vicinity' of the Planned Parenthood office, not 'at' the facility. Could be some kids shooting off fireworks in an alley a block away who don't even know what PP is.


Posted on: 2015/11/27 20:14

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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2013/3/29 21:43
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Can we get a headcount of those cheering the guy shooting people at Planned Parenthood in Colorado?

Another senseless murder of people by a religious zealot. People on Twitter are celebrating him.


Posted on: 2015/11/27 20:04
Dos A Cero

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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OldskoolJC, you dancing internet sleuther-we cashed out of Boonton Electronics before 9/11. Note that I said this happened at a corporate distribution center, not a manufacturing plant. Same town, different business. Did you live in Tenafly then-if so, neither of us were in JC that day, so I can't comment on what happened here.


Jcman77 wrote:
Anyone looking to fact check Monroe's claims can call Boonton Electronics in Parsippany on 973 386-9696


Monroe wrote:
People have talked about Muslim celebrations since right after the attack. I saw one Muslim woman run towards another to give her the 'good news' and they embraced and smiled. (This was in Parsippany, not JC, at a corporate distribution center). It's not an urban legend if you saw it happen. The 710 WOR Mark Simone show had callers the other day recounting similar stories.

Sadly, iPhones with cameras didn't come around for, what, 6 years or so after.

Posted on: 2015/11/27 20:03

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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Every urban legend begins, "I know a guy" or "my neighbor told me," or "there was a cop...." And, not so strangely, the urban legend always reflects the particular set of biases of the story teller.

After a tragedy like 9/11, there are lots of crazy rumors. The fact is that local police and the FBI investigated the stories of Muslims celebrating and found nothing. The same happened when the local and national press did their own investigations. They found nada, zip, zero.

The one thing that is absolutely sure is that Trump's statement that he personally saw "thousands and thousands celebrating" is a complete lie.

Posted on: 2015/11/27 18:41

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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Facts don't matter. My outrage Trumps all!

See what I did there?

Seriously though, does anyone actually think Trump is going anywhere near the White House short of jumping a fence anytime soon? I do however see another reality TV show in the making.

Posted on: 2015/11/27 18:27

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11

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2015/11/21 13:31
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Anyone looking to fact check Monroe's claims can call Boonton Electronics in Parsippany on 973 386-9696


Monroe wrote:
People have talked about Muslim celebrations since right after the attack. I saw one Muslim woman run towards another to give her the 'good news' and they embraced and smiled. (This was in Parsippany, not JC, at a corporate distribution center). It's not an urban legend if you saw it happen. The 710 WOR Mark Simone show had callers the other day recounting similar stories.

Sadly, iPhones with cameras didn't come around for, what, 6 years or so after.

Posted on: 2015/11/27 18:25

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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Yvonne wrote:
the blind sheik who plotted the explosion in 1993, was unable to drive and plan all the activities of the first attack on WTC.

who is claiming he did this all by himself? There were others arrested and convicted with him for the bombing. Other followers were later also convicted on other terror charges.

Posted on: 2015/11/27 18:05

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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Yvonne wrote:
I won't put his name on this list, but the next time I see you I will tell you the name of the cop who said complaints came in but there is nothing we could do about people celebrating. As I said before

Ah, so he didn't see them either, just heard about them. Curious!

Posted on: 2015/11/27 18:02

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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I won't put his name on this list, but the next time I see you I will tell you the name of the cop who said complaints came in but there is nothing we could do about people celebrating. As I said before, I do not believe there was thousands but the blind sheik who plotted the explosion in 1993, was unable to drive and plan all the activities of the first attack on WTC. His supporters are still around, either in JC, Paterson, or elsewhere.

Posted on: 2015/11/27 17:43

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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Yvonne wrote:
Then I will repeat what I said before, a decent reporter should interview police officers on duty on 9/11 both still active and retired and get their point of view. 9/11 happened before cell phones had video as part of their features. I heard numerous people with no political agenda tell this including a JC cop still on duty.

Holy crap, you are either being intentionally obtuse, willfully ignorant or simply don't care to know how utterly stupid you are acting.

As our resident journalist has noted and the articles above noted and as other posters noted: PEOPLE WERE INTERVIEWED ON 9/11!!!!!!

Guess what? Thousands weren't celebrating. It didn't happen. I know that you have a hard time wrapping your head around the simple facts that are out there, but it's true.

Posted on: 2015/11/27 17:42
Dos A Cero

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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Yvonne wrote:
Then I will repeat what I said before, a decent reporter should interview police officers on duty on 9/11 both still active and retired and get their point of view.

As a matter of fact, I did. Every active and retired law enforcement source I spoke to said they saw no celebrations and heard of none. The only person who said they saw one (this person said it was a small group, not even close to the "thousands and thousands" that Trump claimed to have seen) refused to speak on the record.

Posted on: 2015/11/27 17:34

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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2004/6/17 2:16
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Then I will repeat what I said before, a decent reporter should interview police officers on duty on 9/11 both still active and retired and get their point of view. 9/11 happened before cell phones had video as part of their features. I heard numerous people with no political agenda tell this including a JC cop still on duty.

Posted on: 2015/11/27 17:22

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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Yvonne wrote:
You are putting a spin on things, Pebble. Basically you are saying your opinion counts, not the people who witnessed things in JC and Paterson, you the great Pebble have the answer and the witnesses to celebrations did not understand what they saw. You are acting like the P.R. person for Fulop. He needs votes from different ethnic groups including Muslims, so let's not stir things up which might be embarrassing if you are running for governor.

I have no idea what Fulop has to do with this. I care nothing about his campaign for governor. What I care about is bullshit getting repeated ad nauseum by ignorant people like yourself.

Over and over again these rumors have been quashed. Yet, you keep repeating them. There is no spin. There is simply no actual evidence that it occurred. And every time someone says ?I saw this? when pressed the response is ?I heard from someone that saw it? or they are completely making up the account.

Posted on: 2015/11/27 17:14
Dos A Cero

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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Yvonne wrote:
Basically you are saying your opinion counts, not the people who witnessed things in JC and Paterson

In case you missed this, Yvonne. This was the Star-Ledger story you were discussing last week, the one about Muslims celebrating in Paterson.

From the archives: Paterson Muslims struggle to overcome stereotypes (2001)

Hours after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, a story spread across the state: Palestinians in Paterson were celebrating in the streets.

Braced for a riot, the Paterson police rushed to South Main Street, the center of the city's Middle Eastern community.

"When we got there," Paterson Police Chief Lawrence Spagnola said, "They were all in prayer."

In the ensuing days, the rumor went national, lighting up talk radio phone lines. In the end, it was nothing more than rapid-fire urban myth.

Posted on: 2015/11/27 17:03

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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2004/6/17 2:16
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You are putting a spin on things, Pebble. Basically you are saying your opinion counts, not the people who witnessed things in JC and Paterson, you the great Pebble have the answer and the witnesses to celebrations did not understand what they saw. You are acting like the P.R. person for Fulop. He needs votes from different ethnic groups including Muslims, so let's not stir things up which might be embarrassing if you are running for governor.

Posted on: 2015/11/27 16:54

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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Yvonne wrote:
You are stating eveyone who saw something is misinterpreting what they saw? You are putting a political spin on this. People know what celebrations are, which are common and basic in all cultures.

Yeah, lots of people celebrate things. Yet you want to believe that everyone celebrating anything is celebrating death. That is cynical and disgusting.

What I am saying is that people make a lot of claims about what they see. Give your desire to lie in order to put forward a story, I do not trust your claims. Given that people here claimed their neighbors saw people cheering on a roof and the news stories which talked to those people learned that they were not Muslims but were Isrealis cheering our inevitable bombing of the Middle East... yes, I'm saying a lot of people claimed to see things that they didn't actually see.

Posted on: 2015/11/27 16:01
Dos A Cero

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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You are stating eveyone who saw something is misinterpreting what they saw? You are putting a political spin on this. People know what celebrations are, which are common and basic in all cultures.

Posted on: 2015/11/27 15:46

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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Monroe wrote:
They were called into HR a few days later and had a note in their permanent file that they 'disturbed' the workplace with their display. And yes, we have no cell phone video of anything that happened anywhere before, what, 2007 when the IPhone was released.

And you know I'm not a giant Trump fan, but NJ residents recall similar celebrations-this isn't Salem-type mass hysteria, it's real and it happened. You may choose to deny it, but your opinion doesn't make it any less true.

Again, none of that means anything. Many people misinterpret what they are witnesses. There are many psychological reports out there detailing the incredibly inaccurate accounts from eye witnesses.

This isn?t to say that these people weren?t happy about something, but to be specific that they were cheering the death of thousands is necessarily the same.


Yvonne wrote:
You are rationalizing this because it does not fit into your political correctness, Pebble. I was speaking to a JC police officer who said, yes, calls came in that day but it is not illegal to dance and celebrate. A serious reporter would interview police officers on duty on 9/11 that day both retired and still active for a complete report in both cities.

Oh give it a rest. I?m hardly ?politically correct.? You have an absurdly narrow world view. You see two events occur and immediately assume one caused another. Having spoken with you and listened to your rationalization, I know first-hand that you are not a critical thinker and are quite simple.

Having said that... serious reporters were covering the story on that day. They don?t need to go back to try and refresh someone?s memory from 14 years ago. On top of the fact that the memory recollection will be extremely unreliable, we have the very stories posted in this thread.

You have one individual here that posted about listening to the police scanners and hearing that the police *would* follow up on calls about people cheering to find that nobody was cheering.

I get that you are scared of people that are different from you. I get that having grown up during a different generation with a simple mind prevents you from grasping certain levels of change. That doesn?t make your ideas right. If anything, it just further warns others of how wrong you can be on just about any topic.

Posted on: 2015/11/27 15:03
Dos A Cero

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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You are rationalizing this because it does not fit into your political correctness, Pebble. I was speaking to a JC police officer who said, yes, calls came in that day but it is not illegal to dance and celebrate. A serious reporter would interview police officers on duty on 9/11 that day both retired and still active for a complete report in both cities.

Posted on: 2015/11/27 14:46

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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They were called into HR a few days later and had a note in their permanent file that they 'disturbed' the workplace with their display. And yes, we have no cell phone video of anything that happened anywhere before, what, 2007 when the IPhone was released.

And you know I'm not a giant Trump fan, but NJ residents recall similar celebrations-this isn't Salem-type mass hysteria, it's real and it happened. You may choose to deny it, but your opinion doesn't make it any less true.

Posted on: 2015/11/27 14:44

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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2013/3/29 21:43
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Monroe wrote:
People have talked about Muslim celebrations since right after the attack. I saw one Muslim woman run towards another to give her the 'good news' and they embraced and smiled. (This was in Parsippany, not JC, at a corporate distribution center). It's not an urban legend if you saw it happen. The 710 WOR Mark Simone show had callers the other day recounting similar stories.

Sadly, iPhones with cameras didn't come around for, what, 6 years or so after.

A lot of people see something, a moment, and don't actually understand what they are witnessing.

For instance, let's take your personal account. You have two women hugging to give "good news" and smiled. How long were you there for the interaction? Were you standing next to them or across the street? Were you listening as they embraced to all of the words they were saying?

Another entirely, even more likely, probable scenario is that the two embraced and were happy that a loved one was alive and not hurt in the attack. Or she was sharing news of a pregnancy. There are a number of scenarios that can exist.

The problem with these people calling in to radio stations is that none of it is actually verifiable. As previously pointed out here, the story of those cheering on the roof was covered in the newspaper and they were three Israelis, not Muslims. Yet, this whole "cheering on the rooftop" was repeated over and over again here even after there were four newspaper linked stories explaining who these people were and what was happening.

This is why the game telephone is so popular among children.

Posted on: 2015/11/27 14:29
Dos A Cero

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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Kearny business uses billboard to thank Fulop for criticizing Trump

By Jonathan Lin | The Jersey Journal
November 27, 2015 at 3:01 AM


KEARNY — A Kearny business is thanking Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop in a prominent fashion after Fulop criticized Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for saying he saw "thousands of people" in Jersey City cheer when the World Trade Center was destroyed on Sept. 11, 2001.

Real estate and recycling business Hugo Neu Corp put up a billboard reading, "Thank You Fulop for Fighting the Hate #MakeJerseyGreat" near Route 1&9 Truck and Hackensack Avenue in Kearny, an intersection many people drive through when entering or leaving Jersey City.

Read more: ... iness_uses_billboard.html

Posted on: 2015/11/27 8:32

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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People have talked about Muslim celebrations since right after the attack. I saw one Muslim woman run towards another to give her the 'good news' and they embraced and smiled. (This was in Parsippany, not JC, at a corporate distribution center). It's not an urban legend if you saw it happen. The 710 WOR Mark Simone show had callers the other day recounting similar stories.

Sadly, iPhones with cameras didn't come around for, what, 6 years or so after.

Posted on: 2015/11/27 2:40

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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The only things missing were the pom poms. It was know throughout J.C. at the time that the cheering section was atop of the apartment buildings near the V.I.P. diner. What makes you think Trump is lying ?

Posted on: 2015/11/27 2:24
Get on your bikes and ride !

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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Posted on: 2015/11/26 14:51

Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
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Who all wholesale switched to the Republican Party during the realignment of the 60s due to Nixon's Southern Strategy of cozying up to the racists and pledging not to enact any new civil rights legislation.

But you know that...

Posted on: 2015/11/25 21:28

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