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Re: Will Jersey City and Hoboken ever lose Abbott District Status?
Home away from home
2012/1/11 18:21 Last Login : 2019/12/26 15:30 From GV Bayside Park
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Posted on: 2015/10/19 23:26
Re: Will Jersey City and Hoboken ever lose Abbott District Status?
We all know that Jersey City is a very diverse community - economically, visually and socially and we all know that early childhood education and stimulation are crucial for a childs' development. The 'issue' or 'problem' is not one of color, single parent families or ethnic background. There are educated and uneducated single parent families, immigrant families and families of color. Although the Abbott system isn't perfect, it does provide access to an early education for Jersey City children who otherwise would not be able to attend pre-school. Yes, there are families who can afford pre-school for their children who do enroll their children in Abbot funded pre-schools. I don't think they should be blamed for taking advantage of the Abbott pre-school education - that is a problem with how the system is set up. There are difficult, complicated and sad situations found in all types of families. On the extreme end, school is sometimes the only constant in a child's life (including eating a regular meal for breakfast and lunch). The Abbott system isn't perfect, but it does provide help to a lot of families who do need the help. I don't believe in 'hand outs' but education isn't a hand out - it's a hand up. Maybe a better question is - what can we do as neighbors, individuals and /or groups to help? Just my two cents.
Posted on: 2015/10/19 22:59
Re: Will Jersey City and Hoboken ever lose Abbott District Status?
Home away from home
I agree that education is a moneypit - but the rest is speculation. Can we spend our education dollars state-wide better? Hell, yes. For example Abbott could be entirely replaced by a means-tested voucher system - or have the state fully fund public schools. Free preK should absolutely be means-tested. It's welfare.
Posted on: 2015/10/19 20:41
Re: Will Jersey City and Hoboken ever lose Abbott District Status?
Home away from home
Having children out of wedlock doesn't cause these outcomes. The absence of a stable financial income to support a family and time devoted to establishing a connection between caretaker/parent and child causes these outcomes. The nuclear family is not the same nuclear family you envision of the 1950s. Studies have shown kids with two caretakers/parents are just as successful. In fact, parents who have grandmothers who are extremely involved with the family also raise children with better outcomes. When the % of divorce is so high, marriage doesn't solve all problems...
Posted on: 2015/10/19 20:39
Re: Will Jersey City and Hoboken ever lose Abbott District Status?
Home away from home
Reality: as long as 80% of black kids are born out of wedlock, to largely single mothers, student outcomes will never ever improve. A massive cultural shift is needed, yet people still refuse to acknowledge that this internal problem even exists. So throw all the money you want at the problem, engineer all sorts of different funding schemes, unless the nuclear family model begins to rise in the black community, student outcomes will never change. And people can scratch their heads or blame outside forces all they want.
Posted on: 2015/10/19 20:13
Re: Will Jersey City and Hoboken ever lose Abbott District Status?
Home away from home
JC and Hoboken will lose Abbott status when NJ comes up with something better. And that should be based more on student outcomes and not about who pays - 2 areas that have been spectacular failures of Abbott.
Posted on: 2015/10/19 19:58
Re: Will Jersey City and Hoboken ever lose Abbott District Status?
Home away from home
2004/2/6 23:13 Last Login : 2021/7/30 1:08 From Jersey City
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sounds like you would be interested in reading this blog - unfortunately it is published anonymously, so take it for what it is. and particularly these posts (just search Jersey City) - ... should-not-be-abbott.html ... law-center-report-on.html ... aise-their-own-taxes.html ... cally-hoboken-has-no.html
Posted on: 2015/10/19 13:58
Re: Will Jersey City and Hoboken ever lose Abbott District Status?
Home away from home
2015/5/28 0:34 Last Login : 2024/8/5 12:48 From Jersey City
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Agreed, and so why does Hoboken also still receive Abbott funding? All the negative attention is on Jersey City, but Hoboken is the biggest offender.
Posted on: 2015/10/18 16:37
Re: Will Jersey City and Hoboken ever lose Abbott District Status?
Just can't stay away
Well thanks to all of the tax abatements for up to 30 years all the full taxing base in Jersey City would be on the hook for the difference basically it's wealthy welfare.
Hoboken and Jersey City can't be lumped together as Jersey City has a larger population. A larger portion of that population also lives below the poverty line.
Posted on: 2015/10/18 16:27
Will Jersey City and Hoboken ever lose Abbott District Status?
Home away from home
2015/5/28 0:34 Last Login : 2024/8/5 12:48 From Jersey City
Registered Users
With all the new luxury development going on in Jersey City and Hoboken, I'm left wondering when the Abbott district subsidies will end. What is the mechanism to remove a district from Abbott status?
Although I'm a huge supporter of new development, and tools such as tax abatements to encourage development, I think the suburban areas have a point that Jersey City and Hoboken receive hundreds of millions annually in state education aid when they can rely on their own ratable base like the rest of the state. I also wanted to highlight Hoboken especially. It's one of the wealthiest communities in the State with a median family income of over $120,000 and an average home value of over $550,000. How can this community be in same Abbott district class as Camden, Trenton, and Newark. It makes no sense!
Posted on: 2015/10/18 16:17