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Re: Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents
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2013/12/22 21:52
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From Jersey City
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The Journal Square farmer's market now plays loud music, which in my mind changes the entire mood of the market. This music, in addition to being tacky, just adds needless noise. Cities have so many unavoidable noises, but blaring sound systems are a choice.

I realize there are more serious/pressing issues to confront in JC, but regulating loud music played in public spaces is such an easy problem to fix.

Posted on: 2015/10/1 2:07

Re: Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents
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2005/7/14 18:51
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From on van vorst park
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Yvonne wrote:
When I lived on Van Vorst Park, every weekend there was a different event for different groups. These different one day events happened every Saturday and Sunday as days of chaos, loud noise, drinking, urine smells, and broken glass. There is always another culture event doing something next.
I usually leave you to your perceptions of reality, but your statement above must reflect experiences that happened over 14 years ago. There has not been a single permitted weekend event during that period that ever created the "chaos" you talk about. The only event which occurs each Saturday during the summer is our farmers' market, and unless you can hear vegetables scream, I don't have any idea to what you are referring. We do not schedule events on Sunday night, and events during the day are restricted to weddings and small birthday parties for children under six years old. Hope you are enjoying your new neighborhood, and are not bothered by any joyful events taking place nearby.

Posted on: 2015/10/1 1:36

Re: Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents
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Posted on: 2015/10/1 1:20

Re: Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents
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2004/6/17 2:16
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When I lived on Van Vorst Park, every weekend there was a different event for different groups. These different one day events happened every Saturday and Sunday as days of chaos, loud noise, drinking, urine smells, and broken glass. There is always another culture event doing something next.

Posted on: 2015/10/1 1:00

Re: Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents
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Yvonne wrote:
I remember taking care of a sick child really an infant when all types of noise came from Van Vorst Park. Some people who live here are families not party animals. This activity belongs in Liberty State Park. Jersey City is blessed with Liberty State Park so let's use it and stop forcing people listening to pure nonsense. People don't care for noisy helicopters and they don't care for blasting music.

I'm with you on noisy helicopters but this is not about that.
This was a one day event, on a Saturday, during the day where there was live music in a city.
Stop trying to spin everything, is Fulop responsible for this too as far as you are concerned?

Posted on: 2015/9/30 23:43

Re: Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents
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2004/6/17 2:16
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I remember taking care of a sick child really an infant when all types of noise came from Van Vorst Park. Some people who live here are families not party animals. This activity belongs in Liberty State Park. Jersey City is blessed with Liberty State Park so let's use it and stop forcing people listening to pure nonsense. People don't care for noisy helicopters and they don't care for blasting music.

Posted on: 2015/9/30 22:07

Re: Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents
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2008/11/10 4:48
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Kids with their rockin' and rollin' and hippity hoppity rap music. Some of us are trying to gum our dinner at 4pm!

Posted on: 2015/9/29 20:57

Re: Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents
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2012/10/12 12:58
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darn kids with their music at reasonable hours!

Posted on: 2015/9/29 20:22

Re: Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents
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2011/6/10 18:23
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Letter: Get Off Of My Lawn!

Posted on: 2015/9/29 19:36

Re: Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents
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2012/1/11 18:21
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I used to live around Union Square and the noise would rise up from the crowds into the surrounding buildings.

I lived on Bleeker in the early 90's on the first floor. Now that was noisy, the noise would not stop till about 5;00 AM.

i would just either leave home for a few hours away from the noise or join in the festivities.

Best advice if you don't want to move.

Posted on: 2015/9/29 15:12

Re: Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents
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2010/10/18 18:59
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I used to live around Union Square and the noise would rise up from the crowds into the surrounding buildings. I now live near city hall and it's rife with parties, demonstrations and parades. The noise does bother me a bit but it is not that awful -no more than 4 or 5 hours. I can put up with it because i chose to live here. I feel if it disrupts your sleep pattern, then you should complain but otherwise, i would just either leave home for a few hours away from the noise or join in the festivities. Noise comes with urban living.

Posted on: 2015/9/29 15:07

Edited by asny10011 on 2015/9/29 15:31:29

Re: Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents
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2005/5/11 19:17
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From Ward E - Hamilton Park
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The last band that played at the BBQ was way too loud. The other bands during the day played at reasonable volume for the area, which was refreshing. When the windows of my house vibrate - that's too loud.

Posted on: 2015/9/29 15:04

Re: Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents
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2011/11/30 12:46
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Yvonne wrote:
But some people have been living there before JC decided to make the parks into a noisy venue. The people who make these decisions do not live there.

Things change, cities change. No one ever promised you that they wouldn't.

Posted on: 2015/9/29 14:51

Re: Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents
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2010/5/26 20:32
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On_The_3rd wrote:
Maybe we can just turn back the clock to when Hamilton Park was a run down drug dealers paradise. You can put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Don't forget the hookers with mattresses too. They were very noisy.

Posted on: 2015/9/29 14:50

Re: Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents
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2010/2/2 15:43
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Maybe we can just turn back the clock to when Hamilton Park was a run down drug dealers paradise. You can put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Posted on: 2015/9/29 14:44

Re: Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents
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2004/6/17 2:16
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But some people have been living there before JC decided to make the parks into a noisy venue. The people who make these decisions do not live there.

Posted on: 2015/9/29 14:31

Re: Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents
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2005/9/20 14:11
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often times I hear dogs barking.

Posted on: 2015/9/29 13:41

Re: Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents
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2007/10/29 12:17
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I love how people overlook their own choices... If you chose to live on or around a public space, you are going deal with more noise than if you lived somewhere else...

Posted on: 2015/9/29 13:15

Re: Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents
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2004/6/17 2:16
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Events like this belong in Liberty State Park or even Lincoln Park. This wrong, people are entitled to have peace and quiet. Some people work nights especially people in the medical field.

Posted on: 2015/9/29 12:36

Re: Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents
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2012/1/11 18:21
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From GV Bayside Park
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Just move already, downtown is going to get much more busier with events as it should. Downtown areas across the land host events, get over it. I could not take the events, crowds or ugly high rises so I bounced.

Posted on: 2015/9/29 11:36

Re: Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents
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someone on JJ wrote:
Wow! I so wish I was you, Linda.

I live in Ward F. We are not able to get the police to do anything about the drug dealers across the road. The block association has tried to take action, I have tried to take action. Nothing happened. In fact, the city just awarded the drug dealer's landlord a significant tax abatement, so you and I are paying to house drug dealers. That's where the tax abatement money is going in Ward F.

The residents of the building that was awarded the tax abatement sit in the street until early in the morning, and get drunk and throw their garbage in the street. Calling the police is useless. They don't do anything.

We have had several fires in the street in the past fews years. It's a miracle the fire brigade has been able to attach a hose to the hydrant because residents park in front of the hydrant almost every day. People also routinely park on the street corner making it hard to turn the corner. Traffic tickets are not issued.

Summer is the worst, because the drug dealers are out on the street all night. Our neighbors this year decided to have their relatives live on their front steps, so from March until September we had a family of 3 staring at us every time we walked out our front door. The police were called when the other neighbor's daughter went off the rails and she was arrested. She was living in her car in front of our house up until this point.

Because of the people who hang in the street all night, our front bedroom is unusable, so we had soundproof windows installed. We cannot have the windows open at night, so in summer we run the air conditioning every night and in winter we keep them closed. We open them during the day to air the room, but it depends a lot on who is drunk on the street yelling, so sometimes we still close them. The window installation came shortly after a shooting outside our window.

We have not one, not two pit bulls but five surrounding us. Our neighbors went on and on about how pit bulls are harmless, and were oblivious to the fact that they kept jumping the fence to come after us in our yard. We had to have a larger back fence installed just so we could walk out into our yard in safety. In early summer the smell from the dog feces made the yard unusable, but they must have cleaned it up because we don't notice it now.

The schoolchildren are better now. The first year they damaged our car. Even though we had footage of the incident, of course they are minors so we had to pay for the repairs ourselves.

Seriously, how would you like to do a house swap? I would so love it if I had your problems.

The music was unnecessarily loud. But the ghetto is worse.

Posted on: 2015/9/29 11:19

Re: Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents
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When I attended the HP BBQ around 6pm Sat - the band playing was a semi-acoustic skiffle group. In no way could they be considered excessively loud. Think you need to chill.

Posted on: 2015/9/29 3:16

Re: Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents
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2010/11/17 1:11
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I live near a fire station and I hear fire trucks a lot, I'd like the city to stop the sirens please.

Posted on: 2015/9/29 2:47

Re: Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents
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2015/3/8 23:14
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I would also like the Mayor to personally guarantee that I am visited by no adversity for the rest of my time as a resident and tax paying citizen of Jersey City.

All of these people and their noises are offensive to me. I can constantly hear the "1 and 2 and 3" of the Barre classes across the street from me. These start at 5am! Later, crowds gather for lunch at the open air restaurant near my bedroom window. I am once again denied pin drop silence in my urban domicile.
Dinner time is also disturbed by Mayor Fulop's new "hip, happening" Jersey City. I hesitate to use the term "gangs of thugs", but there's really no other way to describe the gangs of thugs that hoot and holler outside my doorway, often sitting on the steps outside of my building, despite the fact that I have purchased those very steps with my own money. No one gets to sit on my steps but me. I have paid for them, and I will sit in comfortable silence while on them. Don't speak to me while I am on my steps.

Please move further away from my steps.

Posted on: 2015/9/29 2:13

Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents
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2009/10/7 15:46
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Letter: Hamilton Park music events too loud for nearby residents

By Letters To The Editor | The Jersey Journal
on September 28, 2015 at 5:52 PM, updated September 28, 2015 at 5:54 PM

I am a resident in the Hamilton Park neighborhood in Jersey City.

Over the past couple of years, there have be an increasing number of events in the park that involve music performed by bands with loud amplifiers. The music can go on for up to 8 hours

Jj piece? ... oud_for.html#incart_river

Posted on: 2015/9/29 1:42

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