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Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Home away from home
Jesus Christ, the bartender at the time was 20. Relax its legal. A sweet 20 year old there by his own free will. Enough. Are you Aaron or Jeff? Get a clue and fuck off already. Good god. Go vote for Trump or something
Posted on: 2015/9/4 5:13
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Not too shy to talk
2015/9/3 14:56 Last Login : 2015/9/18 11:58 From Greenville JC
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I don't believe there was ulterior motives from the bar owner besides maybe some free advertisement , I do believe however that the situation was blew out of proportion on purpose for that precise reason. Why wasn't the bartender interviewed or give a statement as to what happened? It looks the owner saw an opportunity and ran with it. In light of everything going on at the JCIA the last couple months, I can't say it was a bad idea.
Posted on: 2015/9/4 4:35
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Home away from home
Uhhhh what???
Posted on: 2015/9/4 3:52
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Home away from home
Occam's razor - Wolf promised the guy free drinks to take Pint's garbage away on the public dime- till Wolf figured he was getting ripped off on the deal. What else makes sense? A random idiot demanding beer in a bar? Yea right, Mr Wolf!
Posted on: 2015/9/4 3:40
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
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2007/7/4 16:37 Last Login : 2021/11/4 21:55 From Hamilton Park
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I leave this thread for a few pints and the conversation has already shifted to darker motives..., so jclist. Honestly what does occam's razor suggest to you guys? You really think that Wolf would take the risk of lying to cover some garbage issue? Really? The penalty on his business reputation if exposed would be stiff. That he would enjoy to come public on shady activity on the other hand because it is nice to play the good cop and bring business at the same time is perfectly plausible on the other hand. And you know what? I have no problem with that and getting a pint at his establisment in the meantime. Has anyone contacted Candice or Wolf otherwise?
Posted on: 2015/9/4 1:19
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Home away from home
Where are you getting this targeted because its a gay bar and "intimidated" and "threatening" from? The articles? I can't read through most of this nonsense again. If you are referring to me saying the second video looked pretty intimidating kick rocks. I'm a woman and I know the 2 people who were in that bar that night and neither of them are fighters. It looked intimidating to ME. So bounce. I have nothing to do with Pint except that I go there to have a beer, its 100 feet from my house. The name PINT is spray painted on all their garbage and recycling cans. And what's. The deal with namedropping Tommy??? LOL Ridiculous. Some asshole tried to be a hard ass and get free booze, and got fired, WTF is the issue? Also JerseyMom is always spot on, always.
Posted on: 2015/9/4 0:34
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Not too shy to talk
2015/9/3 14:56 Last Login : 2015/9/18 11:58 From Greenville JC
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I concur, too many times I've seen people throw their kitchen bags in the city cans on the corner meant for pedestrian loose trash. But that's neither here nor there. The fact of the matter is, it's not hard to take a good look around & smell the coffee. I mean it doesn't take the sharpest tool in the shed to realize the obvious. However, with the situation downtown at "Pint", the fact that they walked in that bar when they didn't have to was bad enough , and who knows what was said. Based on what they gave us, it seems like a media-driven, overspun exaggerated story for attention. Point blank. Nowhere in the video did I see the bartender "physically threatened" or that they "targeted the gay bar". As I've mentioned in previous posts, they should've just left the garbage there if they knew they didn't have to take it, but the over-done dramatization of "they intimidated & threatened to physically harm us unless we boozed them" is ridiculous, given the evidence. I highly doubt that was the case. Maybe they did say they wouldn't take the garbage. No one knows. But physically threatened? I don't see that. Just another perspective.
Posted on: 2015/9/3 23:23
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Home away from home
+1 It's not smelling so sweet right now....
Posted on: 2015/9/3 20:03
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Home away from home
If these things are indeed happening then I blame the JCIA for letting it happen. It seems to me the city is missing out collecting some fines with these violations, am I right? It's rather puzzling for me who has been on the receiving end of a JCIA ticket that such thing are being allowed so blatantly. It's either incompetence or there is underlying corruption.
I'm leaning more towards corruption with a side of incompetence.
Posted on: 2015/9/3 18:36
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Just can't stay away
2014/6/14 13:09 Last Login : 2024/7/10 11:10 From Jersey City
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of course they do. look up and down bergen, west side and kennedy. also home owners and renters throw tons of garbage in corner garbage cans as well so its 2 fold. i am not saying commercial places are putting all thier garbage out but if you take a look sometimes you will see things in residential or public garbage that are not sold for individual use (even with the big box stores)
this doesnt even talk about places who dump their cooking grease down the sewers. every morning as i walk by the Mosque on kennedy they are throwing away tons of construction materials from the companies who are run out of there. people who live in the apartment buildings to the right of them also come out as they are leaving and dump 1-2 shopping bags of home garbage on the corners so by 8 or 9 am those cans are overflowing, some at least tie the bags closed most dont. and no i dont have any skin in the game, dont own a business nor have any issues with the JCIA. i am stating what is easily seen.
Posted on: 2015/9/3 18:25
Censorship is for pussies!!!!
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Home away from home
How do you know this as a verifiable fact? If you have skin-in-this-game, you can better help the list by being factual. As a newbie opining on a politically-charged topic, you can expect some healthy cynicism about your postings. If businesses are indeed mixing their garbage (like volumes and volumes of bottles and cans and the like) with residential garbage, then we have another troubling issue that has major implications on our city.
Posted on: 2015/9/3 16:47
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Not too shy to talk
2015/9/3 14:56 Last Login : 2015/9/18 11:58 From Greenville JC
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Posted on: 2015/9/3 16:44
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Home away from home
The 'threat' is not of violence or any such that would make someone feel 'intimidated' on camera. If someone threatens me of not picking up my garbage, my first reaction would be utter annoyance and slight amusement as I will be looking forward to speaking with your boss.
Just to add, you keep harping on why JCIA or their contractors should pick up garbage they should not have. Nobody here is disputing that. The question is, why would you offer to do so in return for bribes? Don't pick up their garbage. End of story. Why even interact with the business and be in this position?
Posted on: 2015/9/3 16:32
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Not too shy to talk
2015/9/3 14:56 Last Login : 2015/9/18 11:58 From Greenville JC
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Not for the JCIA or even the company contracted, but the garbage men themselves, if any of you are too oblivious to look around your block on garbage day, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that Jersey City produces ALOT of garbage. Being as much as it is already, why should they have to pick up stops they're not required to? In no way or shape am I saying if the allegations are factual that asking for booze in payments was the right thing to do, if they knew they didnt have to pick it up, they should've just left it there. Point blank. The video doesn't say much. Nobody can really say what happened besides the people in the bar. My whole point was that most businesses put their garbage out with the resident garbage to avoid paying for their own pick-up.
Posted on: 2015/9/3 16:31
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Not too shy to talk
2015/9/3 14:56 Last Login : 2015/9/18 11:58 From Greenville JC
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To my understanding, it wasn't JCIA, but the company contracted by the city who do the residential garbage and recycle pick-up. Not defending anyone, just stating the facts of the city law pertaining to disposal pick-up. As to the "threats", that guy looked about 60, I highly doubt the bartender was "intimidated", if he was, why would he go outside with the garbage men ? Why wouldn't he lock the door to the bar and call the cops immediately? Isn't that what people do when they feel their well-being is threatened? I know I would.
Posted on: 2015/9/3 16:21
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Home away from home
Because they apparently felt a rush of compassion for the JCIA from reading this thread and suddenly felt compelled to join the discussion as a totally neutral party!
Posted on: 2015/9/3 16:18
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Home away from home
So why wouldn't the JCIA send a letter, or inform him through some official channel? Instead of sending thugs to threaten people and demand free booze, and then threatening to sic building inspectors on them? Why are you trying to defend the JCIA here?
Posted on: 2015/9/3 16:15
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Not too shy to talk
2015/9/3 14:56 Last Login : 2015/9/18 11:58 From Greenville JC
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I clearly said he didn't know he had to pay an outside company to come take his refuse, nothing in my post did I mention anything about booze. My point was the fact of these businesses putting out all of their garbage and recycle and getting it picked up free of charge because it's sitting next to the garbage from the house next door. Nothing more nothing less. Nice reading comprehension skills buddy.
Posted on: 2015/9/3 16:03
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Not too shy to talk
2015/9/3 14:56 Last Login : 2015/9/18 11:58 From Greenville JC
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Not saying that's the right way to do things, far from it. He probably would've got off cheaper throwing them a few beers to take home with them then paying Waste Management or a private company x amount of dollars to come every week. I take it that's what most businesses do, whether it be free food, a few waters or gatorades once a week doesn't seem to steep. Looks like his free service is over from now on though.
Posted on: 2015/9/3 15:57
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Home away from home
Ah yes, he didn't know you should pay for disposal services using booze. What an idiot. -_______- C'mon man.
Posted on: 2015/9/3 15:54
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Not too shy to talk
2015/9/3 14:56 Last Login : 2015/9/18 11:58 From Greenville JC
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My guess would be maybe he didn't know he had to pay for his own disposal of trash & recycle. It's safe to say that the workers are not sifting through every can of garbage trying to figure out what's what & where it came from, they just throw it in, so he probably got by with free service for years, whats that they say? All press is good press no? I noticed he tried to say they "targeted the gay bar", a part of me is saying that he saw a situation, whether it be true or false, & ran with it. Everyone could be wrong, if only there was audio. Just my 2 cents..
Posted on: 2015/9/3 15:48
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Home away from home
If the allegations are untrue, why would the bar owner expose himself in such a way? Doesn't make sense.
Posted on: 2015/9/3 15:35
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Not too shy to talk
2015/9/3 14:56 Last Login : 2015/9/18 11:58 From Greenville JC
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I made an account specifically to comment on this situation. Most of you have not the slightest clue of what you're talking about. Sounds like regurgitated BS you heard on TV or read in the paper. Businesses in Jersey City i.e.restaurants bars bodegas are required to get their own means of disposing of their garbage and recyclables, meaning they have to hire an outside company to come & collect their stuff. The company contracted by the city is required to pick up city residential garbage only , & what these businesses do is try to get over those expensive commercial stop fees by mingling their garbage in with the resident garbage & take advantage of the city service & these garbage men sweat and hard work.Point blank. Let's be realistic here, it's a tough job & I always take care of my local garbage men with water whenever I get a chance. Obviously, if the bar owners story is true, then that behavior is unacceptable & that employee should be dealt with accordingly. As for the video, there's no telling what was said with no audio, but the bartender looked no where near "intimidated", I am interested to see how this plays out though..
Posted on: 2015/9/3 15:16
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Home away from home
Agreed Jerseymom. I thought it was very strange to see Candice Osbournes response to all this on the owner of Pints social media- saying that it was in fact being investigated (even though he had received no feedback to his complaint) while this guy is still "working" and demanding booze. I'm pretty sure most of us wouldn't be given a two week window to continue working if we behaved this way at our own places of employment. Why was this guy even given the luxury of being able to continue working when the evidence being shown was so obviously incriminating?? That's concerning to me. Is garbageman now an elected official that needs to be impeached?? Why did this take so long?
Posted on: 2015/9/3 14:41
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Home away from home
I agree. What is the name of the employee that was fired? Will he be arrested? What about his cohorts on the truck (they didn't play a part in this, really?) Were the other business owners on the route interviewed to see if they were VICTIMS and for how long? If a full investigation isn't launched against the JCIA and Building Department, then either this incident is something other than what it is - or it's Jersey City acting like the same 'ol Jersey City - and transparency be damned. If it walks like a duck, folks.
Posted on: 2015/9/3 14:27
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Home away from home
Posted on: 2015/9/3 14:06
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Home away from home
Sterling said when he tried to report the incident to the Jersey City Incinerator Authority, he was met with resistance. Seems to me that there should be more people fired.
Posted on: 2015/9/3 13:29
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
Home away from home
Hey look! Someone from Regional Indistries sobered up and found JClist! Good for you- maybe next time make it a little less obvious by having more than three posts and a dissenting opinion that makes sense.
Posted on: 2015/9/3 12:37
Re: JCIA Garbage Men Tried to Shake Down "Pint" Owner for Booze
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2005/3/21 20:01 Last Login : 2020/9/5 14:18 From Exchange Place
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Sanitation Worker Fired After Reports Of Demanding Drinks For Pickup At Jersey City Bar
September 2, 2015 11:24 PM JERSEY CITY, N.J. (CBSNewYork) ? A sanitation worker in Jersey City has been fired, after being accused of refusing to pick up the trash at a local bar unless the bartender served them free drinks, CBS2 has learned. The worker who was employed by Regional Industries, and was supposed to pick up recycling in Jersey City. But the owner of the Pint Bar said before doing their jobs, the man and others would demand drinks or cash, for bribes. ?The guy was so blatant, and he seemed to think in this day and age that he wouldn?t get caught,? said Wolf Sterling, owner of The Pint in Jersey City. As CBS2 reported exclusively Tuesday night, Sterling has been fighting back against the sanitation workers he claimed tried to shake down employees at his bar. It all started on Aug. 13, when surveillance video showed a man representing the Jersey City Incinerator Authority walking up to the bar window and allegedly demanding that the employee step outside. ?He informed my employee his supervisor told him he could no longer pick up our recycling, but he would do so if we bribed him with liquor,? Sterling said. The bartender refused, and the man promised to return. The worker is employed by the Jersey City Incinerator Authority, an independent agency contracted by the city. When the worker returned last week, Sterling said his surveillance cameras captured the man once again demanding alcohol in exchange for doing his job. ?They asked for liquor, and made it clear they would have to supply them liquor on a weekly basis for this gentleman and his entire truck in order for them to continue picking up our trash,? Sterling said. Sterling said when he tried to report the incident to the Jersey City Incinerator Authority, he was met with resistance. ?They said that if I pursued the complaint that I would have city inspectors come through my business, so it was a threat not to pursue the complaint,? he said. The city of Jersey City also said it is investigating this incident. ... worker-fired-jersey-city/
Posted on: 2015/9/3 11:52