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Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
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2008/7/2 19:11
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From Paulus Hook
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How do you not puke drinking all that Koolaid?

Posted on: 2015/3/14 0:37

Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
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2013/5/15 14:11
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Perhaps Pebble can hold Menendez and Clinton to the Christie standard.

Posted on: 2015/3/13 23:14

Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
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A call for a Huson-Bergen light rail extension amid the specter of criminal indictment


ENGLEWOOD — Voice projecting confidently over the noisy workday traffic, surrounded by a scrum of federal and state officials bearing chilly wind on a cold March afternoon, it was almost as if U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) wasn’t a man days away from criminal indictment by the Department of Justice over allegations that he used his seat in Washington to illegally aid a personal friend.

And yet he is.


A week ago, information leaked that federal prosecutors were preparing to smack Menendez, a ranking Democrat in Washington, with criminal corruption charges as part of a years-long investigation into his relationship with Florida optometrist Salomon Melgen. The news sent reporters and politicians into a frenzy, looking ahead to all the ways such an indictment might impact by proxy a whole host of other issues, from 2017’s gubernatorial race to who might be selected as his replacement should the senator be forced to step down. Meanwhile, Menendez stood defiant, by all indications determined to go about his business as usual.

Yet those charges have yet to drop, and there is growing skepticism among many insiders as to whether there’s any truth to them in the first place. Lawmakers in Trenton and Menendez’s closest allies in places like Hudson County spent much of the last week pledging tentative allegiance to the embattled Democrat, or in some cases standing firm alongside him. Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop, who long ago tied his fate to the Hudson County senator in a statewide race for the governor’s seat in 2017, told PolitickerNJ that “anyone who is making assumptions about Bob Menendez based on a news story, clearly doesn’t know the Senator.”

Read more at A call for a Bergen-Huson light rail extension amid the specter of indictment | New Jersey News, Politics, Opinion, and Analysis Follow us: @politickernj on Twitter | PolitickerNJ on Facebook

Posted on: 2015/3/13 22:22

Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
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Monroe wrote:
I'll only address the last point, because the earlier ones don't hold any water.
probability of Christie knowing anything about the traffic jam is virtually zero. Despite millions of dollars spent to find that to be true, there is no 'is' there.

As far as the back-up meme of 'well, they were his staffers and he cultivated it'-anyone who feels this way should also feel that way about Obama and the IRS, Clinton and Libya, Holder and his failed civil rights incitements). But those who feel that way about Christie won't accept that, will they?

So when you said "I'll only address the last point" you actually meant to say, "I won't address your last point at all!"

I'm completely down with investigating all of it. I've said it numerous times. You want a 30th Benghazi investigation? Be my guest. If Hillary did something wrong, string her up and send her away. I really don't care.

However, I'm at least be intellectually honest with the facts. You seem to think that Christie, who provided select personal emails is definitely not hiding something while Hillary who provided select personal emails is.

I think they're all hiding something. The question is, how much is getting hidden and is it really that serious...

Posted on: 2015/3/11 17:01
Dos A Cero

Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
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I'll only address the last point, because the earlier ones don't hold any water.

The probability of Christie knowing anything about the traffic jam is virtually zero. Despite millions of dollars spent to find that to be true, there is no 'is' there.

As far as the back-up meme of 'well, they were his staffers and he cultivated it'-anyone who feels this way should also feel that way about Obama and the IRS, Clinton and Libya, Holder and his failed civil rights incitements). But those who feel that way about Christie won't accept that, will they?

Posted on: 2015/3/11 15:35

Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
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TheBigGuy wrote:
What an amazing woman, capable of going through 52000 emails to identify 32000 that needed to be deleted. Why is it the Obama Administration has so many problems with the .gov email system. Just last week, the IG investigating the IRS deal found the 55000 emails from Lois Lerner. It will take them 7 months to review them. Not sure how anybody can watch that UN interview and come away believing her. The Clinton Foundation gets millions of $$$ from Muslim countries and within a year she is visiting them brokering sweetheart deals? Now let me ask, what email did she use to avoid a conflict of interest? ... y-clinton-email.html?_r=0

Do you honestly believe that she, personally, was going through 5200 emails?

You?re sounding delusional with the Clinton Foundation stuff. It?s Michael Moore level, the Bush family let the Obama family fly out of the country the day after 9/11 when nobody else was allowed to fly, nonsense.


Monroe wrote:
Pebble, not even Democrats are buying Clinton's lies, and her appearance yesterday hurt her even more.

She said she set up the server for her husband (coinkedinkily, just before she became Sec of State). Er, according to news sources, he's sent TWO emails in his life-neither of them to her!

Next, she said she did it because she didn't want to have more than one device. Except she's used more than one device often in the past.

And she says she didn't want to be inconvenienced by needing two devices more multiple email accounts. WTF? Who can't have two email accounts on one device?? Do we want a POTUS who is so stupid he/she can't figure this out?

Do you know what sucks? You actually have me defending Hillary Clinton on something that I think she was wrong in doing. The fact is, I don?t want Hillary as president. Do you know who I find even more distasteful? Every scumbag and liar that the Republican Party is putting forward at the moment. If you think Jeb Bush, his own secret email accounts, his wrongness on Cuba along with him being so very out of touch on women?s rights, is any better then I want your drugs! How about Rand Paul acting like a traitor in communicating with Iran in an attempt to undermine the steps the government is taking?

Hillary Clinton is 67 years old. I can?t say that I blame her for not understanding how to setup email on devices or understanding which account she?s sending from. That doesn?t make her stupid, it means she grew up in a different age. When my grandparents were alive, I was surprised when one of them learned how to use email. Some people are just not technologically proficient. It doesn?t make them stupid. What makes someone stupid is saying that vaccinations are a personal choice or saying that vaccinations cause autism.

Ultimately, Hillary is a politician. That makes her a liar by default. So, no, I don?t believe she setup servers for her husband or for not needing two email accounts. I do think there are emails she didn?t want people to see however I don?t think they are nearly incriminating enough to make anyone blink. I?d guess they were more along the lines of ?Rand Paul is such a moron.? Which is a factual statement (anyone advocating flat tax deserves the title).

If she was smart, she would have CC?ed her .gov email address but she didn?t. Either she didn?t think of it, was too lazy or she figured that it would be better to go through the correspondence later on.


Monroe wrote:
Re:the traffic jam-again, what if Christie did the same thing? If he'd had a private email, with a private server, then destroyed tens of thousands of records and only turned over to Whizzy and Whiney what his staff deemed appropriate? You'd be yelling bloody murder. Yet even though he handed over his gov and private email records, gov and private phone information and texts, and not one has been found to connect him to the lane closures, you're still trying to link him to it? We still don't know what Clinton was doing the night of the attack-maybe the removed emails could shed some light on that? Ooops-we can't find them!

As far as the security of the server, turn it over, Hillary-it's your only hope. What is she hiding?

Come on, I?m not ?trying? to link him. I am just not stupid. There are only a few reasons that GWB was shutdown. One is that Christie cultivated a culture where bullying and petty revenge were acceptable responses for not getting exactly what they want. Another is that Christie ordered it himself. You can choose to ignore these all you want and say that Christie had nothing to do with it, but in the end the fact is he never testified. When he claimed that he would ?get to the bottom of this,? he was lying since he?s released nothing. His expensive internal investigation using his good buddies never interviewed the actual people known to be involved in the crime.

As for emails, I?m not ?yelling bloody murder.? I know what Christie is. Heck, we all do. Look at how Samson robbed the Port Authority for his own personal gain. The guy was doing it for years and Christie was perfectly cool with it.

Just as an aside, I can easily call you a hypocrite. You?ve pointing out that Christie turned over personal emails. How do you know he turned over all of them? You?re arguing that we can?t know that Hillary turned them all over yet you completely take Christie, a proven liar, at his word that he turned over all of his? I don?t know how you resolve this non-hypothetical conundrum?

Posted on: 2015/3/11 13:58
Dos A Cero

Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
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Pebble, not even Democrats are buying Clinton's lies, and her appearance yesterday hurt her even more.

She said she set up the server for her husband (coinkedinkily, just before she became Sec of State). Er, according to news sources, he's sent TWO emails in his life-neither of them to her!

Next, she said she did it because she didn't want to have more than one device. Except she's used more than one device often in the past.

And she says she didn't want to be inconvenienced by needing two devices more multiple email accounts. WTF? Who can't have two email accounts on one device?? Do we want a POTUS who is so stupid he/she can't figure this out?

Re:the traffic jam-again, what if Christie did the same thing? If he'd had a private email, with a private server, then destroyed tens of thousands of records and only turned over to Whizzy and Whiney what his staff deemed appropriate? You'd be yelling bloody murder. Yet even though he handed over his gov and private email records, gov and private phone information and texts, and not one has been found to connect him to the lane closures, you're still trying to link him to it? We still don't know what Clinton was doing the night of the attack-maybe the removed emails could shed some light on that? Ooops-we can't find them!

As far as the security of the server, turn it over, Hillary-it's your only hope. What is she hiding?

Posted on: 2015/3/11 10:23

Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
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2009/5/12 22:51
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What an amazing woman, capable of going through 52000 emails to identify 32000 that needed to be deleted. Why is it the Obama Administration has so many problems with the .gov email system. Just last week, the IG investigating the IRS deal found the 55000 emails from Lois Lerner. It will take them 7 months to review them. Not sure how anybody can watch that UN interview and come away believing her. The Clinton Foundation gets millions of $$$ from Muslim countries and within a year she is visiting them brokering sweetheart deals? Now let me ask, what email did she use to avoid a conflict of interest? ... y-clinton-email.html?_r=0

Posted on: 2015/3/11 3:11

Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
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2013/3/29 21:43
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Proceed with caution. You are not in waters for which you know a great deal. Most people don?t, which is why this is the ?controversy? that it is...

Monroe wrote:
Nonsense. No one knows anything about Hilary's basement server. Nada. Zilch. Anyone saying it could be more secure than one used by the POTUS and Sec of State without knowing anything is an idiot.

Right here is where you are wrong. Finding information about whether a domain has some form PGP/GPG encryption is not that difficult.

For this, I?ll go with Jonathan Mayer and his tests on her servers as well as State servers over your declaration of "anyone knowing anything is an idiot." There may be no exact setup for what her servers were like during that time, but I find it hard to believe there wasn?t a level of SSL.

The fact is email isn?t secure. Period. The only secure email is one not sent.

Colin Powell stated that he used his personal email address alone while he was Secretary of State and that he doesn't have those emails anymore. Aside from the fact that we know he was part of the big lie that landed our soldiers in Iraq and ultimately lead to the creation of ISIS, is this a scandal? I'll say no because these people weren't doing State business via email.


Monroe wrote:
Second, she set it up precisely before she became Sec of State to avoid accountability. She takes a trip to Libya, is seen in photographs working her Blackberry-and the Benghazi panel can't find a SINGLE email from that trip.

She could have been emailing her daughter. She could have been emailing Bill to tell him to get his hands off some woman's ass. She could have been checking text messages. She could have been playing Candy Crush. You can find me on my phone quite often and it doesn?t mean I?m always emailing.

I will also point out that she did turn over emails for her trip. The committee people are just complaining to complain now.


Monroe wrote:
Third, she's tried this before-when her hubbie was POTUS, she tried to have phone lines placed in the private quarters that didn't go through the White House switchboard. Her request then was denied, of course.

Ok. Your point is??


Monroe wrote:
Fourth, 'not every' politician did it. Had Christie done the same, then had staffers go through his email to 'select' what to release to the traffic gate investigators (and hard copies at that) would you be saying the same thing? 'It's no biggie'? Hardly.

For one, the two are not the same. There is actual factual evidence that people in the Christie administration intentionally shut down the GWB. There is no evidence of wrongdoing with Benghazi.

Second, I've discussed this issue elsewhere and I'm disappointed by the news of Hillary's decision because of its image. I don?t think she is covering things up, but she allowed that image to show up.

The woman is a politician. She has grand aspirations, like all politicians. She?s no different than Christie in a lot of ways and a heck of a lot better in other ways. I wouldn't want to spend a weekend with any of them, but that doesn't mean that they have emails out there talking about Vince Foster or that she orchestrated the attack in Benghazi.

All I see are conspiracy theories based on little more than the fact that people don't like the woman. Heck, I'm not even a fan of Hillary and this simply doesn't register much on my give-a-shit-ometer...

Posted on: 2015/3/10 13:43
Dos A Cero

Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
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Nonsense. No one knows anything about Hilary's basement server. Nada. Zilch. Anyone saying it could be more secure than one used by the POTUS and Sec of State without knowing anything is an idiot.

Second, she set it up precisely before she became Sec of State to avoid accountability. She takes a trip to Libya, is seen in photographs working her Blackberry-and the Benghazi panel can't find a SINGLE email from that trip.

Third, she's tried this before-when her hubbie was POTUS, she tried to have phone lines placed in the private quarters that didn't go through the White House switchboard. Her request then was denied, of course.

Fourth, 'not every' politician did it. Had Christie done the same, then had staffers go through his email to 'select' what to release to the traffic gate investigators (and hard copies at that) would you be saying the same thing? 'It's no biggie'? Hardly.

Pebble wrote:

Monroe wrote:
When both the NYTimes AND Senator Diane Feinstein calling Hilary out, you think it might be another 'vast, right wing conspiracy'?

Not for nothing, but it was pointed out by those in the industry that actually know something about email security that her personal email was more secure than State's. This isn't to say that she was correct in what she did, I certainly don't think so, but I'd be highly surprised if she was conducting State business via email.

It is a non-story that does two things:
1. Shows that she's arrogant.
2. Give talking points to those that hated her before and see this as some sort of conspiracy.

It certainly doesn't look good, but in the end it really is a silly story since every single politician does it...

Posted on: 2015/3/10 0:32

Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
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Monroe wrote:
When both the NYTimes AND Senator Diane Feinstein calling Hilary out, you think it might be another 'vast, right wing conspiracy'?

Not for nothing, but it was pointed out by those in the industry that actually know something about email security that her personal email was more secure than State's. This isn't to say that she was correct in what she did, I certainly don't think so, but I'd be highly surprised if she was conducting State business via email.

It is a non-story that does two things:
1. Shows that she's arrogant.
2. Give talking points to those that hated her before and see this as some sort of conspiracy.

It certainly doesn't look good, but in the end it really is a silly story since every single politician does it...

Posted on: 2015/3/9 22:32
Dos A Cero

Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
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TheBigGuy wrote:
Fun fact: Stories don?t appear out of nowhere. The ?story? existed because the information gathering portion of the investigation had started.

More fun facts, the story is at least 3 years old and was sat on... the most transparent administration collects dirt on political enemies and use when it is to their advantage... Look how they brought down Patreaus (it's only about sex) he pleaded out last week. Menendez called Obama on Iran and Cuba and the DOS knew about Hillary's private email servers since last August and it only came out in a "planted" story in the NYT. She is weeks away from announcing and locking up all the fat cat democrat donors?
Wait for the Bengahzi emails to break.... and she never sent the President one email during her 4 years, as he said the other night on CBS.

As for Holder, he wouldn?t be in his position still if the Republicans weren?t a bunch of pathetic children...

And the inept Holder? With the typos not sure of your point, but he was burning out from managing all the scandals... he had to extend his stay to make sure cover stories stick and avoid a John Mitchell like problem. They are clearing up the books (evening the scores) so the nominated AG Lynch does not have to get her hands dirty riding out the end of this term. I am sure it was part of the job offer. She is not a fool.

As for Hillary, I have no idea what you think she?s done wrong, but I can probably put some good money on it being either completely false or completely absurd.

Surprising you missed the email story, all the main stream media is reporting it... where do I collect this easy cash money bet? Just remember... it all Bush's fault!

If you think Hillary hosting a personal server is a "scandal" why aren't you killing every other Secretary of State, before Kerry? So, like I said, "completely absurd."

Lynch's nominee is up. The Republicans are the reason she's not in the job yet. It has zero to do with Holder. I don't know what conspiracy crack you're smoking, but I suggest putting the pipe down.

I like that you run with "it all Bush's fault!" as if I have ever written that.

Menendez's info wasn't "sat on for 3 years." The information came out when it came out. It has nothing to do with his absurdly poor positions on Cuba and Iran.

Hillary's email information has nothing to do with her basically walking through to the nominee.

The Benghazi thing has been done to death. Are you looking for a fifth investigation into it? It's sad that this is something that is continued to be harped on. I can only assume it plays well with the the feeble-minded.

Posted on: 2015/3/9 22:27
Dos A Cero

Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
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Fun fact: Stories don?t appear out of nowhere. The ?story? existed because the information gathering portion of the investigation had started.

More fun facts, the story is at least 3 years old and was sat on... the most transparent administration collects dirt on political enemies and use when it is to their advantage... Look how they brought down Patreaus (it's only about sex) he pleaded out last week. Menendez called Obama on Iran and Cuba and the DOS knew about Hillary's private email servers since last August and it only came out in a "planted" story in the NYT. She is weeks away from announcing and locking up all the fat cat democrat donors?
Wait for the Bengahzi emails to break.... and she never sent the President one email during her 4 years, as he said the other night on CBS.

As for Holder, he wouldn?t be in his position still if the Republicans weren?t a bunch of pathetic children...

And the inept Holder? With the typos not sure of your point, but he was burning out from managing all the scandals... he had to extend his stay to make sure cover stories stick and avoid a John Mitchell like problem. They are clearing up the books (evening the scores) so the nominated AG Lynch does not have to get her hands dirty riding out the end of this term. I am sure it was part of the job offer. She is not a fool.

As for Hillary, I have no idea what you think she?s done wrong, but I can probably put some good money on it being either completely false or completely absurd.

Surprising you missed the email story, all the main stream media is reporting it... where do I collect this easy cash money bet? Just remember... it all Bush's fault!

Posted on: 2015/3/9 22:03

Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
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When both the NYTimes AND Senator Diane Feinstein calling Hilary out, you think it might be another 'vast, right wing conspiracy'?


Pebble wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:
So Holder is the Chicago Hitman heading out the door... this story was out there months before Menendez's most recent election and now the DOJ just gets around to investigating??? Looks like it is the start of a good old style Soviet Kremlin purge. I wonder if Hillary is on the list?

Fun fact: Stories don?t appear out of nowhere. The ?story? existed because the information gathering portion of the investigation had started.

As for Holder, he wouldn?t be in his position still if the Republicans weren?t a bunch of pathetic children...

As for Hillary, I have no idea what you think she?s done wrong, but I can probably put some good money on it being either completely false or completely absurd.

Posted on: 2015/3/9 16:33

Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
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Given that Christie did the right thing, and didn't post a Republican for the duration of Lautenberg's term (as was his right) you should be nicer to our terrific Governor! Hopefully, he'll reappoint Chiesa for the full term if/when Menendez is forced to resign or gets convicted. So we have Menendez, who was first appointed to the Senate by dirt bag Corzine, now on his heels. Note that Corzine didn't call for a special election, like Christie did . . .


Rorschach wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Otherwise, that's a pretty stupid comment, given that Christie could've appointed Chiesa to stay as Senator until the next scheduled election-and didn't. Or did you not know that??

Oh yes I knew that. One day of a Republican in any elected office is one day too many. As to stupid, your continued defense of Christie is the height of stupidity.

Posted on: 2015/3/9 16:31

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TheBigGuy wrote:
So Holder is the Chicago Hitman heading out the door... this story was out there months before Menendez's most recent election and now the DOJ just gets around to investigating??? Looks like it is the start of a good old style Soviet Kremlin purge. I wonder if Hillary is on the list?

Fun fact: Stories don?t appear out of nowhere. The ?story? existed because the information gathering portion of the investigation had started.

As for Holder, he wouldn?t be in his position still if the Republicans weren?t a bunch of pathetic children...

As for Hillary, I have no idea what you think she?s done wrong, but I can probably put some good money on it being either completely false or completely absurd.

Posted on: 2015/3/9 12:49
Dos A Cero

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Monroe wrote:
Otherwise, that's a pretty stupid comment, given that Christie could've appointed Chiesa to stay as Senator until the next scheduled election-and didn't. Or did you not know that??

Oh yes I knew that. One day of a Republican in any elected office is one day too many. As to stupid, your continued defense of Christie is the height of stupidity.

Posted on: 2015/3/8 1:10

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those pesky resistance bands.


Outgoing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is working from home on the first day of the 114th Congress after being diagnosed with

1) broken bones in his face,
2) three broken ribs
3) and a concussion

according to a statement from his office.

Posted on: 2015/3/7 22:49

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Reid recalled the painful day of the accident, noting that he and his wife Landra were in their new home in Henderson, Nevada, just outside of Las Vegas. He was performing an exercise on a large rubber band, but when it snapped, it spun him around and sent him flying into his cabinets. The crash nearly caused him to bang his temple, which could have made the accident even more serious. Sources familiar with the incident said Reid was exercising in his bathroom, with the exercise band attached to the shower door.

?It didn?t knock me out, but it sure hurt,? Reid said calmly Thursday. ?And I was taken to the hospital.?

Read more: ... 114520.html#ixzz3Tk01OGO5

Plus broke 4 ribs.... those pesky resistance bands.


jerseymom wrote:
Now if we can really find out what happened to Harry Reid's face?

(He's so accident prone in the weirdest of ways...)

"(Reid) dislocated his shoulder and bumped his forehead in May 2011 when he slipped and fell during a morning jog in the rain.

Reid leaned on a wet car near his home in Washington, D.C.'s Ritz-Carlton hotel and tumbled to the ground.

That fall left him with a contusion just below his left eye, but he was back in action later that night at a fundraiser for California Sen. Barbara Boxer."


Posted on: 2015/3/7 22:19

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Hudson County mover and shaker Prieto yesterday 'I'm not making any comment on the published reports about my friend today'.

He can't even say Menendez by name, lol?

Posted on: 2015/3/7 12:38

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Every NJ Governor gets to pick an interim Senator if the one in office dies or gets thrown out or resigns, of course. But Christie picked a moderate one (who just rode it out) and scheduled a new election. Otherwise, that's a pretty stupid comment, given that Christie could've appointed Chiesa to stay as Senator until the next scheduled election-and didn't. Or did you not know that??


Rorschach wrote:
I don't care about Menendez. The sad part of this is that scumbag Christie will get to pick a new Senator. Maybe he will pick himself given that his Presidential bid is in the toilet.

Posted on: 2015/3/7 12:34

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Now if we can really find out what happened to Harry Reid's face?

(He's so accident prone in the weirdest of ways...)

"(Reid) dislocated his shoulder and bumped his forehead in May 2011 when he slipped and fell during a morning jog in the rain.

Reid leaned on a wet car near his home in Washington, D.C.'s Ritz-Carlton hotel and tumbled to the ground.

That fall left him with a contusion just below his left eye, but he was back in action later that night at a fundraiser for California Sen. Barbara Boxer."


Posted on: 2015/3/7 4:21

Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
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i always thought menendez was a d-bag. and for the record, obaamaa doesn't go after people to settle political scores

Posted on: 2015/3/7 4:11

Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
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Obama and Holder took down Patreaus earlier this week, now they are after Menendez and H. Clinton with the email. They know she is close to announcing and like all the others they have smeared, they knew about the Hillary email thing for years. They are all arrogant and they played right into Obama's hands. Now if we can really find out what happened to Harry Reid's face? Do you really think the Epstein / Plane /B. Clinton / underage girls thing just popped up by accident. And now NY State is looking at Epstein's charities? He was convicted and did his slap on the wrist 5 years ago?

Posted on: 2015/3/7 4:05

Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
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Unless they've got true, death-defying dirt, Sen. Menendez is not going anywhere. He's made of old-fashioned Hudson County teflon - grittier than ole boy Chicago any day of the week.

This will be interesting.

Posted on: 2015/3/7 3:56

Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
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jerseymom wrote:
Augustin Torres (JJ Political Insider Column) chimes in:

"What is obvious to most in Hudson County is that the Justice Department is in for a wild and bumpy ride. Menendez has tough DNA, having been nurtured in a hot political cauldron. While rising quickly through the North Hudson ranks, Menendez personally knew characters that you would only find in a Raymond Chandler novel, or is that Ramon Chandler - just to reflect the Cuban-American culture, including its dark side. Menendez is highly educated and smart but don't let that laugh of his fool you. He has a stare that can freeze you on the spot."

Political Insider Column

Also from that column:

"Among Hudson County Democratic politicos the feeling seems to be that several months ago, the Justice Department - in a Democratic administration -- was coming up dry, but soon after Menendez and President Obama started publicly clashing on issues like Cuba and Iran, the federal investigation seems to have been given a second breath. If you know Hudson politics, this will become fact.

Former Assemblyman Louis Manzo, who had a federal corruption case against him thrown out, agrees. And this from a guy who sided with the late Glenn Cunningham to politically battle Menendez.

"They can clean-up Capitol Hill but only choose to go after Menendez because he went after the president in how the country is dealing with Cuba and Iran -- and Menendez is a staunch ally of Israel," he said by phone. "Is it political? You bet your ass it is. Unlike Russia, where they use bullets to get rid of political headaches, in this country they use indictments."

Posted on: 2015/3/7 3:24

Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
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Augustin Torres (JJ Political Insider Column) chimes in:

"What is obvious to most in Hudson County is that the Justice Department is in for a wild and bumpy ride. Menendez has tough DNA, having been nurtured in a hot political cauldron. While rising quickly through the North Hudson ranks, Menendez personally knew characters that you would only find in a Raymond Chandler novel, or is that Ramon Chandler - just to reflect the Cuban-American culture, including its dark side. Menendez is highly educated and smart but don't let that laugh of his fool you. He has a stare that can freeze you on the spot."

Political Insider Column

Posted on: 2015/3/7 2:18

Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
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I don't care about Menendez. The sad part of this is that scumbag Christie will get to pick a new Senator. Maybe he will pick himself given that his Presidential bid is in the toilet.

Posted on: 2015/3/7 1:47

Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
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Monroe wrote:
Fulop is 'suspicious' of the sources? Just what does Menendez have on Fulop? ... enendez.html#incart_river

Well, that officially makes Fulop a politician.

Posted on: 2015/3/7 1:12

Re: U.S. Sen. Menendez - new federal investigation
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Fulop is 'suspicious' of the sources? Just what does Menendez have on Fulop? ... enendez.html#incart_river

Posted on: 2015/3/6 22:59

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