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Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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2006/11/13 18:42
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Posted on: 2014/8/24 12:54
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
... with all the ranting, one then wonder's why we have race riots !

What surprises me is that there hasn't been a premeditated attack by non-black racists on a black institution.

Posted on: 2014/8/24 12:39

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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JCMan8 wrote:
How would you know what was going through Old Skool's head when he said that?

Educated guess.

Posted on: 2014/8/24 12:17

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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2006/11/13 18:42
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... with all the ranting, one then wonder's why we have race riots !

Posted on: 2014/8/24 12:00
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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2012/11/10 20:38
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dtjcview wrote:

caj11 wrote:

Old-Skool-JC wrote:
Burn down babylon.
Death to our white oppressors.

I'd like to bring this early statement from Old-Skool to the top of the list again.

Old-Skool, are we supposed to take it seriously, or just supposed to slap our knees and say "that Old-Skool, always making a joke!" ? Because I don't find death threats of any kind funny, regardless of the color of the person who's making them or the color of the people they're made to.

If you emailed something like that to an individual, that person could turn it over to their local police department and have you investigated. You're not as invisible as you think you are on an online message board either. In some cases, it's easier to track someone down from online postings and emails than phone calls or snail mailings. There was a guy who posted false reports of gang violence during Halloween on here about six years ago and he was arrested for it. Here's the thread with the news story about it if you don't believe me: ... order=DESC&status=&mode=0

Take a little time to look up Rastafarianism. You may not have read past the word "white", but "oppressor" was the objective noun. Old-Skool possibly misquoted- it should have read ?Death to Black and White Oppressors? - at least that's what the Nya men believed. But why care about a supposedly defective culture, when it's easier to peddle hate?

How would you know what was going through Old Skool's head when he said that?

Posted on: 2014/8/24 6:36

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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caj11 wrote:

Old-Skool-JC wrote:
Burn down babylon.
Death to our white oppressors.

I'd like to bring this early statement from Old-Skool to the top of the list again.

Old-Skool, are we supposed to take it seriously, or just supposed to slap our knees and say "that Old-Skool, always making a joke!" ? Because I don't find death threats of any kind funny, regardless of the color of the person who's making them or the color of the people they're made to.

If you emailed something like that to an individual, that person could turn it over to their local police department and have you investigated. You're not as invisible as you think you are on an online message board either. In some cases, it's easier to track someone down from online postings and emails than phone calls or snail mailings. There was a guy who posted false reports of gang violence during Halloween on here about six years ago and he was arrested for it. Here's the thread with the news story about it if you don't believe me: ... order=DESC&status=&mode=0

Take a little time to look up Rastafarianism. You may not have read past the word "white", but "oppressor" was the objective noun. Old-Skool possibly misquoted- it should have read ?Death to Black and White Oppressors? - at least that's what the Nya men believed. But why care about a supposedly defective culture, when it's easier to peddle hate?

Posted on: 2014/8/24 5:54

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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Two items from reports that I think we can all dismiss as just plain silly. Firstly, the cop did not have an orbital blow-out fracture. Secondly, do the witnesses really expect us to believe that the cop was trying to pull Brown into the police vehicle? Through the window? Such a silly claim.

Posted on: 2014/8/24 5:20

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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Old-Skool-JC wrote:
Burn down babylon.
Death to our white oppressors.

I'd like to bring this early statement from Old-Skool to the top of the list again.

Old-Skool, are we supposed to take it seriously, or just supposed to slap our knees and say "that Old-Skool, always making a joke!" ? Because I don't find death threats of any kind funny, regardless of the color of the person who's making them or the color of the people they're made to.

If you emailed something like that to an individual, that person could turn it over to their local police department and have you investigated. You're not as invisible as you think you are on an online message board either. In some cases, it's easier to track someone down from online postings and emails than phone calls or snail mailings. There was a guy who posted false reports of gang violence during Halloween on here about six years ago and he was arrested for it. Here's the thread with the news story about it if you don't believe me: ... order=DESC&status=&mode=0

Posted on: 2014/8/24 4:40

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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2014/3/4 22:31
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dtjcview wrote:

devilsadvocate wrote:

dtjcview wrote:
Failing an outright JClist ban, I really wish I could put some JClisters on ignore, so I don't have to read the total crap and drivel they continually post. Time and time again.

I'm just curious: when you came into this thread, what exactly did you expect to find?

Less hate, more civility. I thought attitudes had evolved since Lincoln's time. I was wrong - attitudes remain the same, just the narrative has mutated to express the same monstrous concepts in PC language. "Defective culture". "Race baiter". Really? I'm truly shocked.

LOL, the left is being 1000x more inflamatory in this thread. The painting of all people who oppose tolerating rioting or feeling sorry for criminal thugs as racist skinheads who are somehow violating the TOS is what is truly shocking.

Posted on: 2014/8/24 2:43

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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2008/7/2 19:11
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From Paulus Hook
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This post is right up Monroe's alley, lets him vent all his racist venom

Posted on: 2014/8/23 23:41

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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2010/8/17 1:45
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Monroe wrote:
In his fauxrage, dtjc left out this gem from those others he cited, unsurprisingly.

Burn down babylon.
Death to our white oppressors.

Bob Marley was just another drug-crazed black man to you. Keep hating.

Posted on: 2014/8/23 22:52

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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2013/5/15 14:11
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In his fauxrage, dtjc left out this gem from those others he cited, unsurprisingly.

Burn down babylon.
Death to our white oppressors.

Posted on: 2014/8/23 12:54

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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devilsadvocate wrote:

dtjcview wrote:
Failing an outright JClist ban, I really wish I could put some JClisters on ignore, so I don't have to read the total crap and drivel they continually post. Time and time again.

I'm just curious: when you came into this thread, what exactly did you expect to find?

Less hate, more civility. I thought attitudes had evolved since Lincoln's time. I was wrong - attitudes remain the same, just the narrative has mutated to express the same monstrous concepts in PC language. "Defective culture". "Race baiter". Really? I'm truly shocked.

Posted on: 2014/8/23 12:10

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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2014/3/4 22:31
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Old-Skool-JC wrote:

Monroe wrote:

Old-Skool-JC wrote:
I'm saying he was from a broken home and raised by a criminal.


And despite this, he became a commended officer with zero civilian complaints on his record.

You missed out the bit about him shooting an unarmed teenager 6 times, twice in the head and being directly responsible for the disorder in Ferguson.

A huge thug of a teenager who freakin attacked him after robbing a store 10 minutes earlier. I don't see a problem.

Posted on: 2014/8/23 5:00

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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2014/3/4 22:31
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dtjcview wrote:
Failing an outright JClist ban, I really wish I could put some JClisters on ignore, so I don't have to read the total crap and drivel they continually post. Time and time again.

I'm just curious: when you came into this thread, what exactly did you expect to find?

Posted on: 2014/8/23 4:57

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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2014/3/4 22:31
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Old-Skool-JC wrote:
Ferguson: officer relieved of duty after 'black little perverts' video surfaces

Dan Page, among the police working at Ferguson protests, is relieved after video emerges of him saying ?I?m into diversity, I kill everybody?

A police officer involved in the protests over Michael Brown?s death in Ferguson, Missouri, has been relieved of his duty after video surfaced of him describing black people as ?little perverts? and Barack Obama as an illegal immigrant.

Dan Page ? who was seen live on CNN earlier this week threatening to arrest the network?s anchor Don Lemon ? was recorded in April giving a speech in which he railed against Muslims and gay people, saying: ?I?m into diversity ? I kill everybody.?

Page is the second St Louis county officer to have been stood down in controversial circumstances surrounding the Ferguson protests. Lieutenant Ray Albers was suspended on Wednesday after video emerged of him pointing his assault weapon at protestors and threatening to kill them.

In his speech, Page, who claims to have been a sergeant major in the US army and a Vietnam war veteran, sharply criticised laws intended to protect minorities from racially-motivated hatred and to help increase ethnic diversity.

Citing the US declaration of independence?s statement that ?all men are created equal,? he said: ?That does not mean affirmative action. It means we?re all equal ? God does not respect persons so we have no business passing hate crime laws.?

?This here?, he added, brandishing a copy of the Bible, ?is the foundation for this?, meaning the declaration of independence. ?You can?t separate them. I don?t know what them black little perverts don?t understand down there.?

Page made his remarks during an address earlier this year to a St Louis branch of the Oathkeepers, an association of former and serving military personnel, police officers and first responders. The group says that its members ?pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to ?defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic?.?

At one point during a slideshow of his past travels, Page displayed a photograph of himself in Kenya. ?I said I wanna go find where that illegal alien claiming to be my president, my undocumented president, lives at.? He has previously said in interviews that he retired from the army because of Obama.

Page also told the audience in his speech: ?If you take a stand against sodomy or abortion you?re a terrorist, ladies and gentlemen ? In the military right now we have open sodomy, people holding hands, people swapping spit together. Sick. It?s pitiful.?

Later in his remarks, Page told a questioner in the audience: ?Policemen are very cynical. I know I am. I don?t trust anybody. I hate everybody. I hate y?all, too. I hate everybody. I?m into diversity ? I kill everybody. I don?t care.?

After viewing the video clip, the Guardian asked a St Louis County police spokesman repeatedly throughout Friday to confirm that Page was indeed a police officer who had worked on the protests. The spokesman initially said: ?I don?t recognise the name.?

CNN first reported that Page was being relieved of his duties on Friday afternoon. The St Louis spokesman then confirmed to the Guardian that he was a county officer and added that Page had been ?relieved of duty from here and placed in an administrative capacity pending an internal investigation?.

John Moore, a radio presenter and fellow Vietnam veteran, who said he had been friends with Page for 26 years, told the Guardian on Friday that Page had served in the St Louis police for ?more than 20 years? and had remained a military reservist until recently.

?He?s been up to his eyeballs in a riot for about two weeks, dealing with rioters in 100 degree humidity. It?s rough. It?s a warzone,? said Moore. ?He?s been working 12-hour shifts with no access to proper rest, proper food.? ... -people-ferguson-dan-page

And this is relevant how? No, really, what do you think this proves?

Posted on: 2014/8/23 4:56

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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VanVorster wrote:
Look why don't you incontrovertible trolls (Monroe, JCMan, Devils and a couple of others like them) do us all a favor and use your "talents" and tactics elsewhere such as this site for Darren Wilson. People have said wait for all the facts and you are concocting what happened as though it's indisputable fact (Brown beat him because he stole cigars, eye socket fracture, Wilson fearful for his life, when Brown lunged at him, he was forced to shoot him dead, case closed) You were not there and then have the audacity to say all of the other eyewitnesses are lying. Like Trayvon and your zealous defense of Zimmerman (another incident none of you was present but nonetheless professed to know all the facts), it's obvious to me that a lot of your views emanate from a taint of anti-blackness and "well he had it coming" mentality. Asif pointed it out when one of you said "oh they are all animals anyway" Once you go there, it demonstrates the caliber of people you are and shows that you feel you're the arbiter of who deserves to live and die. Darren Wilson like George Zimmerman can also lie as the people they killed aren't there to tell their version of the events. Also, why wasn't a police incident report been filed.

GO HERE WITH YOUR ILK ... on-donors-racist-ferguson ... -oath.html?pagewanted=all

And spare the hyperbolic lynching rhetoric. You really should be ashamed of yourself. George Zimmerman is still alive despite your saying the same thing about him (these blacks will lynch him). And if you want to know about real lynching, read up on the looting, vandalism and murder of black women, men and children in the St. Louis Riots of 1917.

And Webmaster, I don't know if you're just inordinately busy, don't care and just want clicks, but I thought you had a tenets of community behavior/TOS for this site about people conducting themselves appropriately on this site. Dissent and debate is encouraged but you have strormfront trolls on this site. Do you want to encourage that nonsense?

I like how you cry and whine about us posting our thoughts on this subject as though they're somehow OUTRAGEOUS and anyone that disagrees with you must be wearing white sheets. I've noticed that is a common theme: anyone who disagrees with you is "part of the problem" and needs to be removed from public view. Seriously, if you don't like people disagreeing with you, then go post on some liberal forum where only groupthink is permitted.

Posted on: 2014/8/23 4:52

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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2014/7/30 18:30
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Ferguson: officer relieved of duty after 'black little perverts' video surfaces

Dan Page, among the police working at Ferguson protests, is relieved after video emerges of him saying ?I?m into diversity, I kill everybody?

A police officer involved in the protests over Michael Brown?s death in Ferguson, Missouri, has been relieved of his duty after video surfaced of him describing black people as ?little perverts? and Barack Obama as an illegal immigrant.

Dan Page ? who was seen live on CNN earlier this week threatening to arrest the network?s anchor Don Lemon ? was recorded in April giving a speech in which he railed against Muslims and gay people, saying: ?I?m into diversity ? I kill everybody.?

Page is the second St Louis county officer to have been stood down in controversial circumstances surrounding the Ferguson protests. Lieutenant Ray Albers was suspended on Wednesday after video emerged of him pointing his assault weapon at protestors and threatening to kill them.

In his speech, Page, who claims to have been a sergeant major in the US army and a Vietnam war veteran, sharply criticised laws intended to protect minorities from racially-motivated hatred and to help increase ethnic diversity.

Citing the US declaration of independence?s statement that ?all men are created equal,? he said: ?That does not mean affirmative action. It means we?re all equal ? God does not respect persons so we have no business passing hate crime laws.?

?This here?, he added, brandishing a copy of the Bible, ?is the foundation for this?, meaning the declaration of independence. ?You can?t separate them. I don?t know what them black little perverts don?t understand down there.?

Page made his remarks during an address earlier this year to a St Louis branch of the Oathkeepers, an association of former and serving military personnel, police officers and first responders. The group says that its members ?pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to ?defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic?.?

At one point during a slideshow of his past travels, Page displayed a photograph of himself in Kenya. ?I said I wanna go find where that illegal alien claiming to be my president, my undocumented president, lives at.? He has previously said in interviews that he retired from the army because of Obama.

Page also told the audience in his speech: ?If you take a stand against sodomy or abortion you?re a terrorist, ladies and gentlemen ? In the military right now we have open sodomy, people holding hands, people swapping spit together. Sick. It?s pitiful.?

Later in his remarks, Page told a questioner in the audience: ?Policemen are very cynical. I know I am. I don?t trust anybody. I hate everybody. I hate y?all, too. I hate everybody. I?m into diversity ? I kill everybody. I don?t care.?

After viewing the video clip, the Guardian asked a St Louis County police spokesman repeatedly throughout Friday to confirm that Page was indeed a police officer who had worked on the protests. The spokesman initially said: ?I don?t recognise the name.?

CNN first reported that Page was being relieved of his duties on Friday afternoon. The St Louis spokesman then confirmed to the Guardian that he was a county officer and added that Page had been ?relieved of duty from here and placed in an administrative capacity pending an internal investigation?.

John Moore, a radio presenter and fellow Vietnam veteran, who said he had been friends with Page for 26 years, told the Guardian on Friday that Page had served in the St Louis police for ?more than 20 years? and had remained a military reservist until recently.

?He?s been up to his eyeballs in a riot for about two weeks, dealing with rioters in 100 degree humidity. It?s rough. It?s a warzone,? said Moore. ?He?s been working 12-hour shifts with no access to proper rest, proper food.? ... -people-ferguson-dan-page

Posted on: 2014/8/23 3:06

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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Failing an outright JClist ban, I really wish I could put some JClisters on ignore, so I don't have to read the total crap and drivel they continually post. Time and time again.

Posted on: 2014/8/23 1:43

Edited by dtjcview on 2014/8/23 2:05:40

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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Old-Skool-JC wrote:
Ah, the old ask a question/ignore the answer routine.
The mainstay of the rightwing troll, flawlessly executed if I may say.
I guess it's better than you bringing up the victim's vital statistics again.

No, I asked the question originally because you made a statement that was poorly written-that white people riot more than black people, without taking into account there are 4X as many whites as black in the US.

The real trolling is bringing up whites rioting, when that has nothing to do with the rioting and looting going on in Ferguson except to serve you as a straw man argument meant to distract. Fail.

Posted on: 2014/8/22 20:57

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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Ah, the old ask a question/ignore the answer routine.
The mainstay of the rightwing troll, flawlessly executed if I may say.
I guess it's better than you bringing up the victim's vital statistics again.

Posted on: 2014/8/22 20:34

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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Old-Skool-JC wrote:

Monroe wrote:

Old-Skool-JC wrote:
Sorry, keep forgetting the crucial evidence that he was tall and large. Oh, and black.

It's a fact that, numerically, most incidents of rioting in the USA are by majority white people.

Numerically, white Americans have about 4x the population of black Americans. Are you saying that adjusted for population that's true? Please share your math and your source.

So you don't condemn whites that riot, just blacks? And whites are allowed to riot as long as they don't break the 4:1 ratio?

It is you and the rest of the JCraciaList crew that have been pressing the point that this reaction only happens among the black community.
As an ex-friend of mine once said "I hate it when I have to do other people's homework." ... rest_in_the_United_States

#shitwhitepeopleriotabout #disco #collegesports #integration #priceofbottledwater

Some highlights.

1970 - Hard Hat Riot, Wall Street, May 8, New York City, New York

1976 - Anti-busing riot in downtown Boston, April 5, 1976 Boston, Massachusetts

1979 - Disco Demolition Night, July 12, Comiskey Park, Chicago, Illinois (lulz)

1999 - Woodstock '99 music festival incident, August 1999, (Rome, New York)

2006 - San Bernardino punk riot, March 4, San Bernardino, California

2010 - Springfest Riot, April 10, 200 police disperse crowd of 8000 using tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets and bean bag rounds, near the campus of James Madison University; dozens injured; 30-35 arrested., Harrisonburg, Virginia

2010 - University of Tennessee Lane Kiffin Riot. Students riot on the Knoxville campus following head football coach Lane Kiffin's announcement that he took the head coaching job at the University of Southern California.

2011 - Pennsylvania State University Joe Paterno Riot. Students riot in protest of the decision of the Board of Trustees to fire head football coach Joe Paterno. State College, Pennsylvania

Did I say anything remotely close to what you think I said? Nope. Carry on.

Posted on: 2014/8/22 19:12

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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You live in a bubble and have such racial blinders on it's ridiculous. It's like you're not even from this planet or willfully ignorant, dumb and blind. ... ce-brutality-civil-rights

From what I understand, most of the looters in Ferguson aren't even from there but elsewhere. People obviously trying to capitalize on a horrendous situation and their actions should be resoundingly condemned. However, there were plenty of black residents who were protecting the stores. That wasn't covered much in the media especially on racist places like Fox. Yes, blacks have rioted after Rodney King, Watts, Newark and other egregious examples of blacks being victimized and brutalized by police, etc. American policy and practices (past and present) put that powder keg in place to ensure black marginalization/economic deprivation; and whites being mainstreamed and brought into the fold. Whites by contrast have tended to riot over silly inconsequential shit like sports teams losing or Joe Paterno being kicked out of Penn State.

White rioting (again much of it based on depriving blacks of wealth in the case of Tulsa OK, or competition for jobs, or rumors of flirting with a white woman) has a heavy history in causing mayhem and wreaking havoc on the lives of black people. To wit,
http://henriettavintondavis.wordpress ... -were-lynched-in-america/

So spare your lectures and sanctimonious bullshit on "awful black culture" when yours is not looking as laudable as you believe.

Posted on: 2014/8/22 18:52

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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Monroe wrote:

Old-Skool-JC wrote:
Sorry, keep forgetting the crucial evidence that he was tall and large. Oh, and black.

It's a fact that, numerically, most incidents of rioting in the USA are by majority white people.

Numerically, white Americans have about 4x the population of black Americans. Are you saying that adjusted for population that's true? Please share your math and your source.

So you don't condemn whites that riot, just blacks? And whites are allowed to riot as long as they don't break the 4:1 ratio?

It is you and the rest of the JCraciaList crew that have been pressing the point that this reaction only happens among the black community.
As an ex-friend of mine once said "I hate it when I have to do other people's homework." ... rest_in_the_United_States

#shitwhitepeopleriotabout #disco #collegesports #integration #priceofbottledwater

Some highlights.

1970 - Hard Hat Riot, Wall Street, May 8, New York City, New York

1976 - Anti-busing riot in downtown Boston, April 5, 1976 Boston, Massachusetts

1979 - Disco Demolition Night, July 12, Comiskey Park, Chicago, Illinois (lulz)

1999 - Woodstock '99 music festival incident, August 1999, (Rome, New York)

2006 - San Bernardino punk riot, March 4, San Bernardino, California

2010 - Springfest Riot, April 10, 200 police disperse crowd of 8000 using tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets and bean bag rounds, near the campus of James Madison University; dozens injured; 30-35 arrested., Harrisonburg, Virginia

2010 - University of Tennessee Lane Kiffin Riot. Students riot on the Knoxville campus following head football coach Lane Kiffin's announcement that he took the head coaching job at the University of Southern California.

2011 - Pennsylvania State University Joe Paterno Riot. Students riot in protest of the decision of the Board of Trustees to fire head football coach Joe Paterno. State College, Pennsylvania

Posted on: 2014/8/22 18:44

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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Old-Skool-JC wrote:
Sorry, keep forgetting the crucial evidence that he was tall and large. Oh, and black.

It's a fact that, numerically, most incidents of rioting in the USA are by majority white people.

Numerically, white Americans have about 4x the population of black Americans. Are you saying that adjusted for population that's true? Please share your math and your source.

Posted on: 2014/8/22 18:01

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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Sorry, keep forgetting the crucial evidence that he was tall and large. Oh, and black.

It's a fact that, numerically, most incidents of rioting in the USA are by majority white people.

Posted on: 2014/8/22 17:06

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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Old-Skool-JC wrote:

Monroe wrote:

Old-Skool-JC wrote:
I'm saying he was from a broken home and raised by a criminal.


And despite this, he became a commended officer with zero civilian complaints on his record.

You missed out the bit about him shooting an unarmed teenager 6 times, twice in the head and being directly responsible for the disorder in Ferguson.


And the 'broken home' comment-are you saying that the 75% of black kids who are born to single mothers are at risk of becoming criminals?

That's your job, son.

The 300 pound, 6'4" man charged him, right after robbing a store and assaulting a store employee while high on drugs-that's what's responsible for the looting and rioting. The video doesn't lie.

Posted on: 2014/8/22 16:20

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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2014/7/30 18:30
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Monroe wrote:

Old-Skool-JC wrote:
I'm saying he was from a broken home and raised by a criminal.


And despite this, he became a commended officer with zero civilian complaints on his record.

You missed out the bit about him shooting an unarmed teenager 6 times, twice in the head and being directly responsible for the disorder in Ferguson.


And the 'broken home' comment-are you saying that the 75% of black kids who are born to single mothers are at risk of becoming criminals?

That's your job, son.

Posted on: 2014/8/22 16:08

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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Old-Skool-JC wrote:
I'm saying he was from a broken home and raised by a criminal.


And despite this, he became a commended officer with zero civilian complaints on his record.

And the 'broken home' comment-are you saying that the 75% of black kids who are born to single mothers are at risk of becoming criminals?

Posted on: 2014/8/22 15:20

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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2014/7/30 18:30
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I'm saying he was from a broken home and raised by a criminal.


Posted on: 2014/8/22 15:15

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