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JC Police Cadets
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2006/3/28 14:41
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Any idea how long these guys train for? Twice a week I'm awoken at 6am to them jogging in unison down my street flagged by police cars with their lights on, and from time to time all 40 of them chanting. It's been a few months already, and 9th street, for some reason is their route.

Posted on: 2016/11/9 13:17

Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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2013/5/14 14:58
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PremiumContent wrote:

SteveWilson29 wrote:
I would like the retard that attacked me for calling PAPD cadets "turds" or "little shits" or whatever I said to apologize.

New Port Authority Police Go on Drunken Rampage After Graduation ... -after-graduation-sources

Wow "retard" way to be resepectful. You are shit.

I apologize. Any number of other insults would have been more appropriate.

Posted on: 2014/9/4 15:45

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On_The_3rd wrote:
This will all get brushed under the rug, the law always favors the law. ... r-brawl-article-1.1927167

Posted on: 2014/9/4 14:50

Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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2010/2/2 15:43
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This will all get brushed under the rug, the law always favors the law.

Posted on: 2014/9/4 14:41

Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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2013/10/11 4:24
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SteveWilson29 wrote:
I would like the retard that attacked me for calling PAPD cadets "turds" or "little shits" or whatever I said to apologize.

New Port Authority Police Go on Drunken Rampage After Graduation ... -after-graduation-sources

Wow "retard" way to be resepectful. You are shit.

Posted on: 2014/9/4 14:12

Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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2004/11/8 3:36
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Wishful_Thinking wrote:

I'll ask again -are they hot? I'll get up early LOL.

Yes, especially when they are running in a light rain

Posted on: 2014/9/4 13:25

Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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2006/11/13 18:42
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Posted on: 2014/9/4 3:58
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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2013/10/15 17:32
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Vigilante wrote:

HPYC wrote:
I say the more people out there the better - running, walking, hoisting medicine balls, doing tai-chi, whatever. Bring 'em on, and the earlier the better.

I came across a pod of PAPD runners this morning on the waterfront in Hoboken, by the soccer field, so apparently their range of habitat has increased.

I hear there is a new Rap workout business opening in DTJC. They blast rap music on boom-boxes to motivate their clientele. Classes will start at 5:30am aro Iund Hamilton Park. Is that cool with you?

I'll ask again -are they hot? I'll get up early LOL.

Posted on: 2014/9/4 0:51

Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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2005/9/6 15:48
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HeightsBrat wrote:

... I would love to hear the sounds of future law enforcement officers chant as they are jogging through my Heights neigborhood. It would be a vast improvement over the fighting, vomitting, etc that is currently the norm.


Posted on: 2014/9/4 0:38

Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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2006/11/13 18:42
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If a crime has been committed or they breached a code of conduct policy, then their probationary period should prevent their permanent position being made and their career ends with the PAPD - If senior staff where present and behaved the same, then demotion should apply.

I bet if someone got injured, they would make a claim against the department as a work time incident.

Its not good enough and a thorough investigation should take place and a program be implimented to change this culture of self-righteousness and alcohol abuse

Posted on: 2014/9/3 22:16
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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2005/10/13 2:56
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SteveWilson29 wrote:
I would like the retard that attacked me for calling PAPD cadets "turds" or "little shits" or whatever I said to apologize.

New Port Authority Police Go on Drunken Rampage After Graduation ... -after-graduation-sources

shocked I tell you, SHOCKED!

Posted on: 2014/9/3 21:24

Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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2013/5/14 14:58
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I would like the retard that attacked me for calling PAPD cadets "turds" or "little shits" or whatever I said to apologize.

New Port Authority Police Go on Drunken Rampage After Graduation ... -after-graduation-sources

Posted on: 2014/9/3 20:48

Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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2011/12/12 0:13
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heightsliving wrote:
Until YOU are the one thats responding to a 911 call of a robbery in progress or a rape or notifying a mother that her daughter has just been killed in a car accident, or a maniac at the mall shooting up the place, or a Fireman responding to a fire and entering an inferno to save people, or a Teacher doing her best to teach some wild kids day in and day out... I say YES! Those FINE FOLKS! .....
There is always a route to bring attention to a problem cop. Sure there are some in the public sector that shouldnt be there. That i agree with. But I dont paint a profession with a broad brush.
So put a stop to being a bullied victim your enitre life and man up. Unless your deserving of the attention from law enforcement. Then thats a different story.

I'm with you & I would love to hear the sounds of future law enforcement officers chant as they are jogging through my Heights neigborhood. It would be a vast improvement over the fighting, vomitting, etc that is currently the norm.

Posted on: 2014/7/25 11:15

Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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2013/7/10 11:42
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Until YOU are the one thats responding to a 911 call of a robbery in progress or a rape or notifying a mother that her daughter has just been killed in a car accident, or a maniac at the mall shooting up the place, or a Fireman responding to a fire and entering an inferno to save people, or a Teacher doing her best to teach some wild kids day in and day out... I say YES! Those FINE FOLKS! .....
There is always a route to bring attention to a problem cop. Sure there are some in the public sector that shouldnt be there. That i agree with. But I dont paint a profession with a broad brush.
So put a stop to being a bullied victim your enitre life and man up. Unless your deserving of the attention from law enforcement. Then thats a different story.

Posted on: 2014/7/25 1:31

Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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2006/4/10 13:29
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heightsliving wrote:

All Im saying is approach the fine folks doing excercises that are staying fit to maybe one day putting their lives on the line to save your ass that they are being a tad too loud. Dont be a victim you entire life.

The same folks who will racially profile, usurp the constitution, hide behind their badge, coverup the mistakes of other police, and then collect huge salaries, lifetime benefits, and pensions at taxpayer expense? Those "fine" folks?

Posted on: 2014/7/24 14:08

Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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2013/7/10 11:42
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SteveWilson29 wrote:

heightsliving wrote:
Are you calling the PAPD "do nothings" and "turds"???
I dare you to approach them while they are working out and say that to them loud and clear that they are "turds".
If you cant, you are exactly what you appear in your profile picture.
Anyone who responds to the crap that 95% of society doesnt want to or cant deal with or scared to deal with can excersize whenever and wherever they want in my book!

You know I won't do that. Police routinely get away with massive abuses for smaller reasons than not being able to take an insult. Mindless defenders such as yourself are one of society's biggest problems.

All Im saying is approach the fine folks doing excercises that are staying fit to maybe one day putting their lives on the line to save your ass that they are being a tad too loud. Dont be a victim you entire life.

Posted on: 2014/7/24 0:32

Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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2007/10/11 3:28
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HPYC wrote:
I say the more people out there the better - running, walking, hoisting medicine balls, doing tai-chi, whatever. Bring 'em on, and the earlier the better.

I came across a pod of PAPD runners this morning on the waterfront in Hoboken, by the soccer field, so apparently their range of habitat has increased.

I hear there is a new Rap workout business opening in DTJC. They blast rap music on boom-boxes to motivate their clientele. Classes will start at 5:30am around Hamilton Park. Is that cool with you?

Posted on: 2014/7/23 14:48

Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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2007/9/1 14:14
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I say the more people out there the better - running, walking, hoisting medicine balls, doing tai-chi, whatever. Bring 'em on, and the earlier the better.

I came across a pod of PAPD runners this morning on the waterfront in Hoboken, by the soccer field, so apparently their range of habitat has increased.

Posted on: 2014/7/23 14:39

Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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2013/10/15 17:32
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Tell the cute guys they can come up and run around the Heights

Posted on: 2014/7/23 0:15

Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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2006/4/10 13:29
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heightsliving wrote:
Are you calling the PAPD "do nothings" and "turds"???
I dare you to approach them while they are working out and say that to them loud and clear that they are "turds".

Of course you can't call a cop a turd to his face. He has the protection of a badge. He carries a gun. He can put a choke hold on someone until they are dead. He can grab a woman's breast and have her arrested for assault. He can rape a woman and have it covered up. He can harass minorities. He can lie, and people will believe him because of his uniform. He has the protection of thousands of brothers and sisters who will follow him for no reason other than they share in the fraternity of a legalized gang.

Posted on: 2014/7/22 20:10

Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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2013/5/14 14:58
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heightsliving wrote:
Are you calling the PAPD "do nothings" and "turds"???
I dare you to approach them while they are working out and say that to them loud and clear that they are "turds".
If you cant, you are exactly what you appear in your profile picture.
Anyone who responds to the crap that 95% of society doesnt want to or cant deal with or scared to deal with can excersize whenever and wherever they want in my book!

You know I won't do that. Police routinely get away with massive abuses for smaller reasons than not being able to take an insult. Mindless defenders such as yourself are one of society's biggest problems.

Posted on: 2014/7/22 17:48

Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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2013/7/10 11:42
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Are you calling the PAPD "do nothings" and "turds"???
I dare you to approach them while they are working out and say that to them loud and clear that they are "turds".
If you cant, you are exactly what you appear in your profile picture.
Anyone who responds to the crap that 95% of society doesnt want to or cant deal with or scared to deal with can excersize whenever and wherever they want in my book!

Posted on: 2014/7/22 17:42

Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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2013/5/14 14:58
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Poncho11 wrote:

SteveWilson29 wrote:

PEC0905 wrote:

Mall cops?? Really??

You're a jerkoff Steve Wilson, and apparently have no sympathy or respect for the tragedy of 9/11.

The PAPD protects our ports and airports in NY/NJ and as Heights mentioned, were first responders on 9/11. They gave their lives to help others and protect us from these Muslim scumbags.

Steve, why is it that we should care about you and your complaints. Isn't that the way you treat everyone else?
Can you imagine him calling you a Jerkoff !

Stay classy, son.

This is hard to decipher and appears to make little sense anyway. Have you seen the turds trying out to be $100k+/year do-nothings?

Posted on: 2014/7/22 0:36

Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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2006/11/13 18:42
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Please send the PADA cadets to jog / exercise around MLK Drive and Communipaw - We would love to have them around here.

Posted on: 2014/7/21 23:50
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Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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2011/2/14 18:30
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SteveWilson29 wrote:

PEC0905 wrote:

Mall cops?? Really??

You're a jerkoff Steve Wilson, and apparently have no sympathy or respect for the tragedy of 9/11.

The PAPD protects our ports and airports in NY/NJ and as Heights mentioned, were first responders on 9/11. They gave their lives to help others and protect us from these Muslim scumbags.

Steve, why is it that we should care about you and your complaints. Isn't that the way you treat everyone else?
Can you imagine him calling you a Jerkoff !

Stay classy, son.

Posted on: 2014/7/21 22:29

Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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Azul_the_Cat wrote:
I see no problem with the PAPD cadets doing their exercises around DTJC. Any one who is going to possibly take a bullet for me can do his jumping jacks where ever he wants to.

Aren't they also backup responders to the JCPD? I recall that multiple shooting last week in on of the projects had the PAPD showing up. And they did help with coverage (along with the NYPD and many other NJ PD's) when JCPD officers were attending the funeral Friday.

Posted on: 2014/7/21 21:48

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I see no problem with the PAPD cadets doing their exercises around DTJC. Any one who is going to possibly take a bullet for me can do his jumping jacks where ever he wants to.

Posted on: 2014/7/21 21:41

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2013/9/19 17:59
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Police cadets training to be a cohesive, well-disciplined team of professionals. People working on their physical fitness, maybe inspiring others to do the same. Any way I look at this, I'm having a hard time seeing it as a problem someone should complain about. Maybe a white noise machine?

Posted on: 2014/7/21 20:51

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2005/5/11 3:17
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Was anyone else woken up today by the cadets doing calisthenics under the undercroft of their building on 12th Street at 5:54am? Even after I got up and closed my windows, I could still hear them shouting out each count.

Is there any way to make them understand that they are situated between two residential neighborhoods, and their exercise regimes might be better if they took place in Liberty State Park?

The situation with cadet generated noise has been going on for years. Does the Port Authority have a contact for neighborhood issues ?

Posted on: 2014/7/21 19:43

Re: PAPD cadets jogging downtown
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2013/7/10 11:42
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Thanks for proving my point..... Are there some bad. sure are. we read about them. But lots??? Just putting on the uniform requires COJONES. Which apparently you may not have Rubber Ducky. But hey, its imho.

Posted on: 2013/9/10 19:44

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