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Antique Style Frame
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Antique style ornate frame (only) varying colors of black/charcoal

50.25" w 62" tall 5.25" deep (outside)

36"x48" picture size


email me for pictures since this site is giving me problems attaching photos.

Posted on: 2018/5/28 3:29

9th Street, Monmouth and Brunswick Street Work
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Does anyone know when the sewer replacement/repairs will be over?! This has been going on Since January 1st of this year. Every day it's jack hammers and construction equipment at 7am, water shut offs and interruptions. The street looks like a patchwork quilt. They open one section of the street up, work on it, replace things, close it up...and then 3 weeks later unearth that section again. Seems like there is no end in site for this one section of 9th just between Monmouth and Brunswick.

Posted on: 2017/3/29 15:31

JC Police Cadets
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Not too shy to talk

Any idea how long these guys train for? Twice a week I'm awoken at 6am to them jogging in unison down my street flagged by police cars with their lights on, and from time to time all 40 of them chanting. It's been a few months already, and 9th street, for some reason is their route.

Posted on: 2016/11/9 13:17

Re: Downtown Roads...why so bad?
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Guys, stay on topic. This post is about the state of JC roads, not the embankment.

Posted on: 2016/4/7 14:23

Re: Downtown Roads...why so bad?
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Not too shy to talk

Maybe everyone can upload an image of the worst streets they come across on their commute or while walking the neighborhood. Then we'll send them to city hall.

Seriously, those of you who have are they holding up going over no around these major potholes? I wanna send my new shocks bill to city hall as well!

Posted on: 2016/4/7 11:54

Re: Downtown Roads...why so bad?
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Vigilante wrote:

clancey wrote:

Vigilante wrote:
As far as potholes? Anything that slows drivers down is okay by me.

I agree with slowing down drivers with speeds bumps or the police actually ticketing motorists blowing through stop signs, but we pay some of the highest taxes in the country and should have roads that don't look 3rd world.

A lot of the road destruction is caused by the constant repairs and updates needed to the sewer and gas lines. If people want high-rises then they have to consider that all that new, additional poop has to go somewhere so sewer lines must be expanded. Also the gas lines need to be extended to reach the new buildings like the ones going up on the 10th Street embankment. (I still can't believe they allowed development on those beautiful old embankments.) The next big Sandy-like storm should bring DTJC a flood of raw sewage what with all the new residents.

I definitely don't think we needed anymore buildings. A park would have been ideal on the 10th street embankment but I guess it's better than it just being an overgrown, unkempt wasteland.

Posted on: 2016/3/31 11:53

Re: Downtown Roads...why so bad?
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Vigilante wrote:
As far as potholes? Anything that slows drivers down is okay by me.

I agree with slowing down drivers with speeds bumps or the police actually ticketing motorists blowing through stop signs, but we pay some of the highest taxes in the country and should have roads that don't look 3rd world.

Posted on: 2016/3/31 2:17

Downtown Roads...why so bad?
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Not too shy to talk

Can anyone explain why the roads in downtown Jersey City are riddled with pot holes? There are very few smooth, freshly paved streets. I've heard it has to do with Fulop and PSE&G, and Fulop wanting them to fix the roads when they tear them up when they do work, but I know plenty of streets that have normal wear and tear and has nothting to do with utility work. The shocks on my car are really being tested on some streets. Just thought someone must have the inside scoop. Thanks.

Posted on: 2016/3/30 20:03

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Anyone have a great roofer you can recommend? I'm sure we're all going to need one! Thanks.

Posted on: 2011/8/28 14:18

Loud Motorcycle through Hamilton Park Last Night
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Not too shy to talk

Hey, Jerk on your LOUD rumbling motorcycling tearing through the Hamilton Park neighborhood last night at 3:45am last night...Get a life and let us sleep!

Posted on: 2011/5/27 12:58

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Not too shy to talk

That's the kind of mentality that's ruining the neighborhood...low rent. The "right" (in your mind) thing done for the wrong reason is still WRONG!

Posted on: 2010/6/22 23:06

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Not too shy to talk

this person that defaced the signs in the park doesn't seem to understand that he or she doesn't have the right to vandalize newly renovated public property. Instead of waiting a day for the people that put the signs in to realize that some of the signs were placed in the wrong spots this person has to ruin all the signs...basically play God. I happen to be a dog owner and there is NO reason at all I can't use the newly built dog runs. They are there for a reason. No one, including myself, wants to sit on a lawn that's riddled with dog urine and dog feces. The park is not a giant toilet bowl for your pet!! It's also nice to be able to sit on some grass instead of dirt like the old park because of dogs running back and forth on it tearing up the grass. This person, once identified should have to pay to have the sign replaced. It's just too bad that the security cameras weren't in to catch the jack a**. Seriously, what a tool this person is and to have NO life but to go through the park and scratch of the word "free" like he owns the park.

Posted on: 2010/6/22 21:19

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Not too shy to talk

I've never heard such a bunch of miserable cranks in all my life. If you weren't sitting around all day complaining and kvetching you'd actually have to go out and get a life. For starters no one stops to consider the alternative of this park renovation...they didn't have to do it! We could have been stuck with that eyesore of a park for the next 25 years. It had awful lighting, black asphalt pathways, overgrown trees and shrubbery, busted up sidewalks, NO dog runs (unless you count the tennis courts), tacky gardens and ugly overgrown fire bushes. Instead we are getting so far, because IT'S NOT FINISHED, tastefully done stamped pathways, better space layout, 2 dog runs, upgraded drainage of rain water so we don't have mud fields, great new benches that are not broken down wood, new garbage cans, new tennis court fencing, and a really nice (didn't say great) kids playground, new lighting and security cameras. Do you really think kids care when they are playing if it's metal (which sounds dangerous) or plastic? Doubt it. People are complaining about plants that were removed but have no idea what plants and flowers are going to be put in their place. If anything were really worth saving, and would actually help trim their budget, I believe they would have left it alone. Let's save the judgements for after the park is completed. Check the design plans, and if they have done an egregious deviation from those plans, then call the city. Otherwise use your energy to be more productive, don't spend your time hating, learn a trade!

Posted on: 2009/11/17 1:45

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Not too shy to talk

Oh lord, here we go again... Clearly you don't walk by W. Hamilton Place...there's all new sidewalks going in. Just stop being an alarmist!!

Posted on: 2009/6/4 23:48

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Not too shy to talk

Wow, thet entrance at W. Hamilton and 8th Street looks so great with that old tree gone that grew over the fence. It looks so open, big and inviting.

Posted on: 2009/5/13 14:11

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Yeah, positive. I went to the window and looked. Some guy driving a big hog revving the engine that late at night.

Posted on: 2009/5/10 0:16

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Not too shy to talk

Does anyone else get woken up by the motocycle tearing through the Hamilton Park neighborhood at 12am-2am every other night? It's extra loud and annoying!

Posted on: 2009/5/9 22:46

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Not too shy to talk


robotjustin wrote:
Clancey -

The City of Jersey City, i.e., the government, isn't doing its residents a "favor" by re-doing the park. The park is owned and paid for by the residents, the ever-shifting mosaic of people who call Jersey City home. The "city" doesn't own anything. The people do.

Would you appreciate someone forcing their way into your home to do renovations, but on their schedule, with their designs, on their budget, with their people?

Hamilton Park is a vital part of the downtown community. This project was delayed, delayed, and further delayed. As in almost everything else the government gets involved in, there is no transparency, but closer to an opaque patriarchal conspiracy. The new "temp park" was supposed to be open before HP was closed. It is not. Where's the communication?

Why couldn't the renovation wait until October? Why isn't there communication between the Government and the people? Why do we have to guess what's happening? Did you notice that there isn't even a projected completion date on the sign at the park?

I bet I'm not alone in having the sinking feeling that the project is going to take years, not months. Especially with the economic crisis.

Hope I'm wrong.

The park is owned and paid for by the residents? I better check the deed to my house because I didn't realize I had all this land! This park was funded by grant money not your taxes. You're the kind of person that would screw this up for everyone. The city doesn't have to do this park.

Opaque patriarchal conspiracy...oh lord, take your medications.

Posted on: 2009/5/3 17:34

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Not too shy to talk

Geez this all you have in life? These comments are really so petty and silly. For starters the fence was only put up on Thursday, April 30th. On Friday May 1st they started taking down the tennis court fence (a.k.a. the dog run) and there's a giant backhoe on the north side of the park. The 2nd and 3rd is the weekend. Quit complaining. Oh as far the gazebo lights, which are sold during the holidays, I don't even think they draw a whole amp of electricity. Again...if this is all you have to whine about I'm sad for you. Let them actually have a whole week and if nothing gets done then have at it!

Posted on: 2009/5/3 13:20

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Not too shy to talk

Yay! Well said! Clearly these cry babies would rather have sidewalks that look like land mines went off on them, ripped up grass from dogs off the leash, tennis courts that are so busted up, most recently from a dead tree struck by lightning last year and crushed the fence. If these people would just let the developer do their job they will have a stellar park in a few months. Not one but two dog runs, nice side walks that you can push a stroller over, a great playground and possibly grass!

Now the developer is pacifying these complainers with a temporary park and that's not even good enough. GET A LIFE and SHOVE YOUR PETITION.

Posted on: 2009/4/25 0:41

Re: Salon X
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Not too shy to talk

You get what you pay for. Also if you want nice shops and restaurants in your neighborhood to increase the value of your property and to differeniate bootleg-ville and a nice neighborhood the prices are going to comparable to other nice places. Also, as someone in the business, we train for years and years to be great at our is an art. We deal with back and joint problems later in life and deal with clients that show up late for appointments or no show. We get paid ,for the most part on commission and tips so on a $60 haircut that's only about $24 before taxes and service fees that the stylist actually gets in their pay. No one is forcing you to go there. Go to a quick-cuts type of salon and get a busted haircut that's not even.

Posted on: 2008/7/23 21:38

Cleaning Service
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Not too shy to talk

Hi, can anyone recommend a good cleaning service? Someone that will do a great job once or twice a month. Mainly kitchen and baths in a 3 story brown stone. Thanks.

Posted on: 2007/8/12 22:30

Re: Cars blowing through stops signs-Hamilton Park Area
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Not too shy to talk

There is now a speed monitoring sign from the police department at Coles and 8th Street...again, I guess this is a temporary fix to the problem.

Posted on: 2006/10/7 12:06

Re: Cars blowing through stops signs-Hamilton Park Area
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Not too shy to talk

At least there is a temporary speed monitoring contraption at Manila and 8th street...maybe they'll catch on and put them elsewhere.

Posted on: 2006/9/29 3:45

Cars blowing through stops signs-Hamilton Park Area
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Not too shy to talk

There is a complete disregard of traffic symbols by motorist. Pedestrians are not given the right of way at all, but in fact are treated like inconvenient annoyances.

Each morning and night, on the way to and from Manhattan along 8th Street (specifically at Erie and Coles) cars just blow right through the stops signs...not decelerate into a rolling stop, but as if there are not stop signs there at all.

I have seen and had the experience of cars honking at you because you are in the middle of the intersection trying to cross and because the cars don't feel like stoping, you are now holding them back. I've been ready to step out into the intersection at Coles and 8th because the car 30ft away approaching the intersection "should" come to a stop, but have had to jump back onto the corner because that car has no intention on stopping. The disturbing thing is that there is a school right after that stop sign. I've witnessed pedestrians in the Hamilton Park neighborhood yelling at cars that zip through the stop signs and rush them to the other side of the street, and the drivers look at you annoyed that you made them slow down. Just last night I saw a guy walking his dog around 8:15pm at Coles and Pavonia yell at a Jeep Liberty that blew right through that intersection and the person driving just looked at the guy like what's your problem.

I have called and emailed the Mayors office a couple times now and talked to a woman named Judy who said that a speed bump would be an option but she had to find out from the Dept of Transportation. Or a traffic camera. That was a month ago and nothing really has happened. If anyone else had noticed this problem in the neighborhood or experienced it please email Judy at or call at 201-547-4597 or 201-547-4900.

Posted on: 2006/9/27 13:17




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