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Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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2012/1/11 18:21
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Just signed up for UnitedHealthCare, $190.00 a month no co pay, and no referrals needed. You just have to shop around. I been shopping for 4 months. There are good plans out there you just have to do your homework. Good Luck everyone!

Posted on: 2014/2/2 13:11

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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Garage wrote:
I am a democrat. I voted for Obama twice. Newest quote from Blue Cross/ Blue Shield $1905 a month up from $1075.

I'm all for universal health care...but who is going to pay for it?

This should not be a democrat/ republican thing...

Whoa this is a really loaded statement. How many people on the plan? What ages? What genders? What will the co/pay, co insurance, deductible be? Maximum out of pocket?

These are all factors. The most costly people to insure are girls/women aged from 12-45. The next high risk group are young men. The lowest group is the elderly. You cannot just put a number out there like that without any other information.

It is not a perfect system yet, but we can't just keep going the way we were.

Posted on: 2014/2/2 8:02

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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Garage wrote:
I am a democrat. I voted for Obama twice. Newest quote from Blue Cross/ Blue Shield $1905 a month up from $1075.

I'm all for universal health care...but who is going to pay for it?

This should not be a democrat/ republican thing...

What do you mean "who is going to pay"? You do!

But, this is just the beginning. Wait till the social-security-medicare and the rest goes bankrupt, and the new generation says "hey, old people, we didn't vote for this, we are not paying 90% taxes to keep the promises you made to yourselves!" - and that will happen just when you wanted to retire...

Posted on: 2014/2/2 4:24

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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Pebble wrote:
Um, you're going off the deep end. I'm reading the actual law and there is this little part in there about militias. Seems to me that there was a purpose behind people being allowed to carry guns back then. Not as much now...

Well, if you want to know what that part means, why not reading some other things that its authors and the people they discussed it with wrote on the subject elsewhere ? Also, mind my asking, the phrases "the right of the people peaceably to assemble", "the right of the people to keep and bear arms", "the right of the people to be secure in their persons", - do they follow the same pattern, and talk about same things, like in all cases it is about natural rights of all the people that the Bill of Rights aims to protect? Or do you think that the authors didn't care how clearly they express their thoughts and used the same phrase but with different meaning in every sentence?

Second, how did you figure that "not as much now"? I mean, after all the revelations about the NSA snooping, and the IRS, and the ongoing militarization of the police forces that are buying unused military arms and tools, - you don't really believe that this Government is less likely to attack your rights than in Washington's time?

Posted on: 2014/2/2 4:07

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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2013/9/28 20:31
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I am a democrat. I voted for Obama twice. Newest quote from Blue Cross/ Blue Shield $1905 a month up from $1075.

I'm all for universal health care...but who is going to pay for it?

This should not be a democrat/ republican thing...

Posted on: 2014/1/31 18:24

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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2013/3/29 21:43
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borisp wrote:

WTAE-PA: Pennsylvania Small Business Hit With Skyrocketing Obamacare costs

This is basically the second part of Obamacare, that the King "postponed" for a year, and that is going to unroll during the following months...

LOL! A fake video is your evidence... yawn.

Posted on: 2014/1/31 15:42
Dos A Cero

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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2013/3/29 21:43
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borisp wrote:

Pebble wrote:

borisp wrote:

Pebble wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:
Yeah and it's legal to get firearms in many states but some make it a complete pain in the ass. What's your point?

What do firearms have to do with any of this?

You can't even prove that people have the right to own a gun...

This is not something that we prove. This is something that we hold self-evident.

Is it? I don't think so.

I didn't expect you to.
The truths that we hold self-evident are obviously not self-evident to everyone.

My point is, - the ideas that all people are created equal, and that they have equal rights, and among those the right to life, and that the government is instituted to protect those rights, - they are not something that in our view needs proof. This is our core belief system.

Um, you're going off the deep end. I'm reading the actual law and there is this little part in there about militias. Seems to me that there was a purpose behind people being allowed to carry guns back then. Not as much now...

Posted on: 2014/1/31 15:40
Dos A Cero

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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Why can't GOP find a genuine ACA horror story that can withstand an even modest scrutiny?

Posted on: 2014/1/31 14:53

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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WTAE-PA: Pennsylvania Small Business Hit With Skyrocketing Obamacare costs

This is basically the second part of Obamacare, that the King "postponed" for a year, and that is going to unroll during the following months...

Posted on: 2014/1/31 4:32

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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Pebble wrote:

borisp wrote:

Pebble wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:
Yeah and it's legal to get firearms in many states but some make it a complete pain in the ass. What's your point?

What do firearms have to do with any of this?

You can't even prove that people have the right to own a gun...

This is not something that we prove. This is something that we hold self-evident.

Is it? I don't think so.

I didn't expect you to.
The truths that we hold self-evident are obviously not self-evident to everyone.

My point is, - the ideas that all people are created equal, and that they have equal rights, and among those the right to life, and that the government is instituted to protect those rights, - they are not something that in our view needs proof. This is our core belief system.

Posted on: 2014/1/31 4:11

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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2013/3/29 21:43
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borisp wrote:

Pebble wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:
Yeah and it's legal to get firearms in many states but some make it a complete pain in the ass. What's your point?

What do firearms have to do with any of this?

You can't even prove that people have the right to own a gun...

This is not something that we prove. This is something that we hold self-evident.

Is it? I don't think so.

Posted on: 2014/1/31 0:51
Dos A Cero

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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2011/5/29 3:09
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Pebble wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:
Yeah and it's legal to get firearms in many states but some make it a complete pain in the ass. What's your point?

What do firearms have to do with any of this?

You can't even prove that people have the right to own a gun...

This is not something that we prove. This is something that we hold self-evident.

Posted on: 2014/1/31 0:25

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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2013/3/29 21:43
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nyrgravey9 wrote:
Yeah and it's legal to get firearms in many states but some make it a complete pain in the ass. What's your point?

What do firearms have to do with any of this?

You can't even prove that people have the right to own a gun...

Posted on: 2014/1/30 21:42
Dos A Cero

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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2013/7/1 16:39
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Yeah and it's legal to get firearms in many states but some make it a complete pain in the ass. What's your point?

Posted on: 2014/1/30 21:37

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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2013/3/29 21:43
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nyrgravey9 wrote:
Yes pebble you're proving my point. This new law codifies the Hyde amendment to keep federal funds from paying for abortions through subsidies from ACA. The titles of the articles are misnomers. "Sweeping anti abortion bill" is a flat out lie. Abortion is still legal. And In fact 17 states still provide state funding for abortions.

So again, no ones taking away your abortions. They're just asking you pay for it yourself. And by yourself, this means without private insurance subsidized by federal dollars.

I'm sorry but that's compromise. Again I'm 100% pro choice. Government should have no say in the legality of abortion other than to support a woman's right to have one. But I also understand the issue of public money directly or indirectly subsidizing it and can see why people might take umbrage with this.

Abortion will never be outlawed. Never. Ain't gonna happen in our lifetimes.

You clearly didn't read what was in there. It doesn't just require you to pay for itself. It completely removes the option that you could opt into a healthcare plan that would pay for it for you. Previously, the laws allowed for subsidies that would pay for parts of the healthcare plan, the parts that weren't abortion related. Now, it won't pay for any part of the plan because abortion is included.

This means abortions aren't going to be $450 because health insurance picks up the rest. This means the whole cost, largely placed on the poor, will be the burden of the individual.

In short: It's backwards thinking.

Posted on: 2014/1/30 21:33
Dos A Cero

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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2013/3/29 21:43
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nyrgravey9 wrote:
If you ever think roe v wade is ever going to be overturned, I think we will be selling each other the same bridges and tunnels. It's NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. If it ever did I'd be right next to you as we march down to Washington.

I don't think the law will be overturned. There is far too much money to be had by the law existing (They'll take away abortion, give us money! They want to kill babies, give us money!). However, laws that are put forward continue to make it more and more difficult than it should be.

Since you don?t find Ohio surprising, how about North Dakota: ... -assume-abortion-illegal/

How about South Dakota: ... g-times-in-u-s-introduced

How about Wisconsin: ... b9967923z1-218162671.html

Look at the dates on all of those articles, including those cited above, and you?ll notice they were laws put into effect in 2013. Those are laws specifically designed to make abortion as difficult as possible.

I?ll let you guess which anti-government-intervention-into-healthcare party pushed for those laws to pass?

Posted on: 2014/1/30 21:30
Dos A Cero

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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2013/7/1 16:39
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Yes pebble you're proving my point. This new law codifies the Hyde amendment to keep federal funds from paying for abortions through subsidies from ACA. The titles of the articles are misnomers. "Sweeping anti abortion bill" is a flat out lie. Abortion is still legal. And In fact 17 states still provide state funding for abortions.

So again, no ones taking away your abortions. They're just asking you pay for it yourself. And by yourself, this means without private insurance subsidized by federal dollars.

I'm sorry but that's compromise. Again I'm 100% pro choice. Government should have no say in the legality of abortion other than to support a woman's right to have one. But I also understand the issue of public money directly or indirectly subsidizing it and can see why people might take umbrage with this.

Abortion will never be outlawed. Never. Ain't gonna happen in our lifetimes.

Posted on: 2014/1/30 21:24

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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2013/7/1 16:39
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If you ever think roe v wade is ever going to be overturned, I think we will be selling each other the same bridges and tunnels. It's NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. If it ever did I'd be right next to you as we march down to Washington.

Posted on: 2014/1/30 21:17

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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2013/3/29 21:43
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nyrgravey9 wrote:
But what makes me laugh about the left pro
Choice folks is that in one breath you hear "government needs to stay out of abortions!!" And then "government better pay for my abortions!!"

Where the f*ck did common goddamn sense go in this country?


I don't hear anyone saying the government needs to pay for abortions. I have read, and posted above, an article about the impact the law has on how insurance companies would provide for it.

The only people raging on and on are conservatives that hate the ACA but are anti-abortion.

Quote me someone claiming the government should pay for abortion and I might take some stock, if ever so small, in your strawman argument.

Posted on: 2014/1/30 21:11
Dos A Cero

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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2013/3/29 21:43
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Adonis wrote:

Pebble wrote:
There are things that the government needs to do in order to compete economically on a global stage. Healthcare is one such area.

Evidence please. Show your work. So far the more government gets involved (Medicare, Medicaid) the costlier it gets.

The burden of proof is on the person making the claim. You are saying that it?s more costly and provide zero evidence.

In regards to the economic competition? Let?s see, much of Europe and Canada have universal healthcare. Canada and Australia subsidize their steel industry. China downgrades its own currency? those are just examples of economic decisions other countries make that impact our own.

You may not like this fact, but it?s the reality.

There is no such thing as Honda v. Dodge and the only reason Honda sells more is because it is a better car. No, Honda sells more because they can lower their costs because the Japanese protects domestic products with tariffs on imports.


nyrgravey9 wrote:
Finally someone posted this piece of propaganda bullshit. Keep in mind I'm 110% pro choice. All this is is an update to the Hyde act to update for federal dollars funneled through obamacare.

Federal money is already banned from paying for abortions and this act just ensures no exceptions through ACA. but of course it gets plastered as "REPUBLICANS ARE DOING AWAY WITH ABORTIONS!!"

Please grow a brain atsushi. No ones taking away your abortions. They're just putting the responsibility on you to pay for your own mistake. And at $450 a pop, if you need that many abortions that you can't afford them, you've got bigger problems.

This meme is in itself, an intellectual abortion.

Atsushi wrote:
Resized Image

If you don?t believe that Republicans are working towards eliminating abortions, I?ve a tunnel to Manhattan to sell you.

Just look at the laws passed in Ohio (Link).

In regards to the claim that this specific ad is propaganda bs, I?ll give you the national Journal (link):
However, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act would take restrictions further, essentially codifying and significantly expanding the Hyde Amendment. The bill seeks to make the amendment permanent law, and to prevent federal funds from going not just toward abortions themselves but toward any plan, provider, or facility that offer such services.

The ACA does not prevent insurance plans from including abortion coverage, although every exchange must include one plan that does not.

If a plan does not offer abortion coverage, or offers it only under the three exceptions, then there is no conflict and federal subsidies may be applied to the plan in full. If the plan does include abortion coverage, subsidies may go toward the rest of the plan except those services. If a woman elects to have an abortion, the cost of that procedure is separate from the rest of her premium, and she is fully responsible.

H.R. 7 would prevent subsidies from going to these latter plans at all, for both individuals and small businesses. The bill would ban federal funds from being applied to any health plan that includes abortion coverage, and would prohibit any federal or D.C. health facility, and any provider employed by the federal government or D.C., from offering those services.

This means that small businesses and individuals would need to select only plans that do not cover abortion, or forgo the tax credits they are eligible for, regardless of whether the consumers actually use the abortion services.

But, yeah, go on and claim the ad is just propaganda BS while ignoring the very impact this would have on policies.

Posted on: 2014/1/30 21:09
Dos A Cero

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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2013/7/1 16:39
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But what makes me laugh about the left pro
Choice folks is that in one breath you hear "government needs to stay out of abortions!!" And then "government better pay for my abortions!!"

Where the f*ck did common goddamn sense go in this country?

Posted on: 2014/1/30 20:53

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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2013/7/1 16:39
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Finally someone posted this piece of propaganda bullshit. Keep in mind I'm 110% pro choice. All this is is an update to the Hyde act to update for federal dollars funneled through obamacare.

Federal money is already banned from paying for abortions and this act just ensures no exceptions through ACA. but of course it gets plastered as "REPUBLICANS ARE DOING AWAY WITH ABORTIONS!!"

Please grow a brain atsushi. No ones taking away your abortions. They're just putting the responsibility on you to pay for your own mistake. And at $450 a pop, if you need that many abortions that you can't afford them, you've got bigger problems.

This meme is in itself, an intellectual abortion.

Atsushi wrote:
Resized Image

Posted on: 2014/1/30 20:40

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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of course, costs trump all other expenses

Posted on: 2014/1/30 20:08

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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Pebble wrote:
There are things that the government needs to do in order to compete economically on a global stage. Healthcare is one such area.

Evidence please. Show your work. So far the more government gets involved (Medicare, Medicaid) the costlier it gets.

Posted on: 2014/1/30 19:59

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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2013/3/29 21:43
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Adonis wrote:
More people have no health insurance post Obamacare than before. We were better off doing nothing.

Evidence, please. Show your work.

I am also curious to learn if there are people opting out due to spite. For instance you have the people that run out and buy guns in bulk every time a Democrat is elected president.

There are things that the government needs to do in order to compete economically on a global stage. Healthcare is one such area.

Posted on: 2014/1/30 19:54
Dos A Cero

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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More people have no health insurance post Obamacare than before. We were better off doing nothing.

Posted on: 2014/1/30 15:30

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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well, the GOP had 8 years under GWB to do something...Obama made a first stab so let's all work together to improve ObamaCare

Posted on: 2014/1/30 15:06

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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hero69 wrote:
I'm not going to get into an argument about this with people who are just fundamentally opposed to a government role in healthcare.

Of course you aren't!
You are going to get into an here-is-an-anecdote slganeering.

hero69 wrote:
But I have an old colleague that lost her very well paid full time job over two years ago and was a fervent supporter of mccain/palin and a staunch opponent of ObamaCare. She is now enthusiastically enrolled her ObamaCare after foregoing health insurance because it was TOOOOOO expensive at the individual level.

Yes, and Obama criticized Bush for snooping on terrorists, - and now he is quite enthusiastic about total spying on all Americans. Yes, some people claim to respect other's rights and the Constitution but it is just words they say to look good. And some people do believe in those things, but given an opportunity, sell out.

What's your point?

Posted on: 2014/1/30 14:54

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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Posted on: 2014/1/29 16:32

Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
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hero69 wrote:
our learned Republican senators want to replace ObamaCare with an even worse, more expensive system.

They give tax credits so individuals can go out an buy individual policies. Aren't some individual policies (ie non-group) like 5-6X more expensive than group policies. ... replacement-for-2017.html

"The senators said they would guarantee that private insurance could be obtained without consideration of illness or pre-existing conditions for Americans who maintain continuous coverage." A promising premise, but absent a mandate (e.g., similar to the requirement for automobile or condomium insurance by the State and lenders) how might this be achieved?

"People who experience a gap in their coverage would be subject to medical underwriting, in which insurers would charge them more based on their health." This seems to undermine a main tenent of of the PPACA, and would seemingly bring us back to where we are now.

Posted on: 2014/1/29 15:31

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