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Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Monroe wrote:

Crazy_Chester wrote:

Monroe wrote:

Crazy_Chester wrote:
The more relevant point is that this move DID delay ambulances. Whether or not this woman could have been saved is not the point. Messing with traffic is damn dangerous.

And I ask again, what if this woman had been your mother? Would you so casually shrug Bridgegate off?

My mother died at 67, if she made 91 I'd have been thrilled. I'd love to see a stat on how many 91 year old women survive heart attacks under any circumstances, let alone a few minute delay in response from an ambulance.

Still missing the point. Purposely, I assume.

Fail. First, you'd have to prove that the 91 year old woman, already in cardiac arrest (and maybe already dead but undeclared) lost her life over a few minutes delay. If that is so, then I said throw the book at the people involved.

No connection has been made to Christie over this, so his exposure is zero-unless you're one of the 'it's his culture as exec that encouraged this' in which case we're back to Obama and IRSGate, which you'd then be calling for his head as well. Along with Mrs. Clinton and Benghazi.

But you won't, of course, because that's intellectually honest and non partisan.

You use "Fail" a lot in your replies. It's dated and nerdy.

There is no question that this action positively delayed ambulance response times. Do you not get how serious that is?

And no connection between Christie and Bridgegate? Really? Or do you mean to say that Christie did not DIRECTLY order it? I say bullshit. I can't prove it, but I also can't prove that OJ Simpson killed Nicole and Ron. I just know what's what. I wasn't born yesterday.

And WILL answer your deflecting questions regarding Benghazi and the IRS.

I am not exactly sure what happened in Benghazi. I mean, I know the narratives, but I am still not sure exactly what happened. I do not think anything Clinton did or did not do led to the death of the embassy personnel. If there is blame to go around, I think Clinton would probably fall towards the middle or bottom of the list, if at all. If you think there was a cover up, I won't try to prove you wrong. Like I said, I am not sure. Right now I think the scenario described by Vigilante is close to the truth. But I'm honest enough to let my mind be changed by evidence.

And I think Obama probably was involved in "IRSGate." I don't think he woke up and decided one day to do it the way I believe Christie did in "BridgeGate", but still, he had involvement. And do you know what? I credit him for it. I support the extra scrutiny given to organizations seeking tax exemptions. By the way, did you know that in addition to Tea Party groups, any group with the words "progressive" and "occupy" were also targeted for scrutiny? So there was no targeting of only conservative groups. I support all of this. I don't consider it a scandal at all. There is nothing illegal about this. It is like the bank doing a credit check.

So there, I've honestly answered the questions you said I wouldn't. You're welcome.

Posted on: 2014/1/9 20:33

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Pebble has his/her dunce cap on again.

He/she wants me to prove that the fix is in (right, a Democrat and Obama financial contributor and supporter being put in charge of the IRS investigation), talk about a fox being put in charge of the hen house,

and then he/she says

the Kelly woman already has a job. Did I miss that somewhere? Care to offer up anything to support that??

Baroni and Wildstein forced to resign is the same as being fired, like Martin Bashir and Baldwin 'resigning'.

And Stepien was given the heave ho, did you miss that?

Posted on: 2014/1/9 20:30

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Chris Christie: More Like Nixon than Giuliani Why the bridge scandal is so damaging

Posted on: 2014/1/9 20:28

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Monroe wrote:
Let's be real, folks. Those gleeful over this weren't going to vote for Christie for POTUS before conegate anyway, right?

Whistling past the graveyard. And it's really, really weird how you say "Benghazi" like you have tourettes every time someone says something less than favorable about Christie. You should get that checked out.

This thing isn't over - and it should have been. The press conference was weird - Christie said several times he hadn't slept the past two nights because of this while also saying he "heard about all of this for the first time when he got back from his workout at (exactly) 8:55 yesterday morning." He tried to revive/legitimize the traffic study argument when this should have given him a clear path to walk away from that. The "they lied to me" card that he has played has to be played fully - he's buried the bodies (Wildstein, Baroni, Stepien, Kelly - probably Samson and maybe Drewniak before it's all said and done) now he needs to move on.

Wildstein taking the fifth today lends a lot of oxygen to the fire. First he fought the subpeona and then he takes the fifth - this will be around for a while and today's Christie press conference won't be the last on this issue.

Did anyone else find it weird that Christie was referring to Samson as "General Samson" when answering questions from the press? I've never heard an attorney general (current or, as is the case with Samson, former) referred to as "General" before.

And - last question - who the hell puts this stuff in such explicit terms in email??? Not bright.

Posted on: 2014/1/9 20:28

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Monroe wrote:
Let's be real, folks. Those gleeful over this weren't going to vote for Christie for POTUS before conegate anyway, right?

Independents, becoming a larger group year by year, have been enthusiastic for Christie overall and are likely not going to be deterred by a molehill mountain over a couple of traffic jams-of which he had no knowledge anyway.

Conservative Republicans would feel much more strongly about Mrs. Clinton and Benghazi than any Christie issues.

So, far out from people declaring for POTUS, conegate is unimportant.

You just don't get it, he's not going to get to go against Clinton, his east coast loudmouth crap just isn't going to play to the GOP base any more than Guiliani's did. Your mantra of his supposed bipartisanship will be a liability not an asset with that crowd, as it was with Romney, a far smoother guy who's east coast wares didn't sell all that well either. He was just fortunate the rest of the field were completely insane.

Posted on: 2014/1/9 20:26

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Fulop was asked for an endorsement, and refused. Did I miss the Marin Blvd access lanes to the Holland Tunnel being diverted to the main access??

Posted on: 2014/1/9 20:25

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Monroe wrote:
Of course, we just find out that the person in charge of investigating the IRS/Obama scandal is an Obama political donor, appointed by Eric Holder and the DOJ! The fix is in . . .

The fix is in?? Prove it. Where is your evidence?


Monroe wrote:
Back to Christie-he fires anyone involved with cone gate, yet the haters are still hating.

After calling them 'abject idiots' (obviously not handling his own staffers with kid gloves, he's an equal opportunity plain talker), do you think he's worried about a smoking gun email somehow connecting him?

Nope, and that's why it's already becoming a non story.

?He fires anyone involved?? Really? Exactly one person has been fired. How is that anyone? When was Wildstein ?fired?? When was Bill Baroni fired? What about Robert Durando? How about Bill Stepien?


Monroe wrote:
Haters gonna hate, lol.

But the real issue, vis a vis 2016, is what will be the bigger scandal

Bridgegate in NJ, in which there were a couple additional traffic jams added to the thousands daily in NJ


Benghazigate, in which four Americans were killed, dozens injured, no one held accountable for not increasing security in a North Africa Arab country on the anniversary of 9/11 after repeated requests to Mrs. Clinton's office, and where we still have no knowledge of what Mrs. Clinton did during the attack-no email trail, no phone records, zero accountability, and no one fired for their poor decisions.

And Mrs. Clinton hasn't given an hour long press conference taking question after question about her role, as Secretary of State in charge, about her leadership and accountability.

Maybe Christie should have said 'what's the difference'?

And did you notice how Christie calmly responded to certain questions that were trying to get him to lose his cool? Didn't work.

No it?s not. I?m a New Jersey resident. This is the issue. What happens if Fulop does something the Governor doesn?t like? Will Christie shut down the PATH? What about state parks? Will Christie decide to let them rot just because Fulop won?t endorse him?

Benghazi has nothing to do with the GWB issue.


Monroe wrote:
(I won't make the comparison of Mrs. Clinton and four murdered Americans again, I shouldn't need to) except to say not only has no one been fired, but that no inquiry has begun. In fact, Mrs. Clinton's State Department, both when she was the Secretary and now, has refused to allow on site victims to testify to Congress about the terrorist (not video inspired) attack.

Now, conspiracy folks, that's a coverup!

I won?t talk about Benghazi until I write a full paragraph about Benghazi.

I don?t know what is more pathetic, your need to apologize for Christie and his staff or the fact that you can?t even talk about the issue directly.


user1111 wrote:
Ms. Bridget has children that she wants to send to college and she wants to keep surviving and not many will hire her. So the truth will come out when she writes her tell all book just before the primaries.

You don?t think she?s lined up for a job already?


Monroe wrote:
Let's be real, folks. Those gleeful over this weren't going to vote for Christie for POTUS before conegate anyway, right?

Independents, becoming a larger group year by year, have been enthusiastic for Christie overall and are likely not going to be deterred by a molehill mountain over a couple of traffic jams-of which he had no knowledge anyway.

Conservative Republicans would feel much more strongly about Mrs. Clinton and Benghazi than any Christie issues.

So, far out from people declaring for POTUS, conegate is unimportant.

(Of course, and this is a big of course, barring any emails/phone messages/texts connecting Christie to conegate). Given his very genuine press conference today I doubt it highly. I'd say there isn't a semen stained dress situation hanging in someone's closet with DNA evidence. Or a pizza grease stain on a memo! :)

What conservative Republican was going to vote for Clinton??

You really are a clown. You can?t stop talking about Benghazi when there is an issue in your own backyard.


Posted on: 2014/1/9 20:23
Dos A Cero

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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The linked article begins with an epic fail-the mayor of Ft. Lee has said he wasn't asked to endorse Christie, so how could he be 'punished' for not doing something he wasn't asked to do?


Posted on: 2014/1/9 20:21

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Posted on: 2014/1/9 20:11

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Let's be real, folks. Those gleeful over this weren't going to vote for Christie for POTUS before conegate anyway, right?

Independents, becoming a larger group year by year, have been enthusiastic for Christie overall and are likely not going to be deterred by a molehill mountain over a couple of traffic jams-of which he had no knowledge anyway.

Conservative Republicans would feel much more strongly about Mrs. Clinton and Benghazi than any Christie issues.

So, far out from people declaring for POTUS, conegate is unimportant.

(Of course, and this is a big of course, barring any emails/phone messages/texts connecting Christie to conegate). Given his very genuine press conference today I doubt it highly. I'd say there isn't a semen stained dress situation hanging in someone's closet with DNA evidence. Or a pizza grease stain on a memo! :)

Posted on: 2014/1/9 20:06

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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user1111 wrote:
Ms. Bridget has children that she wants to send to college and she wants to keep surviving and not many will hire her. So the truth will come out when she writes her tell all book just before the primaries.

That would be awesome!!

Posted on: 2014/1/9 19:58

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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From the NYTimes: "However, Mr. Wildstein invoked hist Fifth Amendment privilege against questions by lawmakers. He said that he was asserting his right not to answer on the advice of his lawyers." ... christie-ally-in-contempt

Posted on: 2014/1/9 19:58

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Ms. Bridget has children that she wants to send to college and she wants to keep surviving and not many will hire her. So the truth will come out when she writes her tell all book just before the primaries.

Posted on: 2014/1/9 19:57

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Monroe wrote:

PremiumContent wrote:
Christie didn't know anything, yet he was actively trying to cover up the investigation a month ago. ... 4477704579254012674389146

The article is about a month old, and Cuomo has fully backed Christie at every opportunity over conegate, nothing new here.

I know it's a month old. Why do you think he was trying to stop the investigation? He apparently didn't know of any wrongdoing so I find it very suspicious he didn't want it looked into.

Posted on: 2014/1/9 19:55

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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If Christie truly didn't know about this, there is nothing he has to worry about, but this is getting bigger and bigger.

Let's dig more, shall we?

Posted on: 2014/1/9 19:52

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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PremiumContent wrote:
Christie didn't know anything, yet he was actively trying to cover up the investigation a month ago. ... 4477704579254012674389146

The article is about a month old, and Cuomo has fully backed Christie at every opportunity over conegate, nothing new here.

Posted on: 2014/1/9 19:50

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Christie didn't know anything, yet he was actively trying to cover up the investigation a month ago. ... 4477704579254012674389146

Posted on: 2014/1/9 19:45

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Crazy_Chester wrote:

Monroe wrote:

Crazy_Chester wrote:
The more relevant point is that this move DID delay ambulances. Whether or not this woman could have been saved is not the point. Messing with traffic is damn dangerous.

And I ask again, what if this woman had been your mother? Would you so casually shrug Bridgegate off?

My mother died at 67, if she made 91 I'd have been thrilled. I'd love to see a stat on how many 91 year old women survive heart attacks under any circumstances, let alone a few minute delay in response from an ambulance.

Still missing the point. Purposely, I assume.

Fail. First, you'd have to prove that the 91 year old woman, already in cardiac arrest (and maybe already dead but undeclared) lost her life over a few minutes delay. If that is so, then I said throw the book at the people involved.

No connection has been made to Christie over this, so his exposure is zero-unless you're one of the 'it's his culture as exec that encouraged this' in which case we're back to Obama and IRSGate, which you'd then be calling for his head as well. Along with Mrs. Clinton and Benghazi.

But you won't, of course, because that's intellectually honest and non partisan.

Posted on: 2014/1/9 19:45

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Posted on: 2014/1/9 19:44

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Vigilante wrote:
People keep mentioning Benghazi. It's already been proven that the attack was spontaneous and then co-opted by local warlords. Kind of like looting a store. Stevens didn't want a massive security detail. He was well liked by Libyans and had just helped them win their liberation. He knew things weren't great there but no one knew of any specific threats. The anti-Islamic film sparked the outrage and warlords co-opted the outrage to make a political statement. Only thing I disagree with is that Obama has allowed the prime suspect to remain free. In any case, this Christie thing will probably blow over by next year. He just better hope he kept a reasonable distance from the actual machinations. Kind of like what Healy did in the pay for play scandal. No doubt Christie knew something but for his sake he better hope that only his subordinates take the fall.

Nonsense, unless you're drinking Kool Aid through a straw made from the page of a discredited NY Times article. And the article has been discredited by Democrats as well, it's a bi-partisan rejection of the Hilary puff piece. ... -benghazi/article/2541379

Posted on: 2014/1/9 19:41

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Monroe wrote:

Crazy_Chester wrote:
The more relevant point is that this move DID delay ambulances. Whether or not this woman could have been saved is not the point. Messing with traffic is damn dangerous.

And I ask again, what if this woman had been your mother? Would you so casually shrug Bridgegate off?

My mother died at 67, if she made 91 I'd have been thrilled. I'd love to see a stat on how many 91 year old women survive heart attacks under any circumstances, let alone a few minute delay in response from an ambulance.

Still missing the point. Purposely, I assume.

Posted on: 2014/1/9 19:34

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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People keep mentioning Benghazi. It's already been proven that the attack was spontaneous and then co-opted by local warlords. Kind of like looting a store. Stevens didn't want a massive security detail. He was well liked by Libyans and had just helped them win their liberation. He knew things weren't great there but no one knew of any specific threats. The anti-Islamic film sparked the outrage and warlords co-opted the outrage to make a political statement. Only thing I disagree with is that Obama has allowed the prime suspect to remain free. In any case, this Christie thing will probably blow over by next year. He just better hope he kept a reasonable distance from the actual machinations. Kind of like what Healy did in the pay for play scandal. No doubt Christie knew something but for his sake he better hope that only his subordinates take the fall.

Posted on: 2014/1/9 19:21

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Posted on: 2014/1/9 19:17

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Crazy_Chester wrote:
The more relevant point is that this move DID delay ambulances. Whether or not this woman could have been saved is not the point. Messing with traffic is damn dangerous.

And I ask again, what if this woman had been your mother? Would you so casually shrug Bridgegate off?

My mother died at 67, if she made 91 I'd have been thrilled. I'd love to see a stat on how many 91 year old women survive heart attacks under any circumstances, let alone a few minute delay in response from an ambulance.

Posted on: 2014/1/9 19:14

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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stc4blues wrote:
I saw the press conference, and it was a convincing performance. But there is this:


Bogart wrote:
It's true that there is nothing (yet) to prove that Christie knew about this. However, common sense tell us that his aides and political advisors would not be acting so recklessly without his approval or a strong basis to believe he approved based on prior behavior.

If you think this is likely, I'm sure you feel the same way about Obama and IRS gate? (The one difference is the IRS gate may have won Obama's 2nd stint in office).

Which action by reckless aides and advisors had more importance? And now we have an Obama financial and political supporter placed in charge of the IRS investigation? Would you be comfortable if NJ appointed a financial and political supporter of Christie to investigate cone gate?

Posted on: 2014/1/9 19:12

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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The more relevant point is that this move DID delay ambulances. Whether or not this woman could have been saved is not the point. Messing with traffic is damn dangerous.

And I ask again, what if this woman had been your mother? Would you so casually shrug Bridgegate off?

Posted on: 2014/1/9 19:10

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I'd like to see a bigger outcry against the PANYNJ itself. It needs better transparency at the very least. Or better yet, get rid of this money-sucking patronage mill.

Posted on: 2014/1/9 19:05

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I saw the press conference, and it was a convincing performance. But there is this:


Bogart wrote:
It's true that there is nothing (yet) to prove that Christie knew about this. However, common sense tell us that his aides and political advisors would not be acting so recklessly without his approval or a strong basis to believe he approved based on prior behavior.

Posted on: 2014/1/9 19:04

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vindication15 wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Haters gonna hate, lol.

But the real issue, vis a vis 2016, is what will be the bigger scandal

Bridgegate in NJ, in which there were a couple additional traffic jams added to the thousands daily in NJ


Benghazigate, in which four Americans were killed, dozens injured, no one held accountable for not increasing security in a North Africa Arab country on the anniversary of 9/11 after repeated requests to Mrs. Clinton's office, and where we still have no knowledge of what Mrs. Clinton did during the attack-no email trail, no phone records, zero accountability, and no one fired for their poor decisions.

And Mrs. Clinton hasn't given an hour long press conference taking question after question about her role, as Secretary of State in charge, about her leadership and accountability.

Maybe Christie should have said 'what's the difference'?

And did you notice how Christie calmly responded to certain questions that were trying to get him to lose his cool? Didn't work. ... sey-bridge-death-20140108,0,2864014.story

In September, according to a report from the Bergen Record, paramedics trying to reach an unconscious 91-year-old woman in Fort Lee, N.J., got stuck in a traffic jam that had apparently been created by Christie's associates as political punishment for the borough's mayor, a Democrat. Multiple lanes were forced to merge into one, gridlocking traffic for days.

The woman later died at a hospital of cardiac arrest, according to a Sept. 10 letter that EMS coordinator Paul Favia sent to the borough's mayor.

"Paramedics were delayed due to heavy traffic on Fort Lee Road and had to meet the ambulance en-route to the hospital instead of on the scene," Favia wrote, the Record reported.

Although Favia did not explicitly blame the woman's death on the traffic delay -- the paramedics got to her in seven minutes -- it was one of four such delays reported by the coordinator, the newspaper reported.

I'm sad for that poor woman-but she was 91 years old, already in cardiac arrest, and the delays that may or may not have been caused by traffic amounted to a couple of minutes. Did the traffic jam kill her? A 91 year old woman already in cardiac arrest? They don't have doctor's on board ambulances, she may well have already been dead just not declared dead.

And if these knuckleheads are in any way criminally liable for this, let the heads roll-Christie has already done his part by firing them.

(I won't make the comparison of Mrs. Clinton and four murdered Americans again, I shouldn't need to) except to say not only has no one been fired, but that no inquiry has begun. In fact, Mrs. Clinton's State Department, both when she was the Secretary and now, has refused to allow on site victims to testify to Congress about the terrorist (not video inspired) attack.

Now, conspiracy folks, that's a coverup!

Posted on: 2014/1/9 19:00

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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When you guys type that you think Christie didn't know about any of this, do you do so with a straight face?

And for those wanting Christie to become president in 2016, you shouldn't worry about Democrats using this to bring down Christie, you should worry about Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Paul Ryan, and whoever else decides to seek the Republican nomination. This is ammunition for them, as if they needed any more.

Posted on: 2014/1/9 18:58

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