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Re: Governor Christie landslide
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2013/5/15 14:11
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Garage wrote:
so what was the tenure reform? Yelling at teachers is not tenure reform.

Last I checked stock market more than doubled under Obama and unemployement down approx 2.5 %. Uemployement still in mid 9's in Jersey under Christie. He talks of cutting income taxes 10%....who will that benefit ..the wealthy.They will save thousands while the common man will save $100 a year.

Do you really think paying fast food workers and assorted other employees an extra $1 an hour will effect unemployment?

Listen Christie has can be charming, his blunt Jersey guy act resonates with many but I find him to be a self serving windbag. He bought his Attorney General positon and he used his influence to protect friends and family from prosecution. I don't want him to be our president.

You don't want him to be Governor, but he is. Yes, raising the minimum wage will stall new hires, as will forcing companies to provide healthcare when they have more than 49 full time employees. That's why just about all the new jobs have been part time or temp jobs, not quality jobs.

It's amazing that people who defend Obama point to the gains in the stock market. Doesn't that reflect the rich getting richer, especially when the jobs market is so bleak? It's exactly the opposite of what he campaigned on! Workforce participation is at the lowest level in many decades-just imagine what the 'real' unemployment numbers are if those who've given up were counted.

If you are ignorant about NJ tenure reform it's easy to explain. Teachers need to teach and be evaluated for 4 years instead of 3 to be eligible, and teachers are much more easily removed for poor performance. Even Democratic leader Sweeney said it was the first education reform in 100 years! Another bi-partisan win!

Posted on: 2013/11/9 20:51

Re: Governor Christie landslide
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2013/9/28 20:31
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so what was the tenure reform? Yelling at teachers is not tenure reform.

Last I checked stock market more than doubled under Obama and unemployement down approx 2.5 %. Uemployement still in mid 9's in Jersey under Christie. He talks of cutting income taxes 10%....who will that benefit ..the wealthy.They will save thousands while the common man will save $100 a year.

Do you really think paying fast food workers and assorted other employees an extra $1 an hour will effect unemployment?

Listen Christie has can be charming, his blunt Jersey guy act resonates with many but I find him to be a self serving windbag. He bought his Attorney General positon and he used his influence to protect friends and family from prosecution. I don't want him to be our president.

Posted on: 2013/11/9 19:51

Re: Governor Christie landslide
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You can't pin the Obama economy on Christie. The Democrats in the Legislature putting a constitutional amendment raising the minimum wage will also hurt the NJ economy, don't blame that on Christie either. What does healthcare contribution by teachers have anything to do with tenure reform? They are two separate steps forward.

I'm not sure what no-bid contracts you're talking about, but the no bid contract for hundreds of millions of dollars to a radical college friend of the First Lady-now, that's one to get riled up about-but I'll bet you aren't, are you-especially given that it's been an abject failure.

You're right about the special election. He should have just appointed Chiesa to finish the entire term of Lautenberg. You'd have been ok with that, right?


Garage wrote:
high unemployment, economic downswing, little job creation.
Teachers paying 1.5% towards health care is not tenure reform, awarding no bid ontracts to cronies is not reaching accross the aisle. Wasting 25 million on a special election in October is not sound economic policy.

Posted on: 2013/11/9 17:03

Re: Governor Christie landslide
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2013/9/28 20:31
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high unemployment, economic downswing, little job creation.
Teachers paying 1.5% towards health care is not tenure reform, awarding no bid ontracts to cronies is not reaching accross the aisle. Wasting 25 million on a special election in October is not sound economic policy.

Posted on: 2013/11/9 12:31

Re: Governor Christie landslide
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Garage wrote:
The sad thing is compared to the tea baggers he may be a moderate. Like Reagan, Christie has a way of connecting to people despite his lack of accomplishments.

I guess getting pension reform, healthcare contribution reform, tenure reform, municipal tax caps, yadda yadda somehow missed your accomplishment list. (All done with a Democratic controlled Legislature, natch).

It's no surprise that the two most corrupt counties in NJ were the only ones to vote for Buono to win!

Posted on: 2013/11/9 4:23

Re: Governor Christie landslide
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Garage wrote:
The sad thing is compared to the tea baggers he may be a moderate. Like Reagan, Christie has a way of connecting to people despite his lack of accomplishments.

X-factor and American Idiol contestants also rely on the same ! That's why many make it to the finals but are never heard of again ... when you have a 2 or 3 way horse race, someone has to win!

Posted on: 2013/11/9 4:22
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Re: Governor Christie landslide
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2013/9/28 20:31
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The sad thing is compared to the tea baggers he may be a moderate. Like Reagan, Christie has a way of connecting to people despite his lack of accomplishments.

Posted on: 2013/11/9 4:17

Re: Governor Christie landslide
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Rorschach wrote:
Had it not been for Sandy Christie would have had a hard time being reelected. Much like Giuliani and Dubya he got a big bounce from being the visible "strong" man during a crisis.

This idea of Christie as a moderate with bi-partisan support is laughable. He is anti marriage equality, is hostile to a woman's right to choose. opposed an increase to the minimum wage, cut funding for women's health centers and kissed up to the NRA over gun legislation. His claims of "real" reforms is a joke. Property taxes continue to rise across the state. He would prefer to squeeze state and municipal employees rather than increase taxes on the wealthy.

Christie was Karl Rove's choice for US Attorney. That speaks volumes. His "landslide" was a walk-over against a weak candidate while many craven Democrats sat on the sidelines. The man is an arrogant bully who at the end of the day will lay down with the Tea Party.

Nonsense. I guess even a moderate Republican with a history of working with those across the aisle with notable success is so threatening to the looney left that they bury their collective heads in the sand and ignore the facts, lol.

Posted on: 2013/11/9 4:09

Re: Governor Christie landslide
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All I hear is "Squelch, squelch, squelch!" - the sound of sour grapes turning into whine. Christie won by a landslide. Move on. There's much less whining from Republicans over Booker.

I happen to think that both, with their national recognition, can be an asset to NJ, compared to the legion of empty suits we've had representing us in the past.

Posted on: 2013/11/9 3:47

Re: Governor Christie landslide
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Had it not been for Sandy Christie would have had a hard time being reelected. Much like Giuliani and Dubya he got a big bounce from being the visible "strong" man during a crisis.

This idea of Christie as a moderate with bi-partisan support is laughable. He is anti marriage equality, is hostile to a woman's right to choose. opposed an increase to the minimum wage, cut funding for women's health centers and kissed up to the NRA over gun legislation. His claims of "real" reforms is a joke. Property taxes continue to rise across the state. He would prefer to squeeze state and municipal employees rather than increase taxes on the wealthy.

Christie was Karl Rove's choice for US Attorney. That speaks volumes. His "landslide" was a walk-over against a weak candidate while many craven Democrats sat on the sidelines. The man is an arrogant bully who at the end of the day will lay down with the Tea Party.

Posted on: 2013/11/9 3:24

Re: Governor Christie landslide
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Wishful_Thinking wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Pebble, you're using all the tools from the radical left playbook-lame attempts to humiliate and insult those who threaten your far left views. You can oppose gay marriage and not hate homosexuals-the vast majority of religions on planet Earth do just that.

Which proves what exactly? That "love", or is it "non-hate", can be so parsed and twisted around to include disparaging and marginalizing someone else's most cherished goal? I recall you right-wingers raked (then) President Bill Clinton over the coals for his loose definition of "sex".

There is nothing lame in calling out hypocrisy - if you are not going to treat someone with the respect you yourself insist on, you may not think you hate them, but your actions tell a different story.

Obviously the state's admiration of Christie seems to show that his opposition to gay marriage isn't a political or moral issue for him, only to a very vocal minority who throw hate words easily themselves. Again, the intolerance from those who demand tolerance is both sad and amusing at the same time.

Posted on: 2013/11/8 22:53

Re: Governor Christie landslide
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Monroe wrote:
Pebble, you're using all the tools from the radical left playbook-lame attempts to humiliate and insult those who threaten your far left views. You can oppose gay marriage and not hate homosexuals-the vast majority of religions on planet Earth do just that.

Which proves what exactly? That "love", or is it "non-hate", can be so parsed and twisted around to include disparaging and marginalizing someone else's most cherished goal? I recall you right-wingers raked (then) President Bill Clinton over the coals for his loose definition of "sex".

There is nothing lame in calling out hypocrisy - if you are not going to treat someone with the respect you yourself insist on, you may not think you hate them, but your actions tell a different story.

Posted on: 2013/11/8 22:08

Re: Governor Christie landslide
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JPhurst wrote:
And already the decline begins. His own party legislators gives him a bloody nose, re-electing Tom Kean, Jr. as Senate republican leader over his opposition.

A bloody nose? Seriously? That's all you got?

Posted on: 2013/11/8 21:58

Re: Governor Christie landslide
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Garage wrote:

dtjcview wrote:

JPhurst wrote:
And already the decline begins. His own party legislators gives him a bloody nose, re-electing Tom Kean, Jr. as Senate republican leader over his opposition.

Or perhaps the reverse. Can't think of a better way to prep him for the primaries.

Christie didn't pass the Romney vetting...the tea baggers are going to eat him alive.

We'll see. A lot can happen between now and 2016. Me, I want to see Christie versus Booker...that would be entertainment at its best.

Posted on: 2013/11/8 19:39

Re: Governor Christie landslide
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Monroe wrote:
Pebble, you're using all the tools from the radical left playbook-lame attempts to humiliate and insult those who threaten your far left views. You can oppose gay marriage and not hate homosexuals-the vast majority of religions on planet Earth do just that.

And nothing proves this more than the way the citizens of NJ joined to re-elect Governor Christie-women, Democrats, African Americans, Latinos-they for sure didn't mind Christie's stance on gay marriage and knew he'd be better for all NJ voters, rich or poor, than the 'same old, same old' Democrat politics which have put us in such a deep hole.

There's a playbook? Why is it that the right always gets a copy before me?!

There is a difference between opposing gay marriage for religious reasons and making every attempt to keep it illegal in the civil sense. I know plenty of people that are opposed to gay marriage but favor it's legality. Those people are smart enough to separate church from state. They are smart enough to know that whatever church they attend isn't in charge of the public sector.

You argue that the Dems put us in a hole all you want. Heck, I'll even spot you the first four years of Christie. Since he wasn't really able to do anything for NJ those years (beside the increase of tax on the poor and middle class) I'll wait and see what he can do the next four.

Posted on: 2013/11/8 19:28
Dos A Cero

Re: Governor Christie landslide
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dtjcview wrote:

JPhurst wrote:
And already the decline begins. His own party legislators gives him a bloody nose, re-electing Tom Kean, Jr. as Senate republican leader over his opposition.

Or perhaps the reverse. Can't think of a better way to prep him for the primaries.

Christie didn't pass the Romney vetting...the tea baggers are going to eat him alive.

Posted on: 2013/11/8 19:15

Re: Governor Christie landslide
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JPhurst wrote:
And already the decline begins. His own party legislators gives him a bloody nose, re-electing Tom Kean, Jr. as Senate republican leader over his opposition.

Or perhaps the reverse. Can't think of a better way to prep him for the primaries.

Posted on: 2013/11/8 18:45

Re: Governor Christie landslide
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And already the decline begins. His own party legislators gives him a bloody nose, re-electing Tom Kean, Jr. as Senate republican leader over his opposition.

Posted on: 2013/11/8 17:22

Re: Governor Christie landslide
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More multi-cultural accolades for Christie from the Muslim world this time. ... Back-Against-Islamophobia

Posted on: 2013/11/8 13:47

Re: Governor Christie landslide
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Pebble, you're using all the tools from the radical left playbook-lame attempts to humiliate and insult those who threaten your far left views. You can oppose gay marriage and not hate homosexuals-the vast majority of religions on planet Earth do just that.

And nothing proves this more than the way the citizens of NJ joined to re-elect Governor Christie-women, Democrats, African Americans, Latinos-they for sure didn't mind Christie's stance on gay marriage and knew he'd be better for all NJ voters, rich or poor, than the 'same old, same old' Democrat politics which have put us in such a deep hole.

Posted on: 2013/11/8 13:14

Re: Governor Christie landslide
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Monroe wrote:
Pebble, look at the link (from the NJ State website), you can search by city or township to show per student expenditure, how much is divided between local taxpayers, state taxpayers, and Federal assistance.

Merging education expenditure, while ignoring WHO is providing the $, is at best disingenuous and at worst a lame attempt at disinformation.

And your claim I 'hate' unions is unfounded. I'm not in favor of public sector unions (mostly because they've bought the lawmakers who determine their salaries and benefits), but I've been a member of a private sector union and proud of it.

In any case, we can look forward to another 4 years of progressive reform of the education system by Governor Christie and his team, who received a mandate from NJ voters to do just that. Could there be another reason why only the two most corrupt counties in NJ voted for his opponent except for a desire to keep the status quo?

Public sector unions do not "buy" lawmakers. If they did, then we wouldn't have had recent anti-union legislation. However, what it seems to me is that you don't like their politics, which is what it is all about.

Christie did win and he won big. I don't really think anyone doubted this would happen. If you did, then you'd be living under a rock.

I am certainly interested to see what he does with another four years. I don't see him as heavily involved unless it is some legislation that will help or hinder his run for president. I expect more handouts for the rich and decreasing taxes for businesses in the hopes that they stop leaving.

Unlike the biker, I don't think he's a sociopath. I think he's insecure which manifests itself in overcompensation, hence the bully rants.

If Christie was more socially liberal, instead of hating the gays, I believe he'd make a very good mayor of a large city. Sometimes cities, see St. Rudy of the Rubble and NYC, need tough, brash individuals to get what they want. The same politics does not work well at the higher levels.

Posted on: 2013/11/8 12:45
Dos A Cero

Re: Governor Christie landslide
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There has been nations that have elected officials with much fan-fare only for them to screw their country via war, pilfering, corruption or bankruptcy, but have also caused worldwide chaos!
There is something about Christie's character trait that he has displayed in public that generates a 'red flag' - I smell a sociopath !

Posted on: 2013/11/8 9:39
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Re: Governor Christie landslide
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GrovePath wrote:

Pebble wrote:
He got the 60% to call it a landslide.

Honestly, I think anyone would call it a landslide -- especially at this point in time in America.

Factor in that NJ is a majority blue state, and 60% Republican is a pretty substantial margin.

Posted on: 2013/11/7 12:34

Re: Governor Christie landslide
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corrupt like Governor Christies brother or corrupt like then Attorney General Christie pulling strings to keep his brother out of the polkie.

Posted on: 2013/11/7 3:41

Re: Governor Christie landslide
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Pebble, look at the link (from the NJ State website), you can search by city or township to show per student expenditure, how much is divided between local taxpayers, state taxpayers, and Federal assistance.

Merging education expenditure, while ignoring WHO is providing the $, is at best disingenuous and at worst a lame attempt at disinformation.

And your claim I 'hate' unions is unfounded. I'm not in favor of public sector unions (mostly because they've bought the lawmakers who determine their salaries and benefits), but I've been a member of a private sector union and proud of it.

In any case, we can look forward to another 4 years of progressive reform of the education system by Governor Christie and his team, who received a mandate from NJ voters to do just that. Could there be another reason why only the two most corrupt counties in NJ voted for his opponent except for a desire to keep the status quo?

Posted on: 2013/11/6 20:08

Re: Governor Christie landslide
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Monroe wrote:

dtjcview wrote:

leigh13 wrote:

Monroe wrote:

I spend more than 50% of my time in JC, but I'm a legal resident of Essex County, in a city who pays over 85% of the cost of educating our own children and has the highest taxes in NJ because of our tax money being diverted to cities like JC. So I feel helping to pay to educate JC children I'm entitled to post here since it's partly on my dime.

If seeing your taxes going to the education of children is such a burden, you can always move to an over-55 community in South Jersey, or better yet, somewhere out of state.

The bigger issue is that we're failing to educate the kids, irrespective of how education is funded.

Nonsense. Schools such as JC spend considerably more money per student than the highest performing schools (all of which fund their own districts rather than have their hand out to the state). When you have single family parents, absentee parents, parents with substance abuse issues, uninvolved parents, teenaged parents of children, multi-generation welfare parents, no amount of $ can overcome the obstacles that the parents of the students placed in front of their children. More money isn't the answer. Socially responsible parents are the answer. Union City is a great example of how involved parents can produce well educated and socially responsible children.

Instead of using numbers to say that the state is paying X percentage of the town's school budget and then claiming that the rest of the state is carrying the load, I actually took the numbers and did the research:

Population of New Jersey: 8.865 million
Hudson County: 634,266
Essex County: 783,969
Total: 1.42 million (16% of the entire state)

New Jersey?s total expense for the entire state on education: $ 25,302,624,195.34
Hudson County: $ 1,634,640,932.48
Essex County: $ 2,644,816,291.10
Total: $ 4,279,457,223.58 (16.9% of the entire state education budget)

Those numbers seem about right to me when comparing expense to percentage of people.

Now, how do you plan on addressing the uninvolved parents? Do you lock them in jail? Maybe you want to take away their ovaries and testicles.

Yes, spending more money *does* help. It enables the hiring of additional people to provide the guidance these students need.

I get that you hate unions based entirely on the fact that they support democrats. But at some point, you have to cease being a partisan.

Posted on: 2013/11/6 19:56
Dos A Cero

Re: Governor Christie landslide
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dtjcview wrote:

leigh13 wrote:

Monroe wrote:

I spend more than 50% of my time in JC, but I'm a legal resident of Essex County, in a city who pays over 85% of the cost of educating our own children and has the highest taxes in NJ because of our tax money being diverted to cities like JC. So I feel helping to pay to educate JC children I'm entitled to post here since it's partly on my dime.

If seeing your taxes going to the education of children is such a burden, you can always move to an over-55 community in South Jersey, or better yet, somewhere out of state.

The bigger issue is that we're failing to educate the kids, irrespective of how education is funded.

Nonsense. Schools such as JC spend considerably more money per student than the highest performing schools (all of which fund their own districts rather than have their hand out to the state). When you have single family parents, absentee parents, parents with substance abuse issues, uninvolved parents, teenaged parents of children, multi-generation welfare parents, no amount of $ can overcome the obstacles that the parents of the students placed in front of their children. More money isn't the answer. Socially responsible parents are the answer. Union City is a great example of how involved parents can produce well educated and socially responsible children.

Posted on: 2013/11/6 19:14

Re: Governor Christie landslide
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leigh13 wrote:

Monroe wrote:

I spend more than 50% of my time in JC, but I'm a legal resident of Essex County, in a city who pays over 85% of the cost of educating our own children and has the highest taxes in NJ because of our tax money being diverted to cities like JC. So I feel helping to pay to educate JC children I'm entitled to post here since it's partly on my dime.

If seeing your taxes going to the education of children is such a burden, you can always move to an over-55 community in South Jersey, or better yet, somewhere out of state.

The bigger issue is that we're failing to educate the kids, irrespective of how education is funded.

Posted on: 2013/11/6 15:35

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Pebble wrote:
He got the 60% to call it a landslide.

Honestly, I think anyone would call it a landslide -- especially at this point in time in America.

Posted on: 2013/11/6 14:53

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Monroe wrote:

I spend more than 50% of my time in JC, but I'm a legal resident of Essex County, in a city who pays over 85% of the cost of educating our own children and has the highest taxes in NJ because of our tax money being diverted to cities like JC. So I feel helping to pay to educate JC children I'm entitled to post here since it's partly on my dime.

If seeing your taxes going to the education of children is such a burden, you can always move to an over-55 community in South Jersey, or better yet, somewhere out of state.

Posted on: 2013/11/6 13:39

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