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Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
2012/9/18 3:58 Last Login : 2021/9/23 15:07 From Between Thought and Expression
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Question for the OP. You mentioned that you were "deep in thought." Do you recall what you were thinking that was so important that you weren't paying attention to your surroundings? Were you working on a solution to world hunger, ways to mitigate climate change, or a switch to a new color of nail polish? If you're looking for sympathy, as you're now aware, you've come to the wrong place. We gave you advice that may be hard to swallow, which is, and I'm paraphrasing -- not a good idea to space out while walking down Newark Street where the crazy homeless people hang out.
If you want to do something, file a police report on the Fisherman with the JCPD. Or instead of being a victim, you can volunteer to help solve the problem. link
Posted on: 2013/7/19 14:28
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
That man?s situation would have broken my grandmother?s heart. She would have fed him.
Posted on: 2013/7/19 13:42
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
Did you read the OP? " I said sorry and tried to walk by, but he wouldn't let me through. I tried dodging left and then right as he followed me at each direction I took, continuously asking for money, so I finally told him to get out of my way. He then turned belligerent and started cursing at me. I was finally able to walk past him as he continued to curse and then actually spat at me." I believe that is an attempted assault, yes? If your sister, mother, or grandmother had that sort of encounter would you really be telling them they just needed to be more vigilant and that they weren't a victim of anything? Sure, everyone should pay attention all the time in the city, but getting accosted and spat at is not just punishment for not paying attention on one occasion.
Posted on: 2013/7/19 13:31
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
It's a stretch to say that she was victimized, but if natalia22 wishes to avoid similar encounters in the future, the wisest, simplest, and most practical thing she has the ability to do herself is PAY ATTENTION. If that kind of behavior disturbs her, and I understand why it might, she should be especially vigilant.
Posted on: 2013/7/19 13:25
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
This is why people think everyone on JClist is a jerk. "If you complain of anything short of being raped, murdered, or held at gunpoint, you're a whiner." Great standards for life in our city you have there. I will also add that the OP is apparently a woman, I'd guess many of the flippant replies are men who have no idea how much the fear of being raped goes through the mind of any woman aggressively accosted by a man. OP some people like to victim blame no matter the post. I'm sure one day there'll be a post about someone who was raped and shot and killed and someone will say "well they shouldn't have been on that street at that hour" - if that hasn't already happened.
Posted on: 2013/7/19 12:39
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
A few years ago, I caught the Gordon's Fisherman going through the garbage cans in the alley at my old building. He was throwing garbage all over the place in his quest for discarded takeout food. He was cursing up a storm about how he hated Chinese food and that was all he seemed to find in the garbage. I yelled at him for making a mess, felt bad about it and gave him $5. That's when he decided to hurl a bunch of racial slurs at me. Ever since, I just cross the street and give him wide berth whenever I see him. It could've been worse. A neighbor a few doors down once caught him taking a dump behind his stoop.
Posted on: 2013/7/19 12:21
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
People in this town have got very low standards for Quality of life issues. It might not be their fault though. They have lived under an inactive mayor and PD for a long time. This is going to change with our new mayor and revamped PD.
Quote: Really?! So the problem is with me, that I should pay more attention when someone walks right up to me in the middle of the day to harass me and refused to let me walk by, almost grabbing at me? Hmm...thanks for the advice of accepting the problems in the city as it is and work on myself instead.
Posted on: 2013/7/19 12:09
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 17:44 From Western Slope
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What did the police report and health report state when you got the copy ? I am surprised he is still there and the the police tolerate his presence.
Posted on: 2013/7/19 11:57
Get on your bikes and ride !
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
Not sure what kind of validation you expected, Natalia. I thought most people answering your post were pretty constructive. Most people in JC don't consider encounters with homeless people a big deal. There have been people raped, murdered and robbed at gunpoint in the area. I'd guess that's more of a concern.
Posted on: 2013/7/19 3:45
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Quite a regular
If you understood mental health you might understand how the ACLU served to protect all people who might be misdiagnosed and forced into treatment. It is so much easier than you might suspect to diagnose someone with a mental illness given the iterations the DSM goes through yearly. Hey, you may even see our narcissistic/passive aggressive online behaviours listed as a symptom. :) To the OP: Listen, if people with mental illness are living on the streets, they need our help! Are you part of the community you live in? Do these people get in your way of sipping Starbucks, playing video games at Barcade, and hula hooping at a farmer's market? Well, then I want to add your behaviour as symptomatic of a mental illness. Engage with your community. What can you do for them? What resources are available? Don't have enough time in the day to figure all this out? Subtract the time it takes to scour JCLIST and add that to your community building leisure. You, me, JCLIST, Jersey City...we will thank you in the end.
Posted on: 2013/7/19 3:40
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
I had a run in with this guy a few years ago. I walked by him on Newark Ave and He spit on me and screamed a lot of nasty things. Now I always cross the street when I see him.
Posted on: 2013/7/19 3:18
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
I feel like some people here don't realize that not every post on this forum needs to be answered by them. If you don't have something constructive to contribute than I'm not sure why you're bothering to answer. I lived in cities all my life, so not sure where this holier than though attitude comes from on suburbs vs. cities and how they have so much more "street smarts" than everyone else.
Posted on: 2013/7/19 1:40
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
2012/9/18 3:58 Last Login : 2021/9/23 15:07 From Between Thought and Expression
Registered Users
Exactly. Either enjoy the occasional run-in with the Fisherman (AKA "Balls") or move out to the country and enjoy the ticks, Lyme disease and bad pizza.
Posted on: 2013/7/19 1:33
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Really?! So the problem is with me, that I should pay more attention when someone walks right up to me in the middle of the day to harass me and refused to let me walk by, almost grabbing at me? Hmm...thanks for the advice of accepting the problems in the city as it is and work on myself instead.
Posted on: 2013/7/19 1:26
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Just can't stay away
We call him "Balls" -- 'cause as I understand it, when my friends moved into their apartment on Columbus a few years ago - he was hanging out -- um, generally -- and his private parts, literally. He's never been aggressive in my presence. So far, at least. I have, however, been propositioned by the shopping cart couple on more than one occasion -__-
Posted on: 2013/7/19 1:10
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
Posted on: 2013/7/19 0:34
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
2006/11/13 18:42 Last Login : 2022/2/28 7:31 From 280 Grove Street
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There isn't many options for the homeless with issues - The City, State and Federal governments need to do something - We are no better then some third world countries.
Posted on: 2013/7/19 0:11
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
I believe the guy a few of you mentioned is who I refer to as "the fisherman." Grey hair, 60s, has a shopping basket with him most of the time, usually bundled up in a heavy coat regardless of weather. Drinks Carlo Rossi out of a jug. I believe he may be schizophrenic as well as an alcoholic.
I pass by him probably 5-6 times a week. I would say once out of every 10 times he'll curse at me. I have seen him get aggressive on rare occasions - one time it was breaking liquor bottles in the middle of Columbus Ave. Another time someone put a dead cat on my car - I suspected it was him. Just a hunch from the stuff he'd been muttering at me that week and his proximity to where it happened. When I discovered it he was sitting maybe 10 feet away, could have been waiting for me so he could watch. But who knows.
Posted on: 2013/7/18 21:47
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
2006/11/27 12:04 Last Login : 2016/7/1 9:09 From Southern JC
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Nothing until they put someone in the hospital. The ACLU has seen to that.
Posted on: 2013/7/18 21:19
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Quite a regular
Is it really true that there is "nothing they can do"? I just saw someone on Jersey Ave, bundled up like it was the middle of winter. Clearly this person needs mental health care.
Posted on: 2013/7/18 20:22
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
bless your heart.
Posted on: 2013/7/18 18:54
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
2012/1/11 18:21 Last Login : 2019/12/26 15:30 From GV Bayside Park
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Wow does anyone here ever venture out of their homes, I pass homeless people daily on the streets of NYC, JC, Hoboken and Newark. Some of them are crazy, most are harmless. FYI they most likely will be here forever, I have never seen a major city without homeless people.
Posted on: 2013/7/18 18:34
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
down right harrowing.
Posted on: 2013/7/18 18:28
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
hardhat guy has been really active lately, though I've never seen him engage anyone specifically. the shouting matches I've witnessed have only been between him and the universe.
Posted on: 2013/7/18 18:02
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
I saw at least two questionable characters downtown yesterday afternoon.
One was an older, disheveled-looking man sitting on a stoop on Erie between First & Bay (more or less across the street from Balance Hair.) He looked like he was nearly passed out and when I walked past I noticed his pants were ripped wide open at the crotch. Did not bother to stick around for a closer look. (I have seen more homeless-guy penis than I would prefer already, thanks.) Then as I got to Newark, I saw another guy shouting who may have matched the description natalia22 posted earlier. At first I thought it was the vuvuzela/hardhat guy, sans hardhat, but it may not have been him. Again, I didn't stick around to ask any questions.
Posted on: 2013/7/18 17:57
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 17:44 From Western Slope
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Quote: ... l-court-article-1.1401626 The article in the above link describes a degenerate and his creepy crawlers in a Manhattan court room.
Posted on: 2013/7/18 16:36
Edited by heights on 2013/7/18 17:04:37
Get on your bikes and ride !
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
2007/10/29 12:17 Last Login : 2018/9/5 2:01 From Hamilton Park
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I've frequently been harassed by the guys that sit outside the McDonald's on Grove... I'm surprised they are allowed to loiter right at the door.
Just remember with these folks - never fight with crazy - they are better at it... Where is the closest homeless shelter/facility?
Posted on: 2013/7/18 16:18
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Just can't stay away
Clearly a scary experience. Never hesitate to call the police. I have the non-emergency # programmed in my phone 201-547-5477. Pretty east to remember as well. Use the camera on the smart phone whenever you can.
Posted on: 2013/7/18 14:39
Re: Aggressive homeless man in downtown Jersey City
Home away from home
If you are confronted like this, stay calm and keep things simple. Try something like "I need to go home and make the kids dinner. Is that ok?". You are not arguing, reasoning or confronting - just a simple statement and asking their permission to move away.
You also could deflect them: ask them if they're OK, and whether they have anyone they call that can help them out. Call the police if you feel the situation warrants it. The attached tips are the same for psychotic people, drunks, junkies, etc. Previous posters have given the best advice though - stay aware and steer clear of these situations.
Posted on: 2013/7/18 14:39