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Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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2011/9/29 6:09
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I think that TJs would make a lot of money if they did open up in JC. I am sure the company knows that. A lot of the basics at TJs are either cheaper or at the same price point as the big chain supermarkets. So the argument that JC is too poor in my opinion is a bit overstated. Example, you could get soy milk for less than 2 bucks at TJs....the same at the supermarkets retail between 3 to 4 bucks. Lots of the canned goods are cheaper. The pastas are cheaper. I have even found good prices on the produce and in many instances the quality is as good as the supermarkets.

TJs tends to be very selective about opening new locations in large part because I don't think they want to just wildly expand. They do it in a measured and sustainable way. Build up a loyal following and customer base. How many companies expand so fast and then just like that, the bubble bursts. Example, Potbelly in Manhattan is expanding rapidly. I might be wrong....but sometime in the future many of those stores are going to close.

Posted on: 2012/5/26 14:01

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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2011/11/28 22:22
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In other words, we are ghetto with a lipstick of "gentrification".

I would agree with that.

It all boils down to money, and the tax base.

Too many ppl in JC that are perpetually piss poor; and many of those that have money would rather live in Manhattan.

Catch 22.

Posted on: 2012/5/26 13:42

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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2012/1/11 18:21
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The whole argument that we cannot have our own identity because we are so close to NYC is BS. Just look at Hoboken.

Well most I talk to say we have an identity, high crime, hack politicians, and a overdeveloped downtown area where not too many people own, but rent.

Posted on: 2012/5/26 13:16

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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The whole argument that we cannot have our own identity because we are so close to NYC is BS. Just look at Hoboken.

Posted on: 2012/5/26 9:16

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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Oh, and 2.5 years in Brooklyn, too.

Posted on: 2012/5/25 23:54
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Oh, wait, there is one: The Jersey Sting.

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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2005/12/13 20:06
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I know this isn't going to endear me to a lot of folks, but the constant refrain of "we should follow Brooklyn's lead" from folks in this town blows. The folks who think that aren't going to "develop our own special part of the Metropolis" they are just going to create a slightly different Brooklyn.

Just do your own shit and get on with it.

Posted on: 2012/5/25 23:53
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Oh, wait, there is one: The Jersey Sting.

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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Seagull wrote:

If we keep acting like we are somehow a part of New York City this town will always live in it's shadow.

We will always live in the shadow of NYC and our proximity to NYC (and the public transportation between NYC and JC) are essential to JC's development. There's no point in trying to make JC a stand-alone center. The same is true of all parts of the area outside Manhattan.

We should strive to follow Brooklyn's lead and develop our own special part of the Metropolis, but our proximity to NYC is an inescapable part of JC's appeal and potential.

Posted on: 2012/5/25 19:19
I live by the river.

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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My vote would go to Wegman's. I am able to stop at one between work "out in Jersey" and home in JC. It's got the best blend of everyday staples at decent prices and gourmet/organic/specialty stuff. Too bad we don't get a vote.

Posted on: 2012/5/25 18:16

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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chiefdahill wrote:


I think we would be better served by a Fairway or Wegman's anyway and should try to attract those companies.

Yes, exactly. A Fairway would be amazing. Much wider range of food than Trader Joe's, particularly if you want to cook a meal from scratch. So... tell Fairway to come to Jersey City? :)

Posted on: 2012/5/25 14:38

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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hey much would be enough so you'd go back?... We could take up a nice collection? LOL

Posted on: 2012/5/25 5:48

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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Your "JC wins all day long" really has very little to do with JC itself--it seems it is just a convenient place to be close to NYC. You could say Hoboken, or Bayonne.

I lived in Rochester for five years. I've lived here for 20. I like living here, but compared to Rochester, the city itself is a cultural wasteland. There is a reason why, on JC school field trips, my kids always have to go . . . some place else--either NYC or Newark.

That's all.

Posted on: 2012/5/25 3:17
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Oh, wait, there is one: The Jersey Sting.

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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2011/11/28 22:22
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Good post, chiefdahill.

But I still like H-Mart over all that Trader Joe's and Whole Foods BS.

Posted on: 2012/5/25 2:49

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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2007/10/9 19:48
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You guys need to lay off tommyc. He's always promoting JC and wants nothing but good for JC.

Couple points I want to make.

I spent 5 years living in western NY about an hour or so away from Rochester. Rochester is "the city" up there etc.. My wife is from Western NY and a great deal of college friends are from and still live in Rochester. I'm in Rochester at least once and year and in western NY multiple times a year. I like Rochester but it's not a cultural wonderland by far.

Rochester is a dying city. It loses population every year. Kodak and Xerox were the main employers and both companies are dying.

Rochester has a bunch of colleges that help support the economy. Jobs outside the universities, kodak and xerox are far and few between.

Rochester is fvcking COLD and it snows all the time and you really have to drive everywhere. Public transit is a joke.

The cost of living is very cheap in Rochester but so are the salaries. Young ambitious people leave to get better paying jobs in NYC, Chicago, down south etc.. There is a reason why houses cost 100k in Rochester, salaries are 30k for good jobs with a lot of people making minimum wage or working seasonal jobs collecting unemployment for half the year. Yes, JC has a lot of residents below the poverty level but it's not because of location or access to jobs. That's another conversation for another thread.

The nicer parts of Rochester are actually in the suburbs and outside the city limits. Pittsford, Irondequoit, Webster so the comparison of city to city above is not exactly fair. It's kinda like LA, everyone says they are from LA but very few live within the city limits. If you tried to pull the same thing here people would be all over you. NY/NJ is very provincial with @ssholes from Manhattan believing they are at the top of the food chain.

Face facts JC is tied to NYC and forever will be. Part of JC's appeal is that it's so close to NYC. I know we want to be independent and say that we don't need NYC etc etc.. but we really do. JC would not exist the way it does today without NYC. That's neither a good thing or a bad thing it's just the facts. We don't need to compete with NYC and we should stop trying to.

I live in JC because I work in NYC. I like being 10 mins from NYC but also like the quiet neighborhood feeling that JC provides. I like not paying NYS/NYC income tax. I like being on this side of the Holland Tunnel when I want to go to the beach. I have family in NYC, Westchester, LI, and Jersey and like being able to get to everyone.

Better comparison would be JC to Brooklyn which has been done before. For years Manhattanites sh!t on Brooklyn until Brooklyn stopped trying to compete and did their own thing. Brooklyn's housing is now expensive and people are fleeing to JC for cheaper rents. We should take a cue. We are just about 10 years behind Brooklyn and fighting the old JC guard that used this city as their own personal ATM machine.

It sucks that Trader Joe's going to JC is just a rumor but that could change in the future. I think we would be better served by a Fairway or Wegman's anyway and should try to attract those companies. For the time being you have Whole Foods in Tribeca that will deliver to JC or Freshdirect. Mortan Williams or my go to A&P.

JC vs. Rochester-------- JC wins all day long

That's just how I see it.

Posted on: 2012/5/25 0:48

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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I would love to see more music at Loew's. Yo La Tengo, Beck, a few other bands, not to mention some musical theater groups have played there, but it is the exception, not the rule. The bands usually sell out. It would be great to have more. And for me, it doesn't have to be world class, even just some local bands would be fine. Just a start, just get it going.

This is their mission statement: ... w=article&id=22&Itemid=45

But all they have on their schedule is movies. I love movies, but they could do so much more.

BAM is a whole other league. I was there just a couple weeks ago, packed, $70 a ticket.

Posted on: 2012/5/24 21:40
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Oh, wait, there is one: The Jersey Sting.

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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2004/11/6 21:13
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Bobblehead wrote:

tommyc_37 wrote:
But anybody who thinks a resident of Rochester, NY has better access to more culture than a resident of JC does is living on a completely different planet.

I don't think anyone is saying JC residents don't have access to culture. But the comparison was city to city, not city to surrounding area. Sure, we can hop on a train to the Met, or MoMA, or Carnegie Hall, but in that case we can just hop on a train to Trader Joe's so the thread should be over by that logic. Plus, it still is a pretty long commute for some.

Within city limits, Rochester still kicks JC's ass culturally just about every day of the week, except for maybe global cuisine.

Support of the arts in this city has been pathetic. Other municipalities of similar size seem to be able to develop and support culture, not just patronize it for votes.

I'm with you that our "nonstudio" arts suck. But realistically, a more isolated small city can depend on the support of patrons from it's suburbs. We're nothing but cityscape passing the car or train window for those types, on their way to Manhattan. But it's not insurmountable, look at BAM. I still don't understand why the Loews isn't attractive to world class bands.

Posted on: 2012/5/24 21:34

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come near the Grove Station!
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2011/8/27 18:09
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Another negative comment by "MR. Johonson". Thanks pal. Keep them coming. everyone loves reading you. I know I hang on every word.

Posted on: 2012/5/24 21:16

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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tommyc_37 wrote:
But anybody who thinks a resident of Rochester, NY has better access to more culture than a resident of JC does is living on a completely different planet.

I don't think anyone is saying JC residents don't have access to culture. But the comparison was city to city, not city to surrounding area. Sure, we can hop on a train to the Met, or MoMA, or Carnegie Hall, but in that case we can just hop on a train to Trader Joe's so the thread should be over by that logic. Plus, it still is a pretty long commute for some.

Within city limits, Rochester still kicks JC's ass culturally just about every day of the week, except for maybe global cuisine.

Support of the arts in this city has been pathetic. Other municipalities of similar size seem to be able to develop and support culture, not just patronize it for votes.

Posted on: 2012/5/24 20:07
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Oh, wait, there is one: The Jersey Sting.

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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2004/11/6 21:13
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tommyc_37 wrote:
Well, let it be known that I am one of the biggest proponents for getting more of all of the above in JC on this side of the Hudson (including amenties, awesome grocery stores, music venues, theaters, etc). But anybody who thinks a resident of Rochester, NY has better access to more culture than a resident of JC does is living on a completely different planet.

Brewster - why would you, or anyone, drive to Manhattan from JC?

Umm, to not have to carry 50lbs of groceries & alcohol from TJ's on the PATH? We drive in based on a certain cost/time calculation. We'll even sometimes drive to go to a Broadway show. It would cost 4 fares anyway, going IN at 6:30 is pretty easy, we know where to park for free, and we'll be home to relieve the babysitter in 15 minutes rather than an hour.

Posted on: 2012/5/24 19:59

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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Well, let it be known that I am one of the biggest proponents for getting more of all of the above in JC on this side of the Hudson (including amenties, awesome grocery stores, music venues, theaters, etc). But anybody who thinks a resident of Rochester, NY has better access to more culture than a resident of JC does is living on a completely different planet.

Brewster - why would you, or anyone, drive to Manhattan from JC?

Posted on: 2012/5/24 19:48

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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tommyc_37 wrote:
Well, my use of the word "market" implied that I was referring to the fact that the entire NYC area has access to the best of this that and the other. Not just JC.

But ... we don't live in an inpenetrable bubble. Where you live is evaluated also by what you live NEAR. Am I inaccurate with that statement?

That may be fine for you, if you are just a consumer (and can deal with the long commute). But what if you want to be more a participant?

Let's talk about music. What if you are in a band that wants to play out? What if you want to meet local musicians to partner with? What if you want to get local institutions to partner with your schools as part of a program of appreciation and development of talent? Having to cross the river to get any of that is a barrier, and once you are there, you are competing against the local residents.

God bless the child that's got his own.

Posted on: 2012/5/24 19:39
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Oh, wait, there is one: The Jersey Sting.

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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tommyc_37 wrote:

T-Bird wrote:

tommyc_37 wrote:
Exactly, part of the set of benefits of where a person lives is what they have access to ... and not just WITHIN the limits of the town or city they live in. For somebody who lives in downtown JC, they have very easy access to more art, music, and anything else than probably any other market in the US.

Um... except for people who live in NYC??? Doesn't say much for a city when "we are right next to a real city" is the best thing you can say for it. At some point, you need to have a few things of your own and be able to stand more on your own two feet otherwise you are just a suburb.

Well, my use of the word "market" implied that I was referring to the fact that the entire NYC area has access to the best of this that and the other. Not just JC.

But ... we don't live in an inpenetrable bubble. Where you live is evaluated also by what you live NEAR. Am I inaccurate with that statement?

It all depends on what you're talking about. While I'm happy to take the short trip to Manhattan to see some of the best theater and other cultural attractions in the world, I'm not going to do it just to shlep groceries home from Trader Joes. Especially at the current price for the tunnel toll. One wonders if all TJ's sees is the "crow flies" distance we are from the Manhattan stores, and have no idea of the actual cost of travel there.

Posted on: 2012/5/24 19:28

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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T-Bird wrote:

tommyc_37 wrote:
Exactly, part of the set of benefits of where a person lives is what they have access to ... and not just WITHIN the limits of the town or city they live in. For somebody who lives in downtown JC, they have very easy access to more art, music, and anything else than probably any other market in the US.

Um... except for people who live in NYC??? Doesn't say much for a city when "we are right next to a real city" is the best thing you can say for it. At some point, you need to have a few things of your own and be able to stand more on your own two feet otherwise you are just a suburb.

Well, my use of the word "market" implied that I was referring to the fact that the entire NYC area has access to the best of this that and the other. Not just JC.

But ... we don't live in an inpenetrable bubble. Where you live is evaluated also by what you live NEAR. Am I inaccurate with that statement?

Posted on: 2012/5/24 19:18

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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tommyc_37 wrote:
Exactly, part of the set of benefits of where a person lives is what they have access to ... and not just WITHIN the limits of the town or city they live in. For somebody who lives in downtown JC, they have very easy access to more art, music, and anything else than probably any other market in the US.

Um... except for people who live in NYC??? Doesn't say much for a city when "we are right next to a real city" is the best thing you can say for it. At some point, you need to have a few things of your own and be able to stand more on your own two feet otherwise you are just a suburb.

Posted on: 2012/5/24 17:30

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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ceo3west wrote:

JC doesn't need a music scene when one of the greatest music scenes in the world is 5 minutes away. As are the museums. The fact that they're not located here doesn't really mean anything. Easy access to NYC is one of the benefits of JC.

I don't know what part of NYC is five minutes away from JC. Whether you walk to the PATH or drive in, NYC destinations add at least an hour to whatever you are doing, round trip.

Besides, your attitude is consigning JC to being basically a bedroom community. Why have music, museums, restaurants, etc., when they're all in Manhattan? Why even worry about jobs? Or schools? It's all a train ride away!

Compare JC to Newark. Newark is only slightly bigger, and yet is has a fantastic museum, a performing arts center, and sports teams. (Sure, the Newark Bears are sort of a joke, the Nets just left, and the Red Bulls actually are in Harrison, but at least there is an effort.)

Even though we lost our museum, JC still has a pretty good visual arts community, but it was something that was built over many years. It would be good if more could be done for the performing arts. Do we even have any decent performing arts spaces? The Loews? NJCU?

Posted on: 2012/5/24 17:19
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Oh, wait, there is one: The Jersey Sting.

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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tommyc_37 wrote:

ceo3west wrote:

Bobblehead wrote:
Rochester has a good music scene (Eastman School of Music, jazz, and blues festivals). It has some good museums. In these respects, it kicks JC's ass.

It has great parks. It has a lot of good restaurants. It has colleges and universities.

It is a little quaint--it is has more of a midwestern culture than an east coast culture--but, if you have a job, it is a great place to live and raise a family.

JC doesn't need a music scene when one of the greatest music scenes in the world is 5 minutes away. As are the museums. The fact that they're not located here doesn't really mean anything. Easy access to NYC is one of the benefits of JC.

Exactly, part of the set of benefits of where a person lives is what they have access to ... and not just WITHIN the limits of the town or city they live in. For somebody who lives in downtown JC, they have very easy access to more art, music, and anything else than probably any other market in the US.

This was a comparison solely between the cities of Rochester, NY and Jersey City, NJ. Not Rochester, NY and New York, NY.

New York, NY has everything you need, and it's great that we have easy access to New York City, but when comparing the two cities themselves...Jersey City loses. If we keep acting like we are somehow a part of New York City this town will always live in it's shadow.

Posted on: 2012/5/24 17:14

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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ceo3west wrote:

Bobblehead wrote:
Rochester has a good music scene (Eastman School of Music, jazz, and blues festivals). It has some good museums. In these respects, it kicks JC's ass.

It has great parks. It has a lot of good restaurants. It has colleges and universities.

It is a little quaint--it is has more of a midwestern culture than an east coast culture--but, if you have a job, it is a great place to live and raise a family.

JC doesn't need a music scene when one of the greatest music scenes in the world is 5 minutes away. As are the museums. The fact that they're not located here doesn't really mean anything. Easy access to NYC is one of the benefits of JC.

Exactly, part of the set of benefits of where a person lives is what they have access to ... and not just WITHIN the limits of the town or city they live in. For somebody who lives in downtown JC, they have very easy access to more art, music, and anything else than probably any other market in the US.

Posted on: 2012/5/24 17:05

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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You could fit JC in Rochester. And it would be called the bad side of town.

Posted on: 2012/5/24 16:33

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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Bobblehead wrote:
Rochester has a good music scene (Eastman School of Music, jazz, and blues festivals). It has some good museums. In these respects, it kicks JC's ass.

It has great parks. It has a lot of good restaurants. It has colleges and universities.

It is a little quaint--it is has more of a midwestern culture than an east coast culture--but, if you have a job, it is a great place to live and raise a family.

and i bet you can buy a 6-pack of beer after 10pm. oh jc, you still have a ways to go.

Posted on: 2012/5/24 16:28

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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Bobblehead wrote:
Rochester has a good music scene (Eastman School of Music, jazz, and blues festivals). It has some good museums. In these respects, it kicks JC's ass.

It has great parks. It has a lot of good restaurants. It has colleges and universities.

It is a little quaint--it is has more of a midwestern culture than an east coast culture--but, if you have a job, it is a great place to live and raise a family.

JC doesn't need a music scene when one of the greatest music scenes in the world is 5 minutes away. As are the museums. The fact that they're not located here doesn't really mean anything. Easy access to NYC is one of the benefits of JC.

Posted on: 2012/5/24 16:28

Re: Tell Trader Joe's to come to Jersey City!
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2005/12/13 20:06
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Rochester has a good music scene (Eastman School of Music, jazz, and blues festivals). It has some good museums. In these respects, it kicks JC's ass.

It has great parks. It has a lot of good restaurants. It has colleges and universities.

It is a little quaint--it is has more of a midwestern culture than an east coast culture--but, if you have a job, it is a great place to live and raise a family.

Posted on: 2012/5/24 16:09
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Oh, wait, there is one: The Jersey Sting.

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