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Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Connect the parks!
To start, there should be a bike lane on Jersey from Liberty State Park to Hamilton Park. Then there should be a bike lane from the Waterfront Walkway to Jones & Mary Benson Park along 6th / The Embankment. 6th and Jersey should be one way, single lane of traffic. with a protected bike path. After that, Washington, Columbus, Grand, Communipaw, JFK, and more!
Posted on: 2012/4/25 18:34
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
Hell to the yeah, we should have at least a few bike lanes.
As discussed above, they aren't an instant fix, they aren't free, they won't initially be the protected kind, etc., but they are a step in a long process that is mostly about awareness on all sides. Some cycling advocates actually oppose bike lanes, believing that they encourage both cyclists and drivers to see themselves as separate populations that shouldn't mix. They say it's better to use education and law enforcement to fully integrate bikes into existing traffic (as they are in some other countries). I see their point, and these days I tend to use bike lanes only on the busiest streets (e.g., Manhattan avenues). But the cars-only culture is so entrenched here that I think some incremental steps are helpful. Training wheels, if you will.
Posted on: 2012/4/25 17:56
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
LA has been striping bike lanes all over the place. The bike lane on Spring Street has apparently been causing quite a problem with the movie studios. Spring Street, you see, is a stand in street for Anywhere, USA, a cheaper substitute than traveling anywhere. And that is the problem with bike lanes: they are not seen as a standard component of a city street.
Jersey City traffic runs too fast even on the side streets to build anything by lanes segregated from vehicle traffic.
Posted on: 2012/4/25 13:54
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
I?m glad this thread is still going since I bike in JC often and there CERTAINLY are bike safety problems that need to be discussed. I chimed in above with my skepticicism about implementation and enforcement of bike lanes and I still stand by what I said ( it can?t work without a sea change in this city) but re-reading the points being made by others I am coming around to some of the logic of the proposal, particularly Dan L?s point that by simply having the lanes visible all the time to the drivers the drivers will slowly incorporate it into their heads that bikes exist and provision should be made for them on the road. But I DO doubt that cyclists would gain instant safe road access the moment a bike lane was painted on.
Posted on: 2012/4/25 13:42
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
2008/10/19 1:18 Last Login : 2020/9/25 20:40 From somewhere else
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There's no doubt that there are streets that could easily accommodate bike lanes - Columbus is a prime example. There are others that probably could without jeopardizing existing parking - York, for instance, could easily absorb a bike lane without changing the flow of traffic. Longer term though - it would be great for people to get past the parking entitlement mentality. If you bought a car, you made a conscious choice to do so - why do you expect to just be able to leave it on the street for free for days at a time? There is a cost associated with that and it's being subsidized by the uber-majority of the city that doesn't live on your block - many of whom don't even own a car. It's strange that free street parking was ever allowed to begin with - close to half the street is wasted on streets that allow parking on both sides. Clearly this is not a popularly held view, but it's disappointing that the poorly conceived status quo becomes the default starting point for conversations on bicycles, traffic control, pedestrian issues, etc. As a tax paying resident of the city who pays to park his car and would love to bike around town without risking his life, I'm frustrated by the complete lack of thought, creativity, will and concern by the city's leadership around this very important issue.
Posted on: 2012/4/25 3:36
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
2007/8/1 19:34 Last Login : 2022/4/27 19:59 From journal square
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I disagree. the last thing bikers need is for even more car drivers to hate them and thats whatll happen if you remove an entire streetside worth of parking. this city is tight for streetside parking as it is, and to remove street parking only hurts small business in an already high car/person ratio of a city. and no, you dont need that much space. There are many "superhighway" streets that have 2-3 lanes when they arent necessary, and some which are wide enough to accommodate parking and a bike lane without reducing any lanes at all.
Posted on: 2012/4/24 16:24
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
2006/11/15 19:54 Last Login : 2019/1/18 16:12 From Harsimus Cove
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I just want to add my +1 in support of bike lanes. I ride my bike on the sidewalk on some blocks (I know it's illegal) because I'm just too terrified of the traffic. More amenities for bikers will have many positive side effects besides just making biking easier: Higher property values to name just one. But the idea of it being a traffic calming measure (as explained above) is also a great byproduct.
Posted on: 2012/4/24 14:12
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
Posted on: 2012/4/24 2:36
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Just can't stay away
I know it's hard to see the bigger picture, but basically when you bring in infrastructure for cycling it acts as a traffic calming measure and ultimately, over time, lessens the amount of traffic there is. Bike lanes encourage people to ride their bikes which means less people driving around. If, in a city, it becomes more convenient to use other modes of transportation over driving, people would be driving less, and it would be safer for all road users. Bike lanes are a start to that progress.
Posted on: 2012/4/23 19:57
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
One way to safely create bike lanes would be to eliminate parking on one side of the street and install the bike lane where the parking once was.
Posted on: 2012/4/23 19:21
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
There are projects that have been approved but not built. All of these projects will bring in more auto traffic. Most of the streets in JC are extremely narrow, I know there are exceptions. But I cannot see how cars and bikes can manage safely on our narrow streets.
Posted on: 2012/4/23 18:48
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
We need to start by paving our roads, they are atrocious. They are dangerous enough driving an automobile on them with all the potholes and torn up roads, how are you suppose to be safe riding a bike on them. Nice job by the clueless Healy administration. They drive on the JC roads too, you think they would have to common sense to realize how bad they are to drive on.
Posted on: 2012/4/23 15:01
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Just can't stay away
ha, ok. let's just give up then. bike lanes are so expensive; driving and maintaing roads for cars is cheap, i forgot.
Posted on: 2012/4/23 0:14
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Just can't stay away
Let's start by getting the sanitation department to care about all the garbage that misses the trucks and end up on the streets and sidewalks of JC. Why do I have to clean up after these guys? They suck!
Posted on: 2012/4/22 23:34
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
Hate to sound negative but I must point out that Jersey City at this time can't even maintain the painted double yellow lines on any of the streets I frequent in town- they are faded to near invisibility. Beyond this big point I want to contrast NYC's bike lanes and Hoboken's: NYC's are a success only due to the fact that they are physical lanes often with real barriers keeping the autos out. They cost way more than Jersey City can afford. The budget version is what Hoboken has, implemented with just the cost of painting a white line on the pavement. Notice that no auto pays them any heed and that they offer no safety at all to a cyclist.
Posted on: 2012/4/22 22:42
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
2006/11/13 18:42 Last Login : 2022/2/28 7:31 From 280 Grove Street
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With cityhall always crying poor, I doubt they could afford the road paint and signs to implement the idea.
Posted on: 2012/4/22 22:01
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Just can't stay away
i haven't read this whole thread but yes, they should implement bike lanes.
Posted on: 2012/4/22 20:47
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
Absolutely, they are terrible offenders.
Posted on: 2012/4/22 13:18
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
How about at least one sidewalk on every block through Powerhouse warehouse district. How long do we have to walk in the street to get to our homes or walk our dogs?!
Posted on: 2012/4/22 5:38
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
I don't know about licenses for casual riders, but definitely for delivery guys/messengers. I bike a lot in NYC and the worst offenders are the deliverymen and messengers. Most everybody else follows the rules decently.
Posted on: 2012/4/22 4:49
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 17:44 From Western Slope
Registered Users
What about restaurant deliver guys using bicycles as their delivery vehicle ? I see disregard from them all the time. It also seems those with little to lose don't care of who they moe down they just leave a wake behind.
Posted on: 2012/4/22 4:13
Get on your bikes and ride !
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
2004/2/6 23:13 Last Login : 2021/7/30 1:08 From Jersey City
Registered Users
Posted on: 2012/4/22 3:11
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
THey're planning them and next month there will be a "demonstration" lane on Grove St.
What I wish we could implement would be required licenses or something for adult riders- cyclists are often their own worst enemy. Riding on the sidewalk, salmoning (going wrong way on a one-way street), not obeying stop signs and traffic lights - all illegal and I like to hope people are uninformed rather than jerks.....
Posted on: 2012/4/22 1:37
Biking in JC
There's ZERO bike lanes in Jersey City! While all other NYC metro areas/boroughs are moving on and implementing biking lanes rules and regulations Jersey City has nothing. So sad!! The so called ?Complete Streets? policy that just passed says that it should be implemented ?whenever feasible.? What a joke! Shame on you mayor Healy!
Posted on: 2012/4/22 0:33
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
2004/2/6 23:13 Last Login : 2021/7/30 1:08 From Jersey City
Registered Users
yes, I am very familiar with the history, efforts and failures since the late '90's to advance bicycling and bike infrastructure in Jersey City.
for many of the concerns and issues raised, please consider getting involved with Bike JC - as they met with the PA and have tried to work with JC and county government. and I strongly believe in and support bike lanes - making streets that look like bicyclists are using them and that have dedicated space for riders will increase bicyclists on our streets and in turn be safer (safety in numbers). this is a city council issue and our city council can approve a network of bike lanes - which I suggest we start with a skeleton network of obvious and easy to implement streets. I will support this on the council and you can support this by getting involved with Bike JC.
Posted on: 2011/10/19 4:08
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 17:44 From Western Slope
Registered Users
There's no way to control which direction a passenger with a bike is going to roll. Insurance regulations dictate to the PA what is allowed and what will cause problems. Having a folding bike has solved this situation for me. It's all in the closure !
Posted on: 2011/10/18 17:50
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
At 3:31 pm, there?s no reason I shouldn?t be able to take my bike into Manhattan. There?s absolutely nobody on the train. Hell, there?s nobody on the Manhattan-bound train at 6PM. The blackout periods don?t need to be for 3 hours, and they don?t need to be in both directions.
Posted on: 2011/10/18 17:37
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
never gonna happen, unfortunately. But if you had a folding bike, those are allowed on during rush hour.
Posted on: 2011/10/18 17:35
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
To clarify for you and Seagull, the problem with bikes and PATH is the physical system is maxed out during rush already. They can't add any more trains, or cars to the existing trains. It would take creativity and the cooperation of the PA to do more. Here's a couple of ideas that'll never happen: 1: tunnel bike shuttle. A bus that's half bike rack that just shuttles back and forth through the Holland. Biggest structural problem is there's no bus lane through the tolls. Could be solved with PA cooperation, but they have no interest in our plebian problems. 2: A secure bike storage area at WTC so you could take the PATH and hop on your bike that you keep there. At $5/day it wouldn't take long to pay for the extra bike.
Posted on: 2011/10/18 16:11