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Re: Pls. Consider Rolando Lavarro for Council-At-Large on Nov. 8th
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2009/3/27 18:56
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dtjcview wrote:JClisters are a pretty well informed bunch of folks. They can read a resume. But they/we are more interested in what a candidate WILL DO, over what they have done.

Personally, I'm not going to vote for any candidate, just because they, and anyone else, say they have "done stuff".

Yes, we need candidates with no resume, experience or accomplishments. That makes sense.

Posted on: 2011/11/3 1:39

Re: Pls. Consider Rolando Lavarro for Council-At-Large on Nov. 8th
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PamAndes wrote:
Hello all! Sorry I am just posting now! As some of you know, I am a Community Activist through my work as co-founder of Downtown JC Watch, trustee and former Board Member of Harismus Cove, Parent at PS#5, Parent of 3 children, and my work at City Council.

I am supporting Rolando Lavarro for many reasons. As a 2nd generation JC Resident, he speaks to residents throughout Jersey City who are still very new if not apprehensive to government REFORM. He can communicate the REFORM movement to parts of Jersey City that others cannot reach.
REFORM issues such as the Budget Process, Employment, Economic Revitalization for areas such as West Side or Danforth Avenue.

As a community organizer, he founded a Youth Group where I met him 6 years ago as a new Board Member and helped him organize JC youth workshops on Music, Art and Oral traditions.

I would bump into him throughout the years at BOE meetings where he, a grant writer, was trying to get BOE to approve a Grant that would survey how much kids know about drugs. It was not approved but it could have led to more grant projects.

He also encouraged me to attend Workshops at Center for Non-Profits with him to learn various non-profit skills such as by-laws construction, ethics, fundraising, etc.

He is one of the main Organizers of Back Pack Giveaway to over 1,000 JC Students this year
Through the Westside Community Alliance, he organized the 1st West Side Ave. Festival
Former JC Council Aide
Former Dir. of Constituent Services - Assemblyman Robert Gordon (now NJ Senator)
Fought for Veterans Equity for over 10 years until Federal Gov't finally approved in 2009.
AND, he is the father of a 21 month old!

But most importantly, if he were to sit on that Council, he would vote the way, I believe he should vote - as an independent from the current administration.

Good Luck to all the candidates! Please consider Rolando Lavarro for Council At Large on Nov. 8th!

JClisters are a pretty well informed bunch of folks. They can read a resume. But they/we are more interested in what a candidate WILL DO, over what they have done.

Personally, I'm not going to vote for any candidate, just because they, and anyone else, say they have "done stuff".

Posted on: 2011/11/3 1:16

Re: Pls. Consider Rolando Lavarro for Council-At-Large on Nov. 8th
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2011/2/6 0:52
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Sorry. Mr. Lavarro lost all credibility as a reformer by teaming up with Viola Richardson.

Posted on: 2011/11/2 17:19

Pls. Consider Rolando Lavarro for Council-At-Large on Nov. 8th

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2011/4/23 3:32
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2013/6/4 17:04
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Hello all! Sorry I am just posting now! As some of you know, I am a Community Activist through my work as co-founder of Downtown JC Watch, trustee and former Board Member of Harismus Cove, Parent at PS#5, Parent of 3 children, and my work at City Council.

I am supporting Rolando Lavarro for many reasons. As a 2nd generation JC Resident, he speaks to residents throughout Jersey City who are still very new if not apprehensive to government REFORM. He can communicate the REFORM movement to parts of Jersey City that others cannot reach.
REFORM issues such as the Budget Process, Employment, Economic Revitalization for areas such as West Side or Danforth Avenue.

As a community organizer, he founded a Youth Group where I met him 6 years ago as a new Board Member and helped him organize JC youth workshops on Music, Art and Oral traditions.

I would bump into him throughout the years at BOE meetings where he, a grant writer, was trying to get BOE to approve a Grant that would survey how much kids know about drugs. It was not approved but it could have led to more grant projects.

He also encouraged me to attend Workshops at Center for Non-Profits with him to learn various non-profit skills such as by-laws construction, ethics, fundraising, etc.

He is one of the main Organizers of Back Pack Giveaway to over 1,000 JC Students this year
Through the Westside Community Alliance, he organized the 1st West Side Ave. Festival
Former JC Council Aide
Former Dir. of Constituent Services - Assemblyman Robert Gordon (now NJ Senator)
Fought for Veterans Equity for over 10 years until Federal Gov't finally approved in 2009.
AND, he is the father of a 21 month old!

But most importantly, if he were to sit on that Council, he would vote the way, I believe he should vote - as an independent from the current administration.

Good Luck to all the candidates! Please consider Rolando Lavarro for Council At Large on Nov. 8th!

Posted on: 2011/11/2 14:38

Final Candidate Forum TONIGHT Nov 2 2011
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Tonight November 2, 2011 - Final Candidate Forum

One Last Jersey City Council Candidate Forum Wednesday Night at Ferris High School

By Matt Hunger ? Nov 1st, 2011

Attention Jersey City voters: There?s one last chance to hear from the At-Large Council candidates ahead of election day, November 8th. Stay engaged and find out more about our future city officials when they field questions and share their vision of Jersey City?s future. With many of the questions coming from your input on the Jersey City Council Candidate Forum Facebook page, this is a chance to hear your fellow residents? concerns addressed directly.

?The inclusion of Facebook in this forum aims to harness the power of social media to let residents determine what questions they want the candidates to answer and to provide residents, especially those who can?t attend the forums in person, an opportunity to actually see and hear the candidates,? said forum organizer Candice Osborne.

The final Jersey City Council Candidate Forum, which will be held Wednesday, November 2nd, in Ferris High School from 7pm to 9pm, is sponsored by the Downtown Coalition of Neighborhood Associations and will be moderated by Political Science professor and Historic Paulus Hook Association board member Dr. Jonathan Wharton.

Ferris High School, 35 Colgate Avenue, Jersey City NJ 07302. ... ht-at-ferris-high-school/

Posted on: 2011/11/2 13:55
The Jersey City Independent is the alternative news and culture source for Jersey City. or

Re: November 8th, Special Election Issues
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2007/1/16 3:46
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Thanks for posting that debates video webmaster! was definitely a good way to meet the candidates and it helped a lot

Posted on: 2011/11/2 0:59

Re: November 8th, Special Election Issues
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2004/2/6 23:13
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Pat's Show - The Jersey City Show - Leading Candidates Forum - Velasquez, Ahmad, Richardson do not attend

Posted on: 2011/11/1 13:10

Teacher for City Council Nabil Youssef (17 E )
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2011/4/21 18:52
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Dear Jersey City Residents and Voters:

The general election is around the corner and I am an independent candidate who is looking for your support.

True, 100 percent independent! My only obligation is to the Jersey City Residents and Voters. I have no obligations or ties neither to the current City Hall administrations nor to any political teams in Jersey City or in Hudson County.

As a Jersey City Public Schools Teacher working for over a decade with our city youth on a daily basis trying to make a difference in their lives, I would like to extend my service to our youth through the whole city from City Hall. It is time to link our school system with our city council (9-9) plan (9 board members and 9 city council members) they get elected by the city voters and residents to serve our city needs with the right hiring of a new superintendent for our schools and the right elected mayor come 2013. We will move forward as a city under my plan and it will make a surmountable difference.

As a fellow teacher and a union member, I am asking my colleagues from the JCPS, Teachers, and JCEA members for your support during this election. I am also calling upon my co-workers, the union members of AFSCME Local 2262, the blue collar workers of the Jersey City Board of Education for your support. It is time to put our differences aside and with your support let?s work together for a better future for our youth and residents by linking JCPS and City Hall.

Jersey City Voters on November 08, 2011 vote for a blue collar worker who will make a difference for a better future in our city, my Number is (17 E), the E is for Education.


Nabil Youssef
City At-large Council Candidate (17 E) ... teacher-for-city-council/

Posted on: 2011/10/31 18:10

Re: Campaign Mailer for Jersey City At-Large Candidates Claims No Layoffs Despite 366 Pink Slips
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JCRealist wrote:
Shadrack, I beg to differ. They are desperate and every vote counts. As long as we get a better turnout than 30%, they are gone.

From your keyboard to all eligible voters on election day!

I certainly hope so.

Posted on: 2011/10/31 15:19

Re: Campaign Mailer for Jersey City At-Large Candidates Claims No Layoffs Despite 366 Pink Slips
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2004/2/6 23:13
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1 ok, 2 ok, 3 ah..., 4 so so, 5 a majority and so on ...

a single former city or county employee not a big deal, but most is the problem (in my opinion/perspective).

individually, most serving and most running are nice people, good neighbors and charitable, but collectively not able to provide a government that moves us forward.


JCRealist wrote:
Dan, personally, it is irrevalant if a candidate is a former city employee. A former employee can have an inside knowledge of proper protocol. Your average Tom, Dick and Harry doesn't know what department is responsible for what. I am more concerned with double and triple dipping as well as candidates who will do what they are told by the mayor instead of what their constituents want.

Posted on: 2011/10/31 3:22

Re: Campaign Mailer for Jersey City At-Large Candidates Claims No Layoffs Despite 366 Pink Slips
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2010/8/30 4:10
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Dan, personally, it is irrevalant if a candidate is a former city employee. A former employee can have an inside knowledge of proper protocol. Your average Tom, Dick and Harry doesn't know what department is responsible for what. I am more concerned with double and triple dipping as well as candidates who will do what they are told by the mayor instead of what their constituents want.

Posted on: 2011/10/31 1:15

Re: Campaign Mailer for Jersey City At-Large Candidates Claims No Layoffs Despite 366 Pink Slips
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2010/8/30 4:10
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Shadrack, I beg to differ. They are desperate and every vote counts. As long as we get a better turnout than 30%, they are gone.

Posted on: 2011/10/31 1:11

Re: Campaign Mailer for Jersey City At-Large Candidates Claims No Layoffs Despite 366 Pink Slips
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2004/2/6 23:13
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yes, the mailer and commercial is sad and sadder if people don't get out to vote on November 8th. we cannot afford to wait until the 2013 election for a better mayor/council. the council members elected on November 8th will vote on two more budgets before then.

Ahmad/Velazquez along with most of the 17 candidates in this special election are current and former employees of local government. They are the Jersey City 1%, the double dippers, cronies, patronage, and jobs for votes that leave the rest of us unrepresented in our city. the rest of us regular people are the 99% and will never get a city that works for us as long as most of our council are current and former employees of local government.

the rest of us, the Jersey City 99% are hurting with reduced incomes, rising health insurance costs and rising taxes, while raises and promotions continue in city hall. only the low paid "grunts" have been laid off, those that actually provide city services. of the 366 layoffs, only 12 made more than $25 per hour and one of those was involuntarily, a deputy mayor convicted of corruption charges.

act now and vote on November 8th.

Posted on: 2011/10/30 15:36

Re: Campaign Mailer for Jersey City At-Large Candidates Claims No Layoffs Despite 366 Pink Slips
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2011/2/6 0:52
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This shows the growing desperation on the part of Team Healy, grasping at any straw they can find and lying if there are no straws available.

Ray Velazquez and Kalimah Ahmad are two double-dipping HCDO hacks. They are two rubber stamps for the continued failed Healy Administration. The 360+ City employees who received layoff notices know the truth. Our deadman-walking Mayor has screwed the constituents and the City employees.

Posted on: 2011/10/29 15:33

Re: Campaign Mailer for Jersey City At-Large Candidates Claims No Layoffs Despite 366 Pink Slips
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riazw wrote:
From Jersey Journal - Political Insider:
"One whopper is how they were responsible for no layoffs during tough economic times -- when 360-plus city workers were let go last year. The explanation for this is that they made a mistake or typo and were referring to preventing police layoffs. It didn't stop the fibbing mailer from reaching many voters." - Augie Torres ... er_ask_who_youre_vot.html

More manipulation and fuzzy math.

Have you seen their commercial?

They make it seem like they're running against Tea Party candidates and that they will make "millionaires pay their fair share of taxes." They are attempting to nationalize a local election in which most other candidates are running against their close relationship with corrupt handlers.

The machine will transport their minions and "know-nothings" to the polls and win. So Sad.

Posted on: 2011/10/29 14:16

Re: Campaign Mailer for Jersey City At-Large Candidates Claims No Layoffs Despite 366 Pink Slips
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2010/5/27 17:35
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From Jersey Journal - Political Insider:
"One whopper is how they were responsible for no layoffs during tough economic times -- when 360-plus city workers were let go last year. The explanation for this is that they made a mistake or typo and were referring to preventing police layoffs. It didn't stop the fibbing mailer from reaching many voters." - Augie Torres ... er_ask_who_youre_vot.html

Posted on: 2011/10/29 13:39

Campaign Mailer for Jersey City At-Large Candidates Claims No Layoffs Despite 366 Pink Slips
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2010/5/27 17:35
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Campaign Mailer for Jersey City At-Large Candidates Claims No Layoffs Despite 366 Pink Slips

By Matt Hunger ? Oct 28th, 2011 ? Category: Featured, News, Politics

A factual error in a recent flier sent out by the At-Large City Council incumbents Kalimah Ahmad and Ray Velazquez, who are running on a joint ticket in the election Nov. 8, has caused concern for some residents and rival candidates who see the mistake as inappropriately bolstering the candidates? image.

The mailer, delivered to residents throughout the city, states that there were ?no layoffs despite tough economic times and massive cuts in state aid.? In fact, there were 366 layoffs last year that were, in part, one of the ways the city was able keep taxes ?stable? for the 2011 budget.

Under the ?Crime? section of the mailer, the candidates do correctly state that there were no police layoffs.

They also say they are working towards ?adding hundreds of new construction and permanent jobs,? a boast that appears adjacent to a headline about the construction of a new Goya warehouse in Jersey City. But as we?ve reported, the number of jobs may not quite be what the company claims.

The error was first reported on the wall of a Facebook group, Political Insiders, in which residents debate Jersey City politics. Ahmad, who participated in the discussion, a copy of which was obtained by JCI, acknowledged the mistake but said it was nothing more than a ?typo.? She said it was supposed to be in reference to the planned police layoffs that the city was able to avoid after numerous demonstrations by the police and residents helped convince the administration to look elsewhere for savings. Ahmad, who was appointed to office in February 2011, was not part of that discussion at the time and did not immediately respond to JCI?s request for comment.

Sean Caddle, spokesman for candidate Sue Mack, said that while he understands that ?mistakes do happen,? it would be ?preferred? if they would make an effort to correct the typo.

?There are two to three ways to remedy the mistake, and they?re all based on finances,? said Caddle. The most affordable suggestion, he said, would be to ?issue an auto-dial explaining the error.?

?You don?t want to be misleading anybody. When you look at the economy, the way it is today, and if you have people believing there were no layoffs, you?re more likely to skew a voter that way,? he said. ... s-despite-366-pink-slips/

Posted on: 2011/10/28 19:10

Re: November 8th, Special Election Issues
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2011/10/12 1:05
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Citywide issues such as crime and infrastructure are complex and require thoughtful solutions. Aside from the fact that we lack a transparent government with the best interests of Jersey City residents in mind, we also lack competent leaders capable of making intelligent decisions if they were honest in the first place.

The main purpose of the city council is to pass a budget (on time & before the money is spent) and to prioritize the utilization of city resources. Instead, our council perpetually mismanages funds, fixes very little, and spends a disproportionate amount of our resources fixing problems. Just look at our sewer system: It's aging, but if it was maintained we wouldn't have to spend huge sums of money on emergency repairs and EPA fines. We also wouldn't have lost business from people who don't want to do business in Jersey City because of the perception that nothing works here.

And yes, I always hear stories about how these types of problems are the fault of previous administrations, but that excuse is the only thing in this city that is actually older than our sewer system. It is not a free pass for the current administration and city council to continue ignoring problems by kicking the can down the road rather than investing time in thoughtful and transparent long term planning.

Our elected officials are used to treating taxpayers in Jersey City like a cash cow because they're never held accountable for their actions. About 7% of the city's population actually cast a vote for Healy - that was during a normal election year where turnout is highest. I'm running for city council on November 8th to help change these problems. If you want to hear my specific stances on a number of issues please visit my thread (link posted below). More importantly, turn out to vote in the special election on November 8th. Too many people in this city complain about our politicians but then don't come out to hold them accountable when they have the opportunity.

Rich Boggiano

Link to my thread: ... p?topic_id=25422&forum=11

Posted on: 2011/10/27 21:21

Re: November 8th, Special Election Issues
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unbelievable - Healy council at-large candidates say so, so it must be so?

claim no service cuts and no layoffs in citywide mailing - what about library and recreation cut backs - what about the 366 layoffs of which only 12 made more than $25 per hour (this included the now convicted deputy mayor).

there is a lot at stake in this election - can we afford to wait another 18 months and two city budgets till 2013 to start improving our city council, to change course, to move forward?

I cannot afford to wait until 2013 - can you?


Posted on: 2011/10/27 13:37

Re: November 8th, Special Election Issues
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Schoolparent wrote:
What do you think are the biggest issues facing Jersey City that should be addressed by the candidates in the special election on November 8th?

I am looking for CITY WIDE issues such as crime, over development so on, not sound-bite issues

There are LOTS of citywide issues that need serious discussion. @ RBNYFAN - I second your additions, but disagree things always end up being soundbite issues. What we need are "umbrella" issues that are attention getting, and link a variety of issues. Here are mine:

-filthy streets and sidewalks, dog poop everywhere
-too many driveway permits = less greenery, dirtier air
-dedicated bike lanes
-make real progress on at-risk historic assets (6th Street embankment, Bergen cut, cobble streets)
-break the headlock of on-street parking obsession

-traffic calming
-honest explanation of crime stats vs. fear mongering
-volunteer bank

-traffic calming to speed busses
-push NJT/PATH for a metrocard

Posted on: 2011/10/19 17:44

10 Candidates for 2 At-Large Seats Face Off at Heights Forum
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2010/3/13 14:53
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Ten Candidates for Two At-Large Seats Face Off at Heights Forum
By Chris Neidenberg ? Oct 17th, 2011

Last Thursday?s PS 28 forum among 10 candidates seeking to serve the remaining 18 months of two At-Large City Council seats was conducted in a friendly atmosphere among participants with the fireworks being reserved before its start; police ejected one candidate from the dais for allegedly not responding to an invite by a deadline.

Seated on stage before a crowd of about 100 in the school?s large auditorium were: Richard Boggiano, Ihor Ed Ciolko, Rolando Lavarro, Patrick Leonard, Dan Levin, Juanita Lopez, Suzanne Mack, Omar Perez, Imtiaz Syed and former councilman Jamie Vazquez.

Adele Rohena showed up, but, after much resistance, a policewoman booted her from the dais under threat of arrest.

Organizers said she was required to respond to an official invitation that was sent by regular mail and email.

Another candidate, Brian Lane, also sought late inclusion, but, unlike Rohena, accepted his rejection. Ward F Councilwoman Viola Richardson, seeking to move over to an interim at-large seat, responded in time but was kept home by illness.

Those apparently declining participation were incumbents Kaliah Ahmad and Ray Velasquez, along with Melissa Patrick Clark and Nabil Youssef. Seventeen candidates are seeking positions vacated by Willie Flood (illness) and Mariano Vega (resigned after pleading guilty to corruption charges). The council temporarily appointed Ahmad and Velasquez. The victors will immediately take oaths to complete two three-year terms.

Read the rest at Jersey City Independent ... ace-off-at-heights-forum/

Posted on: 2011/10/17 19:02
The Jersey City Independent is the alternative news and culture source for Jersey City. or

Re: November 8th, Special Election Issues

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Posted on: 2011/10/17 3:28

Re: November 8th, Special Election Issues
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almost any "general city-wide problem" will necessarily be a sound bite issue.

some issues that are prevalent but get lost in the shuffle:

- driveway permits / curb cutting (legalize it and tax it, or remove them from everyone in violation of the law)
- flooding during heavy rains, especially downtown

Posted on: 2011/9/19 19:58

November 8th, Special Election Issues

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2011/9/8 13:27
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What do you think are the biggest issues facing Jersey City that should be addressed by the candidates in the special election on November 8th?

I am looking for CITY WIDE issues such as crime, over development so on, not sound-bite issues

Posted on: 2011/9/19 18:43

Dan Levin, Sue Mack and Nabil Youssef Announce Candidacies for At-Large Council Seats
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2011/4/21 18:52
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We?re eight weeks from the filing deadline, but Jersey City?s November special election for two At-Large seats on the City Council is beginning to get more crowded.

Former mayoral candidate Dan Levin, longtime Board of Education trustee Sue Mack and former school board candidate Nabil Youssef have all now announced their official candidacies, joining community activist Rolando Lavarro and both incumbents, Kalimah Ahmad and Ray Velazquez.

?I am running for a seat on the Jersey City municipal council with a simple mission to improve the decisions made by our city,? Levin said in a release announcing his candidacy last week. ?I will bring a clear, common sense vision and sound management approach to solve our problems and build upon our opportunities while keeping the needs of residents central to all considerations and actions.?

Levin, who owns a framing business in Hoboken, is a longtime Jersey City good-government activist, having been involved in Civic JC, the Jersey City Landmarks Conservancy and Bike JC. In terms of policy, he says he will continue his support for ?community-based policing; cleaner streets through code enforcement and maintenance report cards; banning campaign contributions in city offices; a strict government ethical standards code; eliminating semi-autonomous agencies and folding them into city departments for improved accountability and substantial cost savings; planning and prioritizing spending and services; a five-year financial master plan; open space and parks; and conserving historic and natural resources.?

Mack said earlier this month that she had ?recently decided to run for one of two seats,? and has created a Facebook fan page, where she is currently getting supporters? opinions on logo designs. Mack is the longest serving member of the Jersey City Board of Education, and she was elected this spring to her sixth term.

And Youssef, who mounted an unsuccessful bid for the school board this spring, says he is running to be an ?independent? voice on the council.

?If there is a good proposal made and not matching with their agenda it is always voted down. There seems to be only one solution concerning our City Council, it is in dire need of a reform,? he wrote in a letter disseminated to local reporters. ?Our City Council members need to be freed from their obligations so they can really serve our city well.?

There are a total of three At-Large seats on the City Council; council president Peter Brennan holds one, and the other two are held by council members who were recently appointed and must face a special election this November. Velazquez was appointed in October to fill disgraced councilman Mariano Vega?s seat after he pleaded guilty to corruption charges, while Ahmad was appointed this February to replace councilwoman Willie Flood, who stepped down due to illness.

Mayor Jerramiah Healy has endorsed Ahmad and Velazquez, but considering the current, fractured state of the local Democratic party, there are plenty of other power brokers who could help candidates win the citywide seats, and it is also unclear if any other candidates will attempt to package themselves together. Though Lavarro ran on mayoral candidate Lou Manzo?s slate in 2009, he did pick up Levin?s endorsement in that year?s runoff election. Meanwhile, Mack was endorsed in her school board race by this fall?s largest X factor, Ward E councilman Steven Fulop.

The Downtown councilman has been building steam towards his 2013 mayoral run, and he may want to back two At-Large candidates to try reinforcing the message that he can win citywide races. Of course, if Fulop invests too much effort into candidates who don?t win, he runs the risk of facing a renewed chorus of Democratic Party insiders who say he can?t compete all over town.

Fulop tells JCI he will definitely be involved, but he?s taking a wait-and-see approach for now, which also gives his team a chance to rest after expending a lot of effort in April?s school board contest and the Democratic committee seat races.

?We intend on being engaged in the November election and want to get a better idea for what the field of candidates looks like,? he says. ?There are quite a few that have expressed interest but haven?t formally jumped in and we want to see how that materializes.?

Posted on: 2011/8/6 16:18

November 2011 special election for Council At Large 17 Candidates - 2 winners
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November races for Jersey City at-large seats could get crowded

Published: Monday, July 18, 2011, 3:00 AM
By Terrence T. McDonald/The Jersey Journal

The races for Jersey City?s at-large City Council seats could turn into a free-for-all, given the relatively low number of petition signatures needed to qualify candidates to run in November?s special election. Candidates running to replace former council members Mariano Vega and Willie Flood have to collect only 100 signatures to get on the ballot, according to city officials.

Normally, City Council candidates running in May have to collect more that 10 times as many signatures, but the rules are different in November.

Also unlike elections in May, November?s contests cannot result in run-off elections. Runoffs result when no candidate receives more than 50 percent of the vote in a May municipal election. But in November, the top vote-getters win, whether or not they received more than 50 percent of the vote.

Vega resigned in September 2010 after pleading guilty to corruption charges, while Flood resigned in February 2011 due to health issues. November?s special election will determine who sits in these seats until the 2013 municipal election.

Vega?s and Flood?s temporary replacements on the council, Councilman Ray Velazquez and Councilwoman Kalimah Ahmad, are running in November to keep their seats. They are endorsed by Mayor Jerramiah Healy, the official who appointed them to their posts.

Numerous residents, including former mayoral candidate Dan Levin and Board of Education veteran Sue Mack, have already declared their intentions to run for the two at-large seats.

Candidates must go to the Hudson County Clerk?s Office, not the Jersey City City Clerk?s Office, to receive the necessary paperwork to be placed on the ballot, city officials said.

Petitions are due to the Hudson County Clerk by 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 13.

Posted on: 2011/7/18 11:41

Edited by Webmaster on 2011/11/9 5:38:58

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