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Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2011/8/12 23:15
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jaah37 wrote:

Safe to assume you didn't like my course of action recommended in post 106?

I don't think that would be effective for two reasons:

1) They know about the trash - if they are doing anything, it's obviously not working
2) I have contacted them twice on two unrelated issues and never heard back from them

And why go to the middle man, why not just go directly to the source?

I am up for collecting trash and taking it to city hall :)

I don't blame you for moving. I love the location and I love my apartment but I'll move too before I'll clean up other people's filth every day. It's depressing seeing all this trash.

Posted on: 2011/9/14 3:49

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2007/11/30 16:55
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blockwatcher wrote:

What can we do that would actually be effective?

Move. Jaah did. (Right?)

Yep! Lol

Posted on: 2011/9/14 0:19

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2007/11/30 16:55
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elsie wrote:
Perhaps we photograph the litter bugs and post to a web site? Would these people be ashamed to be caught littering? Might work with the pizza guy, if the first result on Google for his restaurant is his trash all over the streets, he might decide to clean it up.

I don't think it's all the residents fault though. I have lived in a lot of cities - never seen trash on the street like this. I remember reading some studies long ago about how if an area is kept clean, then the residents are more likely to keep it clean. When it's dirty, they care less and are more likely to litter.

OK, so let's think about it. Obviously there a are a lot of JC residents that are disturbed by the amount of trash on the streets. It looks like we have several causes that need to be addressed:

1) "Trashy" residents
2) Ineffective city policies
3) Lack of enforcement
4) Lack of decent sanitation department or management of sanitation dept. (includes lack of trash cans)

What can we do that would actually be effective?

Safe to assume you didn't like my course of action recommended in post 106?

Posted on: 2011/9/14 0:18

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2010/11/19 23:02
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What can we do that would actually be effective?

Move. Jaah did. (Right?)

Posted on: 2011/9/13 23:11

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2011/8/12 23:15
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Perhaps we photograph the litter bugs and post to a web site? Would these people be ashamed to be caught littering? Might work with the pizza guy, if the first result on Google for his restaurant is his trash all over the streets, he might decide to clean it up.

I don't think it's all the residents fault though. I have lived in a lot of cities - never seen trash on the street like this. I remember reading some studies long ago about how if an area is kept clean, then the residents are more likely to keep it clean. When it's dirty, they care less and are more likely to litter.

OK, so let's think about it. Obviously there a are a lot of JC residents that are disturbed by the amount of trash on the streets. It looks like we have several causes that need to be addressed:

1) "Trashy" residents
2) Ineffective city policies
3) Lack of enforcement
4) Lack of decent sanitation department or management of sanitation dept. (includes lack of trash cans)

What can we do that would actually be effective?

Posted on: 2011/9/13 19:33

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere

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2011/4/10 20:41
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Do the schools even teach civil responsibility anymore? I see kids dropping trash on the ground when they are standing next to a trash can. The city can have all the trash cans and litter patrols they want but the litterers outnumber the picker uppers. Some education and public campaign is needed.

Posted on: 2011/9/13 16:35

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere

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2011/9/13 15:56
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2011/12/14 14:05
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I live in the Heights and I'm all for collecting garbage and making a stand for it. But it's the people who are littering...
I complained to the CASID about the litter on Central Ave, and then I realized how the litter got on the street in the first place- PEOPLE. I confronted a person about littering and you would have thought I assaulted them. People need to be held accountable for their actions and have pride in where they live.

Posted on: 2011/9/13 16:04

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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mr_grumpy_face wrote:
The problem is the people here.

I've lived in and visited plenty of cities in the US and other parts of the world that don't have trash cans on every corner; yet those places manage to keep their streets and sidewalks clean. How? People know better than to just throw their garbage in the damn street.

I've lived in and visited a lot of places too and I used to think it was the people here as well, but all you have to do is drive ten minutes to the next town north, Union City and see that it's probably not the people. Union City is even more densely populated with an even larger percentage of immigrants and yet you just don't see trash up there. They have trash cans and a mayor who has made it known that clean streets are a priority - and takes necessary steps to back it up.

I'm all for the trash gathering and dumping on city hall (in bags, of course.) If there are more than a couple dozen people willing to participate, count me in!

Posted on: 2011/9/13 13:58

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2011/8/5 15:02
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The problem is the people here.

I've lived in and visited plenty of cities in the US and other parts of the world that don't have trash cans on every corner; yet those places manage to keep their streets and sidewalks clean. How? People know better than to just throw their garbage in the damn street.

Sure, you could do some things like ban the idiots who put their crappy fliers and menus on every car and doorstep (which is a great way to ensure I never patronize your business, by the way). A little training for the garbage men re-emphasizing that their job is to pick up the trash, not disperse it all over the place might help too.

But the bottom line is a lot of people around here just need to learn how to act right. Simple as that.

Posted on: 2011/9/13 13:42

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2007/11/30 16:55
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elsie wrote:
jaah wrote: ENFORCEMENT or lack thereof in Jersey City is THE biggest obstacle to a better quality of life. Laws and ordinances become meer words on a paper without politicians, police officers or govt agencies to support them.

Agreed but who is supposed to be enforcing this? JCPD? Should this really be the responsibility of the JCPD when all they have to do is put in some trash cans and empty them regularly? Obviously someone needs to pay that pizza guy a visit but what about all the other trash? This city is overrun with garbage, someone is not doing their job. The sanitation dept? Who is responsible for keeping the roads clean?

I, like a lot of other posters here, think trash cans would go a long way towards solving this problem - who is in charge of that?

The Jersey City Incinerator Authority handles trash and fines. These issues have been brought to their attention for many years now with no change. My recommendation is to try to rally the various neighborhood associations around the cause...there is power in numbers. The only way to invoke meaningful change is to have the associations pressure the politicians who can then lean on the JCIA to clean things up, fine people and take pride in their jobs! Coordinate a strong message with the Neighborhood Associations and you'll at least have a fighting chance.

Posted on: 2011/9/12 21:33

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2011/8/12 23:15
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jaah wrote: ENFORCEMENT or lack thereof in Jersey City is THE biggest obstacle to a better quality of life. Laws and ordinances become meer words on a paper without politicians, police officers or govt agencies to support them.

Agreed but who is supposed to be enforcing this? JCPD? Should this really be the responsibility of the JCPD when all they have to do is put in some trash cans and empty them regularly? Obviously someone needs to pay that pizza guy a visit but what about all the other trash? This city is overrun with garbage, someone is not doing their job. The sanitation dept? Who is responsible for keeping the roads clean?

I, like a lot of other posters here, think trash cans would go a long way towards solving this problem - who is in charge of that?

Posted on: 2011/9/12 20:57

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2011/8/12 23:15
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Maybe we should start a petition or maybe we could all get together one day and pick up a bunch of trash and take it down to city hall. I bet we could get on the local news.

Posted on: 2011/9/12 20:47

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2007/11/30 16:55
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blockwatcher wrote:
I've reported him numerous times -


ENFORCEMENT or lack thereof in Jersey City is THE biggest obstacle to a better quality of life. Laws and ordinances become meer words on a paper without politicians, police officers or govt agencies to support them.

Posted on: 2011/9/12 20:46

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2010/11/19 23:02
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I've reported him numerous times -


Posted on: 2011/9/12 19:32

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2011/8/12 23:15
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wrote:There have been many occasions when business owners and residents pitched in to clean up the trash on the block... Each time only one owner was missing... The pizza man and source of the filth.

Have you reported this guy? Has he been ticketed / fined?

Posted on: 2011/9/12 19:11

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2011/8/12 23:15
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Roslyn wrote:
If there is an area that bothers you so much why dont you clean it up.
Lead by example you know.

How many times have you walked by a piece of trash, cursed to yourself, and kept walking.

You've got to be kidding... Well for starters I don't own a dump truck.

I do pick up trash in front of my building - all the time. And my landlord does a great job of keeping our building and sidewalk tidy, like I said, the problem is MUCH BIGGER.

I don't really care what the ordinance says either, OBVIOUSLY IT'S NOT WORKING


It's time to elect a city government that will clean this place up, it could be such a nice place to live.

Posted on: 2011/9/12 19:02

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2010/11/19 23:02
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On my block - 98% of the trash can be traced back to one business - However the owner of this business refuses to accept responsibility for it. Even when presented with the evidence.

When there is pizza and plates all over the side walk 20 feet from a pizza place, and the closest pizza place is 6 + blocks away... who do you think the pizza and plates are coming from?

If you are the owner of the pizza place on my street - its clearly coming from 6 blocks away.

Even though ordinance dictates that each building owner / occupant/ business owner whatever is required to pick up in front of their own property - when the source of all the trash comes from one location - it starts to take a toll on each neighbor.

If you own a pizza place, and there is a bunch of half eaten pizza and plates all over the block where your business is - regardless if it isn't directly in front of your building - the RIGHT THING TO DO is to assume responsibility and clean it up.

There have been many occasions when business owners and residents pitched in to clean up the trash on the block... Each time only one owner was missing... The pizza man and source of the filth.

Posted on: 2011/9/12 18:08

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2008/10/19 1:18
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Roslyn wrote:
If there is an area that bothers you so much why dont you clean it up.
Lead by example you know.

You are kidding, right? I'll cut you some slack since based on your previous post it sounds like you are relatively new here - and I'm betting you live downtown and don't get around to other parts of the city much. This city is overrun with trash - wrappers, plastic bags, food, newspapers - you name it. 50 people working from dawn to dusk, every day couldn't keep up with it. It's a citywide problem. I'd be all for pitching in on neighborhood cleanups but there are structural changes that need to be made, too.

Ian is right - until there are public trash cans on every corner, things aren't really going to change. There are designs that can be used that keep the a-holes from dumping their home trash in them. This needs to happen.

Enforcement needs to occur. Street cleaners need to do more than make noise and whoosh the trash around. They actually need to get trash off the streets.

Owners of undeveloped and underdeveloped properties need to be required to not only keep their properties free of trash but also meet some minimum standard of aesthetics. Not talking about English gardens, but there is so much underutilized space that just invites more trash and decay simply because it has been allowed to deteriorate.

In the big scheme of things, these are pretty simple items. Feeling good about your surroundings definitely instills pride in your city and makes you want to do the little extra things, simple though they may be, to keep it that way - the inverse of the "Broken Windows theory". At some point, there must have been some collective decision that it is okay to live in a toilet and it's been that way for a long time. Maybe it's time to reconsider....

Posted on: 2011/9/12 17:52

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2007/10/11 3:28
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Roslyn wrote:
If there is an area that bothers you so much why dont you clean it up.
Lead by example you know.

How many times have you walked by a piece of trash, cursed to yourself, and kept walking.

On another note. If you see an area that is particualryl clean it is problably becuase the building owners pay a maintenance fee which pays someone to clean there building sidewalks.

if your not paying someone to do it, and arent doing it for yourself why should the tax payers pay for it, when the citizens have already displayed that they can keep the area clean.

The reason why some areas are nicer than others is becuase the people that live there CARE & ACT

I agree to some extent. On the other hand, how about individuals taking some responsibility for their own actions? If we were talking dog-poo I doubt you would be so forgiving. By some people's theories I should be able to let my dogs poop all over Hamilton Park because there will always be someone else ready to pick up after me. The kids who litter up the basketball court are more spoiled and entitled than almost any "wealthier" kid I have ever met from Montclair. The parents in JC have to lead by example and nip bad behavior in the bud. I mostly see the opposite of that amongst the population in JC.

Posted on: 2011/9/12 17:16

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2011/8/22 19:53
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If there is an area that bothers you so much why dont you clean it up.
Lead by example you know.

How many times have you walked by a piece of trash, cursed to yourself, and kept walking.

On another note. If you see an area that is particualryl clean it is problably becuase the building owners pay a maintenance fee which pays someone to clean there building sidewalks.

if your not paying someone to do it, and arent doing it for yourself why should the tax payers pay for it, when the citizens have already displayed that they can keep the area clean.

The reason why some areas are nicer than others is becuase the people that live there CARE & ACT

Posted on: 2011/9/12 17:01

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2007/11/30 16:55
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elsie wrote:
Roslyn wrote:
Trash can be a very frustrating issue for some people.

In defense of the city, it is the responsibility of the store and home owners to clean up there sidewalls.

I lived in Brooklyn for many years and trash is an issue there as well, even in the nice neighborhoods like park slope.

It is not until the residents and shop owners care enough to go outside and pick up the trash that things will start to look nicer.

After living here three yeas I have already seen a difference in the amount of trash.

Sorry but the problem is a LOT BIGGER than that. And I certainly don't expect my landlord to clean up trash thrown on the side walk by people walking down Palisade.

How about the PILES of trash on Observer Highway under the overpass? Have you seen that mess? It's disgusting. Have you ever walked down Patterson Plank and taken a look at the cliffs? Trash everywhere. Who is responsible for that?

Why is it that other cities can manage to get the trash off the streets but this one can't?

Jersey City needs politicians that care and ENFORCEMENT that wants to make a difference in quality of life issues

Posted on: 2011/9/12 16:31

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2008/1/29 2:54
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elsie wrote:

Sorry but the problem is a LOT BIGGER than that. And I certainly don't expect my landlord to clean up trash thrown on the side walk by people walking down Palisade.

How about the PILES of trash on Observer Highway under the overpass? Have you seen that mess? It's disgusting. Have you ever walked down Patterson Plank and taken a look at the cliffs? Trash everywhere. Who is responsible for that?

Why is it that other cities can manage to get the trash off the streets but this one can't? ... I_ARTIISICL.html#TOPTITLE

the "owner, occupant or person in charge of such property" is responsible for sidewalks, curbs, no matter where the trash comes from.

Posted on: 2011/9/12 16:31

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2011/8/12 23:15
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Roslyn wrote:
Trash can be a very frustrating issue for some people.

In defense of the city, it is the responsibility of the store and home owners to clean up there sidewalls.

I lived in Brooklyn for many years and trash is an issue there as well, even in the nice neighborhoods like park slope.

It is not until the residents and shop owners care enough to go outside and pick up the trash that things will start to look nicer.

After living here three yeas I have already seen a difference in the amount of trash.

Sorry but the problem is a LOT BIGGER than that. And I certainly don't expect my landlord to clean up trash thrown on the side walk by people walking down Palisade.

How about the PILES of trash on Observer Highway under the overpass? Have you seen that mess? It's disgusting. Have you ever walked down Patterson Plank and taken a look at the cliffs? Trash everywhere. Who is responsible for that?

Why is it that other cities can manage to get the trash off the streets but this one can't?

Posted on: 2011/9/12 16:08

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2006/4/10 13:29
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The bottom line is that there need to be litter cans on at least one corner of every intersection and these cans need to be emptied once a day. Until the city is willing to do this, there will be trash and litter everywhere.

Posted on: 2011/9/12 15:54

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2011/8/22 19:53
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Trash can be a very frustrating issue for some people.

In defense of the city, it is the responsibility of the store and home owners to clean up there sidewalls.

I lived in Brooklyn for many years and trash is an issue there as well, even in the nice neighborhoods like park slope.

It is not until the residents and shop owners care enough to go outside and pick up the trash that things will start to look nicer.

After living here three yeas I have already seen a difference in the amount of trash.

Posted on: 2011/9/12 13:29

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2007/11/30 16:55
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elsie wrote:
jaah37 wrote: "Ticketing would require ENFORCMENT which is something sorely lacking in Jersey City. The JCPD and JCIA refuse to make any effort when it comes to quality of life issues. Residents illegally dump household trash in public cans, the cans overflow and then they are removed. High school kids go to local pizza joints, buy food and drink and leave trash all over neighborhoods. No fines are issued, no cans replaced and people have to continually live in filth. Enforcement/cooperation is greatly needed."

OK, so how about a class action lawsuit against the city? It's not sanitary, my sinuses have been clogged since I moved to this city. How many other people are suffering from health issues because of all the garbage we have to wade though just to get home?

And when does this mayor leave? We need a new mayor, trash everywhere, buses don't run on time or pass you by when they do finally come. This city is VERY POORLY run. The mayor should be ashamed of this mess.

Get involved with your local neighborhood association and voice your concerns. No matter what course of action you choose to take just realize in the end no matter what you do you can't make people/ d-bags care. Good luck

Posted on: 2011/9/11 18:13

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2011/8/12 23:15
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jaah37 wrote: "Ticketing would require ENFORCMENT which is something sorely lacking in Jersey City. The JCPD and JCIA refuse to make any effort when it comes to quality of life issues. Residents illegally dump household trash in public cans, the cans overflow and then they are removed. High school kids go to local pizza joints, buy food and drink and leave trash all over neighborhoods. No fines are issued, no cans replaced and people have to continually live in filth. Enforcement/cooperation is greatly needed."

OK, so how about a class action lawsuit against the city? It's not sanitary, my sinuses have been clogged since I moved to this city. How many other people are suffering from health issues because of all the garbage we have to wade though just to get home?

And when does this mayor leave? We need a new mayor, trash everywhere, buses don't run on time or pass you by when they do finally come. This city is VERY POORLY run. The mayor should be ashamed of this mess.

Posted on: 2011/9/11 17:49

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2011/4/15 4:43
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Ticketing would require ENFORCMENT which is something sorely lacking in Jersey City. The JCPD and JCIA refuse to make any effort when it comes to quality of life issues. Residents illegally dump household trash in public cans, the cans overflow and then they are removed. High school kids go to local pizza joints, buy food and drink and leave trash all over neighborhoods. No fines are issued, no cans replaced and people have to continually live in filth. Enforcement/cooperation is greatly needed.

I totally agree with you. I can't tell you how many times I've seen kids AND adults just throw their empty cigarette cartons, pizza slices, and containers of chicken wings (yes....I've seen this on multiple occasions) on the ground. I would think dog owners around here would be especially annoyed with the chicken bones on the ground. WTF.

Posted on: 2011/9/11 17:49

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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elsie wrote:
Ah, I see. Well it's disgusting and unsanitary. I know what you mean though. my neighbors put their household trash in those little plastic bags (instead of a proper trash bag). the squirrels get into it and then it's all over the backyard.

OK, so the city is broke - I remember seeing something about budget problems - and there is trash EVERYWHERE. Well why not start ticketing people a $100 a pop per littering incident? Make some money and clean up the streets. Problem solved.

Ticketing would require ENFORCMENT which is something sorely lacking in Jersey City. The JCPD and JCIA refuse to make any effort when it comes to quality of life issues. Residents illegally dump household trash in public cans, the cans overflow and then they are removed. High school kids go to local pizza joints, buy food and drink and leave trash all over neighborhoods. No fines are issued, no cans replaced and people have to continually live in filth. Enforcement/cooperation is greatly needed.

Posted on: 2011/9/11 17:35

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2011/8/12 23:15
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Ah, I see. Well it's disgusting and unsanitary. I know what you mean though. my neighbors put their household trash in those little plastic bags (instead of a proper trash bag). the squirrels get into it and then it's all over the backyard.

OK, so the city is broke - I remember seeing something about budget problems - and there is trash EVERYWHERE. Well why not start ticketing people a $100 a pop per littering incident? Make some money and clean up the streets. Problem solved.

Posted on: 2011/9/11 17:16

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