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Re: Hamilton Park - Pet Free Zone Public Hearing - March 30, 6pm City Hall
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2008/7/25 19:00
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T-Bird wrote:
Who has been behind the notion to equate dogs with kids? Is there an organized movement? People actually buy into it, which seems crazy to me.


Posted on: 2010/3/26 17:12

Re: Hamilton Park - Pet Free Zone Public Hearing - March 30, 6pm City Hall
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
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Sutherland wrote:
Once a dog is outside, it's pretty hard to stop them from peeeing or crapping on a grassy area. Even if the pet owner is vigilant about picking up after their dog, there is often residual left behind.

As a dog owner, IMHO there is no real reason why other dog owners can't keep their leashed dogs confined to the walking paths and then let them off leash in the designated dog run.

With some limited exceptions it seems most dog owners share my view on this. People want some dog free space.

If you believe that then you are out of your mind.

Posted on: 2010/3/26 17:08

Re: Hamilton Park - Pet Free Zone Public Hearing - March 30, 6pm City Hall
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2008/10/19 1:18
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Who has been behind the notion to equate dogs with kids? Is there an organized movement? People actually buy into it, which seems crazy to me.

Posted on: 2010/3/26 17:00

Re: Hamilton Park - Pet Free Zone Public Hearing - March 30, 6pm City Hall
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2010/1/22 18:54
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2023/11/18 14:36
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Once a dog is outside, it's pretty hard to stop them from peeeing or crapping on a grassy area. Even if the pet owner is vigilant about picking up after their dog, there is often residual left behind.

As a dog owner, IMHO there is no real reason why other dog owners can't keep their leashed dogs confined to the walking paths and then let them off leash in the designated dog run.

With some limited exceptions it seems most dog owners share my view on this. People want some dog free space.

Posted on: 2010/3/26 16:48

Re: Hamilton Park - Pet Free Zone Public Hearing - March 30, 6pm City Hall
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2005/9/1 22:51
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2010/5/5 18:35
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Honestly, kids don't poop and pee in the grass...and in case you haven't looked, the 'kid zone' is pretty well defined.

Posted on: 2010/3/26 16:42

Re: Hamilton Park - Pet Free Zone Public Hearing - March 30, 6pm City Hall

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2008/4/28 14:09
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2011/2/6 12:31
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I understand that there should be lawns that prohibit dogs, so that people can run around worry free of stepping in poop. It is a shame that other dog owners have ruined it for other responsible people. Now that there is an official run, there will be extra bags around if people have forgotten.
On the other hand, the dog people, I among them, are the most frequent users of the park. We are out there in all weather, day and night. Perhaps a comprise can be reached that restricts pets from certain areas of the park at specific hours during the day. I don't see a need to give us dog people a hard time when there is no one else in the park.

Posted on: 2010/3/26 16:32

Re: Hamilton Park - Pet Free Zone Public Hearing - March 30, 6pm City Hall
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2009/4/7 14:20
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Why shouldn't there be a pet-free zone? The park is for the human residents of JC and there are many people who are afraid of dogs, think dogs are annoying and smelly, and who just don't like dogs. Dog owners should be happy to have two dog parks going in there. I know I am.

Posted on: 2010/3/25 13:28

Re: Hamilton Park - Pet Free Zone Public Hearing - March 30, 6pm City Hall
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2005/7/19 20:29
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2011/7/18 18:17
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1. By "pets" they mean dogs.

2. Dogs are dangerous. Someone might get bit!

3. Ergo, like smoking, dogs should be highly taxed.

4. Dogs are a big cause of global warming. As bad "as an SUV!"


5. Ergo, like carbon, dogs should be even more highly taxed. I recommend a 500 dollar a year dog carbon offset tax.

6. Dogs need to have tubes and suits on them that can reclaim their energy. This is the environmentally smart thing to do.

7. I'm concerned that a high concentration of dogs in one place will cause local climate change. This is dangerous!

8. Ergo, I propose a law that all dogs must be at least 1 kilometer from all other dogs.

9. Pet-free zone problem solved!

Posted on: 2010/3/25 11:10

Re: Hamilton Park - Pet Free Zone Public Hearing - March 30, 6pm City Hall
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2007/4/17 20:50
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2011/3/3 2:45
From Hamilton Park
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a zone for all the misanthropes

That would be my apt (8th and West Hamilton). I'm on the third floor so we can look down on you hipsters, yuppies, dog owners, and parents.

Posted on: 2010/3/25 6:54

Re: Hamilton Park - Pet Free Zone Public Hearing - March 30, 6pm City Hall
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2009/5/15 4:26
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2017/12/25 1:59
From here to eternity
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what about child-free zones in hamilton park...

i think it is an outrage that kids can run around any way they want in a park ... and not only do they run around in the park ... they also make noise ...

shouldn't we also have a hearing about making sure that there is a zone for all the misanthropes ...

Posted on: 2010/3/25 4:01

Re: Hamilton Park - Pet Free Zone Public Hearing - March 30, 6pm City Hall
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2009/7/31 12:32
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2011/8/28 13:19
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Until people learn to clean up after their damn dogs, this whole city should be pet-free as far as I'm concerned.

I'm tired of going for a run and coming back with dog poo on my shoes.

Posted on: 2010/3/25 1:59

Re: Hamilton Park - Pet Free Zone Public Hearing - March 30, 6pm City Hall
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2004/3/11 23:46
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2011/10/29 16:00
From Hamilton Park
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Hi V:

I corrected my earlier post to be more clear. There are no proposed pet free zones until the Director of DPW makes his recommendation in accordance with the Municipal Code. That's why it's important for people who care about the issue to attend the hearing and be heard.

All the best.


Posted on: 2010/3/24 20:57

Re: Hamilton Park - Pet Free Zone Public Hearing - March 30, 6pm City Hall
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
Posts: 3002
Who proposed these "pet-free zones"? Half of the new Hamilton Park is already, obviously "pet-free". If they are talking about putting signs on the playground, basketball court and tennis courts then that's one thing. If not then basically someone is trying to whittle it down to 25% pet friendly versus 75% pet-free. I call bullshit on this one if that is the case. One half of One half is One quarter or 25% of the park. We already got duped on the design and now this?

Posted on: 2010/3/24 20:51

Hamilton Park - Pet Free Zone Public Hearing - March 30, 6pm City Hall
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2004/3/11 23:46
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2011/10/29 16:00
From Hamilton Park
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The Department of Public works will be conducting a public meeting on Tuesday, March 30 at 6pm to take public comments on where to locate pet-free zones in Hamilton Park.

Based on the public comments, the Director of DPW will subsequently make a recommendation as to where the pet-free zones will be located and how much of the park will be dedicated to such zones in accordance with JC Municipal Code Section 90-20, paragraphs E, F &G. I recommend highly that anyone wishing to comment, reference the code, which can be found here: ... 30&stateName=New%20Jersey

The meeting will take place in the Anna Cucci Memorial Chambers at City Hall,280 Grove Street, Jersey City.

This would be the best time and place to have your comments heard.

All the best.


Posted on: 2010/3/24 20:28

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